DM500HD : Japhar Sim Images

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Well Known Member
SuperSim Japhar DM500HD : Nemesis 2.6 SVN 112r3 (OE1.6)


MEGA :!AJF3jahY!LaOLvI4Dr6yhsXR5ZGzKe83bYGUajlKQA7HAxyAsV7k



Well Known Member
OpenPLi 4.0 with 700 channels IPTV for your Ferrari DM500HD Japhar !

OpenPLi 4.0 with 700 channels IPTV for your DM500HD Japhar !

The newest OpenPLi 4.0 Japhar with IPTV (more than 700 FREE IPTV channels !).

You can download it on MEGA link below, that will include the image and the OS for your sim card (if older than June 1st 2015).

MEGA Link to download OS and Image :!UANTQJRS!Tjg5U9ba9moXq25oCBoP_hlJFpQnFlo1TWIhMeQcCrw


Latest OpenPLi 4.0, with full IPTV support (better than on original DM image ;o), supporting all the latest fixes and streamings).

Enjoy !

Last edited:


Well Known Member
You can use on DM500HD Ferrari, but need to upgrade the sim to the new Japhar-Ferrari sim. You can find it with google and support forum for it has same name as sim ;o).

Si l'imagine e OE2.0, funziona con ipk mips32el e Python 2.7, con ultimissimo GSTreamer per IPTV meglio che su MAG.


can I use it with DM500HD Ferrari?
Is it based on OE 2.0 or OE 1.6?



Well Known Member
DM500HD : OpenPLi 4.0 MastaG GStreamer 1.6.2

OpenPLi 4.0 with IPTV and GStreamer 1.6.2 released Japhar Sim !!!! November 20th release Thank you MastaG : DM800HD/DM800HDse/DM500HD/DM8000HD


- Gstreamer (v1.6.2) has been updated to master git which carries many fixes.
- No more internet connection required during bootup.
- Feeds online for online update of image and future updates/fixes if necessary.
- IPTV List and Jam Panel are now pre-shipped.
- Japhar Addon Manager 5.2 included.
- IPTV List built-in with 750+ IPTV FREE Channels.
- Many dvbmediasink fixes.
- Many stuff I forgot :p

MEGA :!oBUy3BaA!J04qukJz8C2Fmhhiz-o-vqEpoHSLDfmbSZdX_lrrOno

Please feel free to publish this image/link to all Satellite Forums you know, it would be great to have the image everywhere and that all world knows about this excellent release from MastaG with IPTV on ... DM800HD, DM800HDse, DM500HD and DM8000HD, stable and reliable.

Enjoy !



Well Known Member
DM500HD : OpenPLi 4.0 MastaG GStreamer 1.7.0 !

DM800HDse : OpenPLi 4.0 MastaG GStreamer 1.7.0 !

Changes compared to openpli-oe-core gst-1:

- Ships with gstreamer upstream master git:
Using the same patches as openpli-oe-core gst-1, no changes or extra patches added.
Only patch I've removed is: 0001-baseparse-post-tag-list-when-avg-bitrate-changes-at-.patch,
because that patch is already accepted and commited to upstream git.
- Every receiver uses christophecvr's multibox dvbmediasink.
- Using libtrmp and rtmpdump from oe-alliance.
- Some small enigma2 patches for Dreambox receivers (ac3/dts bypass and blanking on zap support).
These are only applied for Dreambox receivers.
- AAC to AC3 transcoding V2 by mx3L (requires a fast cpu).
- IPTV Player from samsamsam included (thx to Athoik for the recipe).
- Large list of public IPTV streams included thanks to the Japhar Team.
- Updated libcdio and cdtextinfo for audio-cd support by Christophecvr.
- DM800Se, DM7020HD and DM800SeV2 driver upgraded to 20151201:
added si2166b blindscan support
- Spark images includes the pti.ko from OpenATV so softcam's should work now.
- DM800 kernel will now always pass the vermagic check when loading modules.
Now you can try and load any DM800 2.6.18 kernel module from OE1.5 to 2.0.


