
Like I mentioned before the fix for menu/setup is:
replacing line 1577 in plugin.py to if menuid == "setup" :

I have to do that everytime. We have no idea why yet. The crash log for scrolling the movie 25:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<crashdate>Sun Dec 1 20:57:40 2013</crashdate>
<compiledate>Nov 3 2013</compiledate>
<contactemail>forum at www.openpli.org</contactemail>
<!-- Please email this crashlog to above address -->
<sourcedate>Nov 3 2013</sourcedate>
<branch>(no branch)</branch>
Linux dm800 2.6.18-7.4-dm800 #1 Fri Jan 18 22:00:51 CET 2013 7401c0 GNU/Linux
<kernelcmdline>root=/dev/mtdblock3 rootfstype=jffs2 rw console=null</kernelcmdline>
<nimsockets>NIM Socket 0:</nimsockets>
<!-- No such file or directory -->
OpenEmbedded Linux %h

openpli 2.1 %h

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[SKIN] Parsing embedded skin <embedded-in-'TSmediascreen'>
[Picload] setPara max-X=150 max-Y=150 aspect_ratio=1.000000 cache=1 resize=1 bg=#00000000
action -> DirectionActions down
action -> DirectionActions downUp
unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
action -> OkCancelActions ok
[SKIN] Parsing embedded skin <embedded-in-'catogeriesScreenmovie'>
action -> WizardActions down
action -> WizardActions down
action -> WizardActions down
action -> OkCancelActions ok
Movie25 movies
147 streamlist
[SKIN] Parsing embedded skin <embedded-in-'genreScreenmovie'>
action -> OkCancelActions ok
A-Z http://www.movie25.com/mystery/a-z/
[SKIN] Parsing embedded skin <embedded-in-'genreScreenmovieAZ'>
action -> OkCancelActions cancel
action -> OkCancelActions ok
New Releases http://www.movie25.com/movies/new-releases/
263 http://www.movie25.com/movies/new-releases/
[SKIN] Parsing embedded skin <embedded-in-'TSmovie2kPlaylist'>
346 http://www.movie25.com/movies/new-releases/
mah661 http://www.movie25.com/movies/new-releases/1
pcount 422
images ['HF81puN', 'LZUGUi1', 'fLktVjy', 'x43Q4TU', '0QJjcuM', 'okYfisi', 'hNyZDDj', 'xfVrksc', 'SnsHdlb', 'YL0PtSk', 'DxDxRTL', 'lsVtRKe', 'XuvAYIN', 'LReOe0z', 'uOtYYIt', 'Nz73mw5', 'FxrwPfg', 't4yASre', 'ptQUlDh', 'g4tMG6M', 'WyyEGuw', 'EavnVS1', 'eXmH8ad', 'QU9u3k4', 'Mnc9flA', 'xSQWjJ8', 'E9tftbM', '9WwpHN9']
[('Geography Club (2013)', 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/geography-club-2013-42891.html', 'http://i.imgur.com/HF81puN.jpg'), ('Zombex (2013)', 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/zombex-2013-42872.html', 'http://i.imgur.com/LZUGUi1.jpg'), ('Sucker (2013)', 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/sucker-2013-42871.html', 'http://i.imgur.com/fLktVjy.jpg'), ("The Carpenter's Miracle (2013)", 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/the-carpenter-s-miracle-2013-42869.html', 'http://i.imgur.com/x43Q4TU.jpg'), ('Bering Sea Beast (2013)', 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/bering-sea-beast-2013-42865.html', 'http://i.imgur.com/0QJjcuM.jpg'), ('Jinxed (2013)', 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/jinxed-2013-42860.html', 'http://i.imgur.com/okYfisi.jpg'), ('Bank Roll (2013)', 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/bank-roll-2013-42856.html', 'http://i.imgur.com/hNyZDDj.jpg'), ('Monster Pies (2013)', 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/monster-pies-2013-42849.html', 'http://i.imgur.com/xfVrksc.jpg'), ('Legendary: Tomb of the Dragon (2013)', 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/legendary-tomb-of-the-dragon-2013-42848.html', 'http://i.imgur.com/SnsHdlb.jpg'), ('Rape Zombie: Lust of the Dead (2012)', 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/rape-zombie-lust-of-the-dead-2012-42835.html', 'http://i.imgur.com/YL0PtSk.jpg'), ('Justin and the Knights of Valour (2013)', 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/justin-and-the-knights-of-valour-2013-42834.html', 'http://i.imgur.com/DxDxRTL.jpg'), ('Three-60 (2013)', 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/three-60-2013-42825.html', 'http://i.imgur.com/lsVtRKe.jpg'), ('The Dead Man and Being Happy (2013)', 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/the-dead-man-and-being-happy-2013-42823.html', 'http://i.imgur.com/XuvAYIN.jpg'), ("I'm in Love with a Church Girl (2013)", 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/i-m-in-love-with-a-church-girl-2013-42821.html', 'http://i.imgur.com/LReOe0z.jpg'), ('The Best Man Holiday (2013)', 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/the-best-man-holiday-2013-42815.html', 'http://i.imgur.com/uOtYYIt.jpg'), ('Raptor Ranch (2013)', 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/raptor-ranch-2013-42820.html', 'http://i.imgur.com/Nz73mw5.jpg'), ('Enemies Closer (2013)', 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/enemies-closer-2013-42819.html', 'http://i.imgur.com/FxrwPfg.jpg'), ('Unidentified (2013)', 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/unidentified-2013-42816.html', 'http://i.imgur.com/t4yASre.jpg'), ('Legacy (2013)', 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/legacy-2013-42818.html', 'http://i.imgur.com/ptQUlDh.jpg'), ('Force of Execution (2013)', 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/force-of-execution-2013-42814.html', 'http://i.imgur.com/g4tMG6M.jpg'), ('Christmas with Tucker (2013)', 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/christmas-with-tucker-2013-42809.html', 'http://i.imgur.com/WyyEGuw.jpg'), ('Christmas Bounty (2013)', 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/christmas-bounty-2013-42808.html', 'http://i.imgur.com/EavnVS1.jpg'), ('Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa (2013)', 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/alan-partridge-alpha-papa-2013-42806.html', 