

Marching On Together !
Staff member
Punt@l DM 500 Maxvar Fusion V0.30

Punt@l Fusion V0.30

Informações técnicas:

* Enigma de: Janeiro.2010
* GCC Original CVS
* Web Interface: 5.0.9 Expert
* Busybox 1.13

O que há de novo nesta nova versão V0.30?:

- Nova Busybox 1.13
- Gui inadyn (Interface fácil de configurar para o teu dns)
- Gui Cron (Interface fácil de configurar actividades, programações)
- Daemon panel
- Alguns bugs de menor importância corrigidos (Já podem ter 0 canais, etc)

Sobre a imagem Puntal

- Skin Bluzzy do Porto por pré-definição
- Sistema interno de Picons (Não é necessário um plugin de Picons. Os picons estão internos na imagem). Activar opção em Extra Setup).
- Localização dos picons (/var/tuxbox/icon/ ). default.png é o pré-definido para os canais que não têm picon.
- Activação da criação de um ficheiro log dos Canais que não têm picons (Apenas disponível em Extra Setup).
- Picons da Smartcam internos. (Activar opção no Extra Setup).
- Localização dos picons (/var/tuxbox/icon/ ). defaultemu.png é o pré-definido para os emuladores que não têm picon.
- Activação da criação de um ficheiro log dos Emuladores que não têm picons (Apenas disponível em Extra Setup).
- Pré-visualização das skins no Skin Selector.
- Puntal CRONManager
---- Calendário de execução de Scripts ou Comandos
---- Liste a /var/script dir para scripts
- Reinício no menu Shoutdown (útil quando se muda alguma alguma coisa)
- Data (formato curto) no info do OSD
- Formato de vídeo no info do OSD

Função dos botões:
* AZUL Puntal Panel
* AMARELO Puntal Manager
* VERMELHO Lista de EPG para o canal activo (EPG; MultiEPG)
* AZUL- Controlador da SoftCam (Start - Restart - Change - Auto Provider - Auto Channel ECM INFO no Painel)

--- SmartCam Blue Panel (BOTÃO AZUL)

# Smartcam.config /var/etc/punt@l#

osd-name 1 = CI
emulator 1 = Common Interface
camd 1 =
daemon 1 =
optional 1 =
kill 1 =
sleep 1 =
zap-sleep 1 =

osd-name 2 = RADEGAST
emulator 2 = Radegast [Puntal ]
camd 2 = camd.rdgd
daemon 2 = rdgd
optional 2 = np_init
kill 2 = netpilot
sleep 2 = 10
zap-sleep 2 = 3

osd-name 3 = NEWCAMD
emulator 3 = newcamd [vx.xx]
camd 3 =
daemon 3 = cardserver.dream
optional 3 = newcamd.ppc
kill 3 =
sleep 3 = 5
zap-sleep 3 = 7

osd-name = NEWCAMD
# Este é o nome que está escrito na barra info no Enigma

emulator 3 = newcamd [vx.xx]
# Este é o nome mostrado na Puntal sm@rtcam

camd 3 =
# Num dos modelos enigma, a a camd precisa de ser reiniciada depois de #*TODOS* zapping. A camd é o nome do programa que precisa de ser executada depois de # zaps. No caso da Radegast, é camd.rdgd (noutros casos a #camd apropriada precisa de ser executada). Alguns emuladores não usam camd - #por isso este campo é deixado em branco.

daemon 3 = newcamd.ppc
# A daemon que usamos para começar o principal emulador. Isto é apenas comçado uma vez # Quando mudamos de emuladores

optional 3 = cardserver.dream
#Esta linha opcional inicia qualquer programa suplementar. no caso do Radegast é começado o #netpilot.

