Prima Fila Schedule


March 26 to April 2


Starring Brian Presley, Rider Strong and Zev Berman.
A trip to the Mexican border quickly goes wrong for a group of Texas college students in this horror film. With its roots in reality, BORDERLAND follows the trio as they evade a bloodthirsty cult intent on human sacrifice.

District 9

Starring Sharlto Copley, Jason Cope, David James, Mandla Gaduka, William Allen Young, Vanessa Haywood, Kenneth Nkosi and Devlin Brown.
Over twenty years ago, aliens made first contact with Earth. Humans waited for the hostile attack, or the giant advances in technology. Neither came. Instead, the aliens were refugees from their home world. The creatures were set up in a makeshift home in South Africa's District 9 as the world's nations argued over what to do with them. Now, patience over the alien situation has run out. Control over the aliens has been contracted out to Multi-National United (MNU), a private company uninterested in the aliens' welfare. MNU will receive tremendous profits if they can make the aliens' powerful weaponry work. So far, they have failed; activation of the weaponry requires alien DNA. The tension between the aliens and the humans comes to a head when MNU begins evicting the non-humans from District 9, with MNU field agents responsible for moving them to a new camp. One of the MNU field operatives, Wikus van der Merwe (Sharlto Copley), contracts an alien virus that begins changing his DNA. Wikus quickly becomes the most hunted man in the world, as well as the most valuable - he is the key to unlocking the secrets of alien technology. Ostracized and friendless, there is only one place left for him to hide: District 9.

Generazione 1000 Euro

Con Alessandro Tiberi, Valentina Lodovini, Carolina Crescentini, Paolo Villaggio, Francesco Mandelli.
A Milano un gruppo di giovani neolaureati galleggia nell'orbita dell'instabilità esistenziale. Matteo, che si definisce un luogo comune, è un genio della matematica; nelle vesti di "cultore della materia" tiene lezioni sull'insostenibilità di Gödel, ma per tirare a campare lavora nel reparto marketing di un'azienda in odore di taglio del personale. L'amico e coinquilino Francesco mette in pratica la sua passione per la settima arte facendo il proiezionista in un cinema d'essay e osserva la vita come se fosse un film, dando un voto alle cose. Lasciato dalla fidanzata tirocinante in attesa di asportare il suo primo pancreas, e perse le sicurezze economiche di un terzo inquilino che li ha appena abbandonati con un debito, Matteo si trova diviso tra la passione e la ragione - e tra due donne che entrano con impeto nella sua vita - nell'eterna sospensione d'animo. Se nel 2001, con Santa Maradona, Marco Ponti metteva in scena il precariato in quel di Torino e sette anni dopo Paolo Virzì ribatteva da Roma con il grottesco Tutta la vita davanti, Massimo Venier trova a Milano - e nel libro omonimo di Antonio Incorvaia e Alessandro Rimassa - l'ambientazione ideale per far luce su un tema che affligge la generazione mille euro. Armato della sua solita delicatezza e di uno sguardo partecipe e insieme leggero, il regista di Chiedimi se sono felice s'incarica di raccogliere le esperienze comuni dei precari d'oggi convogliandole in una commedia pura, priva di quelle tinte nere che avevano contraddistinto gli impiegati senza contratto di Virzì. La trama articolata e godibile su più fronti offre agli interpreti lo spazio per caratterizzare i loro personaggi e renderli verosimili all'interno di una fiction che traduce la realtà alterandola in favore dell'impianto narrativo. Nell'utilizzare la matematica e i personaggi secondari come valore aggiunto, Venier trova una formula fatta di piccoli dettagli, di battute e puntuali osservazioni capaci di divertire e allo stesso tempo descrivere l'attuale panorama italiano avvolto dall'incertezza del futuro professionale e sentimentale dei giovani.


Starring Nicolas Cage, Sam Rockwell, Jon Favreau, Penélope Cruz, Steve Buscemi, Tracy Morgan, Bill Nighy, Will Arnett, Zach Galifianakis, Kelli Garner, Tyler Patrick Jones and Justin Mentell.
A comedy adventure about the latest evolution of a covert government program to train animals to work in espionage. Armed with the latest high-tech spy equipment, these highly trained guinea pigs discover that the fate of the world is in their paws. Tapped for the G-FORCE are guinea pigs Darwin (voice of Sam Rockwell), the squad leader determined to succeed at all costs; Blaster (voice of Tracy Morgan), an outrageous weapons expert with tons of attitude and a love for all things extreme; and Juarez (voice of Penelope Cruz), a sexy martial arts pro; plus the literal fly-on-the-wall reconnaissance expert, Mooch, and a starnosed mole, Speckles (voice of Nicolas Cage), the computer and information specialist. Along the way, the G-Force encounters myriad other members of the animal kingdom, including pet shop layabout Hurley (voice of Jon Favreau) and the rabidly territorial hamster Bucky (voice of Steve Buscemi).

Ice Age 3: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs (L'era Glaciale 3 - L'alba dei Dinosauri)

The sub-zero heroes from the worldwide blockbusters Ice Age and Ice Age: The Meldown are back, on an incredible adventure...for the ages. Scrat is still trying to nab the ever-elusive nut (while, maybe, finding true love); Manny and Ellie await the birth of their mini-mammoth, Sid the sloth gets into trouble when he creates his own makeshift family by hijacking some dinosaur eggs; and Diego the saber-toothed tiger wonders if he's growing too "soft" hanging with his pals. On a mission to rescue the hapless Sid, the gang ventures into a mysterious underground world, where they have some close encounters with dinosaurs, battle flora and fauna run amuck - and meet a relentless, one-eyed, dino-hunting weasel named Buck.


Starring Carlo Verdone, Sergio Castellitto, Riccardo Scamarcio, Kseniya Rappoport, Dario Bandiera, Remo Girone.
Fortunato è un camionista che trasporta Ferrari rubate negli Emirati Arabi per conto di una ditta romana. Ma quello che sta per compiere sarà il suo ultimo viaggio. E' ora di passare il testimone al giovane Marcello. Per due giorni e due notti attraversano il deserto e, tra avventure e surreali posti di blocco, tra loro nasce una vera amicizia. Giulio è un dentista cinquantenne, con un matrimonio fallito alle spalle, che si deve recare a San Pietroburgo per un convegno. Un suo collega lo mette in contatto con Vito Calzone, organizzatore di viaggi a sfondo sessuale.

Natale A Rio

Con Michelle Hunziker, Massimo Ghini, Ludovico Fremont, Paolo Conticini, Vittorio Emanuele Propizio, Christian DeSica.
Due divorziati (Ghini e De Sica), molto diversi tra loro (uno e un professore di etica e l'altro un palazzinaro) finiscono insieme in vacanza a Rio, all'insaputa dei reciproci figli i quali, a loro volta, mentono ai genitori fingendo di andare in Spagna e recandosi invece a... Rio. Citta in cui, vedi caso, si trovano le ex mogli dei due che si sono incontrate nella clinica in cui si sono fatte rifare il seno facendo invece sapere ai familiari di essere altrove...


Starring Idris Elba, Beyoncé Knowles, Ali Larter, Bruce McGill, Jerry O'Connell and Christine Lahti.
Derek Charles (Idris Elba), a successful asset manager who has just received a huge promotion, is blissfully happy in his career and in his marriage to the beautiful Sharon (Beyoncé Knowles). But when Lisa (Ali Larter), a temp worker, starts stalking Derek, all the things he's worked so hard for are placed in jeopardy.


Starring Jim Caviezel, Sophia Myles, Jack Huston, Ron Perlman, John Hurt, Cliff Saunders and Aidan Devine.
A space craft crashes into the majestic fjords of ancient Norway and into the time of the Vikings. From the wreckage emerge two bitter enemies: a soldier from another world, Kainan, and a bloodthirsty creature known as the Moorwen. Man and monster both seeking revenge for violence committed against them. As the Moorwen ravages the Viking world, killing everything in its path, Kainan forms an unlikely alliance with the primitive but fierce warriors. Combining his advanced technology with ancient Iron Age weapons, the hero leads a desperate attempt to kill the monster ... before it destroys them all.

Questione Di Cuore

Con Antonio Albanese, Kim Rossi Stuart, Micaela Ramazzotti, Francesca Inaudi, Andrea Calligari.
Angelo è un giovane carrozziere che accumula beni, Alberto uno sceneggiatore di successo che spreca parole. Colpiti al cuore da un infarto e dalla vita, vengono ricoverati nella stessa notte e nella stessa clinica. Vicini di letto e lontani di mondi, Angelo e Alberto scoprono una zona franca, dove scambiarsi emozioni, ricaricare il cuore e risollevare lo spirito. Angelo, padre di due figli e marito innamorato di Rossana, organizza il disagio seguito alla malattia, Alberto, fidanzato senza più voglie di Carla, esplora la sua infelicità e cerca parole per raccontarla. Dimessi dalla clinica, la casa di Angelo diventerà l'officina in cui mettere a punto il motore, il ricovero dove il Pigneto incontra la prima circoscrizione, il laboratorio dove lo scrittore ritrova la curiosità sincera di un'osservazione partecipe. Se Mignon è partita, Verso sera, L'albero delle pere e Lezioni di volo misuravano gli intervalli fra generazioni e le irriducibili incomprensioni fra padri/madri e figli/figlie, Questione di cuore confronta e incontra la stessa età. Da una parte il disagio agiato di uno sceneggiatore gaudente, dall'altra l'accomodante accomodare di un carrozziere familista. Francesca Archibugi, impartita la lezione a due acerbi sprovveduti che hanno rinunciato volontariamente a ogni impegno intellettuale, "rientra" dall'India nel paesaggio italiano, più peculiarmente romano e ampiamente frequentato dalla sua filmografia. Rincasa con un un'amicizia al maschile che diventa il pretesto per interrogarsi e indagare il rapporto tra realtà e scrittura. Esplorando la storia di due uomini di diversa estrazione culturale, attaccati ai reciproci pregiudizi di classe ma uniti dall'esperienza drammatica trascorsa nel reparto di terapia intensiva di un ospedale romano, la regista affronta le sue personali inquietudini riguardo alla crisi sociale e culturale del nostro paese. Storia e cronaca non entrano nel film se non attraverso "finestre aperte" sulla borgata e finiscono per riflettersi in maniera decisiva sulle esistenze e sui vincoli affettivi (e di classe) dei protagonisti. La vita colpita al cuore abbatte il rapporto di asimmetria sociale, determina un cambio o una liberazione nel modo in cui i "soggetti a rischio" si relazionano col mondo: l'aria da divo di Alberto, che consuma nel suo grande appartamento gli ultimi scampoli di un'ormai tramontata agiatezza, e il proletario senso pratico di Angelo, che ha cresciuto due figli e farà amorevolmente fronte all'inettitudine dell'amico. Nonostante la società abbia costruito fra di loro una barriera invalicabile, la necrosi del cuore li ha uniti, allentando i ruoli, aprendo la possibilità di guardarsi in modo diverso e progredendo verso una reciproca comprensione. Se l'Archibugi è indubbiamente abile a descrivere le sfumature del comportamento dei suoi personaggi, la raffinatezza di Questione di cuore si deve in grande misura all'interpretazione di Antonio Albanese e di Kim Rossi Stuart. Il primo mostrando la vulnerabilità che si cela sotto la superficie caustica, il secondo mantenendo una presenza più discreta e distaccata, ma non meno capace di suscitare venature di intenso sentimento. La storia di Alberto e Angelo invita lo spettatore a contemplare, nel contesto di due vite (stra)ordinarie, i paradossi dell'amicizia, il vincolo di necessità e di affetto sincero che la patologia cardiovascolare e la malattia esistenziale hanno stabilito.

The Taking Of Pelham 123

Starring Denzel Washington, John Travolta, John Turturro, Luis Guzman, Michael Rispoli, James Gandolfini and Ramon Rodriguez.
New York City subway dispatcher Walter Garber's (Denzel Washington) ordinary day is thrown into chaos by an audacious crime: the hijacking of a subway train. Ryder (John Travolta), a criminal mastermind and leader of a highly-armed gang of four, threatens to execute the train's passengers unless a large ransom is paid within one hour. As the tension mounts beneath his feet, Garber employs his vast knowledge of the subway system in a battle to outwit Ryder and save the hostages. But there's one riddle Garber can't solve: even if the thieves get the money, how can they possibly escape?

Terminator Salvation

Starring Christian Bale, Sam Worthington, Anton Yelchin, Bryce Dallas Howard, Moon Bloodgood, Common, Jadagrace and Helena Bonham Carter.
Set in post-apocalyptic 2018, Christian Bale stars as John Connor, the man fated to lead the human resistance against Skynet and its army of Terminators. But the future Connor was raised to believe in is altered in part by the appearance of Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington), a stranger whose last memory is of being on death row. Connor must decide whether Marcus has been sent from the future, or rescued from the past. As Skynet prepares its final onslaught, Connor and Marcus both embark on an odyssey that takes them into the heart of Skynet's operations, where they uncover the terrible secret behind the possible annihilation of mankind.


A feisty septuagenarian teams with a fearless wilderness ranger to do battle with a vicious band of beasts and villains in this computer-animated adventure scripted by Pixar veteran Bob Peterson and co-directed by Peterson and Monsters, Inc. director Peter Docter. Carl Fredricksen is a 78-year-old balloon salesman. His entire life, Carl has longed to wander the wilds of South America. Then, one day, the irascible senior citizen shocks his neighbors by tying thousands of balloons to his home and finally taking flight. But Carl isn't alone on his once-in-a-lifetime journey, because stowed away on his front porch is an excitable eight-year-old wilderness explorer named Russell. Later, as the house touches down on the world's second largest continent, Carl and his unlikely traveling companion step outside to discover that not only is their new front lawn considerably larger, but that the predators therein are much more ferocious than anything they ever faced back home.


Con Filippo Timi, Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Fausto Russo Alesi, Michela Cescon, Pier Giorgio Bellocchio.
Siamo agli inizi del secolo e un giovane socialista rivoluzionario incontra casualmente una donna passionale come lui, Ida Dalser. Quel giovane si chiama Benito Mussolini. Lei lo seguirà nella sua azione politica, assecondandone i cambiamenti di rotta e giungendo fino a spogliarsi di tutto per consentirgli di fondare il proprio giornale, «Il Popolo d'Italia». Gli darà anche un figlio che verrà chiamato Benito Albino e sarà riconosciuto dal padre. Ida però dovrà scoprire che il suo matrimonio, avvenuto in chiesa, ha molto meno valore di quello che Mussolini ha contratto civilmente con Rachele Guidi da cui ha avuto la figlia Edda. L'ascesa dell'uomo politico è inarrestabile così come la sua decisione di escludere dalla propria vita sia Ida che il bambino. La donna cercherà di autoconvincersi che si tratti solo di una messa alla prova che non potrà che risolversi in senso positivo. Invece significherà per lei e suo figlio la morte in ospedale psichiatrico circondati da una cortina di oblio. Marco Bellocchio affronta una pagina di storia italiana misconosciuta. La notizia era apparsa negli anni Cinquanta su «La Settimana INCOM Illustrata» ma pochi vi avevano prestato credito perchè in quell'epoca i falsi memoriali su malefatte degli esponenti del fascismo inondavano le redazioni. Due giornalisti Rai, Novelli e Laurenti, riprendono di recente le ricerche e realizzano un documentario che va in onda su RaiTre nel gennaio 2005. Da esso emerge una fitta serie di testimonianze sulla veridicità di quanto all'epoca denunciato. Si può affermare che Bellocchio non poteva non essere attratto da una vicenda che coniugava il tema del potere con le dinamiche della psiche. Ne emerge un film come al solito molto personale che denuncia però una costrizione in cui il regista non si trova a suo agio. La camicia di forza della Storia, con le sue date e i suoi avvenimenti, vincola la narrazione che tenta di liberarsene non riuscendovi sempre. Certo Bellocchio aveva già affrontato di recente la Storia con Buongiorno, notte ma lì aveva potuto lavorare da Maestro ri-costruendo. Qui non può farlo liberamente e se ne avverte la consapevolezza nella scelta stilistica di ricorrere a una modalità narrativa che gli sta particolarmente a cuore: l'opera lirica. L'intero film è costruito come un melodramma sia sul piano musicale che su quello della struttura, con la passione dominante all'inizio a cui seguono la disillusione e la morte. Su tutto questo prevale però una lettura decisamente interessante e che mette in gioco la psichiatria e, ancor più, la psicoanalisi che studia il rapporto tra il potere e le masse. Mentre la follia diviene sempre più collettiva e partecipata nel Paese, ci suggerisce Bellocchio, diviene quasi indispensabile che la normalità (Ida) venga trattata come devianza. Mentre l'Italia corre verso il baratro della Seconda Guerra Mondiale la Dalser e suo figlio vengono fatti precipitare nella clausura degli Istituti. Dove non basterà l'ammonimento dello psichiatra: Questo non è il tempo di gridare la verità. È il tempo di tacere, di recitare una parte. Chi non è disposto a piegarsi non può che essere stroncato oppure, come accade nell'immagine più intensa del film, non può che arrampicarsi su sbarre senza via d'uscita per gettare nella neve lettere che mai nessuno leggerà.


April 2 to April 9


Starring Brian Presley, Rider Strong and Zev Berman.
A trip to the Mexican border quickly goes wrong for a group of Texas college students in this horror film. With its roots in reality, BORDERLAND follows the trio as they evade a bloodthirsty cult intent on human sacrifice.

Christie's Revenge (La Vendetta di Christie)

Starring Dani Kind, Cynthia Gibb, John Wesley Shipp, Anastasia Phillips and Anne Bovaird.
A disturned nineteen year old girl sets out to take revenge on the uncle she deems responsible for her father's recent suicide in this thriller from prolific Perfect Marriage director Douglas Jackson. Christie Coleman (Dani Kind)'s father is gone, and now the directionless teen will be forced to find her own way in a cruel and uncaring world. But Christie won't have to wander aimlessly for long, because now she's crafter a plan to make her Uncle Ray pay for the transgressions that drove her dad to suicide. Innocently moving in with Ray, his wife Miranda (Cynthia Gibb), and their teenage daughter Haley, Christie gradually ingratiates herself with the family while setting into motion a diabolical plan. They say we only hurt the ones we love, and in Christie's case that sentiment couldn't ring any truer.

Crank 2: High Voltage

Starring Jason Statham, Amy Smart, Corey Haim, Bai Ling, Dwight Yoakam, Efren Ramirez, Clifton Collins Jr., Reno Wilson, Simone Bargetze and Danna Hansen.
The indestructible hopped-up hitman Chev Chelios, played to the hilt once again by Jason Statham, returns in Crank 2: High Voltage, picking up where the first film left off - except this time, Chelios is chasing a Chinese gangster who hijacked his heart and substituted it with a mechanical one that needs to be jolted with an electric charge to stay pumping.

District 9

Starring Sharlto Copley, Jason Cope, David James, Mandla Gaduka, William Allen Young, Vanessa Haywood, Kenneth Nkosi and Devlin Brown.
Over twenty years ago, aliens made first contact with Earth. Humans waited for the hostile attack, or the giant advances in technology. Neither came. Instead, the aliens were refugees from their home world. The creatures were set up in a makeshift home in South Africa's District 9 as the world's nations argued over what to do with them. Now, patience over the alien situation has run out. Control over the aliens has been contracted out to Multi-National United (MNU), a private company uninterested in the aliens' welfare. MNU will receive tremendous profits if they can make the aliens' powerful weaponry work. So far, they have failed; activation of the weaponry requires alien DNA. The tension between the aliens and the humans comes to a head when MNU begins evicting the non-humans from District 9, with MNU field agents responsible for moving them to a new camp. One of the MNU field operatives, Wikus van der Merwe (Sharlto Copley), contracts an alien virus that begins changing his DNA. Wikus quickly becomes the most hunted man in the world, as well as the most valuable - he is the key to unlocking the secrets of alien technology. Ostracized and friendless, there is only one place left for him to hide: District 9.

Framed For Murder (Killer Diabolico)

Starring Mark Camacho, Lisa Langlois, Susan Walters and Elisa Donovan.
Released from prison after serving eight years for the murder of her philandering husband, an innocent woman eager to start a new life discovers that the same person who previously framed her for murder is about to strike again. With little time to lose before she is once again placed behind bars for a crime she didn't commit, the determined amateur sleuth sets out to ensure that the real killer is captured and justice is finally served.

Generazione 1000 Euro

Con Alessandro Tiberi, Valentina Lodovini, Carolina Crescentini, Paolo Villaggio, Francesco Mandelli.
A Milano un gruppo di giovani neolaureati galleggia nell'orbita dell'instabilità esistenziale. Matteo, che si definisce un luogo comune, è un genio della matematica; nelle vesti di "cultore della materia" tiene lezioni sull'insostenibilità di Gödel, ma per tirare a campare lavora nel reparto marketing di un'azienda in odore di taglio del personale. L'amico e coinquilino Francesco mette in pratica la sua passione per la settima arte facendo il proiezionista in un cinema d'essay e osserva la vita come se fosse un film, dando un voto alle cose. Lasciato dalla fidanzata tirocinante in attesa di asportare il suo primo pancreas, e perse le sicurezze economiche di un terzo inquilino che li ha appena abbandonati con un debito, Matteo si trova diviso tra la passione e la ragione - e tra due donne che entrano con impeto nella sua vita - nell'eterna sospensione d'animo. Se nel 2001, con Santa Maradona, Marco Ponti metteva in scena il precariato in quel di Torino e sette anni dopo Paolo Virzì ribatteva da Roma con il grottesco Tutta la vita davanti, Massimo Venier trova a Milano - e nel libro omonimo di Antonio Incorvaia e Alessandro Rimassa - l'ambientazione ideale per far luce su un tema che affligge la generazione mille euro. Armato della sua solita delicatezza e di uno sguardo partecipe e insieme leggero, il regista di Chiedimi se sono felice s'incarica di raccogliere le esperienze comuni dei precari d'oggi convogliandole in una commedia pura, priva di quelle tinte nere che avevano contraddistinto gli impiegati senza contratto di Virzì. La trama articolata e godibile su più fronti offre agli interpreti lo spazio per caratterizzare i loro personaggi e renderli verosimili all'interno di una fiction che traduce la realtà alterandola in favore dell'impianto narrativo. Nell'utilizzare la matematica e i personaggi secondari come valore aggiunto, Venier trova una formula fatta di piccoli dettagli, di battute e puntuali osservazioni capaci di divertire e allo stesso tempo descrivere l'attuale panorama italiano avvolto dall'incertezza del futuro professionale e sentimentale dei giovani.

Ice Age 3: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs (L'era Glaciale 3 - L'alba dei Dinosauri)

The sub-zero heroes from the worldwide blockbusters Ice Age and Ice Age: The Meldown are back, on an incredible adventure...for the ages. Scrat is still trying to nab the ever-elusive nut (while, maybe, finding true love); Manny and Ellie await the birth of their mini-mammoth, Sid the sloth gets into trouble when he creates his own makeshift family by hijacking some dinosaur eggs; and Diego the saber-toothed tiger wonders if he's growing too "soft" hanging with his pals. On a mission to rescue the hapless Sid, the gang ventures into a mysterious underground world, where they have some close encounters with dinosaurs, battle flora and fauna run amuck - and meet a relentless, one-eyed, dino-hunting weasel named Buck.

Natale A Rio

Con Michelle Hunziker, Massimo Ghini, Ludovico Fremont, Paolo Conticini, Vittorio Emanuele Propizio, Christian DeSica.
Due divorziati (Ghini e De Sica), molto diversi tra loro (uno e un professore di etica e l'altro un palazzinaro) finiscono insieme in vacanza a Rio, all'insaputa dei reciproci figli i quali, a loro volta, mentono ai genitori fingendo di andare in Spagna e recandosi invece a... Rio. Citta in cui, vedi caso, si trovano le ex mogli dei due che si sono incontrate nella clinica in cui si sono fatte rifare il seno facendo invece sapere ai familiari di essere altrove...

Nat e il segreto di Eleonora

Nat riceve in dono una biblioteca e tutti i libri che questa contiene... un'eredità davvero bizzarra lasciatagli da sua zia Eleonora! In effetti, ogni opera è un pezzo originale, e la notte, gli eroi della letteratura per bambini escono dai loro libri... Nat cominca a fare la conoscenza e si vede designato a succedere alla sua antenata: dovrà proteggerli. Se, per disgrazia, dovessero lasciare quella biblioteca, le loro storeie verrebbero dimenticate per sempre e perfino loro sparirebbero... Ed è proprio quando i suoi genitori decidono di vedere i libri, che l'avventura comincia! Nat, accidentalmente ridotto alla stessa dimensione dei piccoli eroi, farà tutto il possibile per salvare i suoi amici e le loro storie. Alice, Gulliver, Cappuccetto Rosso... saranno loro ad aiutarlo a portare a buon fine questa missione!


Starring Idris Elba, Beyoncé Knowles, Ali Larter, Bruce McGill, Jerry O'Connell and Christine Lahti.
Derek Charles (Idris Elba), a successful asset manager who has just received a huge promotion, is blissfully happy in his career and in his marriage to the beautiful Sharon (Beyoncé Knowles). But when Lisa (Ali Larter), a temp worker, starts stalking Derek, all the things he's worked so hard for are placed in jeopardy.


Starring Jim Caviezel, Sophia Myles, Jack Huston, Ron Perlman, John Hurt, Cliff Saunders and Aidan Devine.
A space craft crashes into the majestic fjords of ancient Norway and into the time of the Vikings. From the wreckage emerge two bitter enemies: a soldier from another world, Kainan, and a bloodthirsty creature known as the Moorwen. Man and monster both seeking revenge for violence committed against them. As the Moorwen ravages the Viking world, killing everything in its path, Kainan forms an unlikely alliance with the primitive but fierce warriors. Combining his advanced technology with ancient Iron Age weapons, the hero leads a desperate attempt to kill the monster ... before it destroys them all.

Questione Di Cuore

Con Antonio Albanese, Kim Rossi Stuart, Micaela Ramazzotti, Francesca Inaudi, Andrea Calligari.
Angelo è un giovane carrozziere che accumula beni, Alberto uno sceneggiatore di successo che spreca parole. Colpiti al cuore da un infarto e dalla vita, vengono ricoverati nella stessa notte e nella stessa clinica. Vicini di letto e lontani di mondi, Angelo e Alberto scoprono una zona franca, dove scambiarsi emozioni, ricaricare il cuore e risollevare lo spirito. Angelo, padre di due figli e marito innamorato di Rossana, organizza il disagio seguito alla malattia, Alberto, fidanzato senza più voglie di Carla, esplora la sua infelicità e cerca parole per raccontarla. Dimessi dalla clinica, la casa di Angelo diventerà l'officina in cui mettere a punto il motore, il ricovero dove il Pigneto incontra la prima circoscrizione, il laboratorio dove lo scrittore ritrova la curiosità sincera di un'osservazione partecipe. Se Mignon è partita, Verso sera, L'albero delle pere e Lezioni di volo misuravano gli intervalli fra generazioni e le irriducibili incomprensioni fra padri/madri e figli/figlie, Questione di cuore confronta e incontra la stessa età. Da una parte il disagio agiato di uno sceneggiatore gaudente, dall'altra l'accomodante accomodare di un carrozziere familista. Francesca Archibugi, impartita la lezione a due acerbi sprovveduti che hanno rinunciato volontariamente a ogni impegno intellettuale, "rientra" dall'India nel paesaggio italiano, più peculiarmente romano e ampiamente frequentato dalla sua filmografia. Rincasa con un un'amicizia al maschile che diventa il pretesto per interrogarsi e indagare il rapporto tra realtà e scrittura. Esplorando la storia di due uomini di diversa estrazione culturale, attaccati ai reciproci pregiudizi di classe ma uniti dall'esperienza drammatica trascorsa nel reparto di terapia intensiva di un ospedale romano, la regista affronta le sue personali inquietudini riguardo alla crisi sociale e culturale del nostro paese. Storia e cronaca non entrano nel film se non attraverso "finestre aperte" sulla borgata e finiscono per riflettersi in maniera decisiva sulle esistenze e sui vincoli affettivi (e di classe) dei protagonisti. La vita colpita al cuore abbatte il rapporto di asimmetria sociale, determina un cambio o una liberazione nel modo in cui i "soggetti a rischio" si relazionano col mondo: l'aria da divo di Alberto, che consuma nel suo grande appartamento gli ultimi scampoli di un'ormai tramontata agiatezza, e il proletario senso pratico di Angelo, che ha cresciuto due figli e farà amorevolmente fronte all'inettitudine dell'amico. Nonostante la società abbia costruito fra di loro una barriera invalicabile, la necrosi del cuore li ha uniti, allentando i ruoli, aprendo la possibilità di guardarsi in modo diverso e progredendo verso una reciproca comprensione. Se l'Archibugi è indubbiamente abile a descrivere le sfumature del comportamento dei suoi personaggi, la raffinatezza di Questione di cuore si deve in grande misura all'interpretazione di Antonio Albanese e di Kim Rossi Stuart. Il primo mostrando la vulnerabilità che si cela sotto la superficie caustica, il secondo mantenendo una presenza più discreta e distaccata, ma non meno capace di suscitare venature di intenso sentimento. La storia di Alberto e Angelo invita lo spettatore a contemplare, nel contesto di due vite (stra)ordinarie, i paradossi dell'amicizia, il vincolo di necessità e di affetto sincero che la patologia cardiovascolare e la malattia esistenziale hanno stabilito.

