Recent content by dkdance

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    Cuberevo-3000HD and Nagra 3

    Hello, The Cuberevo-3000 (ipbox-910HD) can decrypt the Nagra 3 ?
  2. D

    PGI v0.4 Larve - 900HD/Cuberevo mini HD

    PROBLEM PGI v0.4 Larve - 900HD/Cuberevo mini HD Hello, I have update with this image and now the Cuberevo wait on booting step. :eek: It's imposible to start and impossible to flash with the USB. :( :mecry: :(
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    Hello, Im French and i have à Cuberevo mini HD dvb-c buy yet... Sorry for my bad English...
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    Cuberevo mini HD DVB-C

    Hello, I don't speak very good english but i have a Cuberevo mini HD DVB-C and i can connect with LAN. In the begin the Cuberevo work but sundanly my ftp program say : "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server" :eek: Can you Help me ??!!!
  5. D

    Bonjour !!

    Bonjour, Je m'appel dkdance et je suis nouveau par ici. Je parle aussi un peut anglais. Hello im new in this forum. I speak french and a basic english.