

Well Known Member

The Original PLi® Helenite suite includes the following components:

Enigma 26-03-2007
Latest Dreamfiles and Dreamdrivers
Tuxtxt v1.99
Web Interface: 5.9.7-Expert - PLi edition

The Original PLi® Helenite suite contains the following images:


Use the download URL below to be sure to download our original PLi® images.

PLi® Helenite images

See below for whats New, Fixed & Features

- Enable kernel nfs server for dm7000/7020 (FAQ will be available later)

- Complete new Enigma menu with complete new menus.
- Integrated PLi image setup into the new Enigma menu
- Fixed HDD/CF detection on dm7020
- Get skin now/next from EPGcache (till EIT arrives)
- Show skin streaminfo again in filemode
- Improved movieplayer performance and stability
- Auto audiotrack selection now avoids AC3, if AC3 not preferred
- 7020 and 600: Added possibility to reboot in **STOP** mode, from 'software update' menu

Mount manager:
- Mount manger is now a dynamic list and stays active all time
- Webinterface only shows defined mounts and has an ADD button again
- OSD interface shows mount status
- OSD interface mount/unount is one button with function depending on mount status
- OSD interface has new button to create a new mountpoint
- Added network mounts in file mode screen
- Added network mounts in several setup screens
- Added network mounts in webif/movie menu
- Made network mounts less picky for trailing slashes

- Add EPG category coloring

- Update timezone info to 2007c
- First look in /var/etc/for a timezone.xml file
- Also check in /var/share/timezone for timezone files
- This way users can update/add timezone files themselfes

- MPG/MP3 playback: fixed most crashes and hickups
- Support for RRAS (german channels SWR3, Das Ding & Cont.ra)

- Improved network mount process during boot

DBEPG plugin:
- Use enigma epg database locations
- Remove datafiles after importing them

- Add timestamps to all enigma debug/warning messages

- Motorsetup was not always possible
- Mounting after formatting was not always correct
- Mountmgr in OSD was not always showing correct info
- EPG storage location
- Webif EPG screens for foreign characters
- Ipkg install in Setup plugin
- CF card detection in multiboot
- Preferred audio language setup (matches also part of the audio name)
- Czech preferred audio for Czech Link

- Cifs v1.45
- Recordings.epl can now be shared by multiple boxes
- Due to the changes for recordings.epl the web call reloadRecordings is now obsolete
- Parental lock has been changed
- Pin code check can be valid for x time so user won't have to enter pin each time
- Pin check can be disabled for x time after x times invalid pin entered
- Pin of 0000 is now also valid, let the user decide what pin he wants smile.gif
- Mount.conf has been changed, therefore it is not always compatible to previous versions
- Mountnames in /mnt have been changed
- Now obey the setting 'Timer stop offset' also when pressing record button second time to schedule duration or stoptime on current recording
- LCD display does not show seconds anymore
- Optimize radiotimes (db_epg) script
- Added ftpput/ftpget
- Dm7020: Support swapfile on mounted device (mount first, then swapon)
- NA (E)EPG: some minor fixes
- Optimalisations for the Webstream2DB plugin
- Updated Dutch translations

Known issues:
- German and Frisian languages are not up to date
- When network share servers are unavailable booting the dreambox may take quite long or amy not seem to boot at all.

Many low level changes fixes and other updates...

Detailed info, FAQ's, HowTo's and TechNotes can be found on the PLi®

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Staff member

Thx to PLi Team:

