Recent content by snow.sateliti

  1. S

    tnk sd

    Mam karte tnk SD i probowalem wlozyc w VU+ na cccam. Cccam widzi karte, ale nie otwiera kanalow z niej. Karta byla aktywowana i w tunerze Amiko dziala. Prosze o pomoc.
  2. S

    E2 RSP 3.17b TDT 1142

    E2 RSP 3.17b TDT 1142 Stick Image for Kathrein UFS-910 1w or 14w RSP menu on RED button. Former RED command was moved to PLAY - A very good and up-to-date settings list (28E-30W)is included. We will have frequently updated lists made by EnF70, settings you can download from RSP Panel - We...
  3. S

    e2 RSP beta 1.0 TDT 600 by ZILDAN

    Many thanks to TDT for their work. Install BA in partition. Installation is made preferably with the receiver in standby, then stops the receiver power first from the remote control and then from the receiver on/off. After 30 seconds power on the receiver. Set DNS to start! E2 comes into...