Nabilosat DM800 Images


NabiloBlackHole DM800 011notube




Super VIP
Nabilosat Enigma2 Black Hole - DM800 v0.12

[B]What is new in this version 0.12 ?[/B]
[B]Matrix10 XLite HD[/B] Skin awesome HD skin with large size fonts and panels
[B]Nabilosat Black Hole External EPG[/B] download your favourite EPG data file 
from your community server
[B]Nabilosat Black Hole EPG[/B] for Mediaset channels is now fixed. 
The correct event name will be be displaye instead of "Visibile in 
analogico e digitale terrestre"
[B]Satellite.xml[/B] updated file by Reinh@rd

[B]Nabilosat Black Hole External EPG:[/B] This image version will introduce the 
option to download EPG data from a web server, and apply it to your 
DM without restarting Enigma2.

Therefore, each board or community can create its favourite EPG data files, 
and upload it to a web space. Community members can then download it 
from that server.

[B]This feature offers additional benefits, such as:[/B]
EPG download increased speed
EPG download from any channel
EPG scheduled download also during standby
User set EPG Providers Add/Remove

XLite HD: awesome HD skin with large size fonts and panels

New Boot logo by Army

Enigma2 CVS date - 13th of October 2009 
Drivers date - 14th of October 2009
Second Stage #75

[B]Main Function Keys[/B]
Button 1xOK = Light Info Skin
Button 2xOK = Extra Info Skin
Button Blue = Nabilo Blue Panel
Button 1x Blue + 1x Yellow = New System Monitor Panel
Button Blue-Long-Push = Extensions
Button Green = Nabilo Green Panel
Button Green-Long-Push = Subservices
Button 1x Green + 1x Red = CCcam Info
Button Red = Start Record
Button Yellow = Time Shift

Dedicated Addons Server
Download and install additional packages from Nabilosat server

Enigma2 Analogic Clock
Channel Orbital Position

Advanced Tuner Info: Sr Freq Pol Fec
Signal SNR, BER
Infobar Picons
Advanced EMU information

[B]Nabilo Panels features[/B]
1) Blue Panel
Black Hole Cron Manager
Black Hole EPG Panel
OSD Settings
Devices Manager
Kernel Modules Manager
LCD Settings
Fast Plugin Settings
Inadyn Settings
Swap File Settings
Hard Disk Setup
Nabilo Mount Wizard
OpenVPN Panel
Samba/Cifs Panel
NFS Server Panel
Telnet Panel
FTP Panel

[B]System Monitor Panel[/B]
CCcam Info
Service Info
Enigma2 Settings
Select EMU by Channel

2) Green Panel
[B]CCcam Info
Fast Plugin[/B]

Addons Download Manager
Manual Install Nab packages
Manual Install IPK packages
Addons Uninstall Panel
Nabilosat Statistics

Many thanks to the Beta Testers Team.
Many Thanks also to Munja,zupy,cronicus,
shame,alen5555,escalibur for betatesting.
Many thanks to ^^MaXiMoII^^ for hosting the current 
EPG data, and to all Satmate boys for their support.

E2 Sky Epg loader integration by MaxZ4.
Matrix10 for the new XLite HD skin.
Many Thanks to lukkino (VDR-Italia) for opentv source code.
Many thanks to Reinh@rd for the satellites.xml file.

This Images doesn't contain any keys nor softcams.
Backups or other modified Images are not supported!

[B]WARNING.  [/B] 
Nabilosat Team reccomends to install this image to flash. It will 
be perform at its best, and you will fully enjoy all the features. .


Registered User
NabiloBlackHole DM800 0.12 BU - 19.10.09

NabiloBlackHole_DM800_0.12_BU 19.10.09

Backup für DM 800 Multiboot (USB,HDD)

Vorraussetzung:Barry Allen Plugin muss installiert sein.

Emu`s :

Cccam 2.1.1

Cccam 2.1.2

Mgcamd 1.31

Scam 3.52

Evocamd 2.17

Camd 3.902



Gbox 2.25

Sbox (Test)

Newcs 1.65


CCcam Info 1.3b

GboxSuite 1.8c

Tux Commander

Und andere

Alle Sprachen zur Auswahl



SatAngels k*yUpdater


Viel Spass damit

Last edited:


Nabilosat Enigma2 Black Hole - DM800 v0.11_Special Edition_By jams01

Nabilosat Enigma2 Black Hole - DM800 v0.11-SE_Special Edition for clones

Patched By jams01

As I promised the Team will not patch the BA12 I leave here BA11 SE patch for the 3 clones. This image is basically the same as BH12 and supports almost all the same with the software 2009.10.29 updated daily.