kill 3 =
# Se um script inicia uma aplicação, a smartcam precisa de saber qual a aplicação que tem de ser removida da memória. Se o campo "opcional" for um script chamado 'loader.sh' e o loader.sh iniciar outra aplicação, então, o campo 'kill' tem de ter o nome das aplicações para parar o emulador quando os emuladores precisarem de ser iniciados. Por exemplo:
# optional 3 = np_init (and np_init inícia o netpilot) então
# kill 3 = netpilot

sleep 3 = 5
#É o intervalo entre o início da camd e do daemon. (em segundos)

zap-sleep 3 = 7
#Este é o tempo a esperar para que a smartcam dê instruções ao Enigma para que este voltar a fazer zap ao canal, depois da mudança.Isto é apenas feito uma vez depois de o emulador ser iniciado. (Segundos)

* AZUL -> VERMELHO Configuração do CronManager
* AZUL -> VERDE Guardar a cam and Provider e Channel Autocam Pré-definidos
* AZUL -> AZUL Painel Puntal
* BLUE -> AMARELO Reiniciar smartcam

--- Extra Settings (AZUL -> BOTÃO AZUL) Graças à hydra
* Downloads
* Notícias
* Correr Scripts
* Painel Puntal completamente personalizável /var/etc/punt@l


<category name="Emu's">
<softcam name="Evocamd 2.14" url="h**p://webserver/package.tar.gz" target="/"/>
<category name="Download Plugins...">
<tarball name="BitrateViewer 1.3" url="h**p://webserver/panel/plugins/bitrate1.3_dm7000.tar.gz" target="/"/>
<addonmgr name="Addon Manager..."/>
<category name="Ecm-Info Emulator-Info ...">
<execute name="ECM-Info..." target="/var/script/Ecm.info_userscript.sh"/>
<category name="Hard Disk Settings...">
<execute name="HDD Sleep!" target="/sbin/hdparm -Y /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/disc"/>

#Yellow Panel#

*Informação do Sistema - Muitas informações extra da box
*Mostrar lista de plugins a correr
*Mostrar Picons em falta do Serviço
*Mostrar informação MGshare
*Mostrar informação MGStart
*Mostrar Configuração MG

Características principais:

* Servidor Puntal de addons via internet.
* SoftCam: a Emu pode estar ligada a Canais/Provedores
* ECM INFO Disponível directamente no Puntal PANEL
* OSD: Extra Info adaptável
* Info no OSD :
*** netcard_info
*** ecm_info
*** pro_name
*** feq
*** pol
*** sr_snr
*** fc_fec
*** cam_info
*** crypto_info irdeto_ecm seca_ecm via_ecm nagra_ecm cw_ecm ***_ecm conax_ecm beta_ecm
*** icon smartcard
*** icon emu
*** icon network
*** Date

Smartcam output

*** EcmInfo
*** ProviderInfo
*** DecodeInfo
*** CardAmount
*** PeerAmount
*** OnlinePeerAmount
*** Caid
*** Pkey
*** Cards
*** Keynr
*** Pid
*** Allpid
*** fta
*** video_format
*** eprogressbars Graças à PLI
*** CCcam / Mgcamd / camd3 / Evocamd info no OSD
*** começar plugins associados ao emulador
*** ecm.info suporte completo para cccam / mgcamd / evocamd / camd3

Picons Dentro C*B*
Línguas Incluídas Português e Inglês

Sem Key*s, Nem Emuladores Incluídos.

Obrigado a todos os projectos OpenSource

- Hydra
- Nemesis
- Pli
- Punt@l
__________________________________________________ _


Punt@l Fusion V0.30

Punt@l Fusion V0.30

Technical Infos:
* Enigma of: January.2010
* GCC Original CVS
* Web Interface: 5.0.9 Expert
* Busybox 1.13

What's new on this version V0.30:

- New Busybox 1.13
- Gui inadyn
- Gui Cron
- Daemon panel
- Some minor bugs corrected (0 channels allowed, etc)

