Booting but no IP + Bad RS232 answer


Hello everyone,
i have an apparently dead DM 8000HD which i'm trying to reflash.
The display turns on with the DreamMedia logo but it doesn't move on.

Basically when i turn on the device and press down with the ethernet cable inserted i can't read any IP on the LCD.

I've also tried with DreamUp with no response.
I've connected my RS232 usb adapter to the serial port (only TX/RX and GND so no Flow Control) and by using Putty i can just read strange character.
Is there something i can do?


Well Known Member
DM8000HD problem

1) First of all if you want the RS232 communication to work... DON'T use an USB-RS232 converter, 90% of the time it will ... FAIL. So use a REAL RS232 port on PC.

2) Try to push the TOP Arrow button on the DM8000HD when you turn on the box until you have the STOP message appearing. And let us know.

3) Most probably your PSU has something to be fixed, a 10 cents capacitor to be replaced, as if it doesn't go over the boot and goes in loop, back to boot, then generally it's due to a PSU that doesn't give enough power to the motherboard.


Hello everyone,
i have an apparently dead DM 8000HD which i'm trying to reflash.
The display turns on with the DreamMedia logo but it doesn't move on.

Basically when i turn on the device and press down with the ethernet cable inserted i can't read any IP on the LCD.

I've also tried with DreamUp with no response.
I've connected my RS232 usb adapter to the serial port (only TX/RX and GND so no Flow Control) and by using Putty i can just read strange character.
Is there something i can do?


Thank you for your answer.
If i press to TOP arrow, the STOP text doesn't appear unfortunately.
I'll try with an old laptop with serial port as well.
Regarding the capacitor how do i test it with my tester? which one is normally the culprit?


Well Known Member
Check to see if the top of the capacitors have an hill... if they have, then they need to be replaced.