'http://i.imgur.com/eXmH8ad.jpg'), ('Tango libre (2012)', 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/tango-libre-2012-42801.html', 'http://i.imgur.com/QU9u3k4.jpg'), ('Just a Sigh (2013)', 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/just-a-sigh-2013-42800.html', 'http://i.imgur.com/Mnc9flA.jpg'), ('Mapa (2012)', 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/mapa-2012-42795.html', 'http://i.imgur.com/xSQWjJ8.jpg'), ('Angel of the Skies (2013)', 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/angel-of-the-skies-2013-42794.html', 'http://i.imgur.com/E9tftbM.jpg'), ('The Complex (2013)', 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/the-complex-2013-42792.html', 'http://i.imgur.com/9WwpHN9.jpg'), ('Last Vegas (2013)', 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/last-vegas-2013-42787.html', None), ('Burlesque Assassins (2012)', 'http://www.movie25.com//movies/burlesque-assassins-2012-42775.html', None)]
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/HF81puN.jpg
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/HF81puN.jpg
[Picload] setPara max-X=423 max-Y=127 aspect_ratio=1.000000 cache=0 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture... /tmp/Icon.jpg
[Picload] setPara max-X=423 max-Y=127 aspect_ratio=1.000000 cache=0 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture... /tmp/Icon.jpg
action -> DirectionActions down
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/LZUGUi1.jpg
action -> DirectionActions downUp
unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
[Picload] setPara max-X=423 max-Y=127 aspect_ratio=1.000000 cache=0 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture... /tmp/Icon.jpg
action -> DirectionActions down
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/fLktVjy.jpg
action -> DirectionActions downUp
unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
action -> DirectionActions down
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/x43Q4TU.jpg
action -> DirectionActions downUp
unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
action -> DirectionActions down
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/0QJjcuM.jpg
action -> DirectionActions downUp
unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
action -> DirectionActions down
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/okYfisi.jpg
action -> DirectionActions downUp
unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
[Picload] setPara max-X=423 max-Y=127 aspect_ratio=1.000000 cache=0 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture... /tmp/Icon.jpg
[Picload] setPara max-X=423 max-Y=127 aspect_ratio=1.000000 cache=0 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture... /tmp/Icon.jpg
action -> DirectionActions down
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/hNyZDDj.jpg
action -> DirectionActions downUp
unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
action -> DirectionActions down
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/xfVrksc.jpg
action -> DirectionActions downUp
unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
action -> DirectionActions down
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/SnsHdlb.jpg
action -> DirectionActions downUp
unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
action -> DirectionActions down
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/YL0PtSk.jpg
action -> DirectionActions downUp
unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
[Picload] setPara max-X=423 max-Y=127 aspect_ratio=1.000000 cache=0 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture... /tmp/Icon.jpg
[Picload] setPara max-X=423 max-Y=127 aspect_ratio=1.000000 cache=0 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture... /tmp/Icon.jpg
action -> DirectionActions down
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/DxDxRTL.jpg
action -> DirectionActions downUp
unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
[Picload] setPara max-X=423 max-Y=127 aspect_ratio=1.000000 cache=0 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture... /tmp/Icon.jpg
[Picload] setPara max-X=423 max-Y=127 aspect_ratio=1.000000 cache=0 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture... /tmp/Icon.jpg
[Picload] setPara max-X=423 max-Y=127 aspect_ratio=1.000000 cache=0 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture... /tmp/Icon.jpg
[Picload] setPara max-X=423 max-Y=127 aspect_ratio=1.000000 cache=0 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture... /tmp/Icon.jpg
[Picload] setPara max-X=423 max-Y=127 aspect_ratio=1.000000 cache=0 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture... /tmp/Icon.jpg
action -> DirectionActions down
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/lsVtRKe.jpg
action -> DirectionActions downUp
unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
[Picload] setPara max-X=423 max-Y=127 aspect_ratio=1.000000 cache=0 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture... /tmp/Icon.jpg
action -> DirectionActions down
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/XuvAYIN.jpg
action -> DirectionActions downUp
unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
[Picload] setPara max-X=423 max-Y=127 aspect_ratio=1.000000 cache=0 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture... /tmp/Icon.jpg
action -> DirectionActions down
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/LReOe0z.jpg
action -> DirectionActions downUp
unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
[Picload] setPara max-X=423 max-Y=127 aspect_ratio=1.000000 cache=0 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture... /tmp/Icon.jpg
action -> DirectionActions down
