How to use DreamUp for 'flashing' the Dreambox

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How to use DreamUp;

1) First, connect your box to your Pc using a special serial cable at a free comport (usually com-poort 1).

2) Disconnect the dreambox

3) Start 'Dreamup'

4) Press connect

5) Plugin main powercord. You'll see the line ' ok uploading' appearing.

6) Press 'flash' and select the software to upload. First will appear 'Uploading' then 'Erasing' and then 'Flashing'. Finally 'finished'. The proces will take about 10 minutes.

7) Press 'OK'.

8) Close Dreamup and disconnect the main powercord, wait 30 seconds and connect first the coaxcable, then the AV cable and the the rest of the cables.

9) Connect now the main powercable.

10) Everything is set to factory default and your Dreambox is ready again.

DreamUP V1.3.2.1
for all models (DM500, DM500+, DM600, DM56x0,
DM7000, DM7020, DM7025 und DM7025+)
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