S. Darko

Starring Justin Chatwin, Ed Westwick, Briana Evigan, Daveigh Chase and Elizabeth Berkley.
Daveigh Chase reprises her role as Samantha Darko in this sequel set seven years after the events of director Richard Kelly's acclaimed cult hit. The day Donnie Darko died, his family died too. Almost a decade later, eighteen year old Sam still feels the loss every day. She longs to become a professional dancer, and decides to take a road trip to California with her best friend Corey (Briana Evigan). When their car breaks down just outside the dusty small town of Conejo Springs, carefree Corey bides her time waiting for a new water pump to arrive by striking up a friendship with local bad boy Randy Holt (Ed Westwick). The following morning, a meteor crashes to the ground nearby, destroying a local farmer's windmill and leaving a gaping crater in the ground. In the aftermath of that unsettling incident, Sam's disturbing prophetic dreams seem to start spilling over into the real world. Could the people around her prove the key to unlocking this unearthly mystery? Unfortunately for Sam, religious fanatics Trudy Potter (Elizabeth Berkley) and Pastor John Mellit (Matthew Davis) seem more interested in spouting religious clichés that pondering the end of the world, and Randy and the locals are too busy partying to notice that events are coming to a head. When the locals begin to gossip, Sam and Corey's friendship starts to suffer, and the pair have a bitter falling out. Unaware of the fact that they have become inexorably bound by fate to a missing child, an unstable Gulf War veteran, and a mysterious rift in the time-space continuum, the former friends discover that the world will soon perish unless a substantial sacrifice is made.


A feisty septuagenarian teams with a fearless wilderness ranger to do battle with a vicious band of beasts and villains in this computer-animated adventure scripted by Pixar veteran Bob Peterson and co-directed by Peterson and Monsters, Inc. director Peter Docter. Carl Fredricksen is a 78-year-old balloon salesman. His entire life, Carl has longed to wander the wilds of South America. Then, one day, the irascible senior citizen shocks his neighbors by tying thousands of balloons to his home and finally taking flight. But Carl isn't alone on his once-in-a-lifetime journey, because stowed away on his front porch is an excitable eight-year-old wilderness explorer named Russell. Later, as the house touches down on the world's second largest continent, Carl and his unlikely traveling companion step outside to discover that not only is their new front lawn considerably larger, but that the predators therein are much more ferocious than anything they ever faced back home.


Con Filippo Timi, Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Fausto Russo Alesi, Michela Cescon, Pier Giorgio Bellocchio.
Siamo agli inizi del secolo e un giovane socialista rivoluzionario incontra casualmente una donna passionale come lui, Ida Dalser. Quel giovane si chiama Benito Mussolini. Lei lo seguirà nella sua azione politica, assecondandone i cambiamenti di rotta e giungendo fino a spogliarsi di tutto per consentirgli di fondare il proprio giornale, «Il Popolo d'Italia». Gli darà anche un figlio che verrà chiamato Benito Albino e sarà riconosciuto dal padre. Ida però dovrà scoprire che il suo matrimonio, avvenuto in chiesa, ha molto meno valore di quello che Mussolini ha contratto civilmente con Rachele Guidi da cui ha avuto la figlia Edda. L'ascesa dell'uomo politico è inarrestabile così come la sua decisione di escludere dalla propria vita sia Ida che il bambino. La donna cercherà di autoconvincersi che si tratti solo di una messa alla prova che non potrà che risolversi in senso positivo. Invece significherà per lei e suo figlio la morte in ospedale psichiatrico circondati da una cortina di oblio. Marco Bellocchio affronta una pagina di storia italiana misconosciuta. La notizia era apparsa negli anni Cinquanta su «La Settimana INCOM Illustrata» ma pochi vi avevano prestato credito perchè in quell'epoca i falsi memoriali su malefatte degli esponenti del fascismo inondavano le redazioni. Due giornalisti Rai, Novelli e Laurenti, riprendono di recente le ricerche e realizzano un documentario che va in onda su RaiTre nel gennaio 2005. Da esso emerge una fitta serie di testimonianze sulla veridicità di quanto all'epoca denunciato. Si può affermare che Bellocchio non poteva non essere attratto da una vicenda che coniugava il tema del potere con le dinamiche della psiche. Ne emerge un film come al solito molto personale che denuncia però una costrizione in cui il regista non si trova a suo agio. La camicia di forza della Storia, con le sue date e i suoi avvenimenti, vincola la narrazione che tenta di liberarsene non riuscendovi sempre. Certo Bellocchio aveva già affrontato di recente la Storia con Buongiorno, notte ma lì aveva potuto lavorare da Maestro ri-costruendo. Qui non può farlo liberamente e se ne avverte la consapevolezza nella scelta stilistica di ricorrere a una modalità narrativa che gli sta particolarmente a cuore: l'opera lirica. L'intero film è costruito come un melodramma sia sul piano musicale che su quello della struttura, con la passione dominante all'inizio a cui seguono la disillusione e la morte. Su tutto questo prevale però una lettura decisamente interessante e che mette in gioco la psichiatria e, ancor più, la psicoanalisi che studia il rapporto tra il potere e le masse. Mentre la follia diviene sempre più collettiva e partecipata nel Paese, ci suggerisce Bellocchio, diviene quasi indispensabile che la normalità (Ida) venga trattata come devianza. Mentre l'Italia corre verso il baratro della Seconda Guerra Mondiale la Dalser e suo figlio vengono fatti precipitare nella clausura degli Istituti. Dove non basterà l'ammonimento dello psichiatra: Questo non è il tempo di gridare la verità. È il tempo di tacere, di recitare una parte. Chi non è disposto a piegarsi non può che essere stroncato oppure, come accade nell'immagine più intensa del film, non può che arrampicarsi su sbarre senza via d'uscita per gettare nella neve lettere che mai nessuno leggerà.


April 9 to April 16

Christie's Revenge (La Vendetta di Christie)

Starring Dani Kind, Cynthia Gibb, John Wesley Shipp, Anastasia Phillips and Anne Bovaird.
A disturned nineteen year old girl sets out to take revenge on the uncle she deems responsible for her father's recent suicide in this thriller from prolific Perfect Marriage director Douglas Jackson. Christie Coleman (Dani Kind)'s father is gone, and now the directionless teen will be forced to find her own way in a cruel and uncaring world. But Christie won't have to wander aimlessly for long, because now she's crafter a plan to make her Uncle Ray pay for the transgressions that drove her dad to suicide. Innocently moving in with Ray, his wife Miranda (Cynthia Gibb), and their teenage daughter Haley, Christie gradually ingratiates herself with the family while setting into motion a diabolical plan. They say we only hurt the ones we love, and in Christie's case that sentiment couldn't ring any truer.

District 9

Starring Sharlto Copley, Jason Cope, David James, Mandla Gaduka, William Allen Young, Vanessa Haywood, Kenneth Nkosi and Devlin Brown.
Over twenty years ago, aliens made first contact with Earth. Humans waited for the hostile attack, or the giant advances in technology. Neither came. Instead, the aliens were refugees from their home world. The creatures were set up in a makeshift home in South Africa's District 9 as the world's nations argued over what to do with them. Now, patience over the alien situation has run out. Control over the aliens has been contracted out to Multi-National United (MNU), a private company uninterested in the aliens' welfare. MNU will receive tremendous profits if they can make the aliens' powerful weaponry work. So far, they have failed; activation of the weaponry requires alien DNA. The tension between the aliens and the humans comes to a head when MNU begins evicting the non-humans from District 9, with MNU field agents responsible for moving them to a new camp. One of the MNU field operatives, Wikus van der Merwe (Sharlto Copley), contracts an alien virus that begins changing his DNA. Wikus quickly becomes the most hunted man in the world, as well as the most valuable - he is the key to unlocking the secrets of alien technology. Ostracized and friendless, there is only one place left for him to hide: District 9.

Elegy (Lezioni D'amore)

Starring Penélope Cruz, Ben Kingsley, Dennis Hopper, Patricia Clarkson, Peter Sarsgaard and Deborah Harry.
Charismatic professor David Kepesh (Ben Kingsley) glories in the pursuit of adventurous female students but never lets any woman get too close. When gorgeous Consuela Castillo (Penélope Cruz) enters his classroom, however, his protective veneer dissolves. Her raven-haired beauty both captivates and unsettles him. Even if Kepesh declares her body a perfect work of art, Consuela is more than an object of desire. She has a strong sense of herself and an emotional intensity that challenges his preconceptions. Kepesh's need for Consuela becomes an obsession, but ultimately his jealous fantasies of betrayal drive her away. Shattered, Kepesh faces up to the ravages of time, immersing himself in work and confronting the loss of old friends. Then, two years later, Consuela comes back into his life - with an urgent, desperate request that will change everything.

Fired Up

Starring Nicholas D'Agosto, Eric Christian Olsen, Sarah Roemer, Molly Sims, Danneel Harris, Adhir Kalyan, Annalynne McCord, Philip Baker Hall and John Michael Higgins.
Shawn (Nicholas D'Agosto) and Nick (Eric Christian Olsen) are top scorers on the Ford High School football team... both on and off the field. When they hatch a scheme to trade their footballs for pom poms and join the school's most beautiful girls at cheer camp, the new team members actually give the girls' historically awful cheer squad a chance at success. And when Shawn falls for the head cheerleader (Sarah Roemer), the boys must learn some new moves and unleash their inner spirit to prove their intentions before the all-important cheer competition finals.

Framed For Murder (Killer Diabolico)

Starring Mark Camacho, Lisa Langlois, Susan Walters and Elisa Donovan.
Released from prison after serving eight years for the murder of her philandering husband, an innocent woman eager to start a new life discovers that the same person who previously framed her for murder is about to strike again. With little time to lose before she is once again placed behind bars for a crime she didn't commit, the determined amateur sleuth sets out to ensure that the real killer is captured and justice is finally served.

Ice Age 3: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs (L'era Glaciale 3 - L'alba dei Dinosauri)

The sub-zero heroes from the worldwide blockbusters Ice Age and Ice Age: The Meldown are back, on an incredible adventure...for the ages. Scrat is still trying to nab the ever-elusive nut (while, maybe, finding true love); Manny and Ellie await the birth of their mini-mammoth, Sid the sloth gets into trouble when he creates his own makeshift family by hijacking some dinosaur eggs; and Diego the saber-toothed tiger wonders if he's growing too "soft" hanging with his pals. On a mission to rescue the hapless Sid, the gang ventures into a mysterious underground world, where they have some close encounters with dinosaurs, battle flora and fauna run amuck - and meet a relentless, one-eyed, dino-hunting weasel named Buck.

I Love You, Man

Starring Paul Rudd, Jason Segel, Rashida Jones, Andy Samberg, J.K. Simmons, Jane Curtin, Jon Favreau and Jaime Pressly.
Peter Klaven (Paul Rudd) is a successful real estate agent who, upon getting engaged to the woman of his dreams, Zooey (Rashida Jones), discovers, to his dismay and chagrin, that he has no male friend close enough to serve as his Best Man. Peter immediately sets out to rectify the situation, embarking on a series of bizarre and awkward 'man-dates,' before meeting Sydney Fife (Jason Segel), a charming, opinionated man with whom he instantly bonds. But the closer the two men get, the more Peter's relationship with Zooey suffers, ultimately forcing him to choose between his fiancée and his newfound 'bro,' in a story that comically explores what it truly means to be a 'friend.'

Nat e il segreto di Eleonora

Nat riceve in dono una biblioteca e tutti i libri che questa contiene... un'eredità davvero bizzarra lasciatagli da sua zia Eleonora! In effetti, ogni opera è un pezzo originale, e la notte, gli eroi della letteratura per bambini escono dai loro libri... Nat cominca a fare la conoscenza e si vede designato a succedere alla sua antenata: dovrà proteggerli. Se, per disgrazia, dovessero lasciare quella biblioteca, le loro storeie verrebbero dimenticate per sempre e perfino loro sparirebbero... Ed è proprio quando i suoi genitori decidono di vedere i libri, che l'avventura comincia! Nat, accidentalmente ridotto alla stessa dimensione dei piccoli eroi, farà tutto il possibile per salvare i suoi amici e le loro storie. Alice, Gulliver, Cappuccetto Rosso... saranno loro ad aiutarlo a portare a buon fine questa missione!


Starring Idris Elba, Beyoncé Knowles, Ali Larter, Bruce McGill, Jerry O'Connell and Christine Lahti.
Derek Charles (Idris Elba), a successful asset manager who has just received a huge promotion, is blissfully happy in his career and in his marriage to the beautiful Sharon (Beyoncé Knowles). But when Lisa (Ali Larter), a temp worker, starts stalking Derek, all the things he's worked so hard for are placed in jeopardy.


Starring Jim Caviezel, Sophia Myles, Jack Huston, Ron Perlman, John Hurt, Cliff Saunders and Aidan Devine.
A space craft crashes into the majestic fjords of ancient Norway and into the time of the Vikings. From the wreckage emerge two bitter enemies: a soldier from another world, Kainan, and a bloodthirsty creature known as the Moorwen. Man and monster both seeking revenge for violence committed against them. As the Moorwen ravages the Viking world, killing everything in its path, Kainan forms an unlikely alliance with the primitive but fierce warriors. Combining his advanced technology with ancient Iron Age weapons, the hero leads a desperate attempt to kill the monster ... before it destroys them all.

Questione Di Cuore

Con Antonio Albanese, Kim Rossi Stuart, Micaela Ramazzotti, Francesca Inaudi, Andrea Calligari.
Angelo è un giovane carrozziere che accumula beni, Alberto uno sceneggiatore di successo che spreca parole. Colpiti al cuore da un infarto e dalla vita, vengono ricoverati nella stessa notte e nella stessa clinica. Vicini di letto e lontani di mondi, Angelo e Alberto scoprono una zona franca, dove scambiarsi emozioni, ricaricare il cuore e risollevare lo spirito. Angelo, padre di due figli e marito innamorato di Rossana, organizza il disagio seguito alla malattia, Alberto, fidanzato senza più voglie di Carla, esplora la sua infelicità e cerca parole per raccontarla. Dimessi dalla clinica, la casa di Angelo diventerà l'officina in cui mettere a punto il motore, il ricovero dove il Pigneto incontra la prima circoscrizione, il laboratorio dove lo scrittore ritrova la curiosità sincera di un'osservazione partecipe. Se Mignon è partita, Verso sera, L'albero delle pere e Lezioni di volo misuravano gli intervalli fra generazioni e le irriducibili incomprensioni fra padri/madri e figli/figlie, Questione di cuore confronta e incontra la stessa età. Da una parte il disagio agiato di uno sceneggiatore gaudente, dall'altra l'accomodante accomodare di un carrozziere familista. Francesca Archibugi, impartita la lezione a due acerbi sprovveduti che hanno rinunciato volontariamente a ogni impegno intellettuale, "rientra" dall'India nel paesaggio italiano, più peculiarmente romano e ampiamente frequentato dalla sua filmografia. Rincasa con un un'amicizia al maschile che diventa il pretesto per interrogarsi e indagare il rapporto tra realtà e scrittura. Esplorando la storia di due uomini di diversa estrazione culturale, attaccati ai reciproci pregiudizi di classe ma uniti dall'esperienza drammatica trascorsa nel reparto di terapia intensiva di un ospedale romano, la regista affronta le sue personali inquietudini riguardo alla crisi sociale e culturale del nostro paese. Storia e cronaca non entrano nel film se non attraverso "finestre aperte" sulla borgata e finiscono per riflettersi in maniera decisiva sulle esistenze e sui vincoli affettivi (e di classe) dei protagonisti. La vita colpita al cuore abbatte il rapporto di asimmetria sociale, determina un cambio o una liberazione nel modo in cui i "soggetti a rischio" si relazionano col mondo: l'aria da divo di Alberto, che consuma nel suo grande appartamento gli ultimi scampoli di un'ormai tramontata agiatezza, e il proletario senso pratico di Angelo, che ha cresciuto due figli e farà amorevolmente fronte all'inettitudine dell'amico. Nonostante la società abbia costruito fra di loro una barriera invalicabile, la necrosi del cuore li ha uniti, allentando i ruoli, aprendo la possibilità di guardarsi in modo diverso e progredendo verso una reciproca comprensione. Se l'Archibugi è indubbiamente abile a descrivere le sfumature del comportamento dei suoi personaggi, la raffinatezza di Questione di cuore si deve in grande misura all'interpretazione di Antonio Albanese e di Kim Rossi Stuart. Il primo mostrando la vulnerabilità che si cela sotto la superficie caustica, il secondo mantenendo una presenza più discreta e distaccata, ma non meno capace di suscitare venature di intenso sentimento. La storia di Alberto e Angelo invita lo spettatore a contemplare, nel contesto di due vite (stra)ordinarie, i paradossi dell'amicizia, il vincolo di necessità e di affetto sincero che la patologia cardiovascolare e la malattia esistenziale hanno stabilito.

School For Scoundrels (Scuola Per Canaglie)

Starring Jon Heder, Billy Bob Thornton, Jacinda Barrett, Michael Clarke Duncan, Dan Fogler, Luis Guzman, Horatio Sanz and Jessica Stroup.
Roger (Jon Heder), a beleaguered New York City meter maid, is plagued by anxiety and low self esteem. In order to overcome his feelings of inadequacy, Roger enrolls in a confidence-building class taught by the suavely underhanded Dr. P (Billy Bob Thornton). Aided by his assistant, Lesher (Michael Clarke Duncan), Dr. P uses unorthodox, often dangerous methods, but he guarantees results: Employ his techniques and you will unleash your inner lion. Surrounded by a band of misfit classmates, Roger's confidence grows and he makes his way to the head of the class, even finding the courage to ask our his longtime crush, Amanda (Jacinda Barrett). But Roger quickly discovers that star students have a way of catapulting Dr. P's competitive side into high gear. Soon enough, the teacher sets out to infiltrate and destroy Roger's personal and professional life. Nothing is off limits for Dr. P, not even the object of Roger's affection. In order to show Amanda Dr. P's true colors, Roger must rally his new friends and find a way to beat the master at his own game.

S. Darko

Starring Justin Chatwin, Ed Westwick, Briana Evigan, Daveigh Chase and Elizabeth Berkley.
Daveigh Chase reprises her role as Samantha Darko in this sequel set seven years after the events of director Richard Kelly's acclaimed cult hit. The day Donnie Darko died, his family died too. Almost a decade later, eighteen year old Sam still feels the loss every day. She longs to become a professional dancer, and decides to take a road trip to California with her best friend Corey (Briana Evigan). When their car breaks down just outside the dusty small town of Conejo Springs, carefree Corey bides her time waiting for a new water pump to arrive by striking up a friendship with local bad boy Randy Holt (Ed Westwick). The following morning, a meteor crashes to the ground nearby, destroying a local farmer's windmill and leaving a gaping crater in the ground. In the aftermath of that unsettling incident, Sam's disturbing prophetic dreams seem to start spilling over into the real world. Could the people around her prove the key to unlocking this unearthly mystery? Unfortunately for Sam, religious fanatics Trudy Potter (Elizabeth Berkley) and Pastor John Mellit (Matthew Davis) seem more interested in spouting religious clichés that pondering the end of the world, and Randy and the locals are too busy partying to notice that events are coming to a head. When the locals begin to gossip, Sam and Corey's friendship starts to suffer, and the pair have a bitter falling out. Unaware of the fact that they have become inexorably bound by fate to a missing child, an unstable Gulf War veteran, and a mysterious rift in the time-space continuum, the former friends discover that the world will soon perish unless a substantial sacrifice is made.

Terminator Salvation

Starring Christian Bale, Sam Worthington, Anton Yelchin, Bryce Dallas Howard, Moon Bloodgood, Common, Jadagrace and Helena Bonham Carter.
Set in post-apocalyptic 2018, Christian Bale stars as John Connor, the man fated to lead the human resistance against Skynet and its army of Terminators. But the future Connor was raised to believe in is altered in part by the appearance of Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington), a stranger whose last memory is of being on death row. Connor must decide whether Marcus has been sent from the future, or rescued from the past. As Skynet prepares its final onslaught, Connor and Marcus both embark on an odyssey that takes them into the heart of Skynet's operations, where they uncover the terrible secret behind the possible annihilation of mankind.


A feisty septuagenarian teams with a fearless wilderness ranger to do battle with a vicious band of beasts and villains in this computer-animated adventure scripted by Pixar veteran Bob Peterson and co-directed by Peterson and Monsters, Inc. director Peter Docter. Carl Fredricksen is a 78-year-old balloon salesman. His entire life, Carl has longed to wander the wilds of South America. Then, one day, the irascible senior citizen shocks his neighbors by tying thousands of balloons to his home and finally taking flight. But Carl isn't alone on his once-in-a-lifetime journey, because stowed away on his front porch is an excitable eight-year-old wilderness explorer named Russell. Later, as the house touches down on the world's second largest continent, Carl and his unlikely traveling companion step outside to discover that not only is their new front lawn considerably larger, but that the predators therein are much more ferocious than anything they ever faced back home.


Con Filippo Timi, Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Fausto Russo Alesi, Michela Cescon, Pier Giorgio Bellocchio.
Siamo agli inizi del secolo e un giovane socialista rivoluzionario incontra casualmente una donna passionale come lui, Ida Dalser. Quel giovane si chiama Benito Mussolini. Lei lo seguirà nella sua azione politica, assecondandone i cambiamenti di rotta e giungendo fino a spogliarsi di tutto per consentirgli di fondare il proprio giornale, «Il Popolo d'Italia». Gli darà anche un figlio che verrà chiamato Benito Albino e sarà riconosciuto dal padre. Ida però dovrà scoprire che il suo matrimonio, avvenuto in chiesa, ha molto meno valore di quello che Mussolini ha contratto civilmente con Rachele Guidi da cui ha avuto la figlia Edda. L'ascesa dell'uomo politico è inarrestabile così come la sua decisione di escludere dalla propria vita sia Ida che il bambino. La donna cercherà di autoconvincersi che si tratti solo di una messa alla prova che non potrà che risolversi in senso positivo. Invece significherà per lei e suo figlio la morte in ospedale psichiatrico circondati da una cortina di oblio. Marco Bellocchio affronta una pagina di storia italiana misconosciuta. La notizia era apparsa negli anni Cinquanta su «La Settimana INCOM Illustrata» ma pochi vi avevano prestato credito perchè in quell'epoca i falsi memoriali su malefatte degli esponenti del fascismo inondavano le redazioni. Due giornalisti Rai, Novelli e Laurenti, riprendono di recente le ricerche e realizzano un documentario che va in onda su RaiTre nel gennaio 2005. Da esso emerge una fitta serie di testimonianze sulla veridicità di quanto all'epoca denunciato. Si può affermare che Bellocchio non poteva non essere attratto da una vicenda che coniugava il tema del potere con le dinamiche della psiche. Ne emerge un film come al solito molto personale che denuncia però una costrizione in cui il regista non si trova a suo agio. La camicia di forza della Storia, con le sue date e i suoi avvenimenti, vincola la narrazione che tenta di liberarsene non riuscendovi sempre. Certo Bellocchio aveva già affrontato di recente la Storia con Buongiorno, notte ma lì aveva potuto lavorare da Maestro ri-costruendo. Qui non può farlo liberamente e se ne avverte la consapevolezza nella scelta stilistica di ricorrere a una modalità narrativa che gli sta particolarmente a cuore: l'opera lirica. L'intero film è costruito come un melodramma sia sul piano musicale che su quello della struttura, con la passione dominante all'inizio a cui seguono la disillusione e la morte. Su tutto questo prevale però una lettura decisamente interessante e che mette in gioco la psichiatria e, ancor più, la psicoanalisi che studia il rapporto tra il potere e le masse. Mentre la follia diviene sempre più collettiva e partecipata nel Paese, ci suggerisce Bellocchio, diviene quasi indispensabile che la normalità (Ida) venga trattata come devianza. Mentre l'Italia corre verso il baratro della Seconda Guerra Mondiale la Dalser e suo figlio vengono fatti precipitare nella clausura degli Istituti. Dove non basterà l'ammonimento dello psichiatra: Questo non è il tempo di gridare la verità. È il tempo di tacere, di recitare una parte. Chi non è disposto a piegarsi non può che essere stroncato oppure, come accade nell'immagine più intensa del film, non può che arrampicarsi su sbarre senza via d'uscita per gettare nella neve lettere che mai nessuno leggerà.


Well Known Member
April 16 to April 23

Christie's Revenge (La Vendetta di Christie)

Starring Dani Kind, Cynthia Gibb, John Wesley Shipp, Anastasia Phillips and Anne Bovaird.
A disturned nineteen year old girl sets out to take revenge on the uncle she deems responsible for her father's recent suicide in this thriller from prolific Perfect Marriage director Douglas Jackson. Christie Coleman (Dani Kind)'s father is gone, and now the directionless teen will be forced to find her own way in a cruel and uncaring world. But Christie won't have to wander aimlessly for long, because now she's crafter a plan to make her Uncle Ray pay for the transgressions that drove her dad to suicide. Innocently moving in with Ray, his wife Miranda (Cynthia Gibb), and their teenage daughter Haley, Christie gradually ingratiates herself with the family while setting into motion a diabolical plan. They say we only hurt the ones we love, and in Christie's case that sentiment couldn't ring any truer.

District 9

Starring Sharlto Copley, Jason Cope, David James, Mandla Gaduka, William Allen Young, Vanessa Haywood, Kenneth Nkosi and Devlin Brown.
Over twenty years ago, aliens made first contact with Earth. Humans waited for the hostile attack, or the giant advances in technology. Neither came. Instead, the aliens were refugees from their home world. The creatures were set up in a makeshift home in South Africa's District 9 as the world's nations argued over what to do with them. Now, patience over the alien situation has run out. Control over the aliens has been contracted out to Multi-National United (MNU), a private company uninterested in the aliens' welfare. MNU will receive tremendous profits if they can make the aliens' powerful weaponry work. So far, they have failed; activation of the weaponry requires alien DNA. The tension between the aliens and the humans comes to a head when MNU begins evicting the non-humans from District 9, with MNU field agents responsible for moving them to a new camp. One of the MNU field operatives, Wikus van der Merwe (Sharlto Copley), contracts an alien virus that begins changing his DNA. Wikus quickly becomes the most hunted man in the world, as well as the most valuable - he is the key to unlocking the secrets of alien technology. Ostracized and friendless, there is only one place left for him to hide: District 9.

Elegy (Lezioni D'amore)

Starring Penélope Cruz, Ben Kingsley, Dennis Hopper, Patricia Clarkson, Peter Sarsgaard and Deborah Harry.
Charismatic professor David Kepesh (Ben Kingsley) glories in the pursuit of adventurous female students but never lets any woman get too close. When gorgeous Consuela Castillo (Penélope Cruz) enters his classroom, however, his protective veneer dissolves. Her raven-haired beauty both captivates and unsettles him. Even if Kepesh declares her body a perfect work of art, Consuela is more than an object of desire. She has a strong sense of herself and an emotional intensity that challenges his preconceptions. Kepesh's need for Consuela becomes an obsession, but ultimately his jealous fantasies of betrayal drive her away. Shattered, Kepesh faces up to the ravages of time, immersing himself in work and confronting the loss of old friends. Then, two years later, Consuela comes back into his life - with an urgent, desperate request that will change everything.

Fired Up

Starring Nicholas D'Agosto, Eric Christian Olsen, Sarah Roemer, Molly Sims, Danneel Harris, Adhir Kalyan, Annalynne McCord, Philip Baker Hall and John Michael Higgins.
Shawn (Nicholas D'Agosto) and Nick (Eric Christian Olsen) are top scorers on the Ford High School football team... both on and off the field. When they hatch a scheme to trade their footballs for pom poms and join the school's most beautiful girls at cheer camp, the new team members actually give the girls' historically awful cheer squad a chance at success. And when Shawn falls for the head cheerleader (Sarah Roemer), the boys must learn some new moves and unleash their inner spirit to prove their intentions before the all-important cheer competition finals.

Framed For Murder (Killer Diabolico)

Starring Mark Camacho, Lisa Langlois, Susan Walters and Elisa Donovan.
Released from prison after serving eight years for the murder of her philandering husband, an innocent woman eager to start a new life discovers that the same person who previously framed her for murder is about to strike again. With little time to lose before she is once again placed behind bars for a crime she didn't commit, the determined amateur sleuth sets out to ensure that the real killer is captured and justice is finally served.

Halloween II

Starring Scout Taylor-Compton, Tyler Mane, Malcolm McDowell, Brad Dourif, Sheri Moon Zombie, Danielle Harris and Brea Grant.
Rob Zombie's Halloween II picks up at the exact moment that 2007's box-office smash, Halloween, stopped and follows the aftermath of Michael Myers's (Tyler Mane) murderous rampage through the eyes of heroine Laurie Strode (Scout Taylor Compton). Evil has a new destiny. Michael Myers is back in this terrifying sequel to Rob Zombie's visionary re-imagining of Halloween which grossed almost $80 million worldwide. It is that time of year again, and Michael Myers has returned home to sleepy Haddonfield, Illinois to take care of some unfinished family business. Unleashing a trail of terror that only horror master Zombie can, Myers will stop at nothing to bring closure to the secrets of his twisted past. But the town's got an unlikely new hero, if they can only stay alive long enough to stop the unstoppable.

