TVP2, TVP INFO and TVP Sport will remain on the transponder CYFRA +


TVP2, TVP INFO and TVP Sport will remain on the transponder CYFRA +

Kanaly TVP2, TVP INFO and TVP Sport will remain on the transponder platform Cyfrowy Polsat. Recently, subscribers of the platform started to use the demonstration conducted with the transponder CYFRA + on the channel TVP1 (position number 3 in the list of operators). While a similar operation carried nebudet with other channels of Polish television.

Signal TVP1 taken on transponder CYFRA +, but we do not have such plans for other channels TVP - said Olga Zomer, boatman Press Digital Polsata.

TVP1 previously worked at the transponder 74 (12,188 GHz, pol. V, SR: 27500, FEC: 3/4). Currently, emissions are but scanned channel as TEST_T1, a subscribers have in your channel version with the transponder 119 (10,892 GHz, pol. H, SR: 27500, FEC: 3/4).

PID V: 166
PID A: 104
PID PCR: 166
SID: 4807
PID PMT: 1007
Kodirovanie: Nagra Media Access (S4 - Cyfra +, N3 - Cyfrowy Polsat), Conax (TNK, n), Viaccess PC 3.0 (Orange)