About Puntal

- Default Skin from Porto New default skin Bluzzy
- Internal Picons System ( Not necessary picon plugin. Picons are image internal ). Only to enable option in Extra Setup).
- picons location settings ( /var/tuxbox/icon/ ). default.png for no pics avaibility
- Enable logging file off misssing Service icons ( Only enable in Extra Setup).
- Internal Smartcam picons. ( Only to enable option in Extra Setup).
- Picons location settings ( /var/tuxbox/icon/ ). defaultemu.png for no pics avaibility
- Enable logging file off misssing Smartcam icons ( Only enable in Extra Setup).
- Preview in Skin Selector manager with no Preview skins image.
- GUI CRONManager setup and stop / start in Deamon Panel
- GUI Inadyn setup and stop / start in Deamon Panel
- Restart in Shoutdown menu (useful when change settings)
- Date (short format) to OSD info
- Videoformat to OSD info
- Maxvar
- Free timebomb

Function Buttons:
* BLUE Puntal Panel
* YELLOW Puntal Manager
* RED EPG list for active channel (EPG; MultiEPG)
* BLUE - SoftCam Manager (Start - Restart - Change - Auto Provider - Auto Channel ECM INFO IN PANEL)

--- SmartCam Blue Panel (BLUE BUTTON)
# Smartcam.config /var/etc/punt@l#

osd-name 1 = CI
emulator 1 = Common Interface
camd 1 =
daemon 1 =
optional 1 =
kill 1 =
sleep 1 =
zap-sleep 1 =

osd-name 2 = RADEGAST
emulator 2 = Radegast [Puntal ]
camd 2 = camd.rdgd
daemon 2 = rdgd
optional 2 = np_init
kill 2 = netpilot
sleep 2 = 10
zap-sleep 2 = 3

osd-name 3 = NEWCAMD
emulator 3 = newcamd [vx.xx]
camd 3 =
daemon 3 = cardserver.dream
optional 3 = newcamd.ppc
kill 3 =
sleep 3 = 5
zap-sleep 3 = 7

osd-name = NEWCAMD
# This is the name that is written on the info bar in Enigma

emulator 3 = newcamd [vx.xx]
# This is the name displayed in Puntal sm@rtcam

camd 3 =
#In one of the enigma models, the camd needs to be re-started after #*EVERY* zap. the camd is the program name that needs to be executed #after a zap. in the case of Radegast, its camd.rdgd (in other cases the #appropriate camd needs to be executed) Some emulators dont use camd - #so this field is left blank

daemon 3 = newcamd.ppc
# The daemon us used to start the main Emulator. This is only started once #when switching emulators

optional 3 = cardserver.dream
#The option line starts any supplimentary programs. In the case of Radegast, #netpilot is started.

kill 3 =
# If a script starts an application, then the smartcam needs to know what #application has to be removed from memory. If the 'optional' field is a script #called 'loader.sh' and loader.sh starts up another allication, then the 'kill' #field must have the applications name in order to kill it when the emulators #need to start. For example -
# optional 3 = np_init (and np_init starts netpilot) then
# kill 3 = netpilot

sleep 3 = 5
#The sleep time is the delay between starting the camd and the daemon. (seconds)

zap-sleep 3 = 7
#This time is to wait for the smartcam to instruct Enigma to re-zap the #channel after a switch over. This is only done once after an emulator is #started. (Seconds)

* BLUE -> RED Deamon Panel Inadyn Cron setup
* BLUE -> GREEN Save default cam and Provider and Channel Autocam
* BLUE -> BLUE Puntal Panel
* BLUE -> YELLOW Restart smartcam

--- Extra Settings (BLUE -> BLUE BUTTON) THX to hydra
* Downloads
* News
* Run Scripts
* Fully costumizable Puntal Panel /var/etc/punt@l


<category name="Emu's">
<softcam name="Evocamd 2.14" url="h**p://webserver/package.tar.gz" target="/"/>
<category name="Download Plugins...">
<tarball name="BitrateViewer 1.3" url="h**p://webserver/panel/plugins/bitrate1.3_dm7000.tar.gz" target="/"/>
<addonmgr name="Addon Manager..."/>
<category name="Ecm-Info Emulator-Info ...">
<execute name="ECM-Info..." target="/var/script/Ecm.info_userscript.sh"/>
<category name="Hard Disk Settings...">
<execute name="HDD Sleep!" target="/sbin/hdparm -Y /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/disc"/>

#Yellow Panel#

*System information Many extra box infos
*Display list of plugins to run
*Show Missing Picons from Service
*Show MGshare information
*Show MGStart information
*Show MG configuration