Ice Age 3: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs (L'era Glaciale 3 - L'alba dei Dinosauri)

The sub-zero heroes from the worldwide blockbusters Ice Age and Ice Age: The Meldown are back, on an incredible adventure...for the ages. Scrat is still trying to nab the ever-elusive nut (while, maybe, finding true love); Manny and Ellie await the birth of their mini-mammoth, Sid the sloth gets into trouble when he creates his own makeshift family by hijacking some dinosaur eggs; and Diego the saber-toothed tiger wonders if he's growing too "soft" hanging with his pals. On a mission to rescue the hapless Sid, the gang ventures into a mysterious underground world, where they have some close encounters with dinosaurs, battle flora and fauna run amuck - and meet a relentless, one-eyed, dino-hunting weasel named Buck.

Julie & Julia

Starring Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, Stanley Tucci, Chris Messina and Linda Emond.
Meryl Streep is Julia Child and Amy Adams is Julie Powell in writer-director Nora Ephron's adaptation of two bestselling memoirs: Powell's "Julie & Julia" and "My Life in France," by Julia Child with Alex Prud'homme.Based on two true stories, Julie & Julia intertwines the lives of two women who, though separated by time and space, are both at loose ends... until they discover that with the right combination of passion, fearlessness and butter, anything is possible.

I Love You, Man

Starring Paul Rudd, Jason Segel, Rashida Jones, Andy Samberg, J.K. Simmons, Jane Curtin, Jon Favreau and Jaime Pressly.
Peter Klaven (Paul Rudd) is a successful real estate agent who, upon getting engaged to the woman of his dreams, Zooey (Rashida Jones), discovers, to his dismay and chagrin, that he has no male friend close enough to serve as his Best Man. Peter immediately sets out to rectify the situation, embarking on a series of bizarre and awkward 'man-dates,' before meeting Sydney Fife (Jason Segel), a charming, opinionated man with whom he instantly bonds. But the closer the two men get, the more Peter's relationship with Zooey suffers, ultimately forcing him to choose between his fiancée and his newfound 'bro,' in a story that comically explores what it truly means to be a 'friend.'

The Longshots

Starring Ice Cube, Keke Palmer, Tasha Smith, Jill Marie Jones, Dash Mihok and Matt Craven.
When Curtis Plummer (Ice Cube), a down on his luck former high school football star, takes the only job he can find - babysitting his misfit niece Jasmine (Keke Palmer), he discovers that she has the skills that once made him a great quarterback. The only place these two opposites get along is on the field, so Curtis is determined to turn Jasmine into the star of the local team, The Minden Browns, and get his own stride back by becoming the coach. The boys on the team don't want her but when this girl quarterback shows them she's got the skills, she'll turn their whole world upside down.

Nat e il segreto di Eleonora

Nat riceve in dono una biblioteca e tutti i libri che questa contiene... un'eredità davvero bizzarra lasciatagli da sua zia Eleonora! In effetti, ogni opera è un pezzo originale, e la notte, gli eroi della letteratura per bambini escono dai loro libri... Nat cominca a fare la conoscenza e si vede designato a succedere alla sua antenata: dovrà proteggerli. Se, per disgrazia, dovessero lasciare quella biblioteca, le loro storeie verrebbero dimenticate per sempre e perfino loro sparirebbero... Ed è proprio quando i suoi genitori decidono di vedere i libri, che l'avventura comincia! Nat, accidentalmente ridotto alla stessa dimensione dei piccoli eroi, farà tutto il possibile per salvare i suoi amici e le loro storie. Alice, Gulliver, Cappuccetto Rosso... saranno loro ad aiutarlo a portare a buon fine questa missione!


Starring Jim Caviezel, Sophia Myles, Jack Huston, Ron Perlman, John Hurt, Cliff Saunders and Aidan Devine.
A space craft crashes into the majestic fjords of ancient Norway and into the time of the Vikings. From the wreckage emerge two bitter enemies: a soldier from another world, Kainan, and a bloodthirsty creature known as the Moorwen. Man and monster both seeking revenge for violence committed against them. As the Moorwen ravages the Viking world, killing everything in its path, Kainan forms an unlikely alliance with the primitive but fierce warriors. Combining his advanced technology with ancient Iron Age weapons, the hero leads a desperate attempt to kill the monster ... before it destroys them all.

School For Scoundrels (Scuola Per Canaglie)

Starring Jon Heder, Billy Bob Thornton, Jacinda Barrett, Michael Clarke Duncan, Dan Fogler, Luis Guzman, Horatio Sanz and Jessica Stroup.
Roger (Jon Heder), a beleaguered New York City meter maid, is plagued by anxiety and low self esteem. In order to overcome his feelings of inadequacy, Roger enrolls in a confidence-building class taught by the suavely underhanded Dr. P (Billy Bob Thornton). Aided by his assistant, Lesher (Michael Clarke Duncan), Dr. P uses unorthodox, often dangerous methods, but he guarantees results: Employ his techniques and you will unleash your inner lion. Surrounded by a band of misfit classmates, Roger's confidence grows and he makes his way to the head of the class, even finding the courage to ask our his longtime crush, Amanda (Jacinda Barrett). But Roger quickly discovers that star students have a way of catapulting Dr. P's competitive side into high gear. Soon enough, the teacher sets out to infiltrate and destroy Roger's personal and professional life. Nothing is off limits for Dr. P, not even the object of Roger's affection. In order to show Amanda Dr. P's true colors, Roger must rally his new friends and find a way to beat the master at his own game.

S. Darko

Starring Justin Chatwin, Ed Westwick, Briana Evigan, Daveigh Chase and Elizabeth Berkley.
Daveigh Chase reprises her role as Samantha Darko in this sequel set seven years after the events of director Richard Kelly's acclaimed cult hit. The day Donnie Darko died, his family died too. Almost a decade later, eighteen year old Sam still feels the loss every day. She longs to become a professional dancer, and decides to take a road trip to California with her best friend Corey (Briana Evigan). When their car breaks down just outside the dusty small town of Conejo Springs, carefree Corey bides her time waiting for a new water pump to arrive by striking up a friendship with local bad boy Randy Holt (Ed Westwick). The following morning, a meteor crashes to the ground nearby, destroying a local farmer's windmill and leaving a gaping crater in the ground. In the aftermath of that unsettling incident, Sam's disturbing prophetic dreams seem to start spilling over into the real world. Could the people around her prove the key to unlocking this unearthly mystery? Unfortunately for Sam, religious fanatics Trudy Potter (Elizabeth Berkley) and Pastor John Mellit (Matthew Davis) seem more interested in spouting religious clichés that pondering the end of the world, and Randy and the locals are too busy partying to notice that events are coming to a head. When the locals begin to gossip, Sam and Corey's friendship starts to suffer, and the pair have a bitter falling out. Unaware of the fact that they have become inexorably bound by fate to a missing child, an unstable Gulf War veteran, and a mysterious rift in the time-space continuum, the former friends discover that the world will soon perish unless a substantial sacrifice is made.


A feisty septuagenarian teams with a fearless wilderness ranger to do battle with a vicious band of beasts and villains in this computer-animated adventure scripted by Pixar veteran Bob Peterson and co-directed by Peterson and Monsters, Inc. director Peter Docter. Carl Fredricksen is a 78-year-old balloon salesman. His entire life, Carl has longed to wander the wilds of South America. Then, one day, the irascible senior citizen shocks his neighbors by tying thousands of balloons to his home and finally taking flight. But Carl isn't alone on his once-in-a-lifetime journey, because stowed away on his front porch is an excitable eight-year-old wilderness explorer named Russell. Later, as the house touches down on the world's second largest continent, Carl and his unlikely traveling companion step outside to discover that not only is their new front lawn considerably larger, but that the predators therein are much more ferocious than anything they ever faced back home.


April 23 to April 30


Starring John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Oliver Platt, Thandie Newton, Danny Glover and Woody Harrelson.
Centuries ago, the Mayans left us their calendar, with a clear end date and all that it implies. Since then, astrologists have discovered it, numerologists have found patterns that predict it, geologists say the earth is overdue for it, and even government scientists cannot deny the cataclysm of epic proportions that awaits the earth in 2012. A prophecy that began with the Mayans has now been well-chronicled, discussed, taken apart and examined. By 2012, we'll know we were warned...

Elegy (Lezioni D'amore)

Starring Penélope Cruz, Ben Kingsley, Dennis Hopper, Patricia Clarkson, Peter Sarsgaard and Deborah Harry.
Charismatic professor David Kepesh (Ben Kingsley) glories in the pursuit of adventurous female students but never lets any woman get too close. When gorgeous Consuela Castillo (Penélope Cruz) enters his classroom, however, his protective veneer dissolves. Her raven-haired beauty both captivates and unsettles him. Even if Kepesh declares her body a perfect work of art, Consuela is more than an object of desire. She has a strong sense of herself and an emotional intensity that challenges his preconceptions. Kepesh's need for Consuela becomes an obsession, but ultimately his jealous fantasies of betrayal drive her away. Shattered, Kepesh faces up to the ravages of time, immersing himself in work and confronting the loss of old friends. Then, two years later, Consuela comes back into his life - with an urgent, desperate request that will change everything.

Fired Up

Starring Nicholas D'Agosto, Eric Christian Olsen, Sarah Roemer, Molly Sims, Danneel Harris, Adhir Kalyan, Annalynne McCord, Philip Baker Hall and John Michael Higgins.
Shawn (Nicholas D'Agosto) and Nick (Eric Christian Olsen) are top scorers on the Ford High School football team... both on and off the field. When they hatch a scheme to trade their footballs for pom poms and join the school's most beautiful girls at cheer camp, the new team members actually give the girls' historically awful cheer squad a chance at success. And when Shawn falls for the head cheerleader (Sarah Roemer), the boys must learn some new moves and unleash their inner spirit to prove their intentions before the all-important cheer competition finals.

Halloween II

Starring Scout Taylor-Compton, Tyler Mane, Malcolm McDowell, Brad Dourif, Sheri Moon Zombie, Danielle Harris and Brea Grant.
Rob Zombie's Halloween II picks up at the exact moment that 2007's box-office smash, Halloween, stopped and follows the aftermath of Michael Myers's (Tyler Mane) murderous rampage through the eyes of heroine Laurie Strode (Scout Taylor Compton). Evil has a new destiny. Michael Myers is back in this terrifying sequel to Rob Zombie's visionary re-imagining of Halloween which grossed almost $80 million worldwide. It is that time of year again, and Michael Myers has returned home to sleepy Haddonfield, Illinois to take care of some unfinished family business. Unleashing a trail of terror that only horror master Zombie can, Myers will stop at nothing to bring closure to the secrets of his twisted past. But the town's got an unlikely new hero, if they can only stay alive long enough to stop the unstoppable.

Ice Age 3: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs (L'era Glaciale 3 - L'alba dei Dinosauri)

The sub-zero heroes from the worldwide blockbusters Ice Age and Ice Age: The Meldown are back, on an incredible adventure...for the ages. Scrat is still trying to nab the ever-elusive nut (while, maybe, finding true love); Manny and Ellie await the birth of their mini-mammoth, Sid the sloth gets into trouble when he creates his own makeshift family by hijacking some dinosaur eggs; and Diego the saber-toothed tiger wonders if he's growing too "soft" hanging with his pals. On a mission to rescue the hapless Sid, the gang ventures into a mysterious underground world, where they have some close encounters with dinosaurs, battle flora and fauna run amuck - and meet a relentless, one-eyed, dino-hunting weasel named Buck.

Julie & Julia

Starring Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, Stanley Tucci, Chris Messina and Linda Emond.
Meryl Streep is Julia Child and Amy Adams is Julie Powell in writer-director Nora Ephron's adaptation of two bestselling memoirs: Powell's "Julie & Julia" and "My Life in France," by Julia Child with Alex Prud'homme.Based on two true stories, Julie & Julia intertwines the lives of two women who, though separated by time and space, are both at loose ends... until they discover that with the right combination of passion, fearlessness and butter, anything is possible.

I Love You, Beth Cooper (Una Notte Con Beth Cooper)

Starring Hayden Panettiere, Paul Rust, Jack T. Carpenter, Lauren London, Lauren Storm, Shawn Roberts, Alan Ruck and Cynthia Stevenson.
Based on Larry Doyle's book about a nerdy high school valedictorian who decides to declare his love for a popular cheerleader during the graduation speech.

I Love You, Man

Starring Paul Rudd, Jason Segel, Rashida Jones, Andy Samberg, J.K. Simmons, Jane Curtin, Jon Favreau and Jaime Pressly.
Peter Klaven (Paul Rudd) is a successful real estate agent who, upon getting engaged to the woman of his dreams, Zooey (Rashida Jones), discovers, to his dismay and chagrin, that he has no male friend close enough to serve as his Best Man. Peter immediately sets out to rectify the situation, embarking on a series of bizarre and awkward 'man-dates,' before meeting Sydney Fife (Jason Segel), a charming, opinionated man with whom he instantly bonds. But the closer the two men get, the more Peter's relationship with Zooey suffers, ultimately forcing him to choose between his fiancée and his newfound 'bro,' in a story that comically explores what it truly means to be a 'friend.'

The Longshots

Starring Ice Cube, Keke Palmer, Tasha Smith, Jill Marie Jones, Dash Mihok and Matt Craven.
When Curtis Plummer (Ice Cube), a down on his luck former high school football star, takes the only job he can find - babysitting his misfit niece Jasmine (Keke Palmer), he discovers that she has the skills that once made him a great quarterback. The only place these two opposites get along is on the field, so Curtis is determined to turn Jasmine into the star of the local team, The Minden Browns, and get his own stride back by becoming the coach. The boys on the team don't want her but when this girl quarterback shows them she's got the skills, she'll turn their whole world upside down.

Nat e il segreto di Eleonora

Nat riceve in dono una biblioteca e tutti i libri che questa contiene... un'eredità davvero bizzarra lasciatagli da sua zia Eleonora! In effetti, ogni opera è un pezzo originale, e la notte, gli eroi della letteratura per bambini escono dai loro libri... Nat cominca a fare la conoscenza e si vede designato a succedere alla sua antenata: dovrà proteggerli. Se, per disgrazia, dovessero lasciare quella biblioteca, le loro storeie verrebbero dimenticate per sempre e perfino loro sparirebbero... Ed è proprio quando i suoi genitori decidono di vedere i libri, che l'avventura comincia! Nat, accidentalmente ridotto alla stessa dimensione dei piccoli eroi, farà tutto il possibile per salvare i suoi amici e le loro storie. Alice, Gulliver, Cappuccetto Rosso... saranno loro ad aiutarlo a portare a buon fine questa missione!

School For Scoundrels (Scuola Per Canaglie)

Starring Jon Heder, Billy Bob Thornton, Jacinda Barrett, Michael Clarke Duncan, Dan Fogler, Luis Guzman, Horatio Sanz and Jessica Stroup.
Roger (Jon Heder), a beleaguered New York City meter maid, is plagued by anxiety and low self esteem. In order to overcome his feelings of inadequacy, Roger enrolls in a confidence-building class taught by the suavely underhanded Dr. P (Billy Bob Thornton). Aided by his assistant, Lesher (Michael Clarke Duncan), Dr. P uses unorthodox, often dangerous methods, but he guarantees results: Employ his techniques and you will unleash your inner lion. Surrounded by a band of misfit classmates, Roger's confidence grows and he makes his way to the head of the class, even finding the courage to ask our his longtime crush, Amanda (Jacinda Barrett). But Roger quickly discovers that star students have a way of catapulting Dr. P's competitive side into high gear. Soon enough, the teacher sets out to infiltrate and destroy Roger's personal and professional life. Nothing is off limits for Dr. P, not even the object of Roger's affection. In order to show Amanda Dr. P's true colors, Roger must rally his new friends and find a way to beat the master at his own game.

Surrogates (Il Mondo Dei Replicanti)

Starring Bruce Willis, Radha Mitchell, Rosamund Pike, James Francis Ginty, Boris Kodjoe and Ving Rhames.
FBI agents (Bruce Willis, Radha Mitchell) investigate the mysterious murder of a college student linked to the man who helped create a high-tech surrogate phenomenon that allows people to purchase unflawed robotic versions of themselves - fit, good looking remotely controlled machines that ultimately assume their life roles - enabling people to experience life vicariously from the comfort and safety of their own homes. The murder spawns a quest for answers: in a world of masks, who's real and who can you trust?

S. Darko

Starring Justin Chatwin, Ed Westwick, Briana Evigan, Daveigh Chase and Elizabeth Berkley.
Daveigh Chase reprises her role as Samantha Darko in this sequel set seven years after the events of director Richard Kelly's acclaimed cult hit. The day Donnie Darko died, his family died too. Almost a decade later, eighteen year old Sam still feels the loss every day. She longs to become a professional dancer, and decides to take a road trip to California with her best friend Corey (Briana Evigan). When their car breaks down just outside the dusty small town of Conejo Springs, carefree Corey bides her time waiting for a new water pump to arrive by striking up a friendship with local bad boy Randy Holt (Ed Westwick). The following morning, a meteor crashes to the ground nearby, destroying a local farmer's windmill and leaving a gaping crater in the ground. In the aftermath of that unsettling incident, Sam's disturbing prophetic dreams seem to start spilling over into the real world. Could the people around her prove the key to unlocking this unearthly mystery? Unfortunately for Sam, religious fanatics Trudy Potter (Elizabeth Berkley) and Pastor John Mellit (Matthew Davis) seem more interested in spouting religious clichés that pondering the end of the world, and Randy and the locals are too busy partying to notice that events are coming to a head. When the locals begin to gossip, Sam and Corey's friendship starts to suffer, and the pair have a bitter falling out. Unaware of the fact that they have become inexorably bound by fate to a missing child, an unstable Gulf War veteran, and a mysterious rift in the time-space continuum, the former friends discover that the world will soon perish unless a substantial sacrifice is made.


A feisty septuagenarian teams with a fearless wilderness ranger to do battle with a vicious band of beasts and villains in this computer-animated adventure scripted by Pixar veteran Bob Peterson and co-directed by Peterson and Monsters, Inc. director Peter Docter. Carl Fredricksen is a 78-year-old balloon salesman. His entire life, Carl has longed to wander the wilds of South America. Then, one day, the irascible senior citizen shocks his neighbors by tying thousands of balloons to his home and finally taking flight. But Carl isn't alone on his once-in-a-lifetime journey, because stowed away on his front porch is an excitable eight-year-old wilderness explorer named Russell. Later, as the house touches down on the world's second largest continent, Carl and his unlikely traveling companion step outside to discover that not only is their new front lawn considerably larger, but that the predators therein are much more ferocious than anything they ever faced back home.


April 30 to May 6


Starring John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Oliver Platt, Thandie Newton, Danny Glover and Woody Harrelson.
Centuries ago, the Mayans left us their calendar, with a clear end date and all that it implies. Since then, astrologists have discovered it, numerologists have found patterns that predict it, geologists say the earth is overdue for it, and even government scientists cannot deny the cataclysm of epic proportions that awaits the earth in 2012. A prophecy that began with the Mayans has now been well-chronicled, discussed, taken apart and examined. By 2012, we'll know we were warned...


Starring Michelle Pfeiffer, Rupert Friend, Kathy Bates, Felicity Jones, Harriet Walter and Anita Pallenberg.
Léa de Lonval (Michelle Pfeiffer) realizes that the time has come for her to retire as Paris's most envied seductress of the rich and famous. After all, though she's still breathtaking, she's not getting any younger. Just as she starts wondering what her future holds, along comes her archrival Charlotte Peloux (Kathy Bates), a notoriously manipulative gossip, with an unusual proposition. It seems that Charlotte's 19-year-old son - a bon vivant nicknamed Chéri (Rupert Friend) - is gorgeous, charming and a complete disappointment to her. Fed up with his petulance, Charlotte slyly suspects Léa can knock some sense into the boy with her worldly ways. But Léa does far more than that and six years later, she and Chéri are still living together in a most outrageous fashion. Naturally, they know this state of affairs can't go on forever. But when Charlotte Peloux returns to match Chéri to a girl his own age for marriage and break up their adventuresome tryst, no one is prepared for what truly lies beneath their frivolous affair.

Crank 2: High Voltage

Starring Jason Statham, Amy Smart, Corey Haim, Bai Ling, Dwight Yoakam, Efren Ramirez, Clifton Collins Jr., Reno Wilson, Simone Bargetze and Danna Hansen.
The indestructible hopped-up hitman Chev Chelios, played to the hilt once again by Jason Statham, returns in Crank 2: High Voltage, picking up where the first film left off - except this time, Chelios is chasing a Chinese gangster who hijacked his heart and substituted it with a mechanical one that needs to be jolted with an electric charge to stay pumping.

Dance Flick

Starring Damon Wayans, Jr., Craig Wayans, Shoshana Bush, Essence Atkins and Affion Crockett.
A young street dancer, Thomas Uncles (Damon Wayans, Jr.), from the wrong side of the tracks and a beautiful young woman, Megan White (Shoshana Bush), are brought together by their passion for dancing and put to the test in the mother of all dance battles.

Elegy (Lezioni D'amore)

Starring Penélope Cruz, Ben Kingsley, Dennis Hopper, Patricia Clarkson, Peter Sarsgaard and Deborah Harry.
Charismatic professor David Kepesh (Ben Kingsley) glories in the pursuit of adventurous female students but never lets any woman get too close. When gorgeous Consuela Castillo (Penélope Cruz) enters his classroom, however, his protective veneer dissolves. Her raven-haired beauty both captivates and unsettles him. Even if Kepesh declares her body a perfect work of art, Consuela is more than an object of desire. She has a strong sense of herself and an emotional intensity that challenges his preconceptions. Kepesh's need for Consuela becomes an obsession, but ultimately his jealous fantasies of betrayal drive her away. Shattered, Kepesh faces up to the ravages of time, immersing himself in work and confronting the loss of old friends. Then, two years later, Consuela comes back into his life - with an urgent, desperate request that will change everything.

Fired Up

Starring Nicholas D'Agosto, Eric Christian Olsen, Sarah Roemer, Molly Sims, Danneel Harris, Adhir Kalyan, Annalynne McCord, Philip Baker Hall and John Michael Higgins.
Shawn (Nicholas D'Agosto) and Nick (Eric Christian Olsen) are top scorers on the Ford High School football team... both on and off the field. When they hatch a scheme to trade their footballs for pom poms and join the school's most beautiful girls at cheer camp, the new team members actually give the girls' historically awful cheer squad a chance at success. And when Shawn falls for the head cheerleader (Sarah Roemer), the boys must learn some new moves and unleash their inner spirit to prove their intentions before the all-important cheer competition finals.

Halloween II

Starring Scout Taylor-Compton, Tyler Mane, Malcolm McDowell, Brad Dourif, Sheri Moon Zombie, Danielle Harris and Brea Grant.
Rob Zombie's Halloween II picks up at the exact moment that 2007's box-office smash, Halloween, stopped and follows the aftermath of Michael Myers's (Tyler Mane) murderous rampage through the eyes of heroine Laurie Strode (Scout Taylor Compton). Evil has a new destiny. Michael Myers is back in this terrifying sequel to Rob Zombie's visionary re-imagining of Halloween which grossed almost $80 million worldwide. It is that time of year again, and Michael Myers has returned home to sleepy Haddonfield, Illinois to take care of some unfinished family business. Unleashing a trail of terror that only horror master Zombie can, Myers will stop at nothing to bring closure to the secrets of his twisted past. But the town's got an unlikely new hero, if they can only stay alive long enough to stop the unstoppable.

Julie & Julia

Starring Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, Stanley Tucci, Chris Messina and Linda Emond.
Meryl Streep is Julia Child and Amy Adams is Julie Powell in writer-director Nora Ephron's adaptation of two bestselling memoirs: Powell's "Julie & Julia" and "My Life in France," by Julia Child with Alex Prud'homme.Based on two true stories, Julie & Julia intertwines the lives of two women who, though separated by time and space, are both at loose ends... until they discover that with the right combination of passion, fearlessness and butter, anything is possible.

I Love You, Beth Cooper (Una Notte Con Beth Cooper)

Starring Hayden Panettiere, Paul Rust, Jack T. Carpenter, Lauren London, Lauren Storm, Shawn Roberts, Alan Ruck and Cynthia Stevenson.
Based on Larry Doyle's book about a nerdy high school valedictorian who decides to declare his love for a popular cheerleader during the graduation speech.

The Longshots

Starring Ice Cube, Keke Palmer, Tasha Smith, Jill Marie Jones, Dash Mihok and Matt Craven.
When Curtis Plummer (Ice Cube), a down on his luck former high school football star, takes the only job he can find - babysitting his misfit niece Jasmine (Keke Palmer), he discovers that she has the skills that once made him a great quarterback. The only place these two opposites get along is on the field, so Curtis is determined to turn Jasmine into the star of the local team, The Minden Browns, and get his own stride back by becoming the coach. The boys on the team don't want her but when this girl quarterback shows them she's got the skills, she'll turn their whole world upside down.

Michael Jackson's This is It

'Michael Jackson's This Is It' offers Jackson fans and music lovers worldwide a rare, behind-the-scenes look at the performer as he developed, created and rehearsed for his sold-out concerts that would have taken place beginning this summer in London's O2 Arena. Chronicling the months from April through June, 2009, the film is produced with the full support of the Estate of Michael Jackson and drawn from more than one hundred hours of behind-the-scenes footage, featuring Jackson rehearsing a number of his songs for the show. Audiences will be given a privileged and private look at Jackson up close and personal. In raw and candid detail, 'Michael Jackson's This Is It' captures the singer, dancer, filmmaker, architect, creative genius and great artist at work as he creates and perfects his final show.

Nat e il segreto di Eleonora

Nat riceve in dono una biblioteca e tutti i libri che questa contiene... un'eredità davvero bizzarra lasciatagli da sua zia Eleonora! In effetti, ogni opera è un pezzo originale, e la notte, gli eroi della letteratura per bambini escono dai loro libri... Nat cominca a fare la conoscenza e si vede designato a succedere alla sua antenata: dovrà proteggerli. Se, per disgrazia, dovessero lasciare quella biblioteca, le loro storeie verrebbero dimenticate per sempre e perfino loro sparirebbero... Ed è proprio quando i suoi genitori decidono di vedere i libri, che l'avventura comincia! Nat, accidentalmente ridotto alla stessa dimensione dei piccoli eroi, farà tutto il possibile per salvare i suoi amici e le loro storie. Alice, Gulliver, Cappuccetto Rosso... saranno loro ad aiutarlo a portare a buon fine questa missione!

Surrogates (Il Mondo Dei Replicanti)

Starring Bruce Willis, Radha Mitchell, Rosamund Pike, James Francis Ginty, Boris Kodjoe and Ving Rhames.
FBI agents (Bruce Willis, Radha Mitchell) investigate the mysterious murder of a college student linked to the man who helped create a high-tech surrogate phenomenon that allows people to purchase unflawed robotic versions of themselves - fit, good looking remotely controlled machines that ultimately assume their life roles - enabling people to experience life vicariously from the comfort and safety of their own homes. The murder spawns a quest for answers: in a world of masks, who's real and who can you trust?

S. Darko

Starring Justin Chatwin, Ed Westwick, Briana Evigan, Daveigh Chase and Elizabeth Berkley.
Daveigh Chase reprises her role as Samantha Darko in this sequel set seven years after the events of director Richard Kelly's acclaimed cult hit. The day Donnie Darko died, his family died too. Almost a decade later, eighteen year old Sam still feels the loss every day. She longs to become a professional dancer, and decides to take a road trip to California with her best friend Corey (Briana Evigan). When their car breaks down just outside the dusty small town of Conejo Springs, carefree Corey bides her time waiting for a new water pump to arrive by striking up a friendship with local bad boy Randy Holt (Ed Westwick). The following morning, a meteor crashes to the ground nearby, destroying a local farmer's windmill and leaving a gaping crater in the ground. In the aftermath of that unsettling incident, Sam's disturbing prophetic dreams seem to start spilling over into the real world. Could the people around her prove the key to unlocking this unearthly mystery? Unfortunately for Sam, religious fanatics Trudy Potter (Elizabeth Berkley) and Pastor John Mellit (Matthew Davis) seem more interested in spouting religious clichés that pondering the end of the world, and Randy and the locals are too busy partying to notice that events are coming to a head. When the locals begin to gossip, Sam and Corey's friendship starts to suffer, and the pair have a bitter falling out. Unaware of the fact that they have become inexorably bound by fate to a missing child, an unstable Gulf War veteran, and a mysterious rift in the time-space continuum, the former friends discover that the world will soon perish unless a substantial sacrifice is made.


A feisty septuagenarian teams with a fearless wilderness ranger to do battle with a vicious band of beasts and villains in this computer-animated adventure scripted by Pixar veteran Bob Peterson and co-directed by Peterson and Monsters, Inc. director Peter Docter. Carl Fredricksen is a 78-year-old balloon salesman. His entire life, Carl has longed to wander the wilds of South America. Then, one day, the irascible senior citizen shocks his neighbors by tying thousands of balloons to his home and finally taking flight. But Carl isn't alone on his once-in-a-lifetime journey, because stowed away on his front porch is an excitable eight-year-old wilderness explorer named Russell. Later, as the house touches down on the world's second largest continent, Carl and his unlikely traveling companion step outside to discover that not only is their new front lawn considerably larger, but that the predators therein are much more ferocious than anything they ever faced back home.


