Recent content by Pigletti99

  1. P

    Cable and Enigma2

    Hi, Can anyone help? I think I need a cables.xml file to get cable working but where do I get it from and where does it go?
  2. P

    900hd potential

    Hi everyone. Love the site. Check it almost everyday. I have a 900HD (cable tuner) and I haven't yet made the jump to enigma2 as I am a newbie and UK cable support seems a bit thin on this site. Anyway I feel that im not using the box to its full potential, should I put the sat tuner in and...
  3. P

    Enigma 2 0.4.1 server setup

    Hi Can someone point me in the right direction please I have finally decided to update my 900HD to the tidelgo enigma 2 0.4.1 and im glad I did, it is so much better than the older sifteam images. Anyway Im having trouble installing cams etc…:confused: What should nameserver IP be? My router...
  4. P

    Keys for 900?

    Hi all, Since the last t*lew*st key roll (18/09/08) I have only been able to get FTA channels. I decided to upgrade to latest sifeam image and despite trying all cams I still only get FTA. I have been using the '9000 und 900' key file from this site and have noticed that the latest ones don't...
  5. P

    EPG data not showing on most channels

    The EPG data chooses random times of the day to display and doesnt even appear on most channels. My box also loses the time now and then and i have to auto update the clock. Is there a fix for this? (using latest Sifteam image)
  6. P

    Connecting to 900HD

    Im having trouble communicating with the box via crossover cable. tried changing static ip and various usernames and passwords but no joy. Can you point me in the right direction please? ie username, password, port settings.( using SifTeam 7927) THANKS