- Swap support for DM500 added

- CVS Repository 21 Nov 2007
- PLi® Repository 04 Dec 2007
- 28 Nov 2007 Drivers for DM500Plus and DM600
- Shuffleplay for MP3, MPG and JPG added
- Make Web-X-TV obey 'zapstream' setting
- Genre colors now as small bar
- Now/next updates in the OSD fixed
- Show Event Info instead of EPG selector, when info is pressed in the Filemode service selector
- Show Extended EPG Info at the bottom of the serviceselector screen
- 16bit Picviewer for DM600 and DM500Plus added
- BEV EPG support fixed, a BIG thx to updatelee
- DISH EEPG setting now also controls BEV
- Blindscan support for DM500Plus and DM600 added
- Section timeout fixed (fixes various EPG issues)
- 'Remove all new found flags' option added
- 'last scanned' services ordering fix
- /var_flash was not mounted after a Flash Erase on the DM7000 fixed
- Give the CDK boxes their own hosts file for SMB to work
- Newsticker in StopMode fixed
- The DM500, DM56xx and DM7000 have the same mount points as the newer Dreamboxes like DM600 and DM7020. Harddisk, USB and CF are mounted on /media/hdd etc. External mounts are mounted on /media/server1 etc. Just as in the DM600 and DM7020, there are still compatibility links to /hdd and /mnt.
- Improved and restyled Web-X-TV
- Title tags for Web-X-TV added

- CVS Repository 05 Dec 2007
- PLi® Repository 04 Dec 2007
- Wraparound in Menu's
- Basic PPanel support
- Zap with PIP
- USB stick automount
- Immediately save changes in Timer List
- Dream keyboard support in text config items
- Support for relative skin coordinates ( 'c' and 'e' )
- Console 'close on success' in several install screens
- Console scrolls to the bottom as new text arrives
- Initializing / Formatting Compact Flash card fixed
- Dutch frequencies in terrestrial.xml added
- Frisian language added
- Stay in plugin install screen after install, for faster installation of multiple plugins
- Fixed showing 'West' satellite names and positions, in Satellite Channel Selection screen

IPKG Packages available on the OpenEmbedded images:
- Openssh added
- Openvpn added
- Gdb added
- Lame added
- Ctorrent added
- USB2Serial kernel drivers for the DM70x0 and DM7025

Enigma2 Plugins:
- NFSserver
- Mountmanager (based on Ronaldd's code)
- Bitrate Viewer
- RSS Reader
- Lipsync Adjust
- Antilogo
- Softcam Setup incl. CardInfo
- Nano Editor
- Tuxterm uses an US keyboard layout

- Fixed streaming over Wifi
- Fixed 'no audio' bug
- Configuration file support added (/var/etc/zapstream.conf or /etc/zapstream.conf)
- Audio channel priority added
The preference language is read from the following source. In order of importance:
1) The 'lang=Eng' or 'langpid=0x5c' parameter in the url
2) Zapstream.conf
3) The enigma config file

- New Enigma1 skin widget: 'prov_name' for the providername
- New Enigma1 skin widget: 'softcam_info', it shows you the ECM info
- New Enigma1 skin widget: 'date' (like time)
- Enigma1 skin: the datestring can be configured for the OSD, example

Via the value "X" the time can be shown in several ways depending your 24hour or USA (AM/PM) timesetting.

X in the OUS way:
0: Mo, 24 Jan
1: Monday, 24 January
2: Monday 24-01
3: Monday 24.01
4: 24-01
5: 24.01

X in the USA way:
0: Mo, Jan 24
1: Monday, January 24
2: Monday 01-24
3: Monday 01.24
4: 01-24
5: 01.24

X + 8 will show you the year extra, example:
9 OUS: Monday, 24 January 08

X + 16 will show you the full year extra, example:
17 OUS: Monday, 24 January 2008

- Updated to version 3.5.2

DBEPG plugin:
- Channels.dat updated
- 'assies' as Dutch xmltv provider added (wolf seems to be down for a long time already)
- DBEPG, rt_uk script: Download latest channels.dat to current channels.dat location, instead of /tmp

- Online update support (IPKG feed) for OpenEmbedded boxes (DM500Plus/DM600/DM7020/DM7025)
- Global satellites.xml updated 22 Nov 2007

Many low level changes fixes and other updates...

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Senior Member
PLi® Iolite "2008 Edition" Images Suite 20071230 Rev.4014

This image release fixes some bugs and annoyances found in the initial Iolite release.

The Original PLi® Iolite 2008 suite contains the following images:


Use the download URL below to be sure to download our original PLi® images.