Image includes:

new kernel

Enigma2 software update

29th of October 2009

Drivers date

14th of October 2009


CCcam 2.2.1 working hop 0
newcs 1.67

Plugins updated and working

29th of October 2009

Media Player
Youtube player
VLC player
DVD Burn
Picture Player


New Boot logo by Army

Download for Clone with Bootloader 69:

Download for Clone with Bootloader 70:

Download for Clone with Bootloader 72:



Marching On Together !
Staff member
Nabilosat DM800 Pure Flash Multiboot 14NOV2009, MeoBoot 0.6

Nabilosat DM800 Pure Flash Multiboot 14NOV2009, MeoBoot 0.6

Il thread in Italiano e' qui

What is the Nabilosat DM800 Pure Flash Multiboot ?
This image is a simple, pure CVS image to install to flash memory. It is reccomended to those who like the multiboot option with the new Nabilosat plugin MeoBoot. It is light, fast, reliable and, most of all, upated. Therefore, it is the best solution for multiboot purposes.

What is included in this image ?
This image is including the first public edition of MeoBoot: 0.6. System Plugins: Software Manager, Network Wizard, Mount Manager

Why should I install this image in flash ?
Images installed to multiboot require the flash image be updated with the latest drivers and second stage. This Pure Flash Multiboot image includes the current drivers and second stage. And these can also be updated at any time via the Software Manager. Therefore, you can always have an updated flash image.

How do I install MeoBoot with this image ?
MeoBoot is included by default, and can be launched via the Plugins Menu. Please scroll down for further details.

Will I loose the images already installed on my media ?
Nabilosat Team higly recommends to completely remove any previous installation of other multiboot tools. These are incompatible with MeoBoot and may cause malfunctions.It will be best to format the device. MeoBoot plugin includes a tool to format the device used for multiboot purposes. Therefore, for this first installation of MeoBoot, the answer is: Yes, you will loose any previous image already installed to multiboot with other tools. However, once you install images to multiboot with MeoBoot, these will be retained by any future update.

How do I install it to flash ?
You can install it via WebInterface or via serial.

Release Details
MeoBoot 0.6 included
TARGET_ARCH = "mipsel"
TARGET_OS = "linux"
MACHINE = "dm800"
DISTRO = "opendreambox"
TARGET_FPU = "soft"
KERNEL VERSION: "2.6.12-5.1"
DVB DRIVERS = "06 November 2009"
SECOND STAGE = "75-r0"
MeoBoot = "0.6"

NEW Nabilosat HD bootlogo by ^^MaXiMoII^^.


About MeoBoot

What is MeoBoot:
MeoBoot is a new, very light, not invasive, Multiboot tool for Enigma 2 images.
MeoBoot is the answer to those who wish to have an alternative to the existing multiboot tools, which have now become a kind of image in the image, controlling your DM, doing tasks that go beyond their purposes, reaching large file sizes.

System requirements:
MeoBoot is currently designed to work only with Enigma 2 images for Drembox series DM8xx, namely for dm800 and DM8000.
MeoBoot can be installed on a standard CF (Compact Flash), an SD card, or a normal USB key.
MeoBoot only accepts devices formatted in Linux (part1) and this to ensure the best performance in dreambox native environment.
The HDD install option is not available. The HDD standby feature makes the HDD install a bad solution, and therefore the USB, CF and SD are preferred instead.

MeoBoot is very simple and intuitive. The plugin includes an Help button, explaining where to upload images before install and how to remove it. It also includes a feature to format the device where the MultiBoot will be used.

About multiboot tools, and suggestions on how to keep the image always updated.

An insight of all multiboot tools would require understanding that DMM second stage are not possible to modify.

This means that the current multiboot tools may intervene in the process of starting the Dreambox only after the kernel and Secondstage have been loaded.
It is therefore importanto to understand that when using a multi-boot tool, the drivers, secondstage and kernel will be loaded by the flash image.
This procedure requires some precautions:
1) It is a good idea to always update the flash image, to make sure it includes the latest drivers and secondstage. Drivers and Secondstage can be easily updated via the Software Manager, available in the flash image. If the drivers and secondstage of your flash image are old, they will also be used for the new images you will install to multiboot.
2) Do not install to multiboot images too old, compared to the flash image. They may not work properly when the drivers are very recent, and the CVS is very old.
3) Do not use images in multiboot with different kernel versions. This may cause the malfunction of your whole dream.
For example, do not use the latest OzOon images with Nabilo, LS, Gimini or NewEnigma. Ozoon latest images include a different kernel and are incompatible.
To avoid trouble then before installing a new image, always check the image kernel version, and make sure it is the same as the flash image.
These are few and simple explanations that are relevant to all multi-boot tools and if you follow them, you will then make sure that your Dream always performs at itsbest, keeping it as much as possible efficient and updated.

MeoBoot was written precisely for this to be simple, transparent and lightweight.
It is very small compared to other MB and does not reach even a mega.
It only does its job, and does not invade your dream, do not check if it is a clone or not, check your network, it does nothing extra. Only does multiboot!

Enjoy MeoBoot











Enjoy Nabilosat images



Backup NabiloBlackHole dm800 NDS3 093b

the backup was done with the new Meoboot and not Barryallen then formatted MB
il backup e stato fatto con il nuovo Meoboot e non con Barryallen quindi in formato MB

Backup NabiloBlackHole dm800 NDS3 093b

CCcam 2.0.11

Oscam/CCcam <-- 2.1.3

CCcam Info



ecm info

setting Vhannibal Dual Feed

fix EPG Mediaset

questo backup legge la carta sky 093b nello smargo

this backup reads the paper in the sky 093b Smargo

modificato tutto da ANTR@G

changed everything ANTR@G

Good Fun !!


Super VIP
Black Hole Hyperspace dm800 0.3 MultiBoot

Black Hole Hyperspace dm800 0.3 MultiBoot [/SIZE]

What is Black Hole Hyperspace ?

This image is new Experimental image for advanced users only.
This image is not to substitute Normal Black Hole series but it is only an experimental alternative serie.
Normal users have to continue to use standard Black Hole images.
Advanced users that love pure speed and performance can use this image that comes without many functions.

Black Hole Hyperspace is the fastest DM800 "team image" of ever.
This image is suggested to use in flash, is very fast but it is dedicated to experted users.
This is like a "SuperCar", no comfort, no additions but only necessary functions.
There are not additional plugins in this image, not basical function like swap (not needed), inadyn ecc...
Advanced users know how to use and install only what they really need in additional.
You have in this image all that you need: Meoboot, Addons panel, Emu panel, Openvpn... but no more than this.

Using this image you will feel like to be returned to E1 pure speed.
But don't ask for kernel modules, don't ask for devices, don't ask for included plugins.
If you need something extra you have to use the normal Black Hole version.
If you don't need accessories and you LOVE pure speed and performance ... HYPERSPACE IS YOUR IMAGE !!!!!

Black Hole Hyperspace dm800 0.3 MultiBoot

- Dreambox drivers 9 dec 2009 (16 december drivers are not ok these are better).
- Enigma CVS: 14 december 2009 (D+ new epg included)
- SecondStage: 75
- Meoboot 0.94
- New Bootlogos (by ^^MaXiMo II ^^)
- New Matrix X Lite skin
- Epg panel updated







Many thanks to the Beta Testers Team

Many thanks to Rytec, Satmate, Krkadoni and to all the servers providing external precompiled epg for Nabilosat images.

E2 Sky Epg loader integration by MaxZ4.
Matrix10 for the new XLite HD skin.
^^MaXiMo II ^^ for New Bootlogos
Many Thanks to lukkino (VDR-Italia) for opentv source code.
Many thanks to Reinh@rd for the satellites.xml file.

This Images doesn't contain any keys nor softcams.
Backups or other modified Images are not supported!

Nabilosat Team will support only and exclusively images installed to flash. Nabilosat Team will not provide any support or help for installing its images to multiboot with any kind of tools. In this case, you must apply to the tools author. Please do not ask Nabilosat Team to provide support for tools not developed by Nabilosat Team..





questo backup legge la carta sky 093b nello smargo
this backup reads the paper in the sky 093b Smargo


se volete usare la carta tivusat restart emu scam_3.57 e legge carta tivusat e sky 0001 nello slot
backup creata con Meoboot e non con Barryallen
importante inserire il vostro BoxID nel file oscam.server
if you want to use the card tivusat restart emu scam_3.57 and reads tivusat card slot and Sky 0001
backup created with Meoboot and not Barryallen
important to place your BoxID file oscam.server

dal tasto verde e poi blu potete scaricare le key
the green and blue button you can download the key



ecm info

CCcam Info

setting Vhannibal Dual Feed

modificato tutto da ANTR@G

changed everything ANTR@G

Grazie al nabilo team per questa magnifica immagine
Thanks Nabilo team for this wonderful image

Good Fun !!​



NabiloBlackHole_DM800_012 backup by Dream-sat team
Cams: CCcam 2.11
CCcam 2.12
Mbox 04 023

Plugins I dio: -dugo pritisnuti plavo dugme

Plugins II dio (zeleno dugme):


Sve pluginse koje nećete koristiti možete deinstalirati kroz addons manager.

Settings: Motorna lista Don@ dorađena za E2

Passwd: dreambox ili vas originalni jer BA povuce istog kod instalacije

Skin: Miro (Matrix) BH 012 originalni

Za ispravan rad potrebno je u flashu imati image novije generacije - preporuka Zadnji ozzone koji imaju novi kernel jer zadnje verzije Barry Allena su vezane uz noviji kernel.
Isti image radi sam software update ako je tako podešen i bootan flash naravno.

Potrebno je podesiti postavke tunera sukladno vasoj konfiguraciji te isto tako podesiti mrezu i ubaciti vase config fileove i kljuceve (cccam, gbox, mbox) jer isti nisu ukljuceni u imageu.