May 7 to May 14


Starring John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Oliver Platt, Thandie Newton, Danny Glover and Woody Harrelson.
Centuries ago, the Mayans left us their calendar, with a clear end date and all that it implies. Since then, astrologists have discovered it, numerologists have found patterns that predict it, geologists say the earth is overdue for it, and even government scientists cannot deny the cataclysm of epic proportions that awaits the earth in 2012. A prophecy that began with the Mayans has now been well-chronicled, discussed, taken apart and examined. By 2012, we'll know we were warned...


Starring Michelle Pfeiffer, Rupert Friend, Kathy Bates, Felicity Jones, Harriet Walter and Anita Pallenberg.
Léa de Lonval (Michelle Pfeiffer) realizes that the time has come for her to retire as Paris's most envied seductress of the rich and famous. After all, though she's still breathtaking, she's not getting any younger. Just as she starts wondering what her future holds, along comes her archrival Charlotte Peloux (Kathy Bates), a notoriously manipulative gossip, with an unusual proposition. It seems that Charlotte's 19-year-old son - a bon vivant nicknamed Chéri (Rupert Friend) - is gorgeous, charming and a complete disappointment to her. Fed up with his petulance, Charlotte slyly suspects Léa can knock some sense into the boy with her worldly ways. But Léa does far more than that and six years later, she and Chéri are still living together in a most outrageous fashion. Naturally, they know this state of affairs can't go on forever. But when Charlotte Peloux returns to match Chéri to a girl his own age for marriage and break up their adventuresome tryst, no one is prepared for what truly lies beneath their frivolous affair.

Dance Flick

Starring Damon Wayans, Jr., Craig Wayans, Shoshana Bush, Essence Atkins and Affion Crockett.
A young street dancer, Thomas Uncles (Damon Wayans, Jr.), from the wrong side of the tracks and a beautiful young woman, Megan White (Shoshana Bush), are brought together by their passion for dancing and put to the test in the mother of all dance battles.

District 9

Starring Sharlto Copley, Jason Cope, David James, Mandla Gaduka, William Allen Young, Vanessa Haywood, Kenneth Nkosi and Devlin Brown.
Over twenty years ago, aliens made first contact with Earth. Humans waited for the hostile attack, or the giant advances in technology. Neither came. Instead, the aliens were refugees from their home world. The creatures were set up in a makeshift home in South Africa's District 9 as the world's nations argued over what to do with them. Now, patience over the alien situation has run out. Control over the aliens has been contracted out to Multi-National United (MNU), a private company uninterested in the aliens' welfare. MNU will receive tremendous profits if they can make the aliens' powerful weaponry work. So far, they have failed; activation of the weaponry requires alien DNA. The tension between the aliens and the humans comes to a head when MNU begins evicting the non-humans from District 9, with MNU field agents responsible for moving them to a new camp. One of the MNU field operatives, Wikus van der Merwe (Sharlto Copley), contracts an alien virus that begins changing his DNA. Wikus quickly becomes the most hunted man in the world, as well as the most valuable - he is the key to unlocking the secrets of alien technology. Ostracized and friendless, there is only one place left for him to hide: District 9.

Fired Up

Starring Nicholas D'Agosto, Eric Christian Olsen, Sarah Roemer, Molly Sims, Danneel Harris, Adhir Kalyan, Annalynne McCord, Philip Baker Hall and John Michael Higgins.
Shawn (Nicholas D'Agosto) and Nick (Eric Christian Olsen) are top scorers on the Ford High School football team... both on and off the field. When they hatch a scheme to trade their footballs for pom poms and join the school's most beautiful girls at cheer camp, the new team members actually give the girls' historically awful cheer squad a chance at success. And when Shawn falls for the head cheerleader (Sarah Roemer), the boys must learn some new moves and unleash their inner spirit to prove their intentions before the all-important cheer competition finals.

Halloween II

Starring Scout Taylor-Compton, Tyler Mane, Malcolm McDowell, Brad Dourif, Sheri Moon Zombie, Danielle Harris and Brea Grant.
Rob Zombie's Halloween II picks up at the exact moment that 2007's box-office smash, Halloween, stopped and follows the aftermath of Michael Myers's (Tyler Mane) murderous rampage through the eyes of heroine Laurie Strode (Scout Taylor Compton). Evil has a new destiny. Michael Myers is back in this terrifying sequel to Rob Zombie's visionary re-imagining of Halloween which grossed almost $80 million worldwide. It is that time of year again, and Michael Myers has returned home to sleepy Haddonfield, Illinois to take care of some unfinished family business. Unleashing a trail of terror that only horror master Zombie can, Myers will stop at nothing to bring closure to the secrets of his twisted past. But the town's got an unlikely new hero, if they can only stay alive long enough to stop the unstoppable.

Julie & Julia

Starring Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, Stanley Tucci, Chris Messina and Linda Emond.
Meryl Streep is Julia Child and Amy Adams is Julie Powell in writer-director Nora Ephron's adaptation of two bestselling memoirs: Powell's "Julie & Julia" and "My Life in France," by Julia Child with Alex Prud'homme.Based on two true stories, Julie & Julia intertwines the lives of two women who, though separated by time and space, are both at loose ends... until they discover that with the right combination of passion, fearlessness and butter, anything is possible.

I Love You, Beth Cooper (Una Notte Con Beth Cooper)

Starring Hayden Panettiere, Paul Rust, Jack T. Carpenter, Lauren London, Lauren Storm, Shawn Roberts, Alan Ruck and Cynthia Stevenson.
Based on Larry Doyle's book about a nerdy high school valedictorian who decides to declare his love for a popular cheerleader during the graduation speech.

Julie & Julia

Starring Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, Stanley Tucci, Chris Messina and Linda Emond.
Meryl Streep is Julia Child and Amy Adams is Julie Powell in writer-director Nora Ephron's adaptation of two bestselling memoirs: Powell's "Julie & Julia" and "My Life in France," by Julia Child with Alex Prud'homme.Based on two true stories, Julie & Julia intertwines the lives of two women who, though separated by time and space, are both at loose ends... until they discover that with the right combination of passion, fearlessness and butter, anything is possible.

Knowing (Segnali Dal Futuro)

A time capsule containing a cryptic message about the coming apocalypse sends a concerned father on a race to prevent the horrific events from unfolding as predicted in this sci-fi thriller directed by Alex Proyas (Dark City) and starring Nicolas Cage. 1958: As the dedication ceremony for a newly constructed elementary school gets under way, a time capsule containing student drawings of the future is buried on the grounds and scheduled to be unearthed on the school's 50th anniversary. Instead of submitting a drawing, however, one little girl scribbles a series of seemingly random numbers on her paper before it is buried. Fifty years later, the time capsule is unearthed for a new generation of students to examine. Young Caleb Koestler (Chandler Canterbury) is one of those students. The mysterious sequence of numbers falling into his possession, Caleb takes the paper to his father, Professor John Koestler (Cage), for examination. Studying the numbers, Professor Koestler soon discovers that they aren't random at all, but an encoded message containing the precise dates, death tolls, and coordinates of every major disaster since the time capsule was buried. Not only that, but the document also indicates that there will be three more such events, the last of which indicates a doomsday scenario that appears directly tied to Professor Koestler and Caleb. His desperate plea to authorities falling on deaf ears, Professor Koestler realizes that his only hope for preventing more lives from being lost is to take personal action. Though the author of the prophecies is no longer living, Professor Koestler is eventually able to track down her daughter Diana Wayland (Rose Byrne), and granddaughter Abby, who reluctantly agree to aid in the investigation. As the final date on the list draws near, Professor Koestler enters into a frantic race against time to prevent destruction on a global scale, in the process realizing that in order to save millions of lives, he may have to make the ultimate sacrifice.

L'ultimo Ultras

Con Stefano Calvagna, Francesca Antonelli, Mauro Meconi, Rossella Infanti, Giancarlo Lombardi.
Il gioco del calcio: ultima vera epopea epica contemporanea, oppio del popolo e riscatto degli umili, spettacolo, teatro, sogno di soldi ed evasione. Negli ultimi anni il gioco del pallone ha perso quella patina poetica ed eroica che aveva nell'Italia della ricostruzione e del boom. Ricorda Alessandro Baricco le partite sognate alla radio e le immagini in bianco e nero trasmesse dalla rai a domenica già finita: emozioni sfasate, sfuocate, vissute fuori sincro. Il calcio come luogo dell’immaginario in cui elevare al rango di avventura nazionale le partitelle nei campi di terra, le ginocchia sbucciate, gli amici che vanno e quelli che restano. Canta Francesco De Gregori l'ansia di crescere di un ragazzino dalle spalle strette, le sconfitte e i successi di tante vite comuni che appendono, o non si arrendono ad appendere, le scarpette a "qualche tipo di muro". Disegna il fumettista italiano Davide Previati la concitazione di un gruppo di figli di operai del petrolchimico Anic di Ravenna: le fabbriche incombenti sullo sfondo, il cuore a sussultare per un tiro sbagliato, una parata impossibile e le narici che inalano sudore e malinconia presto sovrastati dal sapore dei prodotti della raffinazione. Il calcio in Italia è stato quello che prima fu il ciclismo, retorica popolare, pulita, sana, palcoscenico privilegiato per la messa in scena dei nostri sogni. Il gioco del pallone oggi non è più lo schermo da proiezione su cui animare aspirazioni e metafore di un paese in subbuglio. Il calcio oggi è intrattenimento fine a se stesso, discussione sterile, pretesto per facinorosi, distrazione pericolosa dai pericoli di un paese che vacilla. Nella tifoseria organizzata si può leggere ancora l'ansia di riscoprire un senso di appartenenza ormai perduto, l'espressione di un disagio che non riesce a placarsi nell'assoluta mancanza di punti di riferimento o nella preponderante presenza di punti di riferimento sbagliati: ecco quindi la violenza, la strumentalizzazione politica, la volgarità e, inaccettabile, l'omicidio.

Michael Jackson's This is It

'Michael Jackson's This Is It' offers Jackson fans and music lovers worldwide a rare, behind-the-scenes look at the performer as he developed, created and rehearsed for his sold-out concerts that would have taken place beginning this summer in London's O2 Arena. Chronicling the months from April through June, 2009, the film is produced with the full support of the Estate of Michael Jackson and drawn from more than one hundred hours of behind-the-scenes footage, featuring Jackson rehearsing a number of his songs for the show. Audiences will be given a privileged and private look at Jackson up close and personal. In raw and candid detail, 'Michael Jackson's This Is It' captures the singer, dancer, filmmaker, architect, creative genius and great artist at work as he creates and perfects his final show.


Starring Jim Caviezel, Sophia Myles, Jack Huston, Ron Perlman, John Hurt, Cliff Saunders and Aidan Devine.
A space craft crashes into the majestic fjords of ancient Norway and into the time of the Vikings. From the wreckage emerge two bitter enemies: a soldier from another world, Kainan, and a bloodthirsty creature known as the Moorwen. Man and monster both seeking revenge for violence committed against them. As the Moorwen ravages the Viking world, killing everything in its path, Kainan forms an unlikely alliance with the primitive but fierce warriors. Combining his advanced technology with ancient Iron Age weapons, the hero leads a desperate attempt to kill the monster ... before it destroys them all.

Surrogates (Il Mondo Dei Replicanti)

Starring Bruce Willis, Radha Mitchell, Rosamund Pike, James Francis Ginty, Boris Kodjoe and Ving Rhames.
FBI agents (Bruce Willis, Radha Mitchell) investigate the mysterious murder of a college student linked to the man who helped create a high-tech surrogate phenomenon that allows people to purchase unflawed robotic versions of themselves - fit, good looking remotely controlled machines that ultimately assume their life roles - enabling people to experience life vicariously from the comfort and safety of their own homes. The murder spawns a quest for answers: in a world of masks, who's real and who can you trust?

S. Darko

Starring Justin Chatwin, Ed Westwick, Briana Evigan, Daveigh Chase and Elizabeth Berkley.
Daveigh Chase reprises her role as Samantha Darko in this sequel set seven years after the events of director Richard Kelly's acclaimed cult hit. The day Donnie Darko died, his family died too. Almost a decade later, eighteen year old Sam still feels the loss every day. She longs to become a professional dancer, and decides to take a road trip to California with her best friend Corey (Briana Evigan). When their car breaks down just outside the dusty small town of Conejo Springs, carefree Corey bides her time waiting for a new water pump to arrive by striking up a friendship with local bad boy Randy Holt (Ed Westwick). The following morning, a meteor crashes to the ground nearby, destroying a local farmer's windmill and leaving a gaping crater in the ground. In the aftermath of that unsettling incident, Sam's disturbing prophetic dreams seem to start spilling over into the real world. Could the people around her prove the key to unlocking this unearthly mystery? Unfortunately for Sam, religious fanatics Trudy Potter (Elizabeth Berkley) and Pastor John Mellit (Matthew Davis) seem more interested in spouting religious clichés that pondering the end of the world, and Randy and the locals are too busy partying to notice that events are coming to a head. When the locals begin to gossip, Sam and Corey's friendship starts to suffer, and the pair have a bitter falling out. Unaware of the fact that they have become inexorably bound by fate to a missing child, an unstable Gulf War veteran, and a mysterious rift in the time-space continuum, the former friends discover that the world will soon perish unless a substantial sacrifice is made.


A feisty septuagenarian teams with a fearless wilderness ranger to do battle with a vicious band of beasts and villains in this computer-animated adventure scripted by Pixar veteran Bob Peterson and co-directed by Peterson and Monsters, Inc. director Peter Docter. Carl Fredricksen is a 78-year-old balloon salesman. His entire life, Carl has longed to wander the wilds of South America. Then, one day, the irascible senior citizen shocks his neighbors by tying thousands of balloons to his home and finally taking flight. But Carl isn't alone on his once-in-a-lifetime journey, because stowed away on his front porch is an excitable eight-year-old wilderness explorer named Russell. Later, as the house touches down on the world's second largest continent, Carl and his unlikely traveling companion step outside to discover that not only is their new front lawn considerably larger, but that the predators therein are much more ferocious than anything they ever faced back home.


May 14 to May 21


Starring John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Oliver Platt, Thandie Newton, Danny Glover and Woody Harrelson.
Centuries ago, the Mayans left us their calendar, with a clear end date and all that it implies. Since then, astrologists have discovered it, numerologists have found patterns that predict it, geologists say the earth is overdue for it, and even government scientists cannot deny the cataclysm of epic proportions that awaits the earth in 2012. A prophecy that began with the Mayans has now been well-chronicled, discussed, taken apart and examined. By 2012, we'll know we were warned...


Starring Michelle Pfeiffer, Rupert Friend, Kathy Bates, Felicity Jones, Harriet Walter and Anita Pallenberg.
Léa de Lonval (Michelle Pfeiffer) realizes that the time has come for her to retire as Paris's most envied seductress of the rich and famous. After all, though she's still breathtaking, she's not getting any younger. Just as she starts wondering what her future holds, along comes her archrival Charlotte Peloux (Kathy Bates), a notoriously manipulative gossip, with an unusual proposition. It seems that Charlotte's 19-year-old son - a bon vivant nicknamed Chéri (Rupert Friend) - is gorgeous, charming and a complete disappointment to her. Fed up with his petulance, Charlotte slyly suspects Léa can knock some sense into the boy with her worldly ways. But Léa does far more than that and six years later, she and Chéri are still living together in a most outrageous fashion. Naturally, they know this state of affairs can't go on forever. But when Charlotte Peloux returns to match Chéri to a girl his own age for marriage and break up their adventuresome tryst, no one is prepared for what truly lies beneath their frivolous affair.

Dance Flick

Starring Damon Wayans, Jr., Craig Wayans, Shoshana Bush, Essence Atkins and Affion Crockett.
A young street dancer, Thomas Uncles (Damon Wayans, Jr.), from the wrong side of the tracks and a beautiful young woman, Megan White (Shoshana Bush), are brought together by their passion for dancing and put to the test in the mother of all dance battles.

District 9

Starring Sharlto Copley, Jason Cope, David James, Mandla Gaduka, William Allen Young, Vanessa Haywood, Kenneth Nkosi and Devlin Brown.
Over twenty years ago, aliens made first contact with Earth. Humans waited for the hostile attack, or the giant advances in technology. Neither came. Instead, the aliens were refugees from their home world. The creatures were set up in a makeshift home in South Africa's District 9 as the world's nations argued over what to do with them. Now, patience over the alien situation has run out. Control over the aliens has been contracted out to Multi-National United (MNU), a private company uninterested in the aliens' welfare. MNU will receive tremendous profits if they can make the aliens' powerful weaponry work. So far, they have failed; activation of the weaponry requires alien DNA. The tension between the aliens and the humans comes to a head when MNU begins evicting the non-humans from District 9, with MNU field agents responsible for moving them to a new camp. One of the MNU field operatives, Wikus van der Merwe (Sharlto Copley), contracts an alien virus that begins changing his DNA. Wikus quickly becomes the most hunted man in the world, as well as the most valuable - he is the key to unlocking the secrets of alien technology. Ostracized and friendless, there is only one place left for him to hide: District 9.

Halloween II

Starring Scout Taylor-Compton, Tyler Mane, Malcolm McDowell, Brad Dourif, Sheri Moon Zombie, Danielle Harris and Brea Grant.
Rob Zombie's Halloween II picks up at the exact moment that 2007's box-office smash, Halloween, stopped and follows the aftermath of Michael Myers's (Tyler Mane) murderous rampage through the eyes of heroine Laurie Strode (Scout Taylor Compton). Evil has a new destiny. Michael Myers is back in this terrifying sequel to Rob Zombie's visionary re-imagining of Halloween which grossed almost $80 million worldwide. It is that time of year again, and Michael Myers has returned home to sleepy Haddonfield, Illinois to take care of some unfinished family business. Unleashing a trail of terror that only horror master Zombie can, Myers will stop at nothing to bring closure to the secrets of his twisted past. But the town's got an unlikely new hero, if they can only stay alive long enough to stop the unstoppable.

Julie & Julia

Starring Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, Stanley Tucci, Chris Messina and Linda Emond.
Meryl Streep is Julia Child and Amy Adams is Julie Powell in writer-director Nora Ephron's adaptation of two bestselling memoirs: Powell's "Julie & Julia" and "My Life in France," by Julia Child with Alex Prud'homme.Based on two true stories, Julie & Julia intertwines the lives of two women who, though separated by time and space, are both at loose ends... until they discover that with the right combination of passion, fearlessness and butter, anything is possible.

Knowing (Segnali Dal Futuro)

A time capsule containing a cryptic message about the coming apocalypse sends a concerned father on a race to prevent the horrific events from unfolding as predicted in this sci-fi thriller directed by Alex Proyas (Dark City) and starring Nicolas Cage. 1958: As the dedication ceremony for a newly constructed elementary school gets under way, a time capsule containing student drawings of the future is buried on the grounds and scheduled to be unearthed on the school's 50th anniversary. Instead of submitting a drawing, however, one little girl scribbles a series of seemingly random numbers on her paper before it is buried. Fifty years later, the time capsule is unearthed for a new generation of students to examine. Young Caleb Koestler (Chandler Canterbury) is one of those students. The mysterious sequence of numbers falling into his possession, Caleb takes the paper to his father, Professor John Koestler (Cage), for examination. Studying the numbers, Professor Koestler soon discovers that they aren't random at all, but an encoded message containing the precise dates, death tolls, and coordinates of every major disaster since the time capsule was buried. Not only that, but the document also indicates that there will be three more such events, the last of which indicates a doomsday scenario that appears directly tied to Professor Koestler and Caleb. His desperate plea to authorities falling on deaf ears, Professor Koestler realizes that his only hope for preventing more lives from being lost is to take personal action. Though the author of the prophecies is no longer living, Professor Koestler is eventually able to track down her daughter Diana Wayland (Rose Byrne), and granddaughter Abby, who reluctantly agree to aid in the investigation. As the final date on the list draws near, Professor Koestler enters into a frantic race against time to prevent destruction on a global scale, in the process realizing that in order to save millions of lives, he may have to make the ultimate sacrifice.

L'ultimo Ultras

Con Stefano Calvagna, Francesca Antonelli, Mauro Meconi, Rossella Infanti, Giancarlo Lombardi.
Il gioco del calcio: ultima vera epopea epica contemporanea, oppio del popolo e riscatto degli umili, spettacolo, teatro, sogno di soldi ed evasione. Negli ultimi anni il gioco del pallone ha perso quella patina poetica ed eroica che aveva nell'Italia della ricostruzione e del boom. Ricorda Alessandro Baricco le partite sognate alla radio e le immagini in bianco e nero trasmesse dalla rai a domenica già finita: emozioni sfasate, sfuocate, vissute fuori sincro. Il calcio come luogo dell’immaginario in cui elevare al rango di avventura nazionale le partitelle nei campi di terra, le ginocchia sbucciate, gli amici che vanno e quelli che restano. Canta Francesco De Gregori l'ansia di crescere di un ragazzino dalle spalle strette, le sconfitte e i successi di tante vite comuni che appendono, o non si arrendono ad appendere, le scarpette a "qualche tipo di muro". Disegna il fumettista italiano Davide Previati la concitazione di un gruppo di figli di operai del petrolchimico Anic di Ravenna: le fabbriche incombenti sullo sfondo, il cuore a sussultare per un tiro sbagliato, una parata impossibile e le narici che inalano sudore e malinconia presto sovrastati dal sapore dei prodotti della raffinazione. Il calcio in Italia è stato quello che prima fu il ciclismo, retorica popolare, pulita, sana, palcoscenico privilegiato per la messa in scena dei nostri sogni. Il gioco del pallone oggi non è più lo schermo da proiezione su cui animare aspirazioni e metafore di un paese in subbuglio. Il calcio oggi è intrattenimento fine a se stesso, discussione sterile, pretesto per facinorosi, distrazione pericolosa dai pericoli di un paese che vacilla. Nella tifoseria organizzata si può leggere ancora l'ansia di riscoprire un senso di appartenenza ormai perduto, l'espressione di un disagio che non riesce a placarsi nell'assoluta mancanza di punti di riferimento o nella preponderante presenza di punti di riferimento sbagliati: ecco quindi la violenza, la strumentalizzazione politica, la volgarità e, inaccettabile, l'omicidio.

Michael Jackson's This is It

'Michael Jackson's This Is It' offers Jackson fans and music lovers worldwide a rare, behind-the-scenes look at the performer as he developed, created and rehearsed for his sold-out concerts that would have taken place beginning this summer in London's O2 Arena. Chronicling the months from April through June, 2009, the film is produced with the full support of the Estate of Michael Jackson and drawn from more than one hundred hours of behind-the-scenes footage, featuring Jackson rehearsing a number of his songs for the show. Audiences will be given a privileged and private look at Jackson up close and personal. In raw and candid detail, 'Michael Jackson's This Is It' captures the singer, dancer, filmmaker, architect, creative genius and great artist at work as he creates and perfects his final show.


Starring Jim Caviezel, Sophia Myles, Jack Huston, Ron Perlman, John Hurt, Cliff Saunders and Aidan Devine.
A space craft crashes into the majestic fjords of ancient Norway and into the time of the Vikings. From the wreckage emerge two bitter enemies: a soldier from another world, Kainan, and a bloodthirsty creature known as the Moorwen. Man and monster both seeking revenge for violence committed against them. As the Moorwen ravages the Viking world, killing everything in its path, Kainan forms an unlikely alliance with the primitive but fierce warriors. Combining his advanced technology with ancient Iron Age weapons, the hero leads a desperate attempt to kill the monster ... before it destroys them all.

Polar Storm (Tempesta Polare)

Starring Jack Coleman, Holly Elissa Dignard, Terry David Mulligan and Roger R. Cross.
A massive comet fragment sends planet Earth spinning off its axis, prompting a series of unprecedented natural disasters that threaten the very future of mankind. With his wife and teenage so in mortal danger, Dr. James Mayfield (Jack Coleman) calls on his crack research team to help realign the planet's axis before the effects of the catastrophe are irreversible.

Questione Di Punti Di Vista

Con Jane Birkin, Sergio Castellitto, André Marcon, Jacques Bonnaffé, Julie-Marie Parmentier.
Dopo quindici anni di assenza, Kate ritorna al mondo circense, abbandonato da giovane dopo la tragedia di un grave incidente. Il padre, direttore del piccolo circo in tournée, è morto da poco tempo e gli acrobati rimasti, scioccati dalla perdita, devono fare i conti con l’insuccesso del loro spettacolo itinerante. Bloccati in un piccolo paesino alle porte di Parigi, cercano di riavvicinarsi lentamente a Kate. Durante la preparazione dei nuovi sketch, arriva Vittorio, misterioso viaggiatore italiano, che, affascinato dall’eccentricità del gruppo e dall’animo tormentato di Kate, decide di fermarsi per qualche tempo. L’incontro tra le due anime solitarie costringerà tutti a fermarsi e riflettere sui traumi del passato. Rivette è ossessionato dal legame tra arte e vita. Dopo aver sviscerato il topos ne La bella scontrosa, enigmatica riflessione sulla pittura come sintesi intellettuale di creazione artistica e ricerca esistenziale, ora continua a srotolare quel filo, ambientando una nuova storia d’amore nel mondo del circo. Sceglie un piccolo tendone rudimentale, lo arricchisce di luci e colori e lo sveste del carattere esagerato da baraccone ambulante. Il non-luogo sospeso del circo viene così rappresentato nella sua essenzialità: non ci sono elefanti addestrati né tigri o cavalli ma solo un gruppetto di clown e qualche acrobata. L’assenza totale di musica e la presenza algida e apatica dell’esiguo pubblico pagante, ammanta la costruzione silenziosa dei sentimenti di un’aria triste e desolante. Se i drammi del cuore affrontano con gravità la ricerca di un senso compiuto, le scenette teatrali dei clown e l’estrosità di Vittorio (che ride quando gli altri non lo fanno e si intromette negli affari degli sconosciuti con picchi buffi di petulanza), temperano i tormenti interiori. Vittorio è impacciato e ‘fuori tempo’ nell’avvicinamento a Kate; tra i due nasce però una strana complicità che li unisce e separa continuamente, in un ballo di emozioni sussurrate e mai vissute carnalmente. Lei è bloccata dai ricordi e vive imponendosi la sofferenza della rimozione di una parte di se stessa, quella legata al mondo del circo dov’è cresciuta.. Accetta le incombenze quotidiane del presente, pensa al futuro ma non vuole fermarsi a guardare indietro. Il ritorno al circo ‘ambulante’ la blocca in un luogo magico, dove la commistione tra creatività e gioia di vivere creano il posto ideale per pensare. Lo stesso accade a Vittorio, nomade anomalo che vede, prima nello spettacolo circense, poi in Kate, l’occasione di aggrapparsi alla vita.

Surrogates (Il Mondo Dei Replicanti)

Starring Bruce Willis, Radha Mitchell, Rosamund Pike, James Francis Ginty, Boris Kodjoe and Ving Rhames.
FBI agents (Bruce Willis, Radha Mitchell) investigate the mysterious murder of a college student linked to the man who helped create a high-tech surrogate phenomenon that allows people to purchase unflawed robotic versions of themselves - fit, good looking remotely controlled machines that ultimately assume their life roles - enabling people to experience life vicariously from the comfort and safety of their own homes. The murder spawns a quest for answers: in a world of masks, who's real and who can you trust?

Tris Di Donne E Abiti Nuziali

Con Sergio Castellitto, Martina Gedeck, Paolo Briguglia, Raffaella Rea, Salvatore Cantalupo.
Franco Campanella è un ex impiegato delle poste che non arriva ai mille euro al mese di pensione, devoto alla propria famiglia e dedito al vizio del gioco. Alla vigilia delle nozze della figlia maggiore Luisa, giovane insegnante appassionata di poesia, Franco promette alla moglie Josephine di impegnarsi a fare economia per sostenere personalmente le spese del matrimonio. Ma dopo che gli viene rifiutato un fido bancario, Franco ricomincia a scommettere e a frequentare ogni bisca del napoletano, perdendo fino a indebitarsi con strozzini e camorristi per una cifra da decine di migliaia di euro. Dietro ad un titolo da commedia dei "telefoni bianchi" si cela un tentativo di recupero di quelle agrodolci modalità di raccontare una parte anonima e sotterranea della società che hanno fatto grande il passato della commedia italiana. Un recupero che sa quasi di una riflessione sul genere, prendendo avvio da tre elementi ricorrenti nella commedia del dopoguerra: povertà, matrimonio e carte da gioco, raccontati attraverso la storia di un personaggio tipicamente zavattiniano: Franco Campanella. Alcuni momenti del film parrebbero innalzare questo pensionato ingenuo e sciagurato, schiavo dell'affetto della famiglia e dei suoi stessi vizi, nella tradizione romantica e solitaria del viandante di Friederich o nel crepuscolarismo di Camillo Sbarbaro. Grazie invece a Castellitto, Franco resta un mediocre, un personaggio troppo piccolo e meschino per poter aspirare ad un'aura di tragicità. Un contrasto fra grandezza e grettezza che scorre fra i saliscendi del Vomero napoletano e gli arpeggi musicali di Nicola Piovani, vagabondando incerto come il suo protagonista fra il semplice ritratto neorealista, il tentativo di descrizione di una realtà sotterranea come quella dei giocatori compulsivi e i toni della commedia edificante. Se Terracciano incappa in un problema che non apparteneva alla commedia all'italiana, è perché rispetto a questa grande tradizione, dimentica di costruire un ambiente complesso e sfaccettato. Il reale si costruisce a partire dall'intorno, da un microuniverso di personaggi che contribuiscono a dare spessore e credibilità alla quotidianità del protagonista. Il regista napoletano sembra invece concentrarsi solo sulla performance del suo eroe mediocre, così che gli altri personaggi non hanno spazio o forza necessaria a caricare di attese o di pathos la caduta verso il basso di Franco.