See below for what's New, Fixed & Features since the initial PLi® Iolite release

- CVS Repository 21 Nov 2007
- PLi® Repository 30 Dec 2007
- DVB subtitling: utterly revamped page composition handling. It is even improved upin in relation to the Helenite version!
- EPG: Don't mark all services 'seen', after receiving an MHW update. This allows us to s! till receive now/next EIT for those services. Now/next is usually more detailed than MHW
- Softcam Setup: don't restart cardserver when 'restart cam' is pressed (cardserver has its own restart button)
- Softcam setup: wait 5secs between starting Cardserver and Softcam
- Rotor WebIf: goto and store require hexadecimal position
- Remove all 'new found' flags fixed
- Softcam script fix. Make it more readable and less error prone
- Various packages installed in /boot: only remount /boot if it is a separate partition (should fix problems with multiboot situations)
- Fixed NFS server (No download needed anymore)
- Old mountpoints /mnt/... are automatically translated to the new mountpoint /media/...
- Compact flash and USB devices as recording media added
- Smaller network mount descriptions
- Movie directory is automatically created if it didn't exist
- Enigma EPG 5MB filesize limit can be disabled now

Enigma1 OpenEmbedded:
- Compatibility symlink /dev/fb0 for the DM7020 added
- Don't show 'swap' menu, swap is not actually created / used
- Don't show cron in 'services' setup
- Stbup & config file added
- Fixed software management for DM500+, DM600 and DM7020
- Fixed PPanel recovery for the DM600
- You can update from the initial Iolite to this Iolite '2008 editon' via telnet:

ipkg update
ipkg upgrade

and reboot your box

- CVS Repository 25 Dec 2007
- PLi® Repository 30 Dec 2007
- 20071128 drivers for DM7025
- IE fix for WebIf
- Setting to disable the 'spinner' added (busy animation)
- PPanels:
- 'condition' attribute fixed
- implemented (basic) 'tarball' element support
- SoftwareUpdate plugin: added confirmation messagebox before starting the update
- Mountmanager: default share 'hdd' instead of '/media/hdd'
- 'Pr! eferred tuner' setting implemented

Enigma 1& 2 Plugins:
- Softcam downloads: use our own newcs.xml and newcamd.conf so they work out of the box

Enigma2 Plugins:
- MovieRetitle plugin added
- Emailclient added
- Opencam SoftCam added
- Lastfm seems to be fixed
- Dyndns added

Skins Enigma2:
- Default picon size 70x53
- Updated picons: Canvas, Veronica, Animal Planet, Eurosport added
- Nemesis.BlackBox added
- Orbital position convertor added

- Smaller "long description" for network mounts
- Mountmanager now translates each mount point to a recommended mount point (/media/...)

- Online update support (IPKG feed) for OpenEmbedded boxes (DM500Plus/DM600/DM7020/DM7025)
- Global satellites.xml 22 Nov 2007

Many low level changes fixes and other updates...

Detailed info, Wiki, FAQ's, HowTo's, TechNotes and information about this and the previous PLi® releases can be found on the PLi® Website:

Image here now thanks Fullmonty

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Super VIP
PLi® Jade - for the Dreambox DM600PVR

PLi® Jade Images Suite 20080713 Rev.5335
A new Enigma1 PLi® Dreambox release is available for download.

The Original Enigma1 PLi® Jade suite contains the following images:

See below for what's New, Fixed & Features since the initial PLi® Iolite release

We think it is important to have a PLi® image twice a year available in summer and winter.

Therefore, we have decided to make a steady Release Candidate public.
As it is a steady Release Candidate, you might run into some unknown bugs.

Please report any issues or bugs on our forum, so we can fix it before the final release of Jade.

