İncubuscamd MultiServer Plugins AZbox HD


Staff member
To work with multiple server incubuscamd this plug-in is written.


addresses in the file server to work cccamserv.conf plugin for a period of 10 sec into the cycle. The system stops the cycle to be decode. System to be re-encode cycle begins.

Beta version ..

İncubusCamd work with. server version works with version 2.0.11 and lower.

Installation: Remove AutoIncubusChg.rar file folder.
and the folder in the directory at EMU. do chmod 755. file at the same time / EMU / OpenXCAS / Copy incubusCamd folder.

To monitor the operation of the display device pluginin can look into. (VFD display)

To run the plugin on plugin menu azbox by AutoIncubusChg select. The screen will be black. quit with exit key.

Note: All emu off. incubuscamd are working alone.

Plug in Written To use Multi Clines with IncubusCamd...
Plug in Starts to change Clines stored in cccamserv.conf every 10 seconds until box Decode the Channel...

Copy AutoIncubusCHG File to /EMU
Change chmod to 755 for all files and folders
Also Copy to the IncubusCamd Folder

To monitor the operation of the display device pluginin can look into. (VFD display)

To run the plugin on plugin menu azbox by AutoIncubusChg select. The screen will be black. quit with exit key.