Year One (Anno Uno)

Starring Jack Black, Michael Cera, Oliver Platt, David Cross, Hank Azaria, Christopher Mintz-Plasse and Vinnie Jones.
When a couple of lazy hunter-gatherers (Jack Black, Michael Cera) are banished from their primitive village, they set off on an epic journey through the ancient world.


May 21 to May 28


Starring John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Oliver Platt, Thandie Newton, Danny Glover and Woody Harrelson.
Centuries ago, the Mayans left us their calendar, with a clear end date and all that it implies. Since then, astrologists have discovered it, numerologists have found patterns that predict it, geologists say the earth is overdue for it, and even government scientists cannot deny the cataclysm of epic proportions that awaits the earth in 2012. A prophecy that began with the Mayans has now been well-chronicled, discussed, taken apart and examined. By 2012, we'll know we were warned...

Dance Flick

Starring Damon Wayans, Jr., Craig Wayans, Shoshana Bush, Essence Atkins and Affion Crockett.
A young street dancer, Thomas Uncles (Damon Wayans, Jr.), from the wrong side of the tracks and a beautiful young woman, Megan White (Shoshana Bush), are brought together by their passion for dancing and put to the test in the mother of all dance battles.

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

Starring Heath Ledger, Christopher Plummer, Verne Troyer, Andrew Garfield, Lily Cole, Tom Waits, Johnny Depp, Colin Farrell and Jude Law.
Fantastical morality tale, set in the present day. It tells the story of Dr. Parnassus and his extraordinary 'Imaginarium', a travelling show where members of the audience get an irresistible opportunity to choose between light and joy or darkness and gloom. Blessed with the extraordinary gift of guiding the imaginations of others, Dr. Parnassus is cursed with a dark secret. Long ago he made a bet with the devil, Mr. Nick, in which he won immortality. Many centuries later, on meeting his one true love, Dr. Parnassus made another deal with the devil, trading his immortality for youth, on condition that when his first-born reached its 16th birthday he or she would become the property of Mr. Nick. Valentina is now rapidly approaching this 'coming of age' milestone and Dr. Parnassus is desperate to protect her from her impending fate. Mr. Nick arrives to collect but, always keen to make a bet, renegotiates the wager. Now the winner of Valentina will be determined by whoever seduces the first five souls. Enlisting a series of wild, comical and compelling characters in his journey, Dr. Parnassus promises his daughter's hand in marriage to the man that helps him win. In this captivating, explosive and wonderfully imaginative race against time, Dr. Parnassus must fight to save his daughter in a never-ending landscape of surreal obstacles - and undo the mistakes of his past once and for all.

Knowing (Segnali Dal Futuro)

A time capsule containing a cryptic message about the coming apocalypse sends a concerned father on a race to prevent the horrific events from unfolding as predicted in this sci-fi thriller directed by Alex Proyas (Dark City) and starring Nicolas Cage. 1958: As the dedication ceremony for a newly constructed elementary school gets under way, a time capsule containing student drawings of the future is buried on the grounds and scheduled to be unearthed on the school's 50th anniversary. Instead of submitting a drawing, however, one little girl scribbles a series of seemingly random numbers on her paper before it is buried. Fifty years later, the time capsule is unearthed for a new generation of students to examine. Young Caleb Koestler (Chandler Canterbury) is one of those students. The mysterious sequence of numbers falling into his possession, Caleb takes the paper to his father, Professor John Koestler (Cage), for examination. Studying the numbers, Professor Koestler soon discovers that they aren't random at all, but an encoded message containing the precise dates, death tolls, and coordinates of every major disaster since the time capsule was buried. Not only that, but the document also indicates that there will be three more such events, the last of which indicates a doomsday scenario that appears directly tied to Professor Koestler and Caleb. His desperate plea to authorities falling on deaf ears, Professor Koestler realizes that his only hope for preventing more lives from being lost is to take personal action. Though the author of the prophecies is no longer living, Professor Koestler is eventually able to track down her daughter Diana Wayland (Rose Byrne), and granddaughter Abby, who reluctantly agree to aid in the investigation. As the final date on the list draws near, Professor Koestler enters into a frantic race against time to prevent destruction on a global scale, in the process realizing that in order to save millions of lives, he may have to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Lo Spazio Bianco

Con Margherita Buy, Salvatore Cantalupo, Guido Caprino, Maria Paiato, Gaetano Bruno, Antonia Truppo, Giovanni Ludeno.
Maria aspetta una bambina, non è incinta più ma aspetta lo stesso. Aspetta che sua figlia nasca, o muoia. E se c'è una cosa che Maria non sa fare è aspettare. E' per questo che i tre mesi che deve affrontare, sola, nell'attesa che sua figlia Irene esca dall'incubatrice, la colgono impreparata. Abituata a fare affidamento esclusivamente sulle proprie forze e a decidere con piena autonomia della propria vita, Maria si costringe ad un'apnea passiva che esclude il mondo intero, si imprigiona nello spazio bianco dell'attesa. Ma questo sforzo di isolamento doloroso consuma anche l'ultimo filo di energia a disposizione: la bolla di solitudine in cui Maria si è rinchiusa è messa a dura prova e alla fine esplode. E' necessario che Maria salvi se stessa per riuscire a salvare la bambina. Non c'è che una soluzione: consentire al mondo di irrompere nella propria esistenza e concedersi il privilegio di ritornare a vivere. E così inventarsi la forza per accompagnare Irene alla nascita.

L'ultimo Ultras

Con Stefano Calvagna, Francesca Antonelli, Mauro Meconi, Rossella Infanti, Giancarlo Lombardi.
Il gioco del calcio: ultima vera epopea epica contemporanea, oppio del popolo e riscatto degli umili, spettacolo, teatro, sogno di soldi ed evasione. Negli ultimi anni il gioco del pallone ha perso quella patina poetica ed eroica che aveva nell'Italia della ricostruzione e del boom. Ricorda Alessandro Baricco le partite sognate alla radio e le immagini in bianco e nero trasmesse dalla rai a domenica già finita: emozioni sfasate, sfuocate, vissute fuori sincro. Il calcio come luogo dell¢immaginario in cui elevare al rango di avventura nazionale le partitelle nei campi di terra, le ginocchia sbucciate, gli amici che vanno e quelli che restano. Canta Francesco De Gregori l'ansia di crescere di un ragazzino dalle spalle strette, le sconfitte e i successi di tante vite comuni che appendono, o non si arrendono ad appendere, le scarpette a "qualche tipo di muro". Disegna il fumettista italiano Davide Previati la concitazione di un gruppo di figli di operai del petrolchimico Anic di Ravenna: le fabbriche incombenti sullo sfondo, il cuore a sussultare per un tiro sbagliato, una parata impossibile e le narici che inalano sudore e malinconia presto sovrastati dal sapore dei prodotti della raffinazione. Il calcio in Italia è stato quello che prima fu il ciclismo, retorica popolare, pulita, sana, palcoscenico privilegiato per la messa in scena dei nostri sogni. Il gioco del pallone oggi non è più lo schermo da proiezione su cui animare aspirazioni e metafore di un paese in subbuglio. Il calcio oggi è intrattenimento fine a se stesso, discussione sterile, pretesto per facinorosi, distrazione pericolosa dai pericoli di un paese che vacilla. Nella tifoseria organizzata si può leggere ancora l'ansia di riscoprire un senso di appartenenza ormai perduto, l'espressione di un disagio che non riesce a placarsi nell'assoluta mancanza di punti di riferimento o nella preponderante presenza di punti di riferimento sbagliati: ecco quindi la violenza, la strumentalizzazione politica, la volgarità e, inaccettabile, l'omicidio.

Michael Jackson's This is It

'Michael Jackson's This Is It' offers Jackson fans and music lovers worldwide a rare, behind-the-scenes look at the performer as he developed, created and rehearsed for his sold-out concerts that would have taken place beginning this summer in London's O2 Arena. Chronicling the months from April through June, 2009, the film is produced with the full support of the Estate of Michael Jackson and drawn from more than one hundred hours of behind-the-scenes footage, featuring Jackson rehearsing a number of his songs for the show. Audiences will be given a privileged and private look at Jackson up close and personal. In raw and candid detail, 'Michael Jackson's This Is It' captures the singer, dancer, filmmaker, architect, creative genius and great artist at work as he creates and perfects his final show.


Starring Jim Caviezel, Sophia Myles, Jack Huston, Ron Perlman, John Hurt, Cliff Saunders and Aidan Devine.
A space craft crashes into the majestic fjords of ancient Norway and into the time of the Vikings. From the wreckage emerge two bitter enemies: a soldier from another world, Kainan, and a bloodthirsty creature known as the Moorwen. Man and monster both seeking revenge for violence committed against them. As the Moorwen ravages the Viking world, killing everything in its path, Kainan forms an unlikely alliance with the primitive but fierce warriors. Combining his advanced technology with ancient Iron Age weapons, the hero leads a desperate attempt to kill the monster ... before it destroys them all.

Polar Storm (Tempesta Polare)

Starring Jack Coleman, Holly Elissa Dignard, Terry David Mulligan and Roger R. Cross.
A massive comet fragment sends planet Earth spinning off its axis, prompting a series of unprecedented natural disasters that threaten the very future of mankind. With his wife and teenage so in mortal danger, Dr. James Mayfield (Jack Coleman) calls on his crack research team to help realign the planet's axis before the effects of the catastrophe are irreversible.

Questione Di Punti Di Vista

Con Jane Birkin, Sergio Castellitto, André Marcon, Jacques Bonnaffé, Julie-Marie Parmentier.
Dopo quindici anni di assenza, Kate ritorna al mondo circense, abbandonato da giovane dopo la tragedia di un grave incidente. Il padre, direttore del piccolo circo in tournée, è morto da poco tempo e gli acrobati rimasti, scioccati dalla perdita, devono fare i conti con l¢insuccesso del loro spettacolo itinerante. Bloccati in un piccolo paesino alle porte di Parigi, cercano di riavvicinarsi lentamente a Kate. Durante la preparazione dei nuovi sketch, arriva Vittorio, misterioso viaggiatore italiano, che, affascinato dall¢eccentricità del gruppo e dall¢animo tormentato di Kate, decide di fermarsi per qualche tempo. L¢incontro tra le due anime solitarie costringerà tutti a fermarsi e riflettere sui traumi del passato. Rivette è ossessionato dal legame tra arte e vita. Dopo aver sviscerato il topos ne La bella scontrosa, enigmatica riflessione sulla pittura come sintesi intellettuale di creazione artistica e ricerca esistenziale, ora continua a srotolare quel filo, ambientando una nuova storia d¢amore nel mondo del circo. Sceglie un piccolo tendone rudimentale, lo arricchisce di luci e colori e lo sveste del carattere esagerato da baraccone ambulante. Il non-luogo sospeso del circo viene così rappresentato nella sua essenzialità: non ci sono elefanti addestrati né tigri o cavalli ma solo un gruppetto di clown e qualche acrobata. L¢assenza totale di musica e la presenza algida e apatica dell¢esiguo pubblico pagante, ammanta la costruzione silenziosa dei sentimenti di un¢aria triste e desolante. Se i drammi del cuore affrontano con gravità la ricerca di un senso compiuto, le scenette teatrali dei clown e l¢estrosità di Vittorio (che ride quando gli altri non lo fanno e si intromette negli affari degli sconosciuti con picchi buffi di petulanza), temperano i tormenti interiori. Vittorio è impacciato e ¡fuori tempo¢ nell¢avvicinamento a Kate; tra i due nasce però una strana complicità che li unisce e separa continuamente, in un ballo di emozioni sussurrate e mai vissute carnalmente. Lei è bloccata dai ricordi e vive imponendosi la sofferenza della rimozione di una parte di se stessa, quella legata al mondo del circo dov¢è cresciuta.. Accetta le incombenze quotidiane del presente, pensa al futuro ma non vuole fermarsi a guardare indietro. Il ritorno al circo ¡ambulante¢ la blocca in un luogo magico, dove la commistione tra creatività e gioia di vivere creano il posto ideale per pensare. Lo stesso accade a Vittorio, nomade anomalo che vede, prima nello spettacolo circense, poi in Kate, l¢occasione di aggrapparsi alla vita.

Surrogates (Il Mondo Dei Replicanti)

Starring Bruce Willis, Radha Mitchell, Rosamund Pike, James Francis Ginty, Boris Kodjoe and Ving Rhames.
FBI agents (Bruce Willis, Radha Mitchell) investigate the mysterious murder of a college student linked to the man who helped create a high-tech surrogate phenomenon that allows people to purchase unflawed robotic versions of themselves - fit, good looking remotely controlled machines that ultimately assume their life roles - enabling people to experience life vicariously from the comfort and safety of their own homes. The murder spawns a quest for answers: in a world of masks, who's real and who can you trust?

The Time Traveler's Wife (Un¢Amore All¢Improvviso)

Starring Rachel McAdams, Eric Bana, Arliss Howard, Ron Livingston, Stephen Tobolowsky and Jane McLean.
Clare (Rachel McAdams) has been in love with Henry (Eric Bana) her entire life. She believes they are destined to be together, even though she never knows when they will be separated: Henry is a time traveler - cursed with a rare genetic anomaly that causes him to live his life on a shifting timeline, skipping back and forth through his lifespan with no control. Despite the fact that Henry's travels force them apart with no warning, Clare desperately tries to build a life with her one true love.

Tris Di Donne E Abiti Nuziali

Con Sergio Castellitto, Martina Gedeck, Paolo Briguglia, Raffaella Rea, Salvatore Cantalupo.
Franco Campanella è un ex impiegato delle poste che non arriva ai mille euro al mese di pensione, devoto alla propria famiglia e dedito al vizio del gioco. Alla vigilia delle nozze della figlia maggiore Luisa, giovane insegnante appassionata di poesia, Franco promette alla moglie Josephine di impegnarsi a fare economia per sostenere personalmente le spese del matrimonio. Ma dopo che gli viene rifiutato un fido bancario, Franco ricomincia a scommettere e a frequentare ogni bisca del napoletano, perdendo fino a indebitarsi con strozzini e camorristi per una cifra da decine di migliaia di euro. Dietro ad un titolo da commedia dei "telefoni bianchi" si cela un tentativo di recupero di quelle agrodolci modalità di raccontare una parte anonima e sotterranea della società che hanno fatto grande il passato della commedia italiana. Un recupero che sa quasi di una riflessione sul genere, prendendo avvio da tre elementi ricorrenti nella commedia del dopoguerra: povertà, matrimonio e carte da gioco, raccontati attraverso la storia di un personaggio tipicamente zavattiniano: Franco Campanella. Alcuni momenti del film parrebbero innalzare questo pensionato ingenuo e sciagurato, schiavo dell'affetto della famiglia e dei suoi stessi vizi, nella tradizione romantica e solitaria del viandante di Friederich o nel crepuscolarismo di Camillo Sbarbaro. Grazie invece a Castellitto, Franco resta un mediocre, un personaggio troppo piccolo e meschino per poter aspirare ad un'aura di tragicità. Un contrasto fra grandezza e grettezza che scorre fra i saliscendi del Vomero napoletano e gli arpeggi musicali di Nicola Piovani, vagabondando incerto come il suo protagonista fra il semplice ritratto neorealista, il tentativo di descrizione di una realtà sotterranea come quella dei giocatori compulsivi e i toni della commedia edificante. Se Terracciano incappa in un problema che non apparteneva alla commedia all'italiana, è perché rispetto a questa grande tradizione, dimentica di costruire un ambiente complesso e sfaccettato. Il reale si costruisce a partire dall'intorno, da un microuniverso di personaggi che contribuiscono a dare spessore e credibilità alla quotidianità del protagonista. Il regista napoletano sembra invece concentrarsi solo sulla performance del suo eroe mediocre, così che gli altri personaggi non hanno spazio o forza necessaria a caricare di attese o di pathos la caduta verso il basso di Franco.

The Ugly Truth (La Dura Verità)

Starring Katherine Heigl, Gerard Butler, Eric Winter, John Michael Higgins, Nick Searcy, Kevin Connolly and Cheryl Hines.
Abby Richter (Katherine Heigl) is an ambitious morning talk show producer on "A.M. Sacramento" who prides herself on being able to find an instant solution to any problem - any problem that is except her own unhappily single status. When it comes to ******, the always-in-control Abby has a flawless track record of failure. When her show suffers a ratings slump, Abby is forced to team with the newly recruited special correspondent Mike Chadway (Gerard Butler), a man who couldn't push more of her buttons. His "The Ugly Truth" segment promises to spill the beans on what makes men really tick. But his outrageously racy, gleefully chauvinistic, "shock jock" style rubs Abby in all the wrong ways and to make matters worse, becomes an instant ratings bonanza, sealing his network status. Then Abby meets Colin, her neighbor, and he's a single doctor! He's everything Mike Chadway isn't - suave, polite, not remotely into jello wrestling - and this time, Abby doesn't want to blow it. She hates to admit it, but she needs Mike's insight into the male mind to make the right moves. Now, as Mike coaches Abby and Abby puts Mike's provocative seduction theories to the test, they are both about to discover an ironic truth: as different as we might be, men and women share some of our most secret feelings in common.

Year One (Anno Uno)

Starring Jack Black, Michael Cera, Oliver Platt, David Cross, Hank Azaria, Christopher Mintz-Plasse and Vinnie Jones.
When a couple of lazy hunter-gatherers (Jack Black, Michael Cera) are banished from their primitive village, they set off on an epic journey through the ancient world.


May 28 to June 4

12 Rounds

Starring John Cena, Aidan Gillen, Ashley Scott, Steve Harris and Brian White.
When New Orleans Police Detective Danny Fisher (John Cena) stops a brilliant thief, Miles, from getting away with a multi-million-dollar heist, the thief's girlfriend is accidentally killed. After escaping from prison, the criminal mastermind enacts his revenge, taunting Danny with a series of near-impossible puzzles and tasks...12 rounds...that Danny must somehow complete to save the life of his fiancée. Ranging from tests of intelligence to Sisyphean tasks of endurance, Miles keeps Danny guessing at every treacherous turn. Each new round sends Danny hurtling through the city at a breakneck pace. As Miles toys with Danny, innocent citizens are threatened. Automobiles, streetcars and ferryboats are transformed into potential weapons of mass destruction. With the violent rounds mounting, one wrong move may take the match closer to a deadly conclusion.


Starring John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Oliver Platt, Thandie Newton, Danny Glover and Woody Harrelson.
Centuries ago, the Mayans left us their calendar, with a clear end date and all that it implies. Since then, astrologists have discovered it, numerologists have found patterns that predict it, geologists say the earth is overdue for it, and even government scientists cannot deny the cataclysm of epic proportions that awaits the earth in 2012. A prophecy that began with the Mayans has now been well-chronicled, discussed, taken apart and examined. By 2012, we'll know we were warned...


Starring Aly Michalka, Vanessa Hudgens, Gaelan Connell, Scott Porter and Lisa Kudrow.
When gifted singer-songwriter Charlotte Banks (Aly Michalka) asks new kid in town Will Burton (Gaelan Connell) to manage her fledgling rock band, she appears to have just one goal in mind: go head-to-head against her egotistical musician ex-boyfriend, Ben (Scott Porter), at the biggest event of the year, a battle of the bands. Against all odds, their band develops a sound all its own with a real shot at success in the contest. Meanwhile, romance brews between Will and Sam (Vanessa Hudgens), who plays a mean guitar and has a voice to die for. When disaster strikes, it's time for the band to make a choice: Do they admit defeat, or face the music and stand up for what they believe in?

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Starring Michael Nyqvist, Noomi Rapace, Peter Haber, Lena Endre and Marika Lagercrantz.
A discredited journalist and a mysterious computer hacker discover that even the wealthiest families have skeletons in their closets while working to solve the mystery of a 40-year-old murder. Inspired by late author Stieg Larsson's successful trilogy of books, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo gets under way as Mikael Blomkvist and Lisbeth Salander are briefed in the disappearance of Harriet Vanger, whose uncle suspects she may have been killed by a member of their own family. The deeper Mikael and Lisbeth dig for the truth, however, the greater the risk of being buried alive by members of the family who will go to great lengths to keep their secrets tightly sealed.

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

Starring Heath Ledger, Christopher Plummer, Verne Troyer, Andrew Garfield, Lily Cole, Tom Waits, Johnny Depp, Colin Farrell and Jude Law.
Fantastical morality tale, set in the present day. It tells the story of Dr. Parnassus and his extraordinary 'Imaginarium', a travelling show where members of the audience get an irresistible opportunity to choose between light and joy or darkness and gloom. Blessed with the extraordinary gift of guiding the imaginations of others, Dr. Parnassus is cursed with a dark secret. Long ago he made a bet with the devil, Mr. Nick, in which he won immortality. Many centuries later, on meeting his one true love, Dr. Parnassus made another deal with the devil, trading his immortality for youth, on condition that when his first-born reached its 16th birthday he or she would become the property of Mr. Nick. Valentina is now rapidly approaching this 'coming of age' milestone and Dr. Parnassus is desperate to protect her from her impending fate. Mr. Nick arrives to collect but, always keen to make a bet, renegotiates the wager. Now the winner of Valentina will be determined by whoever seduces the first five souls. Enlisting a series of wild, comical and compelling characters in his journey, Dr. Parnassus promises his daughter's hand in marriage to the man that helps him win. In this captivating, explosive and wonderfully imaginative race against time, Dr. Parnassus must fight to save his daughter in a never-ending landscape of surreal obstacles - and undo the mistakes of his past once and for all.

Knowing (Segnali Dal Futuro)

A time capsule containing a cryptic message about the coming apocalypse sends a concerned father on a race to prevent the horrific events from unfolding as predicted in this sci-fi thriller directed by Alex Proyas (Dark City) and starring Nicolas Cage. 1958: As the dedication ceremony for a newly constructed elementary school gets under way, a time capsule containing student drawings of the future is buried on the grounds and scheduled to be unearthed on the school's 50th anniversary. Instead of submitting a drawing, however, one little girl scribbles a series of seemingly random numbers on her paper before it is buried. Fifty years later, the time capsule is unearthed for a new generation of students to examine. Young Caleb Koestler (Chandler Canterbury) is one of those students. The mysterious sequence of numbers falling into his possession, Caleb takes the paper to his father, Professor John Koestler (Cage), for examination. Studying the numbers, Professor Koestler soon discovers that they aren't random at all, but an encoded message containing the precise dates, death tolls, and coordinates of every major disaster since the time capsule was buried. Not only that, but the document also indicates that there will be three more such events, the last of which indicates a doomsday scenario that appears directly tied to Professor Koestler and Caleb. His desperate plea to authorities falling on deaf ears, Professor Koestler realizes that his only hope for preventing more lives from being lost is to take personal action. Though the author of the prophecies is no longer living, Professor Koestler is eventually able to track down her daughter Diana Wayland (Rose Byrne), and granddaughter Abby, who reluctantly agree to aid in the investigation. As the final date on the list draws near, Professor Koestler enters into a frantic race against time to prevent destruction on a global scale, in the process realizing that in order to save millions of lives, he may have to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Lo Spazio Bianco

Con Margherita Buy, Salvatore Cantalupo, Guido Caprino, Maria Paiato, Gaetano Bruno, Antonia Truppo, Giovanni Ludeno.
Maria aspetta una bambina, non è incinta più ma aspetta lo stesso. Aspetta che sua figlia nasca, o muoia. E se c'è una cosa che Maria non sa fare è aspettare. E' per questo che i tre mesi che deve affrontare, sola, nell'attesa che sua figlia Irene esca dall'incubatrice, la colgono impreparata. Abituata a fare affidamento esclusivamente sulle proprie forze e a decidere con piena autonomia della propria vita, Maria si costringe ad un'apnea passiva che esclude il mondo intero, si imprigiona nello spazio bianco dell'attesa. Ma questo sforzo di isolamento doloroso consuma anche l'ultimo filo di energia a disposizione: la bolla di solitudine in cui Maria si è rinchiusa è messa a dura prova e alla fine esplode. E' necessario che Maria salvi se stessa per riuscire a salvare la bambina. Non c'è che una soluzione: consentire al mondo di irrompere nella propria esistenza e concedersi il privilegio di ritornare a vivere. E così inventarsi la forza per accompagnare Irene alla nascita.

Polar Storm (Tempesta Polare)

Starring Jack Coleman, Holly Elissa Dignard, Terry David Mulligan and Roger R. Cross.
A massive comet fragment sends planet Earth spinning off its axis, prompting a series of unprecedented natural disasters that threaten the very future of mankind. With his wife and teenage so in mortal danger, Dr. James Mayfield (Jack Coleman) calls on his crack research team to help realign the planet's axis before the effects of the catastrophe are irreversible.

The Princess And The Frog (La Principessa e Il Ranocchio)

Starring Anika Noni Rose, Bruno Campos, Keith David, Jenifer Lewis, Jim Cummings, Michael-Leon Wooley, John Goodman, Jennifer Cody, Terrence Howard and Oprah Winfrey.
A modern twist on a classic tale, set in the great city of New Orleans, where a beautiful girl named Tiana (Anika Noni Rose) meets a frog prince who desperately wants to be human again. A fateful kiss leads them both on a hilarious adventure through the mystical bayous of Louisiana.

Questione Di Punti Di Vista

Con Jane Birkin, Sergio Castellitto, André Marcon, Jacques Bonnaffé, Julie-Marie Parmentier.
Dopo quindici anni di assenza, Kate ritorna al mondo circense, abbandonato da giovane dopo la tragedia di un grave incidente. Il padre, direttore del piccolo circo in tournée, è morto da poco tempo e gli acrobati rimasti, scioccati dalla perdita, devono fare i conti con l¢insuccesso del loro spettacolo itinerante. Bloccati in un piccolo paesino alle porte di Parigi, cercano di riavvicinarsi lentamente a Kate. Durante la preparazione dei nuovi sketch, arriva Vittorio, misterioso viaggiatore italiano, che, affascinato dall¢eccentricità del gruppo e dall¢animo tormentato di Kate, decide di fermarsi per qualche tempo. L¢incontro tra le due anime solitarie costringerà tutti a fermarsi e riflettere sui traumi del passato. Rivette è ossessionato dal legame tra arte e vita. Dopo aver sviscerato il topos ne La bella scontrosa, enigmatica riflessione sulla pittura come sintesi intellettuale di creazione artistica e ricerca esistenziale, ora continua a srotolare quel filo, ambientando una nuova storia d¢amore nel mondo del circo. Sceglie un piccolo tendone rudimentale, lo arricchisce di luci e colori e lo sveste del carattere esagerato da baraccone ambulante. Il non-luogo sospeso del circo viene così rappresentato nella sua essenzialità: non ci sono elefanti addestrati né tigri o cavalli ma solo un gruppetto di clown e qualche acrobata. L¢assenza totale di musica e la presenza algida e apatica dell¢esiguo pubblico pagante, ammanta la costruzione silenziosa dei sentimenti di un¢aria triste e desolante. Se i drammi del cuore affrontano con gravità la ricerca di un senso compiuto, le scenette teatrali dei clown e l¢estrosità di Vittorio (che ride quando gli altri non lo fanno e si intromette negli affari degli sconosciuti con picchi buffi di petulanza), temperano i tormenti interiori. Vittorio è impacciato e ¡fuori tempo¢ nell¢avvicinamento a Kate; tra i due nasce però una strana complicità che li unisce e separa continuamente, in un ballo di emozioni sussurrate e mai vissute carnalmente. Lei è bloccata dai ricordi e vive imponendosi la sofferenza della rimozione di una parte di se stessa, quella legata al mondo del circo dov¢è cresciuta.. Accetta le incombenze quotidiane del presente, pensa al futuro ma non vuole fermarsi a guardare indietro. Il ritorno al circo ¡ambulante¢ la blocca in un luogo magico, dove la commistione tra creatività e gioia di vivere creano il posto ideale per pensare. Lo stesso accade a Vittorio, nomade anomalo che vede, prima nello spettacolo circense, poi in Kate, l¢occasione di aggrapparsi alla vita.

Surrogates (Il Mondo Dei Replicanti)

Starring Bruce Willis, Radha Mitchell, Rosamund Pike, James Francis Ginty, Boris Kodjoe and Ving Rhames.
FBI agents (Bruce Willis, Radha Mitchell) investigate the mysterious murder of a college student linked to the man who helped create a high-tech surrogate phenomenon that allows people to purchase unflawed robotic versions of themselves - fit, good looking remotely controlled machines that ultimately assume their life roles - enabling people to experience life vicariously from the comfort and safety of their own homes. The murder spawns a quest for answers: in a world of masks, who's real and who can you trust?