- EPG Search added
- Complete redesigned backup/restore menu
- Fully programmable Blue and Yellow buttons to any menu or Plugin/PPanel
- Complete redesigned network mount screen
- New movieplayer plugin as a full and better replacement for the VLCF plugin
- Permanent timeshift integrated in recording and playing menu
- Global worldwide Picon Sets added per Satellite / Provider

- CVS Repository June 29th 2008
- PLi® Repository July 18th 2008
- RC repeat fix
- Build non-LCD boxes without DISABLE_LCD, so binary plugins will work
- Don't shut the box down on fatal Enigma errors
- Enabled TimeShift for DM600
- 2nd stage bootloader: Auto reboot after flashing nfi (DM500+ DM600, DM7020)
- Improved BER
- Auto Adjust AGCR1 to improve BER after tuning (yet only available via the registry)
- Disabled fast zapping for DM500 and DM56x0
- Mount network mounts as first step so EPG can be on a network mount

- Build Streamts with large file support
- Install movieplayer by default on all boxes

[B]General openembedded images:[/B]
- Several ipkg improvements, speedups and bugfixes
- Ushare and djmount (uPnP mediaserver and client) added

- Added keyspan usb2serial driver (DM7020)

- ePicon widget added, used by skin and multiepg
* (uses serviceref piconnames, auto resizes picons to specified dimensions)
- X-Line skin updated
- Global worldwide Picon Sets added per Satellite / Provider

- Updated to version 5.3.9

[B]Network Mounts Fixes:[/B]
- If a network mount is edited in the web interface, it's automatically unmounted
- Use udhcpc config/deconfig script
* This solves the problem samba fails to start in case the DHCP assigns another hostname

[B]Network Mounts Features:[/B]
- Complete redesigned network mount screen DM7000 allows NFS V3 mounts too
- Support for NAS devices which cannot handle cifs Linux extensions
- /VAR can be easily moved to a network mount

[B]Web Interface Fixes:[/B]
- Several in web interface/movie source
- Several in web interface/remote control
- Several in web interface EPG
- PDA webif improvements by Jonc
- Updated working forum links in webif, now containing links to the PLi® wiki

[B]Miscellaneous Fixes:[/B]
- Several TuxTXT bugs
- More support for the DMM keyboard at several places
- Better remote control support for fx2 games
- Several fixes for Tetris
- Fixed the unresolved symbols issue for various SoftCams
- Sample PPanel can be uninstalled now
- LCD output for PPanels fixed
- Capacity in harddisk menu fixed
- RSS configuration path
- Improved harddisk detection
- Satellite setup fixes for more then 80 active satellites
- Recording and playing fixes if a network mount is unmounted
- For writing EPG data to a network mount
- Disable PIG on DM500+
- No longer use (part of) the recordingdescription for repeating events
* Just use the current date as additional description
* Extra info will be in the EIT file anyway

[B]Miscellaneous Features:[/B]
- Default zapstream for streaming to a PC
- Removed: "Show installed PPanels"
* All PPanels are visible in the plugin screen
- Complete redesigned backup/restore menu
- Support for dropbear in CDK images (DM500/DM56x0/DM7000)
- Permanent timeshift integrated in recording and playing menu
- Forward/backward skipping using the remote control number buttons
- "Blue button" completely integrated with Enigma Setup
- Fully programmable Blue and Yellow buttons to any menu or Plugin/PPanel
* (Removed: PLiKey ppanel)
- EPG Search added
- Added <menu> for PPanel to call any Menu from a PPanel
- Support for opening PPanels using an URL
- Movie directory automatically created and automatic fallback to internal harddisk if anything fails
- New movieplayer plugin as a full and better replacement for the VLCF plugin
- Swap menu added for oe boxes
- Ipkg support in PPanel
- Added DISH LNB setting support in Satellite configuration wizard (at first boot)

[B]OSD Fixes:[/B]
- Date in OSD fixes
- Cosmetic changes in the Timer Menu

[B]OSD Features:[/B]
- OSD is aligned according to OSD offsets

- CCcam Softcam updated to 2.09

- Thanks to ims for EPG Search, Movieplayer Plugin and several fixes
- Some EPG webif changes by Alphons (we've added it to the CVS repository)
- EPG Search based on Sourceforge Merlin project

Thanks to the PLi testers for several fixes and features

- Online update support (IPKG feed) for OpenEmbedded boxes (DM500Plus/DM600/DM7020)
- Global satellites.xml updated July 5th 2008


PLi® Jade Dm600 Final

A new Enigma1 PLi® Dreambox release is available for download.