Basic Features:
* Puntal addon server via internet.
* SoftCam: Emu can be linked to channels/provider
* OSD: Extra Info switchable
*** netcard_info
*** ecm_info
*** pro_name
*** feq
*** pol
*** sr_snr
*** fc_fec
*** cam_info
*** crypto_info irdeto_ecm seca_ecm via_ecm nagra_ecm cw_ecm ***_ecm conax_ecm beta_ecm
*** icon smartcard
*** icon emu
*** icon network
*** Date

Smartcam output
*** EcmInfo
*** ProviderInfo
*** DecodeInfo
*** CardAmount
*** PeerAmount
*** OnlinePeerAmount
*** Caid
*** Pkey
*** Cards
*** Keynr
*** Pid
*** Allpid
*** fta
*** video_format
*** eprogressbars THX to PLI
*** CCcam / Mgcamd / camd3 / Evocamd info in OSD
*** start plugins associate to the emulator
*** ecm.info full support for cccam / mgcamd / evocamd / camd3

Languages inside Portuguese and English

No chaves, No Emu Inside.

Thank you to all opensource projects

- Hydra
- Nemesis
- Pli
- Merlin
- Punt@l

Thank to all friends from Punt@l


Staff member
Super Moderator
Punt@l DM 500 Maxvar Fusion V0.30 Fix A
Punt@l Fusion V0.30 A

Technical Infos:
* Enigma of: January.2010
* GCC Original CVS
* Web Interface: 5.0.9 Expert
* Busybox 1.13

What's new on this version V0.30 A:

- Correction of Strips for operation of other emulators
- New Topbalks

About Puntal

- Default Skin from Porto New default skin Bluzzy
- Internal Picons System ( Not necessary picon plugin. Picons are image internal ). Only to enable option in Extra Setup).
- picons location settings ( /var/tuxbox/icon/ ). default.png for no pics avaibility
- Enable logging file off misssing Service icons ( Only enable in Extra Setup).
- Internal Smartcam picons. ( Only to enable option in Extra Setup).
- Picons location settings ( /var/tuxbox/icon/ ). defaultemu.png for no pics avaibility
- Enable logging file off misssing Smartcam icons ( Only enable in Extra Setup).
- Preview in Skin Selector manager with no Preview skins image.
- GUI CRONManager setup and stop / start in Deamon Panel
- GUI Inadyn setup and stop / start in Deamon Panel
- Restart in Shoutdown menu (useful when change settings)
- Date (short format) to OSD info
- Videoformat to OSD info
- Maxvar
- Free timebomb

Function Buttons:
* BLUE Puntal Panel
* YELLOW Puntal Manager
* RED EPG list for active channel (EPG; MultiEPG)
* BLUE - SoftCam Manager (Start - Restart - Change - Auto Provider - Auto Channel ECM INFO IN PANEL)

--- SmartCam Blue Panel (BLUE BUTTON)
# Smartcam.config /var/etc/punt@l#

osd-name 1 = CI
emulator 1 = Common Interface
camd 1 =
daemon 1 =
optional 1 =
kill 1 =
sleep 1 =
zap-sleep 1 =

osd-name 2 = RADEGAST
emulator 2 = Radegast [Puntal ]
camd 2 = camd.rdgd
daemon 2 = rdgd
optional 2 = np_init
kill 2 = netpilot
sleep 2 = 10
zap-sleep 2 = 3

osd-name 3 = NEWCAMD
emulator 3 = newcamd [vx.xx]
camd 3 =
daemon 3 = cardserver.dream
optional 3 = newcamd.ppc
kill 3 =
sleep 3 = 5
zap-sleep 3 = 7

osd-name = NEWCAMD
# This is the name that is written on the info bar in Enigma

emulator 3 = newcamd [vx.xx]
# This is the name displayed in Puntal sm@rtcam

camd 3 =
#In one of the enigma models, the camd needs to be re-started after #*EVERY* zap. the camd is the program name that needs to be executed #after a zap. in the case of Radegast, its camd.rdgd (in other cases the #appropriate camd needs to be executed) Some emulators dont use camd - #so this field is left blank

daemon 3 = newcamd.ppc
# The daemon us used to start the main Emulator. This is only started once #when switching emulators

optional 3 = cardserver.dream
#The option line starts any supplimentary programs. In the case of Radegast, #netpilot is started.