The Time Traveler's Wife (Un Amore All¢Improvviso)

Starring Rachel McAdams, Eric Bana, Arliss Howard, Ron Livingston, Stephen Tobolowsky and Jane McLean.
Clare (Rachel McAdams) has been in love with Henry (Eric Bana) her entire life. She believes they are destined to be together, even though she never knows when they will be separated: Henry is a time traveler - cursed with a rare genetic anomaly that causes him to live his life on a shifting timeline, skipping back and forth through his lifespan with no control. Despite the fact that Henry's travels force them apart with no warning, Clare desperately tries to build a life with her one true love.

Tris Di Donne E Abiti Nuziali

Con Sergio Castellitto, Martina Gedeck, Paolo Briguglia, Raffaella Rea, Salvatore Cantalupo.
Franco Campanella è un ex impiegato delle poste che non arriva ai mille euro al mese di pensione, devoto alla propria famiglia e dedito al vizio del gioco. Alla vigilia delle nozze della figlia maggiore Luisa, giovane insegnante appassionata di poesia, Franco promette alla moglie Josephine di impegnarsi a fare economia per sostenere personalmente le spese del matrimonio. Ma dopo che gli viene rifiutato un fido bancario, Franco ricomincia a scommettere e a frequentare ogni bisca del napoletano, perdendo fino a indebitarsi con strozzini e camorristi per una cifra da decine di migliaia di euro. Dietro ad un titolo da commedia dei "telefoni bianchi" si cela un tentativo di recupero di quelle agrodolci modalità di raccontare una parte anonima e sotterranea della società che hanno fatto grande il passato della commedia italiana. Un recupero che sa quasi di una riflessione sul genere, prendendo avvio da tre elementi ricorrenti nella commedia del dopoguerra: povertà, matrimonio e carte da gioco, raccontati attraverso la storia di un personaggio tipicamente zavattiniano: Franco Campanella. Alcuni momenti del film parrebbero innalzare questo pensionato ingenuo e sciagurato, schiavo dell'affetto della famiglia e dei suoi stessi vizi, nella tradizione romantica e solitaria del viandante di Friederich o nel crepuscolarismo di Camillo Sbarbaro. Grazie invece a Castellitto, Franco resta un mediocre, un personaggio troppo piccolo e meschino per poter aspirare ad un'aura di tragicità. Un contrasto fra grandezza e grettezza che scorre fra i saliscendi del Vomero napoletano e gli arpeggi musicali di Nicola Piovani, vagabondando incerto come il suo protagonista fra il semplice ritratto neorealista, il tentativo di descrizione di una realtà sotterranea come quella dei giocatori compulsivi e i toni della commedia edificante. Se Terracciano incappa in un problema che non apparteneva alla commedia all'italiana, è perché rispetto a questa grande tradizione, dimentica di costruire un ambiente complesso e sfaccettato. Il reale si costruisce a partire dall'intorno, da un microuniverso di personaggi che contribuiscono a dare spessore e credibilità alla quotidianità del protagonista. Il regista napoletano sembra invece concentrarsi solo sulla performance del suo eroe mediocre, così che gli altri personaggi non hanno spazio o forza necessaria a caricare di attese o di pathos la caduta verso il basso di Franco.

The Ugly Truth (La Dura Verità)

Starring Katherine Heigl, Gerard Butler, Eric Winter, John Michael Higgins, Nick Searcy, Kevin Connolly and Cheryl Hines.
Abby Richter (Katherine Heigl) is an ambitious morning talk show producer on "A.M. Sacramento" who prides herself on being able to find an instant solution to any problem - any problem that is except her own unhappily single status. When it comes to ******, the always-in-control Abby has a flawless track record of failure. When her show suffers a ratings slump, Abby is forced to team with the newly recruited special correspondent Mike Chadway (Gerard Butler), a man who couldn't push more of her buttons. His "The Ugly Truth" segment promises to spill the beans on what makes men really tick. But his outrageously racy, gleefully chauvinistic, "shock jock" style rubs Abby in all the wrong ways and to make matters worse, becomes an instant ratings bonanza, sealing his network status. Then Abby meets Colin, her neighbor, and he's a single doctor! He's everything Mike Chadway isn't - suave, polite, not remotely into jello wrestling - and this time, Abby doesn't want to blow it. She hates to admit it, but she needs Mike's insight into the male mind to make the right moves. Now, as Mike coaches Abby and Abby puts Mike's provocative seduction theories to the test, they are both about to discover an ironic truth: as different as we might be, men and women share some of our most secret feelings in common.

Year One (Anno Uno)

Starring Jack Black, Michael Cera, Oliver Platt, David Cross, Hank Azaria, Christopher Mintz-Plasse and Vinnie Jones.
When a couple of lazy hunter-gatherers (Jack Black, Michael Cera) are banished from their primitive village, they set off on an epic journey through the ancient world.


June 4 to June 11

12 Rounds

Starring John Cena, Aidan Gillen, Ashley Scott, Steve Harris and Brian White.
When New Orleans Police Detective Danny Fisher (John Cena) stops a brilliant thief, Miles, from getting away with a multi-million-dollar heist, the thief's girlfriend is accidentally killed. After escaping from prison, the criminal mastermind enacts his revenge, taunting Danny with a series of near-impossible puzzles and tasks...12 rounds...that Danny must somehow complete to save the life of his fiancée. Ranging from tests of intelligence to Sisyphean tasks of endurance, Miles keeps Danny guessing at every treacherous turn. Each new round sends Danny hurtling through the city at a breakneck pace. As Miles toys with Danny, innocent citizens are threatened. Automobiles, streetcars and ferryboats are transformed into potential weapons of mass destruction. With the violent rounds mounting, one wrong move may take the match closer to a deadly conclusion.


Starring John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Oliver Platt, Thandie Newton, Danny Glover and Woody Harrelson.
Centuries ago, the Mayans left us their calendar, with a clear end date and all that it implies. Since then, astrologists have discovered it, numerologists have found patterns that predict it, geologists say the earth is overdue for it, and even government scientists cannot deny the cataclysm of epic proportions that awaits the earth in 2012. A prophecy that began with the Mayans has now been well-chronicled, discussed, taken apart and examined. By 2012, we'll know we were warned...

Alice In Wonderland

Starring Johnny Depp, Mia Wasikowska, Anne Hathaway, Helena Bonham Carter, Crispin Glover, Matt Lucas, Marton Csokas and Tim Pigott-Smith.
Johnny Depp stars as The Mad Hatter and Mia Wasikowska as 19-year-old Alice, who returns to the whimsical world she first encountered as a young girl, reuniting her with childhood friends: The White Rabbit, Tweedledee and Tweedledum, The Dormouse, The Caterpillar, The Cheshire Cat, and of course, The Mad Hatter. Alice embarks on a fantastical journey to find her true destiny and end The Red Queen's reign of terror.


Con Francesco Scianna, Margareth Madè, Nicole Grimaudo, Angela Molina, Lina Sastri.
La storia di una famiglia siciliana che prende le mosse dal ventennio fascista in cui Cicco, sin da bambino apertamente contestatore, è un pastore che ha la passione per la letteratura epica. Suo figlio Peppino, cresciuto durante la guerra, entrerà nelle file del Partito Comunista divenendone un esponente di spicco sul piano locale e riuscendo a sposare, nonostante la più assoluta opposizione della famiglia di lei, Mannina che diventerà madre dei loro numerosi figli che saranno comunque considerati da alcuni sempre e comunque ¡figli del comunista'. Tornatore riprende a narrare della terra che ama, la Sicilia, e lo fa con un affresco collettivo che abbraccia numerosi decenni della storia del secolo scorso. Lo fa con quel piglio che a tratti travalica nell'enfasi che ormai gli è proprio quando torna cinematograficamente a varcare lo Stretto di Messina (e che gli procura tante critiche) ma anche con la sincera voglia di fare cinema a tutto campo. Fare cinema si traduce per lui in un omaggio consapevole e dichiarato a quanti lo hanno preceduto (qui in modo particolare a Sergio Leone ma non solo) senza però rinunciare a un proprio stile narrativo che procede per accumulo di immagini e di situazioni. È una corsa contro il tempo quella che ci viene proposta sin dall'inizio con la figura del bambino che apre il film. Corsa contro il tempo che cancella una memoria collettiva che sembra progressivamente non esistere più e che Tornatore vuole restituirci scegliendo la via della spettacolarità rivolta al pubblico più vasto possibile. C'è una scena in cui Peppino torna a Bagheria dopo essere emigrato per lavoro a Parigi. Ha ancora in mano la valigia e un gruppo di suoi conoscenti, incontrandolo, gli chiede per dove stia partendo. Nessuno di loro si è accorto della sua assenza. Oggi ben pochi sembrano accorgersi della perdita della conoscenza di un passato recente in cui umiliazioni, lotte e parziali vittorie lasciavano segni profondi nella collettività. Segni che, come l'affresco sulla volta della chiesa, 'dovevano' essere cancellati. Ma ciò che al regista sembra premere ancor di più è il mostrare come il retaggio di un passato di tradizioni ormai incancrenite nella società non sia stato ancora superato nella realtà sociale siciliana e non solo. La sequenza dell'assessore all'urbanistica non vedente che si fa portare i piani regolatori in plastico e li apprezza solo dopo aver intascato l'ineludibile mazzetta è di quelle che si ricordano. Così come (pur nel caleidoscopio a tratti pensoso e a tratti decisamente macchiettistico della miriade di personaggi che attraversano la scena) resta presente, nello scorrere degli anni e delle vicende, la pessimistica sensazione di una sorta di atavica maledizione a causa della quale le uova rotte e i serpenti neri finiscono col far parte del passato, del presente e del futuro di una terra che ha bisogno di una frattura traumatica per poter liberare una volta per tutte una vitalità creativa che certo non le manca.

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Starring Michael Nyqvist, Noomi Rapace, Peter Haber, Lena Endre and Marika Lagercrantz.
A discredited journalist and a mysterious computer hacker discover that even the wealthiest families have skeletons in their closets while working to solve the mystery of a 40-year-old murder. Inspired by late author Stieg Larsson's successful trilogy of books, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo gets under way as Mikael Blomkvist and Lisbeth Salander are briefed in the disappearance of Harriet Vanger, whose uncle suspects she may have been killed by a member of their own family. The deeper Mikael and Lisbeth dig for the truth, however, the greater the risk of being buried alive by members of the family who will go to great lengths to keep their secrets tightly sealed.

Il Grande Sogno

Con Riccardo Scamarcio, Jasmine Trinca, Luca Argentero, Massimo Popolizio, Alessandra Acciai.
Nicola è un giovane poliziotto che ama il teatro e vorrebbe diventare attore. Laura è una studentessa universitaria di matrice cattolica pronta a lottare contro l'ingiustizia. Libero è un leader del movimento studentesco. Gli anni sono quelli che precedono, attraversano e seguono il 1968 e i suoi rivolgimenti. Nicola, infiltrato dai suoi superiori nel movimento, si innamorerà di Laura e cercherà anche di comprendere un mondo che gli è al contempo congeniale e lontano. Michele Placido decide di raccontare se stesso e la sua gioventù. Lo fa cercando di descrivere mondi differenti che si incontrano/scontrano in un periodo di fermenti sociali e culturali. L'operazione riesce a metà perché il dato personale e autobiografico al contempo frena e fagocita lo sguardo complessivo. Placido non è il primo a farsi in qualche modo condizionare dalla narrazione di se stesso. È sufficiente citare l'Almodovar de La mala educacion per ricordare come il regista spagnolo abbia costruito il suo film più algido proprio quando basava il soggetto su esperienze personali adolescenziali. Placido qui non sembra essere stato il regista di Romanzo criminale, in cui pure narrava della relativamente recente storia sociale e politica dell'Italia. La tensione che percorreva quel film, offrendoci una lucida lettura di fatti più o meno noti, finisce qua con il disperdersi. Il grande sogno si ritrova con il dire di più del complesso rapporto con la liberazione sessuale dei suoi protagonisti di estrazione sociale diversa che non del complessivo ¡grande sogno' di una generazione. Anche se i paragoni sono sempre azzardati non si può non pensare a La meglio gioventù di Marco Tullio Giordana in cui, quasi rileggendo uno degli slogan dell'epoca, il privato si faceva politico e viceversa. Qui è come se ci fossero due film in uno. L'uno narra delle vicende amorose di Nicola, Laura e Libero e l'altro delinea un ritratto di quegli anni esplorato con uno sguardo forse inconsciamente unilaterale. Uno sguardo che, e in questo Placido è scopertamente sincero, è ancora quello del poliziotto Michele che osserva, senza davvero comprenderlo fino in fondo, un tentativo di cambiare il mondo per lui tanto confuso quanto in fondo velleitario perché dai sogni ci si risveglia. In giorni poi di rinnovata polemica sul ¡cattocomunismo' il personaggio di Laura (che resta positivo nonostante le sue contraddizioni e ha una matrice cattolico progressista) finisce col far nascere quesiti sul ¡chi produce cosa' nel nostro sempre più complicato Paese.

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

Starring Heath Ledger, Christopher Plummer, Verne Troyer, Andrew Garfield, Lily Cole, Tom Waits, Johnny Depp, Colin Farrell and Jude Law.
Fantastical morality tale, set in the present day. It tells the story of Dr. Parnassus and his extraordinary 'Imaginarium', a travelling show where members of the audience get an irresistible opportunity to choose between light and joy or darkness and gloom. Blessed with the extraordinary gift of guiding the imaginations of others, Dr. Parnassus is cursed with a dark secret. Long ago he made a bet with the devil, Mr. Nick, in which he won immortality. Many centuries later, on meeting his one true love, Dr. Parnassus made another deal with the devil, trading his immortality for youth, on condition that when his first-born reached its 16th birthday he or she would become the property of Mr. Nick. Valentina is now rapidly approaching this 'coming of age' milestone and Dr. Parnassus is desperate to protect her from her impending fate. Mr. Nick arrives to collect but, always keen to make a bet, renegotiates the wager. Now the winner of Valentina will be determined by whoever seduces the first five souls. Enlisting a series of wild, comical and compelling characters in his journey, Dr. Parnassus promises his daughter's hand in marriage to the man that helps him win. In this captivating, explosive and wonderfully imaginative race against time, Dr. Parnassus must fight to save his daughter in a never-ending landscape of surreal obstacles - and undo the mistakes of his past once and for all.

Lo Spazio Bianco

Con Margherita Buy, Salvatore Cantalupo, Guido Caprino, Maria Paiato, Gaetano Bruno, Antonia Truppo, Giovanni Ludeno.
Maria aspetta una bambina, non è incinta più ma aspetta lo stesso. Aspetta che sua figlia nasca, o muoia. E se c'è una cosa che Maria non sa fare è aspettare. E' per questo che i tre mesi che deve affrontare, sola, nell'attesa che sua figlia Irene esca dall'incubatrice, la colgono impreparata. Abituata a fare affidamento esclusivamente sulle proprie forze e a decidere con piena autonomia della propria vita, Maria si costringe ad un'apnea passiva che esclude il mondo intero, si imprigiona nello spazio bianco dell'attesa. Ma questo sforzo di isolamento doloroso consuma anche l'ultimo filo di energia a disposizione: la bolla di solitudine in cui Maria si è rinchiusa è messa a dura prova e alla fine esplode. E' necessario che Maria salvi se stessa per riuscire a salvare la bambina. Non c'è che una soluzione: consentire al mondo di irrompere nella propria esistenza e concedersi il privilegio di ritornare a vivere. E così inventarsi la forza per accompagnare Irene alla nascita.

Oggi Sposi

Con Luca Argentero, Moran Atias, Michele Placido, Dario Bandiera, Isabella Ragonese.
Nel medesimo periodo e nella medesima città quattro coppie si devono sposare. Ci sono gli squattrinati che per non rivelare la loro indigenza ai parenti meridionali imbucheranno settantadue invitati al gigantesco e coattissimo matrimonio tra il mago della finanza (con annessi impicci mafiosi) e la giovane stellina televisiva e c'è la coppia multietnica composta dalla figlia dell'ambasciatore indiano e il pugliese di origini contadine che lavora nel commissariato in cui un PM tutto casa e lavoro si innamora della giovane promessa sposa di suo padre. Oggi sposi non va liquidato come l'ennesima commedia a sfondo matrimoniale e non va nemmeno considerato un prodotto mediocre del nostro cinema simile a tanta commedia sentimentale ma un ottimo prodotto medio di quelli che andrebbero imitati, replicati e fatti girare. Il nuovo film di Luca Lucini è infatti uno splendido esempio di quel cinema industriale che non riusciamo ad avere, un film che si appoggia a tutti gli elementi più in voga (dal sentimentalismo comico sempre buono al trend bollywoodiano fino al fenomeno Argentero) orchestrandoli in un racconto non solo estremamente divertente ma anche raccontato e soprattutto diretto con una bravura eccezionale. Oggi sposi non è per nulla cinema autoriale ma fieramente commerciale capace di offrire al grande pubblico un prodotto d'intrattenimento di vera qualità, ce ne fossero di film così! A scrivere ci sono, oltre a Fabio Bonifacci, anche Fausto Brizzi e Marco Martani (premiata ditta già responsabile di buoni exploit) mentre a recitare un cast di attori di primo piano e grandi caratteristi per i ruoli secondari. Su tutti però regna Luca Lucini, il più grande (anche perché purtroppo l'unico) mestierante del cinema italiano. L'unico che vuole lavorare con sceneggiature altrui, l'unico che non aspira ad essere autore, l'unico ad avere un'idea di cinema come arte commerciale del racconto e l'unico infine a pensare i suoi film come prodotti internazionali. A differenza di tanti registucoli che fanno commedia in Italia Lucini si occupa davvero di "mettere in scena", non punta l'obiettivo verso chi parla ma cerca di trasportare la parola scritta in immagini, suoni e musica senza timore di tradire la tradizione italiana alla ricerca di una visione personale. Usa con sapienza tutti gli strumenti del cinema per mettere in scena una perfezione formale fatta di ambienti luminosi, personaggi leccati, colori splendenti e città immacolate, alla quale corrisponde sempre la vittoria dell'individualismo di uomini e donne che dietro i buoni sentimenti nascondono l'ansia di prevaricare e il gusto di ingannare gli altri per affermare se stessi.

The Princess And The Frog (La Principessa e Il Ranocchio)

Starring Anika Noni Rose, Bruno Campos, Keith David, Jenifer Lewis, Jim Cummings, Michael-Leon Wooley, John Goodman, Jennifer Cody, Terrence Howard and Oprah Winfrey.
A modern twist on a classic tale, set in the great city of New Orleans, where a beautiful girl named Tiana (Anika Noni Rose) meets a frog prince who desperately wants to be human again. A fateful kiss leads them both on a hilarious adventure through the mystical bayous of Louisiana.

The Time Traveler's Wife (Un Amore All¢Improvviso)

Starring Rachel McAdams, Eric Bana, Arliss Howard, Ron Livingston, Stephen Tobolowsky and Jane McLean.
Clare (Rachel McAdams) has been in love with Henry (Eric Bana) her entire life. She believes they are destined to be together, even though she never knows when they will be separated: Henry is a time traveler - cursed with a rare genetic anomaly that causes him to live his life on a shifting timeline, skipping back and forth through his lifespan with no control. Despite the fact that Henry's travels force them apart with no warning, Clare desperately tries to build a life with her one true love.

The Ugly Truth (La Dura Verità)

Starring Katherine Heigl, Gerard Butler, Eric Winter, John Michael Higgins, Nick Searcy, Kevin Connolly and Cheryl Hines.
Abby Richter (Katherine Heigl) is an ambitious morning talk show producer on "A.M. Sacramento" who prides herself on being able to find an instant solution to any problem - any problem that is except her own unhappily single status. When it comes to ******, the always-in-control Abby has a flawless track record of failure. When her show suffers a ratings slump, Abby is forced to team with the newly recruited special correspondent Mike Chadway (Gerard Butler), a man who couldn't push more of her buttons. His "The Ugly Truth" segment promises to spill the beans on what makes men really tick. But his outrageously racy, gleefully chauvinistic, "shock jock" style rubs Abby in all the wrong ways and to make matters worse, becomes an instant ratings bonanza, sealing his network status. Then Abby meets Colin, her neighbor, and he's a single doctor! He's everything Mike Chadway isn't - suave, polite, not remotely into jello wrestling - and this time, Abby doesn't want to blow it. She hates to admit it, but she needs Mike's insight into the male mind to make the right moves. Now, as Mike coaches Abby and Abby puts Mike's provocative seduction theories to the test, they are both about to discover an ironic truth: as different as we might be, men and women share some of our most secret feelings in common.

Whatever Works (Basta Che Funzioni)

Starring Larry David, Evan Rachel Wood, Patricia Clarkson, Ed Begley Jr., Conleth Hill, Michael McKean and Henry Cavill.
Woody Allen writes and directs this "blackish comedy" about an eccentric, upper class New Yorker (Larry David) who abandons his comfortable lifestyle in favor of leading a more bohemian existence. After meeting a young Southern girl and her family, he discovers that life among the nonconformists isn't quite as carefree as he'd envisioned it to be.

Year One (Anno Uno)

Starring Jack Black, Michael Cera, Oliver Platt, David Cross, Hank Azaria, Christopher Mintz-Plasse and Vinnie Jones.
When a couple of lazy hunter-gatherers (Jack Black, Michael Cera) are banished from their primitive village, they set off on an epic journey through the ancient world.


July 16 to July 23

12 Rounds

Starring John Cena, Aidan Gillen, Ashley Scott, Steve Harris and Brian White.
When New Orleans Police Detective Danny Fisher (John Cena) stops a brilliant thief, Miles, from getting away with a multi-million-dollar heist, the thief's girlfriend is accidentally killed. After escaping from prison, the criminal mastermind enacts his revenge, taunting Danny with a series of near-impossible puzzles and tasks...12 rounds...that Danny must somehow complete to save the life of his fiancée. Ranging from tests of intelligence to Sisyphean tasks of endurance, Miles keeps Danny guessing at every treacherous turn. Each new round sends Danny hurtling through the city at a breakneck pace. As Miles toys with Danny, innocent citizens are threatened. Automobiles, streetcars and ferryboats are transformed into potential weapons of mass destruction. With the violent rounds mounting, one wrong move may take the match closer to a deadly conclusion.

Alice In Wonderland

Starring Johnny Depp, Mia Wasikowska, Anne Hathaway, Helena Bonham Carter, Crispin Glover, Matt Lucas, Marton Csokas and Tim Pigott-Smith.
Johnny Depp stars as The Mad Hatter and Mia Wasikowska as 19-year-old Alice, who returns to the whimsical world she first encountered as a young girl, reuniting her with childhood friends: The White Rabbit, Tweedledee and Tweedledum, The Dormouse, The Caterpillar, The Cheshire Cat, and of course, The Mad Hatter. Alice embarks on a fantastical journey to find her true destiny and end The Red Queen's reign of terror.

An Education

Starring Peter Sarsgaard, Carey Mulligan, Dominic Cooper, Emma Thompson, Alfred Molina, Rosamund Pike, Olivia Williams, Sally Hawkins and Cara Seymour.
A suburban London teen finds her traditional education replaced by something slightly more sinister when an older, more worldly suitor sweeps her off of her feet while placing her future in jeopardy. London, 1961: 16-year-old Jenny (Carey Mulligan) is smart, attractive, and eager to start her adult life. She's grown tired of the familiar adolescent routine, so when urbane newcomer David (Peter Sarsgaard) appears in town, Jenny senses a rare opportunity to shake things up a bit. Quickly falling under David's spell, the impressionable Jenny begins accompanying her newfound beau to classical concerts, art auctions, crowded pubs, and dinners that stretch into the small hours of the night. But Jenny is brighter than most kids her age, and her parents always dreamt of getting their exceptional daughter into Oxford. These days it seems like she's headed in a different direction -- will David ultimately be her undoing, or the person who helps her finally realize her true potential?

A Serious Man

Starring Michael Stuhlbarg, Adam Arkin, Sari Lennick, Richard Kind, Aaron Wolff and Jessica McManus.
It is 1967, and Larry Gopnik (Michael Stuhlbarg), a physics professor at a quiet Midwestern university, has just been informed by his wife Judith (Sari Lennick) that she is leaving him. She has fallen in love with one of his more pompous colleagues, Sy Ableman (Fred Melamed), who seems to her a more substantial person than the feckless Larry. Larry's unemployable brother Arthur (Richard Kind) is sleeping on the couch, his son Danny (Aaron Wolf) is a discipline problem and a shirker at Hebrew school, and his daughter Sarah (Jessica McManus) is filching money from his wallet in order to save up for a nose job.

Beyond A Reasonable Doubt (Un Alibi Perfetto)

Starring Michael Douglas, Jesse Metcalfe, Amber Tamblyn, Joel David Moore and Orlando Jones.
High profile lawyer Martin Hunter (Michael Douglas) has an impeccable record putting criminals behind bars and is a shoo-in for governor in the upcoming election. But when ambitious rookie journalist C.J. Nicholas (Jesse Metcalfe) begins investigating Hunter for tampering with evidence to secure his convictions, the district attorney's perfect record is up for scrutiny. Commencing a risky game of cat and mouse with Hunter, C.J. frames himself as a murder suspect to catch the corrupt D.A. in the act. Romantically involved with C.J. but unaware of his assignment, assistant D.A. Ella Crystal (Amber Tamblyn) becomes caught between her boss's political ambitions and C.J.'s dangerous exposé. As mounting evidence stacks up against both men, Ella's own life becomes threatened when she discovers incriminating proof that puts the fate of both Nicholas's innocence and Hunter's reputation in her hands.

Cado Dalle Nubi

Con Checco Zalone, Dino Abbrescia, Giulia Michelini, Fabio Troiano, Raul Cremona.
Checco vive in Puglia e coltiva il sogno di fare il musicista neomelodico ma la sua ragazza, Angela, non lo prende sul serio e, stanca del suo disimpegno, lo abbandona. Addolorato, Checco lascia Polignano a mare e va dal cugino a Milano. Qui conosce la bella Marika, figlia di un leghista convinto, alla quale sembra non interessare che come amico, buffone di corte. Affranto, Checco decide allora di tentare il provino per il programma "I want you", che seleziona talenti musicali per la tv. Luca Medici, alias Checco Zalone, come tanti suoi colleghi s'imbarca sul volo che dal piccolo schermo, dal palcoscenico dei comici televisivi, porta al cinema, dentro un film. Con sé non ha una valigia di cartone ma un bagaglio più solido, che resiste al tragitto: un copione estremamente lineare, talora sbrigativo, ma mai volgare, e un gruppo di attori di contorno - su cui svetta Dino Abbrescia - che non si accontentano di offrire una spalla ma creano un piccolo mondo in una stanza. Finisce alla pari, dunque, il confronto tra Checco Zalone e lo spettatore accorto. A svantaggio dell'attore, il fatto che, nonostante non si tratti di una sequela di gag ma di un film in tutto autosufficiente, non per questo Cado dalle nubi si potrà vedere con lo stesso piacere più di una volta: è un umorismo one shot, occorre accontentarsi; a suo merito, che la risata è certa, incontenibile. Si riconfermano i punti forti dell'interprete: l'abilità nella scrittura della canzonetta demenziale nel contenuto e credibile nell'esecuzione e l'uso di un italiano storpiato dall'ignoranza, vergognosamente vicino a quello di tanta gente, giù dallo schermo. Gaffeur nato, "fenomeno" di stoltezza, il corpo comico di Checco Zalone è quello del modello sacrificale, che mette alla berlina in prima linea se stesso per costringere i suoi interlocutori al riesame di sé, alla fuoriuscita delle contraddizioni.

Ce n'è per tutti

Con Lorenzo Balducci, Ambra Angiolini, Giorgio Colangeli, Marco Aceti, Francesco De Vito, Arnoldo Foà, Sandro Giordano, Stefania Sandrelli, Micaela Ramazzotti.
Un ragazzo, Gianluca, incapace di reggere le contraddizioni della vita e il dolore del mondo, sale sul Colosseo con la volontà di estraniarsi da tutto. Sotto, la realtà invadente, l'indifferenza e il cinismo dei mass-media lo assediano mentre gli amici confusi e superficiali si producono, involontariamente, in performance esilaranti nel tentativo di raggiungerlo. L'arrivo lassù della nonna di Gianluca che gli ricorda la giocosità dell'infanzia e che gli comunica la leggerezza di chi ha vissuto tanto e ha imparato ad accettare la vita per com'è, sembrerebbe la chiave risolutiva per salvarlo. Un mondo di sopravvissuti, smarrito. Ragazzi e ragazze che, grazie all'amico, rallentano per la prima volta la propria inutile corsa. Per guardarsi dentro. Forse.

Dieci Inverni

Con Isabella Ragonese, Michele Riondino, Sergei Zhigunov, Valerio Mieli, Glen Blackhall, Sergei Niconenko, Liuba Zaizeva.
È l¢inverno del 1999. Un vaporetto attraversa la laguna di Venezia. Camilla, diciottenne schiva, appena arrivata dal paese per studiare letteratura russa, nota tra la folla un ragazzo. Anche lui porta con sé una valigia, anche lui è appena arrivato. I due iniziano a guardarsi: lei è timida, lui più sfacciato. Silvestro ha la stessa età di Camilla, ma diversamente da lei, nasconde la sua inesperienza dietro un¢ingenua spavalderia. E quando il vaporetto attracca, decide di seguire la ragazza per le calli nebbiose di un¢isola della laguna... Così comincia un¢avventura lunga dieci anni che porterà i due ragazzi dalla Venezia quotidiana degli studenti fino alla straniante frenesia di Mosca, con i suoi teatri e le enormi strade trafficate.