The Original Enigma1 PLi® Jade Final suite contains the following images:

* PLi®-Jade-DM600

See below for what's new & fixed since the initial PLi® Jade RC release

- Satellite.xml split in Ka, Ku, C, S, L band
- Remote control behaviour reverted to pre-Jade
* (Some remotes suffered from very bad reception in the Jade RC)
- North America scan fix by Updatelee
- CDK Flashtool: support flashing between standard partition layout and 'MaxVar' partition layout!
* ('Var' partition is erased when the layout changes)
- Rotor improvement for the OpenEmbedded (OE) boxes

- CVS Repository June 29th 2008
- PLi® Repository September 29th 2008
- CDK Flashtool: support flashing between standard partition layout and 'MaxVar' partition layout
* ('Var' partition is erased when the layout changes)
- Enigma Movieplayer fixed by ims
- Default sleeptimer now 30 minutes
- Insert and delete character support for DM500 remotes (Red and Green)
* Now Red (delete) en Green (insert) can be used.
* For all other boxes Vol+/Vol- and Red/Green can be used - it does not care...
- Remote control behaviour restored to pre-Jade
- Fixed 'DM7000 style' remote control for DM500
* (Added the ability to use the DM600, 7000, 7020 large remote on your DM500, DM56x0)
- Show serviceselector again with TV/RADIO key, but only if the mode already was TV resp. RADIO.
* Toggling TV/RADIO doesn't bring up the service selector
- Timeshift delay input value limited to 999 instead of 60 seconds
- Timeshift / recording support for DM500+ (settings equal to DM600)
- Rotor improvement for the OpenEmbedded (OE) boxes
* (Smooth start and faster rotating at 18 V, motor stop detection improved)

- Bitrate plugin fixes for NTSC

- Channelsetting reload in PPanel fixed

EPG Features:
- Use audio key for searchEPG in EPG channel

OSD Features:
- OSD transparancy setting in smaller steps for DM500+ and DM600 (5 instead of 25)

Web Interface Fixes:
- Some info in WebIf missing for IE fixed by ims

- Enable network and DHCP as default in case the Enigma config is not copied from /Var_init
* May fix some move /Var to network issues
- Do NOT add manually created mounts to the Enigma mount.conf
* It can cause double mounts if such a mount was already done in /Var/etc/init

Highlights DM500 MaxVar:
We've created 1Mb extra /Var space for you...
The removed items are now available via the PLi® downloads at the Software Management

We rebuilt the internal Flash tool completely!
So now you can flash back and forward between the standard PLi DM500 images and the PLi DM500-MaxVar images without using the serial cable!!!

We advise you to use the 'root.cramfs' method for this!
See the url below on how to Flash your DM500 via the 'root.cramfs' method:

See our DM500 Installation Wiki...

Moved to Software Management downloads:
- MV EPG plugin, Mediapli_8 skin, CCcam SoftCam, Cables/Terrestrial.xml, Translations, Games, traceroute, nslookup, IPtables, Netfilter drivers

- Thanks to Updatelee for North America scan fix

Thanks to the PLi testers for several fixes and features

- Online update support (IPKG feed) for OpenEmbedded boxes
* (DM500Plus/DM600/DM7020)
- Global satellites.xml updated September 29th 2008
* (DVB-S: FEC = Automatic; DVB-S2: FEC = Normal; DVB-S2 can't handle auto-FEC)
- Satellites.xml split in Ka, Ku, C, S, L band​


Staff member
PLi® Jade2 Images DM 600 Suite Rev.6300

New features highlights:
- New tuxtxt plugin
- Tuxtxt subtitling (enable tuxtxt caching to get this feature)
- Current and next EPG can be switched in service selector using audio key
- Added "browse" selection in various menus
- Timeshifts can be recorded on a separate location now
- Selectable remote control channel