kill 3 =
# If a script starts an application, then the smartcam needs to know what #application has to be removed from memory. If the 'optional' field is a script #called 'loader.sh' and loader.sh starts up another allication, then the 'kill' #field must have the applications name in order to kill it when the emulators #need to start. For example -
# optional 3 = np_init (and np_init starts netpilot) then
# kill 3 = netpilot

sleep 3 = 5
#The sleep time is the delay between starting the camd and the daemon. (seconds)

zap-sleep 3 = 7
#This time is to wait for the smartcam to instruct Enigma to re-zap the #channel after a switch over. This is only done once after an emulator is #started. (Seconds)

* BLUE -> RED Deamon Panel Inadyn Cron setup
* BLUE -> GREEN Save default cam and Provider and Channel Autocam
* BLUE -> BLUE Puntal Panel
* BLUE -> YELLOW Restart smartcam

--- Extra Settings (BLUE -> BLUE BUTTON) THX to hydra
* Downloads
* News
* Run Scripts
* Fully costumizable Puntal Panel /var/etc/punt@l


<category name="Emu's">
<softcam name="Evocamd 2.14" url="h**p://webserver/package.tar.gz" target="/"/>
<category name="Download Plugins...">
<tarball name="BitrateViewer 1.3" url="h**p://webserver/panel/plugins/bitrate1.3_dm7000.tar.gz" target="/"/>
<addonmgr name="Addon Manager..."/>
<category name="Ecm-Info Emulator-Info ...">
<execute name="ECM-Info..." target="/var/script/Ecm.info_userscript.sh"/>
<category name="Hard Disk Settings...">
<execute name="HDD Sleep!" target="/sbin/hdparm -Y /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/disc"/>

#Yellow Panel#

*System information Many extra box infos
*Display list of plugins to run
*Show Missing Picons from Service
*Show MGshare information
*Show MGStart information
*Show MG configuration

Basic Features:
* Puntal addon server via internet.
* SoftCam: Emu can be linked to channels/provider
* OSD: Extra Info switchable
*** netcard_info
*** ecm_info
*** pro_name
*** feq
*** pol
*** sr_snr
*** fc_fec
*** cam_info
*** crypto_info irdeto_ecm seca_ecm via_ecm nagra_ecm cw_ecm ***_ecm conax_ecm beta_ecm
*** icon smartcard
*** icon emu
*** icon network
*** Date

Smartcam output
*** EcmInfo
*** ProviderInfo
*** DecodeInfo
*** CardAmount
*** PeerAmount
*** OnlinePeerAmount
*** Caid
*** Pkey
*** Cards
*** Keynr
*** Pid
*** Allpid
*** fta
*** video_format
*** eprogressbars THX to PLI
*** CCcam / Mgcamd / camd3 / Evocamd info in OSD
*** start plugins associate to the emulator
*** ecm.info full support for cccam / mgcamd / evocamd / camd3

No Emu Inside.

Thank you to all opensource projects

- Hydra
- Nemesis
- Pli
- Merlin
- Punt@l

Thank to all friends from Punt@l


Super VIP
Puntal dm 500 MV Fusion v0.3
- Skin golden sifteam
- cccam 2,14
- cccam info
- English - Arabic- French


Staff member
Super Moderator
Punt@l v0.30 Final Maxvar CCcam 2.1.4 Black White Extended Turkish Original Mod by toddler 08.03.2010

- This image non time bomb
- Black White Extended skin was used.
- CCcam 2.1.4 has been integrated into the image.
- 4 satellites with current satellites.xml file was added. (Turksat, Hotbird, Eutelsat, Eurobird 9)
- Channel List button at the help to change the channel list view.
- Images are in Turkish and English language options.
- 84% of the memory is blank.