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/uOtYYIt.jpg
action -> DirectionActions downUp
unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
[Picload] setPara max-X=423 max-Y=127 aspect_ratio=1.000000 cache=0 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture... /tmp/Icon.jpg
action -> DirectionActions down
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/Nz73mw5.jpg
action -> DirectionActions downUp
unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
[Picload] setPara max-X=423 max-Y=127 aspect_ratio=1.000000 cache=0 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture... /tmp/Icon.jpg
action -> DirectionActions down
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/FxrwPfg.jpg
action -> DirectionActions downUp
unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
[Picload] setPara max-X=423 max-Y=127 aspect_ratio=1.000000 cache=0 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture... /tmp/Icon.jpg
action -> DirectionActions down
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/t4yASre.jpg
action -> DirectionActions downUp
unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
action -> DirectionActions down
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/ptQUlDh.jpg
[Picload] setPara max-X=423 max-Y=127 aspect_ratio=1.000000 cache=0 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture... /tmp/Icon.jpg
action -> DirectionActions downUp
unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
[Picload] setPara max-X=423 max-Y=127 aspect_ratio=1.000000 cache=0 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture... /tmp/Icon.jpg
[eFilePushThreadRecorder] Warning: All write buffers busy
[eDVBRecordFileThread] Waiting for I/O to complete
action -> DirectionActions down
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/g4tMG6M.jpg
action -> DirectionActions downUp
unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
[Picload] setPara max-X=423 max-Y=127 aspect_ratio=1.000000 cache=0 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture... /tmp/Icon.jpg
action -> DirectionActions down
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/WyyEGuw.jpg
action -> DirectionActions downUp
unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
action -> DirectionActions down
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/EavnVS1.jpg
[Picload] setPara max-X=423 max-Y=127 aspect_ratio=1.000000 cache=0 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture... /tmp/Icon.jpg
action -> DirectionActions downUp
unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
action -> DirectionActions down
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/eXmH8ad.jpg
action -> DirectionActions downUp
unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
action -> DirectionActions down
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/QU9u3k4.jpg
action -> DirectionActions downUp
unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
[Picload] setPara max-X=423 max-Y=127 aspect_ratio=1.000000 cache=0 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture... /tmp/Icon.jpg
action -> DirectionActions down
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/Mnc9flA.jpg
action -> DirectionActions downUp
unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
action -> DirectionActions down
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/xSQWjJ8.jpg
action -> DirectionActions downUp
unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
[Picload] setPara max-X=423 max-Y=127 aspect_ratio=1.000000 cache=0 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture... /tmp/Icon.jpg
action -> DirectionActions down
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/E9tftbM.jpg
action -> DirectionActions downUp
unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
action -> DirectionActions down
mah731 http://i.imgur.com/9WwpHN9.jpg
action -> DirectionActions downUp
unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
[Picload] setPara max-X=423 max-Y=127 aspect_ratio=1.000000 cache=0 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture... /tmp/Icon.jpg
[Picload] setPara max-X=423 max-Y=127 aspect_ratio=1.000000 cache=0 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture... /tmp/Icon.jpg
[Picload] setPara max-X=423 max-Y=127 aspect_ratio=1.000000 cache=0 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture... /tmp/Icon.jpg
action -> DirectionActions down
mah731 None
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/MenuList.py", line 32, in selectionChanged
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/TSmedia/MovieOnline/m25.py", line 843, in moviesselectionchanged
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/TSmedia/MovieOnline/m25.py", line 744, in loadPic
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/TSmedia/MovieOnline/m25.py", line 747, in loadPicData
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/twisted/web/client.py", line 489, in downloadPage
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/twisted/web/client.py", line 448, in _makeGetterFactory
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/twisted/web/client.py", line 414, in _parse
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'strip'
(PyObject_CallObject(<bound method MenuList.selectionChanged of <Components.MenuList.MenuList object at 0x438cef0****,()) failed)
[eFilePushThreadRecorder] OVERFLOW while recording
main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
getResolvedKey config.plugins.crashlogautosubmit.sendAnonCrashlog failed !! (Typo??)
getResolvedKey config.plugins.crashlogautosubmit.addNetwork failed !! (Typo??)
getResolvedKey config.plugins.crashlogautosubmit.addWlan failed !! (Typo??)