Jennifer¢s Body

Starring Megan Fox, Amanda Seyfried, J.K. Simmons, Adam Brody and Amy Sedaris.
Demon possession, devilish cheerleaders, and Satanic rock stars are all on the chopping block with this horror comedy from the production team behind Juno. Screenwriter Diablo Cody provides the script, with producing duties handled by Jason Reitman and Dan Dubiecki. The story centers on an impish high-school student (Amanda Seyfried) who has to protect her town against her best friend, Jennifer (Megan Fox), who after being bedeviled by an evil rock band, develops a taste for human flesh.

L'uomo nero

Con Valeria Golino, Margherita Buy, Riccardo Scamarcio, Sergio Rubini, Anna Falchi, Fabrizio Gifuni, Maurizio Micheli, Vito Signorile.
Gabriele Rossetti (Fabrizio Gifuni) torna in un paesino della Puglia per l¢estremo saluto al padre morente, Ernesto (Sergio Rubini). Le ultime parole dell¢anziano risvegliano in lui il ricordo di un episodio lontano nel tempo di quando era bambino negli anni '60 e viveva con il padre, capostazione della ferrovia locale con aspirazioni artistiche, la madre Franca (Valeria Golino), insegnante, e lo zio Pinuccio (Riccardo Scamarcio), giovane fratello di Franca. Solo quando il Gabriele adulto dovrà occuparsi della sepoltura del vecchio genitore e passerà la notte nella casa della sua infanzia, scoprirà una verità fino ad allora inimmaginata che modificherà profondamente la prospettiva da cui ha sempre guardato suo padre.

The Men Who Stare At Goats (L'uomo che fissa le capre)

Starring George Clooney, Ewan McGregor, Jeff Bridges, Kevin Spacey, Stephen Lang, Nick Offerman, Tim Griffin, Waleed F. Zuaiter and Robert Patrick.
Reporter Bob Wilton (Ewan McGregor) is in search of his next big story when he encounters Lyn Cassady (George Clooney), a shadowy figure who claims to be part of an experimental U.S. military unit. According to Cassady, the New Earth Army is changing the way wars are fought. A legion of "Warrior Monks" with unparalleled psychic powers can read the enemy's thoughts, pass through solid walls, and even kill a goat simply by staring at it. Now, the program's founder, Bill Django (Jeff Bridges), has gone missing and Cassady's mission is to find him. Intrigued by his new acquaintance's far-fetched stories, Bob impulsively decides to accompany him on the search. When the pair tracks Django to a clandestine training camp run by renegade psychic Larry Hooper (Kevin Spacey), the reporter is trapped in the middle of a grudge match between the forces of Django's New Earth Army and Hooper's personal militia of super soldiers. In order to survive this wild adventure, Bob will have to outwit an enemy he never thought possible.

The Twilight Saga: New Moon

Starring Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, Robert Pattinson, Billy Burke, Ashley Greene, Anna Kendrick, Christian Serratos, Michael Welch, Justin Chon and Christina Jastrzembska. The supernatural tale of star-crossed lovers continues as the Cullen family flees Forks in order to protect Bella (Kristen Stewart), and the heartbroken high-school senior discovers that vampires aren't the only creatures in town. Realizing that Bella will never be safe as long as he's around, Edward (Robert Pattinson) makes the difficult decision to leave his beloved behind shortly after her 18th birthday. Reeling from her loss, Bella embraces self-destruction after being comforted by Edward's image during a moment of mortal peril. But as heavy-hearted as Bella may be, her old friend Jacob (Taylor Lautner) distracts her from her sorrows by helping her renovate a weather-beaten motorbike. When Bella encounters a former adversary with a sizable grudge, she's rescued from harm at the last second by pack of enormous, ferocious wolves. Subsequently delving into the history of the Quileutes, Bella discovers the secrets of Jacob's tribe while looking forward to a reunion with Edward that may have deadly consequences.

Up In The Air (Tra Le Nuvole)

Starring George Clooney, Vera Farmiga, Jason Bateman and Anna Kendrick.
The timely odyssey of Ryan Bingham (George Clooney), a corporate downsizer and consummate modern business traveler who, after years of staying happily airborne, suddenly finds himself ready to make a real connection. Ryan has long been contented with his unencumbered lifestyle lived out across America in airports, hotels and rental cars. He can carry all he needs in one wheel-away case; he's a pampered, elite member of every travel loyalty program in existence and he's close to attaining his lifetime goal of 10 million frequent flier miles - and yet... Ryan has nothing real to hold onto. When he falls for a simpatico fellow traveler (Vera Farmiga), Ryan's boss (Jason Bateman), inspired by a young, upstart efficiency expert (Anna Kendrick), threatens to permanently call him in from the road. Faced with the prospect, at once terrifying and exhilarating, of being grounded, Ryan begins to contemplate what it might actually mean to have a home.


July 23 to July 30

Alice In Wonderland

Starring Johnny Depp, Mia Wasikowska, Anne Hathaway, Helena Bonham Carter, Crispin Glover, Matt Lucas, Marton Csokas and Tim Pigott-Smith.
Johnny Depp stars as The Mad Hatter and Mia Wasikowska as 19-year-old Alice, who returns to the whimsical world she first encountered as a young girl, reuniting her with childhood friends: The White Rabbit, Tweedledee and Tweedledum, The Dormouse, The Caterpillar, The Cheshire Cat, and of course, The Mad Hatter. Alice embarks on a fantastical journey to find her true destiny and end The Red Queen's reign of terror.

Alza La Testa

Con Sergio Castellitto, Gabriele Campanelli, Giorgio Colangeli, Anita Kravos, Augusto Fornari, Duccio Camerini, Pia Lanciotti, Gabriel Spahiu.
Mero, operaio specializzato in un cantiere nautico, è un padre single. Lorenzo, il figlio nato da una relazione con una ragazza albanese, è la sua unica ragione di vita e il sogno dell'uomo è che il ragazzo diventi un campione di boxe, riscattando così la sua anonima carriera da dilettante. Per questo lo allena duramente, insegnandogli giorno dopo giorno a tirar pugni e a proteggersi dai colpi bassi della vita. L'equilibrio di questo rapporto è sconvolto dal ritorno di Denisa, la madre di Lorenzo, e dall'incontro tra il figlio e la giovane Ana. Le prove per Mero non sono finite e dovrà confrontarsi con il dolore, con i propri pregiudizi e ocn la lontananza del nostro Nord Est.

An Education

Starring Peter Sarsgaard, Carey Mulligan, Dominic Cooper, Emma Thompson, Alfred Molina, Rosamund Pike, Olivia Williams, Sally Hawkins and Cara Seymour.
A suburban London teen finds her traditional education replaced by something slightly more sinister when an older, more worldly suitor sweeps her off of her feet while placing her future in jeopardy. London, 1961: 16-year-old Jenny (Carey Mulligan) is smart, attractive, and eager to start her adult life. She's grown tired of the familiar adolescent routine, so when urbane newcomer David (Peter Sarsgaard) appears in town, Jenny senses a rare opportunity to shake things up a bit. Quickly falling under David's spell, the impressionable Jenny begins accompanying her newfound beau to classical concerts, art auctions, crowded pubs, and dinners that stretch into the small hours of the night. But Jenny is brighter than most kids her age, and her parents always dreamt of getting their exceptional daughter into Oxford. These days it seems like she's headed in a different direction -- will David ultimately be her undoing, or the person who helps her finally realize her true potential?

A Serious Man

Starring Michael Stuhlbarg, Adam Arkin, Sari Lennick, Richard Kind, Aaron Wolff and Jessica McManus.
It is 1967, and Larry Gopnik (Michael Stuhlbarg), a physics professor at a quiet Midwestern university, has just been informed by his wife Judith (Sari Lennick) that she is leaving him. She has fallen in love with one of his more pompous colleagues, Sy Ableman (Fred Melamed), who seems to her a more substantial person than the feckless Larry. Larry's unemployable brother Arthur (Richard Kind) is sleeping on the couch, his son Danny (Aaron Wolf) is a discipline problem and a shirker at Hebrew school, and his daughter Sarah (Jessica McManus) is filching money from his wallet in order to save up for a nose job.


Starring Tobey Maguire, Jake Gyllenhaal, Natalie Portman, Sam Shepard and Clifton Collins, Jr.
Jim Sheridan's film, adapted from Susanne Bier's 2004 movie, concerns Captain Sam Cahill (Tobey Maguire), a Marine who receives orders to ship out for yet another tour of duty in Afghanistan. But before he leaves his supportive wife, Grace (Natalie Portman), and his two elementary-school-age daughters, Sam picks up his black sheep brother, Tommy (Jake Gyllenhaal), who has finished a prison stretch for robbing a bank. While overseas, Sam's aircraft gets shot down and he's thought dead. Back home, irresponsible Tommy gets his act together in order to be an anchor for Grace and the girls, and the two grow emotionally - though not physically - close. As the family finally begins to make peace with their grief, soldiers rescue POW Sam and he returns home. Sam's experiences overseas have caused him such emotional turmoil, he has a difficult time adjusting to civilian life, and soon his fear and paranoia manifest themselves in the form of jealousy for his brother's relationship with his wife.

Cado Dalle Nubi

Con Checco Zalone, Dino Abbrescia, Giulia Michelini, Fabio Troiano, Raul Cremona.
Checco vive in Puglia e coltiva il sogno di fare il musicista neomelodico ma la sua ragazza, Angela, non lo prende sul serio e, stanca del suo disimpegno, lo abbandona. Addolorato, Checco lascia Polignano a mare e va dal cugino a Milano. Qui conosce la bella Marika, figlia di un leghista convinto, alla quale sembra non interessare che come amico, buffone di corte. Affranto, Checco decide allora di tentare il provino per il programma "I want you", che seleziona talenti musicali per la tv. Luca Medici, alias Checco Zalone, come tanti suoi colleghi s'imbarca sul volo che dal piccolo schermo, dal palcoscenico dei comici televisivi, porta al cinema, dentro un film. Con sé non ha una valigia di cartone ma un bagaglio più solido, che resiste al tragitto: un copione estremamente lineare, talora sbrigativo, ma mai volgare, e un gruppo di attori di contorno - su cui svetta Dino Abbrescia - che non si accontentano di offrire una spalla ma creano un piccolo mondo in una stanza. Finisce alla pari, dunque, il confronto tra Checco Zalone e lo spettatore accorto. A svantaggio dell'attore, il fatto che, nonostante non si tratti di una sequela di gag ma di un film in tutto autosufficiente, non per questo Cado dalle nubi si potrà vedere con lo stesso piacere più di una volta: è un umorismo one shot, occorre accontentarsi; a suo merito, che la risata è certa, incontenibile. Si riconfermano i punti forti dell'interprete: l'abilità nella scrittura della canzonetta demenziale nel contenuto e credibile nell'esecuzione e l'uso di un italiano storpiato dall'ignoranza, vergognosamente vicino a quello di tanta gente, giù dallo schermo. Gaffeur nato, "fenomeno" di stoltezza, il corpo comico di Checco Zalone è quello del modello sacrificale, che mette alla berlina in prima linea se stesso per costringere i suoi interlocutori al riesame di sé, alla fuoriuscita delle contraddizioni.

Ce n'è per tutti

Con Lorenzo Balducci, Ambra Angiolini, Giorgio Colangeli, Marco Aceti, Francesco De Vito, Arnoldo Foà, Sandro Giordano, Stefania Sandrelli, Micaela Ramazzotti.
Un ragazzo, Gianluca, incapace di reggere le contraddizioni della vita e il dolore del mondo, sale sul Colosseo con la volontà di estraniarsi da tutto. Sotto, la realtà invadente, l'indifferenza e il cinismo dei mass-media lo assediano mentre gli amici confusi e superficiali si producono, involontariamente, in performance esilaranti nel tentativo di raggiungerlo. L'arrivo lassù della nonna di Gianluca che gli ricorda la giocosità dell'infanzia e che gli comunica la leggerezza di chi ha vissuto tanto e ha imparato ad accettare la vita per com'è, sembrerebbe la chiave risolutiva per salvarlo. Un mondo di sopravvissuti, smarrito. Ragazzi e ragazze che, grazie all'amico, rallentano per la prima volta la propria inutile corsa. Per guardarsi dentro. Forse.

Dieci Inverni

Con Isabella Ragonese, Michele Riondino, Sergei Zhigunov, Valerio Mieli, Glen Blackhall, Sergei Niconenko, Liuba Zaizeva.
È l¢inverno del 1999. Un vaporetto attraversa la laguna di Venezia. Camilla, diciottenne schiva, appena arrivata dal paese per studiare letteratura russa, nota tra la folla un ragazzo. Anche lui porta con sé una valigia, anche lui è appena arrivato. I due iniziano a guardarsi: lei è timida, lui più sfacciato. Silvestro ha la stessa età di Camilla, ma diversamente da lei, nasconde la sua inesperienza dietro un¢ingenua spavalderia. E quando il vaporetto attracca, decide di seguire la ragazza per le calli nebbiose di un¢isola della laguna... Così comincia un¢avventura lunga dieci anni che porterà i due ragazzi dalla Venezia quotidiana degli studenti fino alla straniante frenesia di Mosca, con i suoi teatri e le enormi strade trafficate.

Jack And Jill Vs The World

Starring Freddie Prinze Jr, Taryn Manning, Kelly Rowan, Vanessa Parise and Robert Forster.
Jack is a NYC advertising exec with a life as glossy as the ads he spins. Jill is new to the city, with nothing to stand on but her fiery personality and romantic ideals. Opposites attract, and together they author their own manifesto of rules to live by. But Jill betrays Jack by violating rule one - Be Honest.

Jennifer¢s Body

Starring Megan Fox, Amanda Seyfried, J.K. Simmons, Adam Brody and Amy Sedaris.
Demon possession, devilish cheerleaders, and Satanic rock stars are all on the chopping block with this horror comedy from the production team behind Juno. Screenwriter Diablo Cody provides the script, with producing duties handled by Jason Reitman and Dan Dubiecki. The story centers on an impish high-school student (Amanda Seyfried) who has to protect her town against her best friend, Jennifer (Megan Fox), who after being bedeviled by an evil rock band, develops a taste for human flesh.

The Men Who Stare At Goats (L'uomo che fissa le capre)

Starring George Clooney, Ewan McGregor, Jeff Bridges, Kevin Spacey, Stephen Lang, Nick Offerman, Tim Griffin, Waleed F. Zuaiter and Robert Patrick.
Reporter Bob Wilton (Ewan McGregor) is in search of his next big story when he encounters Lyn Cassady (George Clooney), a shadowy figure who claims to be part of an experimental U.S. military unit. According to Cassady, the New Earth Army is changing the way wars are fought. A legion of "Warrior Monks" with unparalleled psychic powers can read the enemy's thoughts, pass through solid walls, and even kill a goat simply by staring at it. Now, the program's founder, Bill Django (Jeff Bridges), has gone missing and Cassady's mission is to find him. Intrigued by his new acquaintance's far-fetched stories, Bob impulsively decides to accompany him on the search. When the pair tracks Django to a clandestine training camp run by renegade psychic Larry Hooper (Kevin Spacey), the reporter is trapped in the middle of a grudge match between the forces of Django's New Earth Army and Hooper's personal militia of super soldiers. In order to survive this wild adventure, Bob will have to outwit an enemy he never thought possible.

Planet 51

Animated sci-fi tale set on "Planet 51," whose inhabitants live in fear of an alien invasion. Their paranoia is realized when astronaut Capt. Charles "Chuck" Baker arrives from Earth. Befriended by a young resident, the astronaut has to avoid capture in order to recover his spaceship and return home.

The Twilight Saga: New Moon

Starring Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, Robert Pattinson, Billy Burke, Ashley Greene, Anna Kendrick, Christian Serratos, Michael Welch, Justin Chon and Christina Jastrzembska. The supernatural tale of star-crossed lovers continues as the Cullen family flees Forks in order to protect Bella (Kristen Stewart), and the heartbroken high-school senior discovers that vampires aren't the only creatures in town. Realizing that Bella will never be safe as long as he's around, Edward (Robert Pattinson) makes the difficult decision to leave his beloved behind shortly after her 18th birthday. Reeling from her loss, Bella embraces self-destruction after being comforted by Edward's image during a moment of mortal peril. But as heavy-hearted as Bella may be, her old friend Jacob (Taylor Lautner) distracts her from her sorrows by helping her renovate a weather-beaten motorbike. When Bella encounters a former adversary with a sizable grudge, she's rescued from harm at the last second by pack of enormous, ferocious wolves. Subsequently delving into the history of the Quileutes, Bella discovers the secrets of Jacob's tribe while looking forward to a reunion with Edward that may have deadly consequences.

Up In The Air (Tra Le Nuvole)

Starring George Clooney, Vera Farmiga, Jason Bateman and Anna Kendrick.
The timely odyssey of Ryan Bingham (George Clooney), a corporate downsizer and consummate modern business traveler who, after years of staying happily airborne, suddenly finds himself ready to make a real connection. Ryan has long been contented with his unencumbered lifestyle lived out across America in airports, hotels and rental cars. He can carry all he needs in one wheel-away case; he's a pampered, elite member of every travel loyalty program in existence and he's close to attaining his lifetime goal of 10 million frequent flier miles - and yet... Ryan has nothing real to hold onto. When he falls for a simpatico fellow traveler (Vera Farmiga), Ryan's boss (Jason Bateman), inspired by a young, upstart efficiency expert (Anna Kendrick), threatens to permanently call him in from the road. Faced with the prospect, at once terrifying and exhilarating, of being grounded, Ryan begins to contemplate what it might actually mean to have a home.


July 30 to August 6

Alvin And The Chipmunks: The Squeakuel (Alvin Superstar 2)

Starring Zachary Levi, David Cross, Jason Lee, Justin Long, Matthew Gray Gubler, Jesse McCartney, Amy Poehler, Anna Faris and Christina Applegate.
Pop sensations Alvin, Simon and Theodore end up in the care of Dave Seville's twenty-something nephew Toby (Zachary Levi). The boys must put aside music superstardom to return to school, and are tasked with saving the school's music program by winning the $25,000 prize in a battle of the bands. But the Chipmunks unexpectedly meet their match in three singing chipmunks known as The Chipettes - Brittany, Eleanor and Jeanette. Romantic and musical sparks are ignited when the Chipmunks and Chipettes square off.


Starring Sam Worthington, Zoë Saldana, Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez and Sigourney Weaver.
A paraplegic ex-marine finds a new life on the distant planet of Pandora, only to find himself battling humankind alongside the planet's indigenous Na'vi race in this ambitious digital 3D sci-fi epic from Academy Award-winning Titanic director James Cameron. The film, which marks Cameron's first dramatic feature since 1997's Titanic, follows Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), a war veteran who gets called to the depths of space to pick up the job of his slain twin brother for the scientific arm of a megacorporation looking to mine the planet of Pandora for a valued ore. Unfortunately the biggest deposit of the prized substance lies underneath the home of the Na'vi, a ten-foot-tall, blue-skinned native tribe who have been at war with the security arm of the company, lead by Col. Miles Quaritch (Stephen Lang). Because of the planet's hostile atmosphere, humans have genetically grown half-alien/half-human bodies which they can jack their consciousnesses into and explore the world in. Since Jake's brother already had an incredibly expensive Avatar grown for him, he's able to connect with it using the same DNA code and experience first-hand the joys of Pandora while giving the scientific team, led by Grace Augustine (Sigourney Weaver) and Norm Spellman (Joel David Moore), some well-needed protection against the planet's more hostile forces. On a chance meeting after getting separated from his team, Jake's Avatar is rescued by Neytiri (Zoe Saldana), a Na'vi princess, who brings him into her tribe in order to give the humans a second chance at relating to this new environment. When word gets out of his increasing time with the alien species, Quaritch enlists Jake to do some reconnaissance for the company, as they'd like to persuade the tribe to move their home before taking more drastic measures to harness the treasure hidden below. Yet as Jake becomes one with the tribe and begins to understand the secrets of Pandora, his conscience is torn between his new adopted world and the wheelchair-bound one awaiting him when the psychic connection to his Avatar is broken. Soon battle lines are drawn and Jake needs to decide which side he will fight on when the time comes. The film was shot on the proprietary FUSION digital 3D cameras developed by Cameron in collaboration with Vince Pace, and offers a groundbreaking mix of live-action dramatic performances and computer-generated effects. The revolutionary motion-capture system created for the film allows the facial expressions of actors to be captured as a virtual camera system enables them to see what their computer-generated counterparts will be seeing in the film, and Peter Jackson's Oscar-winning Weta Digital visual-effects house supervises Avatar's complex special effects.


Starring Tobey Maguire, Jake Gyllenhaal, Natalie Portman, Sam Shepard and Clifton Collins, Jr.
Jim Sheridan's film, adapted from Susanne Bier's 2004 movie, concerns Captain Sam Cahill (Tobey Maguire), a Marine who receives orders to ship out for yet another tour of duty in Afghanistan. But before he leaves his supportive wife, Grace (Natalie Portman), and his two elementary-school-age daughters, Sam picks up his black sheep brother, Tommy (Jake Gyllenhaal), who has finished a prison stretch for robbing a bank. While overseas, Sam's aircraft gets shot down and he's thought dead. Back home, irresponsible Tommy gets his act together in order to be an anchor for Grace and the girls, and the two grow emotionally - though not physically - close. As the family finally begins to make peace with their grief, soldiers rescue POW Sam and he returns home. Sam's experiences overseas have caused him such emotional turmoil, he has a difficult time adjusting to civilian life, and soon his fear and paranoia manifest themselves in the form of jealousy for his brother's relationship with his wife.

Cado Dalle Nubi

Con Checco Zalone, Dino Abbrescia, Giulia Michelini, Fabio Troiano, Raul Cremona.
Checco vive in Puglia e coltiva il sogno di fare il musicista neomelodico ma la sua ragazza, Angela, non lo prende sul serio e, stanca del suo disimpegno, lo abbandona. Addolorato, Checco lascia Polignano a mare e va dal cugino a Milano. Qui conosce la bella Marika, figlia di un leghista convinto, alla quale sembra non interessare che come amico, buffone di corte. Affranto, Checco decide allora di tentare il provino per il programma "I want you", che seleziona talenti musicali per la tv. Luca Medici, alias Checco Zalone, come tanti suoi colleghi s'imbarca sul volo che dal piccolo schermo, dal palcoscenico dei comici televisivi, porta al cinema, dentro un film. Con sé non ha una valigia di cartone ma un bagaglio più solido, che resiste al tragitto: un copione estremamente lineare, talora sbrigativo, ma mai volgare, e un gruppo di attori di contorno - su cui svetta Dino Abbrescia - che non si accontentano di offrire una spalla ma creano un piccolo mondo in una stanza. Finisce alla pari, dunque, il confronto tra Checco Zalone e lo spettatore accorto. A svantaggio dell'attore, il fatto che, nonostante non si tratti di una sequela di gag ma di un film in tutto autosufficiente, non per questo Cado dalle nubi si potrà vedere con lo stesso piacere più di una volta: è un umorismo one shot, occorre accontentarsi; a suo merito, che la risata è certa, incontenibile. Si riconfermano i punti forti dell'interprete: l'abilità nella scrittura della canzonetta demenziale nel contenuto e credibile nell'esecuzione e l'uso di un italiano storpiato dall'ignoranza, vergognosamente vicino a quello di tanta gente, giù dallo schermo. Gaffeur nato, "fenomeno" di stoltezza, il corpo comico di Checco Zalone è quello del modello sacrificale, che mette alla berlina in prima linea se stesso per costringere i suoi interlocutori al riesame di sé, alla fuoriuscita delle contraddizioni.

Did You Hear About The Morgans? (Che fine hanno fatto i Morgan?)

Starring Hugh Grant, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sam Elliott, Mary Steenburgen, Elisabeth Moss, Michael Kelly and Wilford Brimley.
Meryl and Paul Morgan (Sarah Jessica Parker and Hugh Grant) are a highly successful Manhattan couple whose almost-perfect lives have only one notable failure - their dissolving marriage. But the turmoil of their romantic lives is nothing compared to what they are about to experience: they witness a murder and become targets of a contract killer. The Feds, protecting their witnesses, whisk away the Morgans from their beloved New York to a tiny town in Wyoming, and a relationship that was on the rocks threatens to end completely in the Rockies ... unless, in their new BlackBerry-free lives, the Morgans can slow down the pace and rekindle the passion.

Dorian Gray

Starring Ben Barnes, Colin Firth, Rachel Hurd-Wood, Rebecca Hall, Fiona Shaw and Ben Chaplin.
In Victorian London, the handsome Dorian Gray (Ben Barnes) is swept into a social whirlwind by the charismatic and cunning Lord Wotton (Colin Firth). Immersed in the hedonistic pleasures of the city, Dorian vows he would give anything to keep his youth and beauty - even his soul. Based on the Oscar Wilde novel, Dorian Gray examines the destructive power of beauty, the blind pursuit of pleasure and the darkness that can result from both.

Jack And Jill Vs The World

Starring Freddie Prinze Jr, Taryn Manning, Kelly Rowan, Vanessa Parise and Robert Forster.
Jack is a NYC advertising exec with a life as glossy as the ads he spins. Jill is new to the city, with nothing to stand on but her fiery personality and romantic ideals. Opposites attract, and together they author their own manifesto of rules to live by. But Jill betrays Jack by violating rule one - Be Honest.

Up In The Air (Tra Le Nuvole)

Starring George Clooney, Vera Farmiga, Jason Bateman and Anna Kendrick.
The timely odyssey of Ryan Bingham (George Clooney), a corporate downsizer and consummate modern business traveler who, after years of staying happily airborne, suddenly finds himself ready to make a real connection. Ryan has long been contented with his unencumbered lifestyle lived out across America in airports, hotels and rental cars. He can carry all he needs in one wheel-away case; he's a pampered, elite member of every travel loyalty program in existence and he's close to attaining his lifetime goal of 10 million frequent flier miles - and yet... Ryan has nothing real to hold onto. When he falls for a simpatico fellow traveler (Vera Farmiga), Ryan's boss (Jason Bateman), inspired by a young, upstart efficiency expert (Anna Kendrick), threatens to permanently call him in from the road. Faced with the prospect, at once terrifying and exhilarating, of being grounded, Ryan begins to contemplate what it might actually mean to have a home.


August 6 to August 13

Alvin And The Chipmunks: The Squeakuel (Alvin Superstar 2)

Starring Zachary Levi, David Cross, Jason Lee, Justin Long, Matthew Gray Gubler, Jesse McCartney, Amy Poehler, Anna Faris and Christina Applegate.
Pop sensations Alvin, Simon and Theodore end up in the care of Dave Seville's twenty-something nephew Toby (Zachary Levi). The boys must put aside music superstardom to return to school, and are tasked with saving the school's music program by winning the $25,000 prize in a battle of the bands. But the Chipmunks unexpectedly meet their match in three singing chipmunks known as The Chipettes - Brittany, Eleanor and Jeanette. Romantic and musical sparks are ignited when the Chipmunks and Chipettes square off.


Starring Hilary Swank, Richard Gere, Ewan McGregor, Christopher Eccleston, Joe Anderson, Cherry Jones and Mia Wasikowska.
An extraordinary life of adventure, celebrity and continuing mystery comes to light in AMELIA, a vast, thrilling account of legendary aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart (Hilary Swank). After becoming the first woman to fly across the Atlantic, Amelia was thrust into a new role as America's sweetheart - the legendary "goddess of light," known for her bold, larger-than-life charisma. Yet, even with her global fame solidified, her belief in flirting with danger and standing up as her own, outspoken woman never changed. She was an inspiration to people everywhere, from First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt (Cherry Jones) to the men closest to her heart: her husband, promoter and publishing magnate George P. Putnam (Richard Gere), and her long time friend and lover, pilot Gene Vidal (Ewan McGregor). In the summer of 1937, Amelia set off on her most daunting mission yet: a solo flight around the world that she and George both anxiously foresaw as destined, whatever the outcome, to become one of the most talked-about journeys in history.

Arthur And The Invisibles (Arthur e la vendetta di Maltazard)

Starring Mia Farrow, Freddie Highmore, Ronald Crawford, Penny Balfour, Doug Rand, Madonna , Robert De Niro, Harvey Keitel, Chazz Palminteri, Emilio Estevez, Snoop Dogg, Anthony Anderson and Jimmy Fallon. Like all children his age, Arthur is fascinated by the bedtime stories his Grandmother tells him. His dreams are full of African tribes and incredible inventions drawn from an old book of spells that belonged to his grandfather, who disappeared mysteriously four years ago. What if all these tales are true? What if there really is treasure hidden at the bottom of their garden? And what if the Invisibles, the adorable tiny creatures sketched by his grandfather, really do exist? Now that could help save his family¢s home, which is under threat from an unscrupulous property developer! 10-year-old Arthur boldly decides to follow the clues left by his Grandfather to enter the Invisibles' world and discover their land of Seven Kingdoms.


