Sifteam DGS 13759 and CrossEPG


Senior Member
Hi Guys,

Today I tried the latest DGS release from the Sifteam camp plus the Sippolo extended version. In both cases the CrossEpg downloader failed to work. Normally during download process the screen goes blank, presumably while it downloads from HipHop. With the latest version this doesn't seem to happen. It then appears to download 8 hrs worth of titles and no Summaries at all.

CrossEPG works fine for me on 28.2 on the Sifteam 13544 (and earlier) images. I am of course using a swapfile on usb.

Have tried reformatting HDD and reloading image several times. Re-downloading channel list.

On the Extended version there is allegedly a working downloader and loader for the internal epg, but no success on getting this to work.

Would welcome your experience and any ideas.


FIX (for others who find this problem): Reload an earlier channel database that you have saved and this should fix it.

PS - You will know when this has worked as the screen will go black again when you are downloading the epg database.