Can anyone recommend(with a link) another new stable image which is very similar to this cobra. One that doesn't use USB though and has all plugins - tsmedia etc.

I just want to test another one and see if that works. I want to try one without USB so I can rule out USB even though I have tried many different USBs.

Thank you



Can anyone recommend(with a link) another new stable image which is very similar to this cobra. One that doesn't use USB though and has all plugins - tsmedia etc.

I just want to test another one and see if that works. I want to try one without USB so I can rule out USB even though I have tried many different USBs.

Thank you
try my backup image that dose not use usb download here http://sdrv.ms/1aUQvcU



Does anyone have any luck with the IPtv on TsMedia i was playing about with it tonight and noticed the JSC channels but when clicking on them nothing came up.

Anyone any ideas

Cheers No10Ranger


Looking forward to v0.03. Will you be releasing a non USB version? Also is it possible for me to return the boot image/wallpaper to standard openpli? I have a box still running openpli2.1 I can grab it from.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk


Hi if I have time I will release a non USB version and yes you can change the boot menus


Just updating everyone - I didn't get anywhere with v00.2 on all 4 dm800hd. I must be doing something wrong. Been trying to sort it out for weeks now. Crashes on TSmedia, Pressing setup and loads of other bugs.

However 0.001 works fine on all of them.

I know weird! So I'm sticking with 0.001 until someone finds the same issue and hopefully this 0.003 might work on my boxes.

Thanks for support


Go into etc folder in there you will find userstream XML

Edit Userstream xml with DCC add your own streams

Now open TSmedia plugin in the box and hit user streams icon,you will find the added channels

to export then channels to bouquets format hit export
Hope this helps you


I can't seem to see the current streams on there like the adult ones you have, would this program work XML-editor v 1.5 by mfaraj57? If do where can I find it because looked everywhere.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Hi the adult channels are in etc, enigma2 and you will see file tsmedia edit that one and add your line in there then restart enigma


I have just flashed latest image but every time I try to go into setup it keeps crashing. Is there a fix for this? Thanks


setup crashing fix

I have just flashed latest image but every time I try to go into setup it keeps crashing. Is there a fix for this? Thanks
hi go into my downloads here http://sdrv.ms/1aUQvcU I have put a fix in for this all you have to do is replace the plugin.py file in usr, lib, enigma2, python, Plugins, SystemPlugins, SoftwareManager, and replace the plugin.py file use dcc to transfer over then restart enigma job done :thum:


Cobra1423: Thanks for your quick reply and help. Working perfectly and I am really happy with it. Great work by you as always.


channel_1 fix 26/12/13

hi anyone wanting the fix for 1channel in tsmedia here we go download the channel_1.pyo file and use dcc to transfer it in to usr, lib, enigma2, python, Plugins, Extensions, TSmedia, MovieOnline folder and overwrite channel_1.pyo file with my file and then restart enigma all done download channel_1.pyo file here ---->http://sdrv.ms/1aUQvcU

ps. image v00.3 is almost done just finishing off a few more things to get it running sweet.:thum:
Last edited:


hi anyone wanting the fix for 1channel in tsmedia here we go download the channel_1.pyo file and use dcc to transfer it in to usr, lib, enigma2, python, Plugins, Extensions, TSmedia, MovieOnline folder and overwrite channel_1.pyo file with my file and then restart enigma all done download channel_1.pyo file here ---->http://sdrv.ms/1aUQvcU

ps. image v00.3 is almost done just finishing off a few more things to get it running sweet.:thum:

update channel_1 was block again by isp's but I have fixed channel_1.pyo again 27-12-13 its like a cat and mouse game lol.