Error flashing EMU fw for 8000s


Senior Member
I'm running latest org. fw 02.83 and trying to downgrade to EMU 02.55.
Trying to flash via usb or ftp, i get this message: Selected file is damaged or different model.

I have also tried rs232 with both winup and chnl editor, i was told to just rename the file from hdp to dlp, and the file uploads via chnl editor, bur after reboot the new software does not load, the old fw boots. winup does not work for me at all, i get an activex error when trying to upload. I tried downgrading to 020603 with no success. Same error as other files.

I managed to get 02.58 installed, but only the cas version.
Also tried downgrading from this fw, no luck

I really hope someone can help