Red led only


I have probably deleted a part of boot of the arm processor and when i try to boot the receiver only the red led appears in display.
RS232 and FTP are out of order. I think that my only way is reflash boot loader of pcb with j-tag. Anyone has encourred on this problem?


I have changed capacitors c2 c3 and c10 on psu but receiver not change situation of red light and no respond reset from rs232....


Senior Member
I have probably deleted a part of boot of the arm processor and when i try to boot the receiver only the red led appears in display.
RS232 and FTP are out of order. I think that my only way is reflash boot loader of pcb with j-tag. Anyone has encourred on this problem?

with kathiup 1.20


Thx for replay but Kathiup work with my receiver probably the bios is corruptued and serial connection is lost...


Senior Member
if the net-part okay, so you can repair this box with hyperterminal, you need a ori. emergency-image (1.03), emergency.ub (look google) and this instruction(sorry, I have only in german):

Anleitung mit Hyperterminal von WinXP
Man braucht: Datei "emergency.ub" auf dem PC und "Kathrein UFS-910 6Dateien" (Notfallimage fw 1.03)auf dem USB-Stick

1. Hyperterminal starten (Programme>Zubehör>Kommunikation>Hyperterminal [Enter]
2. Bei Erstaufruf: Neue Verbindung>abbrechen
3. Datei>Eigenschaften>Verbindung über COM1 (oder 2,3); Konfigurieren> Bits pro sek:115200,Datenbits:8, Parität:keine, Stppbits:1, Flussteuerung: kein; Übernehmen, OK,OK
4. PC mit der Kathrein mittels NullModem-Kabels verbinden
5. Receiver einschalten und GLEICH die [Enter] Taste mindestens 2x schnell hintereinander drücken
Im uboot-Prompt muss der Text mit Meldung: STB7100-Ref> stehen
6.Am prompt eingeben: setenv bootcmd bootm a0040000
Enter drücken
7.Am prompt eingeben: setenv bootargs "console=ttyAS0,115200 root=/dev/mtdblock3 mem=32m bigphysarea=1024 coprocessor_mem=2m@0x04000000,2m@0x04200000"
Enter drücken
8.Am prompt eingeben: saveenv
Enter drücken
6. Am prompt eingeben: loadb a4000000 [enter] es kommt die Meldung: "Ready for binary download to 0xa4000000"
7. Im HT oben rechts "Übertragung">"Datei senden" > zu der emergency.ub pfad eingeben > "kermit" wählen und "Senden". Es dauert etwa 9 Min, am PC sieht man der Verlauf.
8. USB-Stick mit vorbereitetem Updates einstecken (Kathrein UFS-910 Notfallimage - 6 Images)
9. Am uboot prompt mit "bootm a4000000" [enter] den Kernel im Speicher starten; nun startet das Update.
Am Ende bootet die Box alleine neu und man hat mit "Erstinstallation" zu tun!!!

good luck :)


Senior Member
and how with Kathi up..thank you

How to - prepare for booting from FLASH :

1.Connect both serial(null modem) and network cable to receiver ;

2.Launch KathiUp ;

3.Fill up corectly all 4 left sided windows ;

4.Click Connect ;

5.Power On Receiver ;

6.Click FLASH ;
U'll need 6 files from original flash image


Senior Member
Hello Yestarday i have got to Kathrein 910 red led and on Display = Kathrein 910 UFS.
what i have to do .. thanks to all...


Anyone has solved the problem?? I repeat that isn't a problem of bad flash or bad bootloader, it's a no response from serial when power on and only red led!!


This is normal recovery procedure. It works if serial responds when you press enter, my serial is down!! No STB7100 message in hyperterminal, only red led!!
Capacitors and tension of alimentator are true.


Sorted electricaly

I got similar issue: Red light only on power on, no serial port response, no LAN initialized.
Spent all night digging forums for solution, trying different application etc.
Finally opened my box and straight away noticed capacitor C2 expanded.
I did not have the same spec one, and at 3am was difficult enough to search for right part, and I put absolutely different one but logically more or less suitable for stabilization circuit.

Some notes for new starters met the same issue:
1. UFS910 RS232 null-modem cable: effectively there are only 3 pins used for this device: 2,3,5. If you have not damaged cable and pin 2 on one side goes to pin 3 on another - you have right cable.
2. You always can test your PC's serial port output by loopback test: interconnect pins 2 and 3 in the port (better in the pc to UFS910 link cable on the ufc910 side) and run hyperterminal. In the hyperterminal file->properties->Settings->ASCII Setup... select box "Echo typed characters locally" and OK.
after you back in the hyperterminal's main window you can type any characters and you will see them, if your serial port is ok, and pins 2 and 3 shorted together characters will appear twice each. It is mean you have no issues with PC side comms.
3. all the apps you can find: kathi up, KCC, AFF recovery... they all do absolutely same things in terms of serial communication.
If you have no response from the device in hyperterminal - this apps will never help you. (kathiup for example does something and consequently updates the status even without serial port linked).
4. Capacitor C2: original 4700uF 10V, fitted (incorrect but works) 1500u 250V. I would change it for ~4700u 16V (I think it V rating is the issue).

Next time my UFS910 will die I will collect full info about PSU outputs needed for quick diagnostic.