- Ships with gstreamer upstream master git:
Using the same patches as openpli-oe-core gst-1, no changes or extra patches added.
Only patch I've removed is: 0001-baseparse-post-tag-list-when-avg-bitrate-changes-at-.patch,
because that patch is already accepted and commited to upstream git.
- Every receiver uses christophecvr's multibox dvbmediasink.
- Using libtrmp and rtmpdump from oe-alliance.
- Some small enigma2 patches for Dreambox receivers (ac3/dts bypass and blanking on zap support).
These are only applied for Dreambox receivers.
- AAC to AC3 transcoding V2 by mx3L (requires a fast cpu).
- IPTV Player from samsamsam included (thx to Athoik for the recipe).
- Large list of public IPTV streams included thanks to the Japhar Team.
- Updated libcdio and cdtextinfo for audio-cd support by Christophecvr.
- DM800Se, DM7020HD and DM800SeV2 driver upgraded to 20151201:
added si2166b blindscan support
- Spark images includes the pti.ko from OpenATV so softcam's should work now.
- DM800 kernel will now always pass the vermagic check when loading modules.
Now you can try and load any DM800 2.6.18 kernel module from OE1.5 to 2.0.

Known issues:

- DM800 first boot will take a while, please be patient. The next boot will be faster.
- On spark/spark7162 you need to set 'boxtype = dreambox' for oscam dvbapi.
We're using the OE-A drivers and 'duckbox' doesn't seem to work on these.
- On spark/spark7162 you need to set a skin which doesn't resize the framebuffer.
Because sometimes it doesn't scale back to fullscreen.
I've included the MX-HQ7 skin for use as workaround.
- On Zgemma Star you cannot use fullHD skins.
This is a hardware/driver limitation.
Please don't try it, it will crash enigma2.

How to Download ? Available on the web.



Well Known Member
There is Japhar version, Original etc, you can find with search tools on web for links.



Well Known Member
DM500HD : OpenPLi 4.0 with IPTV (More than 800+ IPTV FREE Channels) by MastaG and Japhar Team

DM : OpenPLi 4.0 with IPTV (More than 800+ IPTV FREE Channels) by MastaG and Japhar Team

Users running the previous Gstreamer 1.7.0 image, should be able to peform a Software Update!

Changes since previous release:

- mx3L's gstreamer revert which fixes mp4 playback from remote locations
- Spark drivers updated to 20151113
- Using aio-grab from oe-alliance which includes fixes for sprak receivers
- New Japhar IPTV List (thanks to ToySoft).
- DM8000 has no more gsod's now (thanks to ToySoft for testing!)

Changes compared to openpli-oe-core gst-1:

- Ships with gstreamer upstream master git:
Using the same patches as openpli-oe-core gst-1 with only these changes:
Removed: 0001-baseparse-post-tag-list-when-avg-bitrate-changes-at-.patch
because this patch was already checked in upstream.
Added: 0001-Revert-qtdemux-respect-qt-segments-in-push-mode-for-.patch
By mx3L which fixes mp4 playback from remote locations.
- Every receiver uses christophecvr's multibox dvbmediasink.
- Using libtrmp and rtmpdump from oe-alliance.
- Some small enigma2 patches for Dreambox receivers (ac3/dts bypass and blanking on zap support).
These are only applied for Dreambox receivers.
- AAC to AC3 transcoding V2 by mx3L (requires a fast cpu).
- IPTV Player from samsamsam included (thx to Athoik for the recipe).
- Large list of public IPTV streams included thanks to the Japhar Team.
- Updated libcdio and cdtextinfo for audio-cd support by christophecvr.
- DM800Se, DM7020HD and DM800SeV2 driver upgraded to 20151201:
added si2166b blindscan support
- Spark images includes the pti.ko from OpenATV so softcam's should work now.
- Using aio-grab source from oe-alliance which includes fixes for spark receivers.
- The 2.6.18 kernel will now always pass the vermagic check when loading modules.
Now you can try and load any kernel driver from OE1.5 to 2.0.

Known issues:

- DM800 first boot will take a while, please be patient. The next boot will be faster.
- On spark/spark7162 you need to set 'boxtype = dreambox' for oscam dvbapi.
We're using the OE-A drivers and 'duckbox' doesn't seem to work on these.
- On spark/spark7162 you need to set a skin which doesn't resize the framebuffer.
Because sometimes it doesn't scale back to fullscreen.
I've included the MX-HQ7 skin for use as workaround.
- On Zgemma Star you cannot use fullHD skins.
This is a hardware/driver limitation.
Please don't try it, it will crash enigma2.
- Some Dreambox remotes behave very sensitive.
This causes button presses to register multiple times instead of just once.
As a workaround you can adjust the key interval:
Go to: Menu - System - Input devices - dreambox remote control (native).
Set "Change repeat and delay settings" to yes
Set "Interval between keys when repeating:" to 200ms or 300ms.
Press green button (OK)
Now set the same delay for: "dreambox advanced remote control (native)" as well.