More new features:
- CVS Repository 11/01/2009
- PLi® Repository 18/03/2009
- Update to CCcam 2.0.11 for normal DM500 image and DM56x0 image
- Default CCcam selected in cam setup for non-maxvar DM500, DM56xx
- Updated encoding.conf
- Removed movieplayer in DM500 maxvar image(image became too large, it's downloadable now)
- Disable AC3, teletext stream recording added
- web-x-tv: added support for vlc 0.9.x
- Automatic LinuxExtensions correction for cifs mounts. Improves NAS compatibilty
- Added teletext as programmable yellow/blue button
- Support for slave harddisk on DM7020

- Web interface timer menu fixes
- Let exit key on a DM500 repeat to quit menus quickly
- Take time start and stop offsets into account if a recording is added using webif
- Fixed the save button (Green button) if unintentionally pressed in sat config screen
- Harddisk format fixes
- Default small silver remote for the DM500 and DM500+
- Zapstream fixes
- Solved wrong genre in webif channel EPG
- "x% in use" updated in filemode now
- Fixed service selector too near to window border
- Fixed possible problems if /var is moved to a network share
- RSS plugin fixes
- Fixed dropbear plugin
- Backup/restore fixes
- MV fix for illegal date/time
- Remove timeshift options for boxes which cannot timeshift


Staff member
PLi® Jade3 Enigma1 DM600 23.06.09

New features highlights:
- Fixed MediaHighway EPG for Dutch 'Canal Digitaal' and Belgium 'TV Vlaanderen' provider
- Improved movieplayer

More new features:
- CVS Repository 31/05/2009
- PLi® Repository 14/06/2009
- CCcam updated to version 2.1.1 for normal DM500 image and DM56x0 image
- MultiEPG: font size of channel names are scaled too, just as the program name
- Turkish and Dutch translations updated
- Removed LAN selection box in network setup
- The global (all satellites worldwide) satellites.xml updated 15/06/2009 (DVB-S: FEC = Automatic; DVB-S2: FEC = Normal)

- Fixed MediaHighway EPG for Dutch 'Canal Digitaal' and Belgium 'TV Vlaanderen' provider

- Dutch language update by dAF2000
- Turkish language update by Kerem

Known bugs:
- There is maybe some rotor related bug in the Open Embedded boxes like the DM7020, DM600 and DM500Plus images.
* An online internet fix for the rotor users will be released soon.
- Picons may not work if a satellite has both Ku and C band channels

See our PLi® Wiki for more answers on your questions...

Many low level changes fixes and other updates...


Staff member
Li® Jade3 - for DM600 27.06.2009

A new Enigma1 PLi® Dreambox release is available

New features highlights:
- The DM500 Softcam and the Harddisk detection problems are fixed!

More new features:
- CVS Repository 31/05/2009
- PLi® Repository 14/06/2009
- CCcam updated to version 2.1.1 for normal DM500 image and DM56x0 image
- MultiEPG channelnames are scaled too, just as the program name
- Turkish and Dutch translations updated
- Removed LAN selection box in network setup
- The global (all satellites worldwide) satellites.xml updated 15/06/2009
(DVB-S: FEC = Automatic; DVB-S2: FEC = Normal)

- Fixed MediaHighway EPG for Dutch 'Canal Digitaal' and Belgium 'TV Vlaanderen' provider

- Dutch language update by dAF2000
- Turkish language update by Kerem

Known bugs:
- There is maybe some rotor related bug in the Open Embedded boxes

like the DM7020, DM600 and DM500Plus images.
* An online internet fix for the rotor users will be released soon.


Staff member
PLi®'s OpenPLi v1.0 DM 600 PVR image STABLE available.

Release at 24/09/2010

- Filenames: openpli-1.0-dm800-20100912

Please reflash completely due to the big amount of changes

Always backup your settings before attempting an online update.


Senior Member
OPenpliBETAdm600 2011/12/15 Backup bl53

Hi After I long time I decided to do a backup with pli Image

for us that have clones



Emu installed CCcam 2.21 Mgcamd 1.35
both tested working ok

Settings are Vhannibal E1 Motor 03 dic

Enjoy it robi62:thum: