Looking for Program for Creating C-Lines


Hi I'm looking for a program for me to create my own C-Lines with timers etc.. basically I want to create CCcam lines and add timers on them so they go off at certain times and dates..

Thankyou in advance. :thum:


I found this********

Add expiry date for any F line
This is a very wonderful addition for CCcam server owners to control their F lines

They can add Expiry date for any F line

1st: you create the F line as normal and end it with the Expiry date

F: user pass 1 1 0 { 0:0:1 } #13-05-2011

2nd: download the Expiry script from here and add it on the following directory

3rd: chmod 755

chmod 755 /bin/expiry
Finally: we make the script to check the remove the expired F line daily at 12AM by the following

crontab -e

add this

00 00 * * * root /bin/expiry
now you will found new file with name "expired" on the directory

where all you expired F lines listed

but I don't know were you put this 00 00 * * * root /bin/expiry

any help will be appreciated..