To find the download link, search for MastaG Japhar OpenPLi 4.0

Enjoy !


Well Known Member
DM500HD : OpenPli 4.0 IPTV by MastaG / Japhar Team with 1300 FREE IPTV Channels and with GStreamer (May 6th 2016)

OpenPli 4.0 IPTV by MastaG / Japhar Team with 1300 FREE IPTV Channels and with GStreamer (May 6th 2016)



- Latest gstreamer snapshot based on recipes from christophecvr:
* Proper fix for HLS segfault on stop
* Re-enable the rtmp seeking and potential segfault fix
* gstreamer1.0-libav is now built against system ffmpeg instead (this differs from chris recipes) *
* dvbmediasink patches for Vu Solo 4K, hd1265 and hd1500 from oe-alliance
- FFMpeg updated to 3.0.2 and is now installed by default *
- Backports to enigma2 for sh4 (mainly servicemp3.cpp related)
- Fix EPG on sh4 receivers
- exteplayer3 is now installed by default, thank you mx3L and samsamsam *
- gstplayer is now installed by default, thank you mx3L and samsamsam
- Mediatomb is now in the feeds
- MediaPlayer2 is now installed by default, thank you mx3L
- SubsSupport (for MediaPlayer2) is now installed by default, thank you mx3L
- No more russian tuxtxt
- Its now possible to set the debug level again in the UI-settings menu, thank you christophecvr
- Latest enigma2 changes, thank you OpenPLi
- latest openpli-oe-core changes, thank you OpenPLi
- ServiceApp, thank you mx3L !!!

Known issues:
- On spark7162 (and 7111 probably as well) fragmented streams such as hls (m3u8) will skip and freeze a lot.
This happened sometime after the official Gstreamer 1.8.0 release and I didnt found the cause yet.
It is not related to the dvbmediasink since it doesnt happen on mips receivers and the code in the dvbmediasink didnt change.
Configure your streams to play with exteplayer3 instead, read below.
- * On the 64MB Dreambox models (DM800HD, DM800Se and DM500HD) there is not enough space to ship ffmpeg.
This means that exteplayer3 and gstreamer1.0-libav arent installed as well because they depend on ffmpeg.
See my attached guide to copy over the root filesystem to a storage device.
- Some Dreambox remotes may behave very sensitive.
This causes button presses to register multiple times instead of just once.
As a workaround you can adjust the key interval:
Go to: Menu - System - Input devices - dreambox remote control (native).
Set "Change repeat and delay settings" to yes
Set "Interval between keys when repeating:" to 200ms or 300ms.
Press green button (OK)
Now set the same delay for: "dreambox advanced remote control (native)" as well.
- DM800 first boot will take a while, please be patient. The next boot will be faster.

Thanks for the hard work from mx3L and samsamsam you can now play your IPTV streams with exteplayer3 or gstplayer instead of the default dvbmediasink.
Especially using exteplayer3 will give much better performance on playing HLS streams compared to gstreamer + dvbmediasink.
For example, playing DJING underground 720p never worked very well on my DM800HD and now it does

DM500HD+ Japhar :!9JtGwAAb!ePV-MQPr9eqTscvZq5d0ATQCdkMva2PM2HgB-9gjxhI


Well Known Member
BlackHole IPTV v20 by MastaG with IPTV (1300+ FREE IPTV Channels) for Japhar NC3 SuperSim3

BlackHole IPTV v20 NC3 (Ferrari V3)

BlackHole IPTV v20 by MastaG with IPTV (1300+ FREE IPTV Channels) for Japhar NC3 SuperSim3


- Original cvs.
- Blazing fast.
- GStreamer 1.9.1.
- Using the mx-hq9w skin (which is their latest official skin they are using atm).
- Backported fixes from OpenPLi, including a fix for a possible GS.
- Applied Dreambox specific fixes for ac3/dts bypass support.
- Applied backports from official PLi to support the latest gstreamer and eLogging interface.
- Implemented the official Vu+ addon manager using the Green button (inside the Blue panel).
- Feeds online.

Thank you MastaG !

Enjoy !

DM500HD :!KYxyhbAb!JBcj6O0LE2cz2vYt3ICUZRwPwuGusz3Al-nc-452rsM
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