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CCaminfo.php V.1.2.1

Restyling e additions By °°ArmA°° - dedicato a questo Bellissimo Forum

Un ringraziamento speciale a tutti coloro
che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo meraviglioso strumento

cosa c'e di nuovo in questa versione?
- Un nuovo look dedicato al forum PhantomDarkSat
- Nella sezione Editor aggiunta la possibilita di editare il SoftCam.key
- Aggiunto la Sezione NewCS controll (per chi ha emu CCcam + NewCs )
- Aggiunto la Sezione Utility ( avete le News - ricerca Transponder da 53,0 ° a 45,0 ° Est Ovest - Daily Satlist Live Update)

Scompattate il rar, Esegui exe per installare il programma dopo installazione cliccare sulla scritta verde : Click Here to Update Dreambox IP
Nella finestra che si e aperta mettere L'indirizzo IP del vostro dream: 192.168.X.XXX, Nome utente: root, password: dreambox
Questo e tutto, buon divertimento!

PS- per sezione NewCS ....
UserName: newcs e Password: newcs
(logico, e necessario avere installato nel Dream NewCS )

A Special thanks to all those
who contributed to the development of this wonderful tool

what's New in this version?
- a new look dedicated to PhantomDarkSat forum
- in Editor section addition some possibility of editing the SoftCam.key
- Add NewCS control Section ( for who have emu CCam+NewCs )
- Add Utility Sections ( There you have News - Transponders lookup from 53.0° East to 45.0° West - Daily Live Satlist Update )

How to :

Unpack rar , Run exe for install program after installaction click on green script : Click Here to Update Dreambox IP
In the window that is open put The Ip of your Dream : 192.168.X.XXX , User name: root , Password: dreambox
Thats all , Good fun !

PS- for NewCS section .... UserName : newcs and PassWord: newcs ( logical , you must have on your Dream installed NewCS )

Best regards °°ArmA°°


Ph@ntomD@[email protected] V.1.2.2

Restyling and additions By ° ° ArmA ° ° - dedicated to nTomD Ph@@rk S@T-Forum 

Special thanks to all those
who contributed to developing this wonderful tool

What's new in this version?
- A new look at the forum devoted PhantomDarkSat
- In Section Editor added the possibility of editing:
SoftCam.key - - Newcs.xml - Oscam.user - Oscam.server - Oscam.conf
Key and downloaders.
- Added Section NewCS control (for those who have emu CCcam + NewCS)
- Added Section Utility (you have News - Transponder research from 53.0 ° to 45.0 ° East West - Daily Satlist Live Update)
agiunta the TV Guide by Tirkic
- Added the webif-oscam!? (Sometimes works and sometimes not DIPP from port)

Unpack the rar, Run exe to install the program after installation click on the green script: Click Here to Update Dreambox IP
In the window that is open to the IP address of your dream: 192.168.X.XXX, Username: root, Password: dreambox
Thats all, have fun!

PS-for NewCS section ....
UserName: newcs and password: newcs
(Logical, you must have installed in the Dream NewCS)

A Special Thanks to All Those
who contributed to the development of this wonderful tool

What's New in this version?
- A new look forum dedicated to PhantomDarkSat
- Possibility Some Additions to the Editor section of the editing:
SoftCam.key - - Newcs.xml - Oscam.user - Oscam.server - Oscam.conf
and Key Downloader.
- Add NewCS Control Section (for Who Have + NewCS emu ACPC)
- Add Utility Sections (There You Have News - Transponders lookups from 53.0 ° East to 45.0 ° West - Live Satlist Daily Update)
add the TV Guide by Tirkic


Unpack rar, Run exe for install program after installaction click on green script: Click Here to Update Dreambox IP
In the window is open That Put the IP of Your Dream: 192.168.X.XXX, User name: root, Password: dreambox
Thats all, Good Fun!

PS-for NewCS section .... UserName: PassWord and newcs: newcs (logical, you must have installed on your Dream NewCS)

Thx to ArmA
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