canal duhok 57ºE


Senior Member
I am going to try a fta hd receiver I bought years ago as this has a better tuner than any other receiver I've owned as still not even a whisper here.


Down to 79-81% today on a 5402 m3 00.1p patch Mid UK td88 dish, it's glitch free once it locks that low symbol rate and those numbers are big 'looking'. It is patchy rain across the UK & there might be a tree issue or 2 on that dish now, it used to be good on 80s maybe 64, have to monitor it on several installs.

If you can't lock it at all, make sure your motor is spot on [obviously] fine tune it on an easier channel & then just leave it on Duhok & wait [a while- even though it says no signal!] - some tuners can struggle to lock it, but when they do, it can still be glitch free.


In the mornings, Kurdistan TV use the frequency & same PIDs as Duhok, the power/Q is the same too but the signal locks straight away on smaller dishes on Kurdistan TV, when it switches over to Duhok it takes longer to lock.


Senior Member
Tested signal on fta receiver and this was fine. Therefor tested on Tm5402 M1 (entered biss key ) and locked immediately. On M3 can take up to 30 mins to lock but might disappear at any moment. Please move to Tm sectiion if you feel appropiate. Very annoying to say the least!!!
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Senior Member
For me using 1.1 dish duhok coming in ok at the moment as been having the usual problems getting it to lock with 5402 m3. Normally had it as 11189v but changed it to 11188v as Badinan on 11186v seems to have left as no signal on that tp for days although flysat not reporting it as left can anyone confirm?


Senior Member
Badinan appears tyo have been gone for quite a few days (last time I looked anyway) quellat is now scanning in as serves 2 atm and almada tv baghdad has gone (well on my TM 5402 M3 anyway). Duhok will lock on my M3 with a 66% 9.1db appprox sig but is totally unreliable on my M3.TM 5402 M1 locks Duhok almost immediately but a little glitchy for whatever reason.


Tested signal on fta receiver and this was fine. Therefor tested on Tm5402 M1 (entered biss key ) and locked immediately. On M3 can take up to 30 mins to lock but might disappear at any moment. Please move to Tm sectiion if you feel appropiate. Very annoying to say the least!!!

What patch on the M3,

It might be down to the patch, there looks like there's been a different programmer or programmers, might go through a few patches.


Senior Member
What patch on the M3,

It might be down to the patch, there looks like there's been a different programmer or programmers, might go through a few patches.

Patch latest as far as I know 0.01 18/2/2016. I have tried various other patches going through the usual delete/load/delete order. Must have tried 4 patches and gave up. Serves 2 and Silemani (with a 4.5db sig ) are ok.


I get 5.6 and 6.7db on Serves and Silemani respectively here - as measured by my TBS 6925 - but Duhok is still below lock at the moment so I am more and more convinced this isn't a simple problem at my end but a change in footprint or power, bearing in mind I am in North Yorkshire. I have tried with my TM5402 M1, my TBS 6925 and Tevii S464 satellite cards and the 6925 comes closest to locking but none of them actually locks now....
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Senior Member
I get 5.6 and 6.7db on Serves and Silemani respectively here - as measured by my TBS 6925 - but Duhok is still below lock at the moment so I am more and more convinced this isn't a simple problem at my end but a change in footprint or power, bearing in mind I am in North Yorkshire. I have tried with my TM5402 M1, my TBS 6925 and Tevii S464 satellite cards and the 6925 comes closest to locking but none of them actually locks now....
I agree with you am in the same vicinity and duhok is not appearing last couple of weeks as it used to, sometimes no signal at all even under clear skies. Are you getting badinan as nothing here? The other two you have mentioned are ok although silemani takes a bit of getting at times.


I think it's the DVB-S2/8PSK & x that 3/4 fec has lifted the break up level a % from what it was before, even though the overall signal strength is about the same, that then is combined with that lower symbol rate that can take longer to lock on standard stbs & lnbs & some more some less than others & has made it that much more delicate. Over a certain dish size, you won't see any difference.

It's a much lower lock level with DVB-S2/QPSK x 3/4 fec, even with that symbol rate.

Jamie A

I'm looking at 57°E now and here are my levels on a 1m using the TBS-5925 near London

Qellat TV (11184 V) - 9.6 dB
Duhok TV (11189 V) - 11.2 dB
Silemani TV (11191 V) - 11.1 dB