Starring Sam Worthington, Zoë Saldana, Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez and Sigourney Weaver.
A paraplegic ex-marine finds a new life on the distant planet of Pandora, only to find himself battling humankind alongside the planet's indigenous Na'vi race in this ambitious digital 3D sci-fi epic from Academy Award-winning Titanic director James Cameron. The film, which marks Cameron's first dramatic feature since 1997's Titanic, follows Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), a war veteran who gets called to the depths of space to pick up the job of his slain twin brother for the scientific arm of a megacorporation looking to mine the planet of Pandora for a valued ore. Unfortunately the biggest deposit of the prized substance lies underneath the home of the Na'vi, a ten-foot-tall, blue-skinned native tribe who have been at war with the security arm of the company, lead by Col. Miles Quaritch (Stephen Lang). Because of the planet's hostile atmosphere, humans have genetically grown half-alien/half-human bodies which they can jack their consciousnesses into and explore the world in. Since Jake's brother already had an incredibly expensive Avatar grown for him, he's able to connect with it using the same DNA code and experience first-hand the joys of Pandora while giving the scientific team, led by Grace Augustine (Sigourney Weaver) and Norm Spellman (Joel David Moore), some well-needed protection against the planet's more hostile forces. On a chance meeting after getting separated from his team, Jake's Avatar is rescued by Neytiri (Zoe Saldana), a Na'vi princess, who brings him into her tribe in order to give the humans a second chance at relating to this new environment. When word gets out of his increasing time with the alien species, Quaritch enlists Jake to do some reconnaissance for the company, as they'd like to persuade the tribe to move their home before taking more drastic measures to harness the treasure hidden below. Yet as Jake becomes one with the tribe and begins to understand the secrets of Pandora, his conscience is torn between his new adopted world and the wheelchair-bound one awaiting him when the psychic connection to his Avatar is broken. Soon battle lines are drawn and Jake needs to decide which side he will fight on when the time comes. The film was shot on the proprietary FUSION digital 3D cameras developed by Cameron in collaboration with Vince Pace, and offers a groundbreaking mix of live-action dramatic performances and computer-generated effects. The revolutionary motion-capture system created for the film allows the facial expressions of actors to be captured as a virtual camera system enables them to see what their computer-generated counterparts will be seeing in the film, and Peter Jackson's Oscar-winning Weta Digital visual-effects house supervises Avatar's complex special effects.


Starring Tobey Maguire, Jake Gyllenhaal, Natalie Portman, Sam Shepard and Clifton Collins, Jr.
Jim Sheridan's film, adapted from Susanne Bier's 2004 movie, concerns Captain Sam Cahill (Tobey Maguire), a Marine who receives orders to ship out for yet another tour of duty in Afghanistan. But before he leaves his supportive wife, Grace (Natalie Portman), and his two elementary-school-age daughters, Sam picks up his black sheep brother, Tommy (Jake Gyllenhaal), who has finished a prison stretch for robbing a bank. While overseas, Sam's aircraft gets shot down and he's thought dead. Back home, irresponsible Tommy gets his act together in order to be an anchor for Grace and the girls, and the two grow emotionally - though not physically - close. As the family finally begins to make peace with their grief, soldiers rescue POW Sam and he returns home. Sam's experiences overseas have caused him such emotional turmoil, he has a difficult time adjusting to civilian life, and soon his fear and paranoia manifest themselves in the form of jealousy for his brother's relationship with his wife.

Did You Hear About The Morgans? (Che fine hanno fatto i Morgan?)

Starring Hugh Grant, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sam Elliott, Mary Steenburgen, Elisabeth Moss, Michael Kelly and Wilford Brimley.
Meryl and Paul Morgan (Sarah Jessica Parker and Hugh Grant) are a highly successful Manhattan couple whose almost-perfect lives have only one notable failure - their dissolving marriage. But the turmoil of their romantic lives is nothing compared to what they are about to experience: they witness a murder and become targets of a contract killer. The Feds, protecting their witnesses, whisk away the Morgans from their beloved New York to a tiny town in Wyoming, and a relationship that was on the rocks threatens to end completely in the Rockies ... unless, in their new BlackBerry-free lives, the Morgans can slow down the pace and rekindle the passion.

Dorian Gray

Starring Ben Barnes, Colin Firth, Rachel Hurd-Wood, Rebecca Hall, Fiona Shaw and Ben Chaplin.
In Victorian London, the handsome Dorian Gray (Ben Barnes) is swept into a social whirlwind by the charismatic and cunning Lord Wotton (Colin Firth). Immersed in the hedonistic pleasures of the city, Dorian vows he would give anything to keep his youth and beauty - even his soul. Based on the Oscar Wilde novel, Dorian Gray examines the destructive power of beauty, the blind pursuit of pleasure and the darkness that can result from both.

The Twilight Saga: New Moon

Starring Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, Robert Pattinson, Billy Burke, Ashley Greene, Anna Kendrick, Christian Serratos, Michael Welch, Justin Chon and Christina Jastrzembska. The supernatural tale of star-crossed lovers continues as the Cullen family flees Forks in order to protect Bella (Kristen Stewart), and the heartbroken high-school senior discovers that vampires aren't the only creatures in town. Realizing that Bella will never be safe as long as he's around, Edward (Robert Pattinson) makes the difficult decision to leave his beloved behind shortly after her 18th birthday. Reeling from her loss, Bella embraces self-destruction after being comforted by Edward's image during a moment of mortal peril. But as heavy-hearted as Bella may be, her old friend Jacob (Taylor Lautner) distracts her from her sorrows by helping her renovate a weather-beaten motorbike. When Bella encounters a former adversary with a sizable grudge, she's rescued from harm at the last second by pack of enormous, ferocious wolves. Subsequently delving into the history of the Quileutes, Bella discovers the secrets of Jacob's tribe while looking forward to a reunion with Edward that may have deadly consequences.

Up In The Air (Tra Le Nuvole)

Starring George Clooney, Vera Farmiga, Jason Bateman and Anna Kendrick.
The timely odyssey of Ryan Bingham (George Clooney), a corporate downsizer and consummate modern business traveler who, after years of staying happily airborne, suddenly finds himself ready to make a real connection. Ryan has long been contented with his unencumbered lifestyle lived out across America in airports, hotels and rental cars. He can carry all he needs in one wheel-away case; he's a pampered, elite member of every travel loyalty program in existence and he's close to attaining his lifetime goal of 10 million frequent flier miles - and yet... Ryan has nothing real to hold onto. When he falls for a simpatico fellow traveler (Vera Farmiga), Ryan's boss (Jason Bateman), inspired by a young, upstart efficiency expert (Anna Kendrick), threatens to permanently call him in from the road. Faced with the prospect, at once terrifying and exhilarating, of being grounded, Ryan begins to contemplate what it might actually mean to have a home.


August 13 to August 20


Starring Hilary Swank, Richard Gere, Ewan McGregor, Christopher Eccleston, Joe Anderson, Cherry Jones and Mia Wasikowska.
An extraordinary life of adventure, celebrity and continuing mystery comes to light in AMELIA, a vast, thrilling account of legendary aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart (Hilary Swank). After becoming the first woman to fly across the Atlantic, Amelia was thrust into a new role as America's sweetheart - the legendary "goddess of light," known for her bold, larger-than-life charisma. Yet, even with her global fame solidified, her belief in flirting with danger and standing up as her own, outspoken woman never changed. She was an inspiration to people everywhere, from First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt (Cherry Jones) to the men closest to her heart: her husband, promoter and publishing magnate George P. Putnam (Richard Gere), and her long time friend and lover, pilot Gene Vidal (Ewan McGregor). In the summer of 1937, Amelia set off on her most daunting mission yet: a solo flight around the world that she and George both anxiously foresaw as destined, whatever the outcome, to become one of the most talked-about journeys in history.

Arthur And The Invisibles (Arthur e la vendetta di Maltazard)

Starring Mia Farrow, Freddie Highmore, Ronald Crawford, Penny Balfour, Doug Rand, Madonna , Robert De Niro, Harvey Keitel, Chazz Palminteri, Emilio Estevez, Snoop Dogg, Anthony Anderson and Jimmy Fallon. Like all children his age, Arthur is fascinated by the bedtime stories his Grandmother tells him. His dreams are full of African tribes and incredible inventions drawn from an old book of spells that belonged to his grandfather, who disappeared mysteriously four years ago. What if all these tales are true? What if there really is treasure hidden at the bottom of their garden? And what if the Invisibles, the adorable tiny creatures sketched by his grandfather, really do exist? Now that could help save his family¢s home, which is under threat from an unscrupulous property developer! 10-year-old Arthur boldly decides to follow the clues left by his Grandfather to enter the Invisibles' world and discover their land of Seven Kingdoms.


Starring Sam Worthington, Zoë Saldana, Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez and Sigourney Weaver.
A paraplegic ex-marine finds a new life on the distant planet of Pandora, only to find himself battling humankind alongside the planet's indigenous Na'vi race in this ambitious digital 3D sci-fi epic from Academy Award-winning Titanic director James Cameron. The film, which marks Cameron's first dramatic feature since 1997's Titanic, follows Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), a war veteran who gets called to the depths of space to pick up the job of his slain twin brother for the scientific arm of a megacorporation looking to mine the planet of Pandora for a valued ore. Unfortunately the biggest deposit of the prized substance lies underneath the home of the Na'vi, a ten-foot-tall, blue-skinned native tribe who have been at war with the security arm of the company, lead by Col. Miles Quaritch (Stephen Lang). Because of the planet's hostile atmosphere, humans have genetically grown half-alien/half-human bodies which they can jack their consciousnesses into and explore the world in. Since Jake's brother already had an incredibly expensive Avatar grown for him, he's able to connect with it using the same DNA code and experience first-hand the joys of Pandora while giving the scientific team, led by Grace Augustine (Sigourney Weaver) and Norm Spellman (Joel David Moore), some well-needed protection against the planet's more hostile forces. On a chance meeting after getting separated from his team, Jake's Avatar is rescued by Neytiri (Zoe Saldana), a Na'vi princess, who brings him into her tribe in order to give the humans a second chance at relating to this new environment. When word gets out of his increasing time with the alien species, Quaritch enlists Jake to do some reconnaissance for the company, as they'd like to persuade the tribe to move their home before taking more drastic measures to harness the treasure hidden below. Yet as Jake becomes one with the tribe and begins to understand the secrets of Pandora, his conscience is torn between his new adopted world and the wheelchair-bound one awaiting him when the psychic connection to his Avatar is broken. Soon battle lines are drawn and Jake needs to decide which side he will fight on when the time comes. The film was shot on the proprietary FUSION digital 3D cameras developed by Cameron in collaboration with Vince Pace, and offers a groundbreaking mix of live-action dramatic performances and computer-generated effects. The revolutionary motion-capture system created for the film allows the facial expressions of actors to be captured as a virtual camera system enables them to see what their computer-generated counterparts will be seeing in the film, and Peter Jackson's Oscar-winning Weta Digital visual-effects house supervises Avatar's complex special effects.

Cado Dalle Nubi

Con Checco Zalone, Dino Abbrescia, Giulia Michelini, Fabio Troiano, Raul Cremona, Gigi Angelillo, Anna Ferruzzo, Ludovica Modugno, Sereno Bukasa, Stefano Chiodaroli, Ivano Marescotti, Rocco Papaleo.
Checco Zalone è un giovane pugliese che sogna di diventare cantante. Lasciato dalla ragazza perché insegue sogni irrealizzabili mentre lei vuole sistemarsi, Checco decide di partire da Polignano a Mare e raggiungere Milano, dove forse riuscirà a sbarcare il lunario. A Milano viene ospitato dal cugino Alfredo (Dino Abbrescia) ma ovviamente fatica ad adattarsi alla mentalità milanese. Incontra Marika (Giulia Michelini) ed è un colpo di fulmine per entrambi, ma il padre di Marika (Ivano Marescotti) è un leghista convinto, pieno di pregiudizi sui meridionali, figuriamoci poi quando vede Checco! Contemporaneamente comincia a partecipare a diversi provini, fino a quando d'improvviso il suo talento canoro, unito a quello comico, viene riconosciuto: Checco può diventare un fenomeno e il discografico che l'aveva inizialmente rifiutato prende a cercarlo per tutta la città. Checco sta per coronare il suo sogno, ma riuscirà ad avere l'amore di Marika o tornerà al suo paese da vincitore riconquistando l'ex fidanzata?

Did You Hear About The Morgans? (Che fine hanno fatto i Morgan?)

Starring Hugh Grant, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sam Elliott, Mary Steenburgen, Elisabeth Moss, Michael Kelly and Wilford Brimley.
Meryl and Paul Morgan (Sarah Jessica Parker and Hugh Grant) are a highly successful Manhattan couple whose almost-perfect lives have only one notable failure - their dissolving marriage. But the turmoil of their romantic lives is nothing compared to what they are about to experience: they witness a murder and become targets of a contract killer. The Feds, protecting their witnesses, whisk away the Morgans from their beloved New York to a tiny town in Wyoming, and a relationship that was on the rocks threatens to end completely in the Rockies ... unless, in their new BlackBerry-free lives, the Morgans can slow down the pace and rekindle the passion.

Dorian Gray

Starring Ben Barnes, Colin Firth, Rachel Hurd-Wood, Rebecca Hall, Fiona Shaw and Ben Chaplin.
In Victorian London, the handsome Dorian Gray (Ben Barnes) is swept into a social whirlwind by the charismatic and cunning Lord Wotton (Colin Firth). Immersed in the hedonistic pleasures of the city, Dorian vows he would give anything to keep his youth and beauty - even his soul. Based on the Oscar Wilde novel, Dorian Gray examines the destructive power of beauty, the blind pursuit of pleasure and the darkness that can result from both.

La Prima Cosa Bella

Con Valerio Mastandrea, Micaela Ramazzotti, Stefania Sandrelli, Claudia Pandolfi, Dario Ballantini, Marco Messeri, Aurora Frasca.
Cosa vuol dire avere una mamma bellissima, vitale, frivola, imbarazzante? E¢ il cruccio che ha accompagnato tutta la vita di Bruno, primogenito di Anna, fin da quando aveva otto anni. Tutto comincia nell¢estate del 1971, quando assistendo alla tradizionale elezione delle Miss dello stabilimento balneare più popolare di Livorno, Anna viene inaspettatamente chiamata sul palco ed incoronata 'la mamma più bella'. Da allora, nella famiglia Michelucci, arriva lo scompiglio e per Anna, per Bruno e per la sorella Valeria, inizia un¢avventura che si concluderà solo ai giorni nostri, con un inattesa struggente riconciliazione.

The Lovely Bones (Amabili resti)

Starring Mark Wahlberg, Rachel Weisz, Susan Sarandon, Stanley Tucci, Michael Imperioli, Saoirse Ronan, Rose McIver and Reece Ritchie.
A young girl (Saoirse Ronan) who has been murdered watches over her family—and her killer - from heaven. She must weigh her desire for vengeance against her desire for her family to heal.

The Twilight Saga: New Moon

Starring Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, Robert Pattinson, Billy Burke, Ashley Greene, Anna Kendrick, Christian Serratos, Michael Welch, Justin Chon and Christina Jastrzembska. The supernatural tale of star-crossed lovers continues as the Cullen family flees Forks in order to protect Bella (Kristen Stewart), and the heartbroken high-school senior discovers that vampires aren't the only creatures in town. Realizing that Bella will never be safe as long as he's around, Edward (Robert Pattinson) makes the difficult decision to leave his beloved behind shortly after her 18th birthday. Reeling from her loss, Bella embraces self-destruction after being comforted by Edward's image during a moment of mortal peril. But as heavy-hearted as Bella may be, her old friend Jacob (Taylor Lautner) distracts her from her sorrows by helping her renovate a weather-beaten motorbike. When Bella encounters a former adversary with a sizable grudge, she's rescued from harm at the last second by pack of enormous, ferocious wolves. Subsequently delving into the history of the Quileutes, Bella discovers the secrets of Jacob's tribe while looking forward to a reunion with Edward that may have deadly consequences.


August 20 to August 27

Alvin And The Chipmunks: The Squeakuel (Alvin Superstar 2)

Starring Zachary Levi, David Cross, Jason Lee, Justin Long, Matthew Gray Gubler, Jesse McCartney, Amy Poehler, Anna Faris and Christina Applegate.
Pop sensations Alvin, Simon and Theodore end up in the care of Dave Seville's twenty-something nephew Toby (Zachary Levi). The boys must put aside music superstardom to return to school, and are tasked with saving the school's music program by winning the $25,000 prize in a battle of the bands. But the Chipmunks unexpectedly meet their match in three singing chipmunks known as The Chipettes - Brittany, Eleanor and Jeanette. Romantic and musical sparks are ignited when the Chipmunks and Chipettes square off.


Starring Hilary Swank, Richard Gere, Ewan McGregor, Christopher Eccleston, Joe Anderson, Cherry Jones and Mia Wasikowska.
An extraordinary life of adventure, celebrity and continuing mystery comes to light in AMELIA, a vast, thrilling account of legendary aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart (Hilary Swank). After becoming the first woman to fly across the Atlantic, Amelia was thrust into a new role as America's sweetheart - the legendary "goddess of light," known for her bold, larger-than-life charisma. Yet, even with her global fame solidified, her belief in flirting with danger and standing up as her own, outspoken woman never changed. She was an inspiration to people everywhere, from First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt (Cherry Jones) to the men closest to her heart: her husband, promoter and publishing magnate George P. Putnam (Richard Gere), and her long time friend and lover, pilot Gene Vidal (Ewan McGregor). In the summer of 1937, Amelia set off on her most daunting mission yet: a solo flight around the world that she and George both anxiously foresaw as destined, whatever the outcome, to become one of the most talked-about journeys in history.

Arthur And The Invisibles (Arthur e la vendetta di Maltazard)

Starring Mia Farrow, Freddie Highmore, Ronald Crawford, Penny Balfour, Doug Rand, Madonna , Robert De Niro, Harvey Keitel, Chazz Palminteri, Emilio Estevez, Snoop Dogg, Anthony Anderson and Jimmy Fallon. Like all children his age, Arthur is fascinated by the bedtime stories his Grandmother tells him. His dreams are full of African tribes and incredible inventions drawn from an old book of spells that belonged to his grandfather, who disappeared mysteriously four years ago. What if all these tales are true? What if there really is treasure hidden at the bottom of their garden? And what if the Invisibles, the adorable tiny creatures sketched by his grandfather, really do exist? Now that could help save his family¢s home, which is under threat from an unscrupulous property developer! 10-year-old Arthur boldly decides to follow the clues left by his Grandfather to enter the Invisibles' world and discover their land of Seven Kingdoms.


Starring Sam Worthington, Zoë Saldana, Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez and Sigourney Weaver.
A paraplegic ex-marine finds a new life on the distant planet of Pandora, only to find himself battling humankind alongside the planet's indigenous Na'vi race in this ambitious digital 3D sci-fi epic from Academy Award-winning Titanic director James Cameron. The film, which marks Cameron's first dramatic feature since 1997's Titanic, follows Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), a war veteran who gets called to the depths of space to pick up the job of his slain twin brother for the scientific arm of a megacorporation looking to mine the planet of Pandora for a valued ore. Unfortunately the biggest deposit of the prized substance lies underneath the home of the Na'vi, a ten-foot-tall, blue-skinned native tribe who have been at war with the security arm of the company, lead by Col. Miles Quaritch (Stephen Lang). Because of the planet's hostile atmosphere, humans have genetically grown half-alien/half-human bodies which they can jack their consciousnesses into and explore the world in. Since Jake's brother already had an incredibly expensive Avatar grown for him, he's able to connect with it using the same DNA code and experience first-hand the joys of Pandora while giving the scientific team, led by Grace Augustine (Sigourney Weaver) and Norm Spellman (Joel David Moore), some well-needed protection against the planet's more hostile forces. On a chance meeting after getting separated from his team, Jake's Avatar is rescued by Neytiri (Zoe Saldana), a Na'vi princess, who brings him into her tribe in order to give the humans a second chance at relating to this new environment. When word gets out of his increasing time with the alien species, Quaritch enlists Jake to do some reconnaissance for the company, as they'd like to persuade the tribe to move their home before taking more drastic measures to harness the treasure hidden below. Yet as Jake becomes one with the tribe and begins to understand the secrets of Pandora, his conscience is torn between his new adopted world and the wheelchair-bound one awaiting him when the psychic connection to his Avatar is broken. Soon battle lines are drawn and Jake needs to decide which side he will fight on when the time comes. The film was shot on the proprietary FUSION digital 3D cameras developed by Cameron in collaboration with Vince Pace, and offers a groundbreaking mix of live-action dramatic performances and computer-generated effects. The revolutionary motion-capture system created for the film allows the facial expressions of actors to be captured as a virtual camera system enables them to see what their computer-generated counterparts will be seeing in the film, and Peter Jackson's Oscar-winning Weta Digital visual-effects house supervises Avatar's complex special effects.

Dorian Gray

Starring Ben Barnes, Colin Firth, Rachel Hurd-Wood, Rebecca Hall, Fiona Shaw and Ben Chaplin.
In Victorian London, the handsome Dorian Gray (Ben Barnes) is swept into a social whirlwind by the charismatic and cunning Lord Wotton (Colin Firth). Immersed in the hedonistic pleasures of the city, Dorian vows he would give anything to keep his youth and beauty - even his soul. Based on the Oscar Wilde novel, Dorian Gray examines the destructive power of beauty, the blind pursuit of pleasure and the darkness that can result from both.

Io & Marilyn

Con Leonardo Pieraccioni, Luca Laurenti, Rocco Papaleo, Massimo Ceccherini, Biagio Izzo, Francesco Guccini, Suzie Kennedy, Barbara Tabita, Marta Gastini.
Firenze. Si può chiamare durante una seduta spiritica tra amici la diva Marilyn Monroe? E se poi lei apparisse davvero? E' quello che succede a Gualtiero, ma il guaio è che a vederla e a parlarle è solo lui e Arnolfo, un tipo molto eccentrico che dice di aver avuto in casa per 40 giorni Hitler, è l'unico che gli crede! Gualtiero però non si perde d'animo e approfitta del fatto di avere al suo fianco una donna come Marilyn per farsi consigliare per risolvere i suoi fallimenti sentimentali: pochi ... [continua a leggere]giorni prima infatti è stato lasciato dalla moglie Ramona per andare a vivere, insieme alla figlia Martina, in un circo con Pasquale, un bizzarro domatore napoletano. Con l'aiuto della sua nuova amica Gualtiero cercherà in tutti i modi di riprendersi la sua famiglia.

La Prima Cosa Bella

Con Valerio Mastandrea, Micaela Ramazzotti, Stefania Sandrelli, Claudia Pandolfi, Dario Ballantini, Marco Messeri, Aurora Frasca.
Cosa vuol dire avere una mamma bellissima, vitale, frivola, imbarazzante? E¢ il cruccio che ha accompagnato tutta la vita di Bruno, primogenito di Anna, fin da quando aveva otto anni. Tutto comincia nell¢estate del 1971, quando assistendo alla tradizionale elezione delle Miss dello stabilimento balneare più popolare di Livorno, Anna viene inaspettatamente chiamata sul palco ed incoronata 'la mamma più bella'. Da allora, nella famiglia Michelucci, arriva lo scompiglio e per Anna, per Bruno e per la sorella Valeria, inizia un¢avventura che si concluderà solo ai giorni nostri, con un inattesa struggente riconciliazione.

The Lovely Bones (Amabili resti)

Starring Mark Wahlberg, Rachel Weisz, Susan Sarandon, Stanley Tucci, Michael Imperioli, Saoirse Ronan, Rose McIver and Reece Ritchie.
A young girl (Saoirse Ronan) who has been murdered watches over her family—and her killer - from heaven. She must weigh her desire for vengeance against her desire for her family to heal.

The Twilight Saga: New Moon

Starring Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, Robert Pattinson, Billy Burke, Ashley Greene, Anna Kendrick, Christian Serratos, Michael Welch, Justin Chon and Christina Jastrzembska. The supernatural tale of star-crossed lovers continues as the Cullen family flees Forks in order to protect Bella (Kristen Stewart), and the heartbroken high-school senior discovers that vampires aren't the only creatures in town. Realizing that Bella will never be safe as long as he's around, Edward (Robert Pattinson) makes the difficult decision to leave his beloved behind shortly after her 18th birthday. Reeling from her loss, Bella embraces self-destruction after being comforted by Edward's image during a moment of mortal peril. But as heavy-hearted as Bella may be, her old friend Jacob (Taylor Lautner) distracts her from her sorrows by helping her renovate a weather-beaten motorbike. When Bella encounters a former adversary with a sizable grudge, she's rescued from harm at the last second by pack of enormous, ferocious wolves. Subsequently delving into the history of the Quileutes, Bella discovers the secrets of Jacob's tribe while looking forward to a reunion with Edward that may have deadly consequences.


August 27 to September 3

Alvin And The Chipmunks: The Squeakuel (Alvin Superstar 2)

Starring Zachary Levi, David Cross, Jason Lee, Justin Long, Matthew Gray Gubler, Jesse McCartney, Amy Poehler, Anna Faris and Christina Applegate.
Pop sensations Alvin, Simon and Theodore end up in the care of Dave Seville's twenty-something nephew Toby (Zachary Levi). The boys must put aside music superstardom to return to school, and are tasked with saving the school's music program by winning the $25,000 prize in a battle of the bands. But the Chipmunks unexpectedly meet their match in three singing chipmunks known as The Chipettes - Brittany, Eleanor and Jeanette. Romantic and musical sparks are ignited when the Chipmunks and Chipettes square off.


Starring Sam Worthington, Zoë Saldana, Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez and Sigourney Weaver.
A paraplegic ex-marine finds a new life on the distant planet of Pandora, only to find himself battling humankind alongside the planet's indigenous Na'vi race in this ambitious digital 3D sci-fi epic from Academy Award-winning Titanic director James Cameron. The film, which marks Cameron's first dramatic feature since 1997's Titanic, follows Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), a war veteran who gets called to the depths of space to pick up the job of his slain twin brother for the scientific arm of a megacorporation looking to mine the planet of Pandora for a valued ore. Unfortunately the biggest deposit of the prized substance lies underneath the home of the Na'vi, a ten-foot-tall, blue-skinned native tribe who have been at war with the security arm of the company, lead by Col. Miles Quaritch (Stephen Lang). Because of the planet's hostile atmosphere, humans have genetically grown half-alien/half-human bodies which they can jack their consciousnesses into and explore the world in. Since Jake's brother already had an incredibly expensive Avatar grown for him, he's able to connect with it using the same DNA code and experience first-hand the joys of Pandora while giving the scientific team, led by Grace Augustine (Sigourney Weaver) and Norm Spellman (Joel David Moore), some well-needed protection against the planet's more hostile forces. On a chance meeting after getting separated from his team, Jake's Avatar is rescued by Neytiri (Zoe Saldana), a Na'vi princess, who brings him into her tribe in order to give the humans a second chance at relating to this new environment. When word gets out of his increasing time with the alien species, Quaritch enlists Jake to do some reconnaissance for the company, as they'd like to persuade the tribe to move their home before taking more drastic measures to harness the treasure hidden below. Yet as Jake becomes one with the tribe and begins to understand the secrets of Pandora, his conscience is torn between his new adopted world and the wheelchair-bound one awaiting him when the psychic connection to his Avatar is broken. Soon battle lines are drawn and Jake needs to decide which side he will fight on when the time comes. The film was shot on the proprietary FUSION digital 3D cameras developed by Cameron in collaboration with Vince Pace, and offers a groundbreaking mix of live-action dramatic performances and computer-generated effects. The revolutionary motion-capture system created for the film allows the facial expressions of actors to be captured as a virtual camera system enables them to see what their computer-generated counterparts will be seeing in the film, and Peter Jackson's Oscar-winning Weta Digital visual-effects house supervises Avatar's complex special effects.

Did You Hear About The Morgans? (Che fine hanno fatto i Morgan?)

Starring Hugh Grant, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sam Elliott, Mary Steenburgen, Elisabeth Moss, Michael Kelly and Wilford Brimley.
Meryl and Paul Morgan (Sarah Jessica Parker and Hugh Grant) are a highly successful Manhattan couple whose almost-perfect lives have only one notable failure - their dissolving marriage. But the turmoil of their romantic lives is nothing compared to what they are about to experience: they witness a murder and become targets of a contract killer. The Feds, protecting their witnesses, whisk away the Morgans from their beloved New York to a tiny town in Wyoming, and a relationship that was on the rocks threatens to end completely in the Rockies ... unless, in their new BlackBerry-free lives, the Morgans can slow down the pace and rekindle the passion.

Io & Marilyn

Con Leonardo Pieraccioni, Luca Laurenti, Rocco Papaleo, Massimo Ceccherini, Biagio Izzo, Francesco Guccini, Suzie Kennedy, Barbara Tabita, Marta Gastini.
Firenze. Si può chiamare durante una seduta spiritica tra amici la diva Marilyn Monroe? E se poi lei apparisse davvero? E' quello che succede a Gualtiero, ma il guaio è che a vederla e a parlarle è solo lui e Arnolfo, un tipo molto eccentrico che dice di aver avuto in casa per 40 giorni Hitler, è l'unico che gli crede! Gualtiero però non si perde d'animo e approfitta del fatto di avere al suo fianco una donna come Marilyn per farsi consigliare per risolvere i suoi fallimenti sentimentali: pochi ... [continua a leggere]giorni prima infatti è stato lasciato dalla moglie Ramona per andare a vivere, insieme alla figlia Martina, in un circo con Pasquale, un bizzarro domatore napoletano. Con l'aiuto della sua nuova amica Gualtiero cercherà in tutti i modi di riprendersi la sua famiglia.

La Prima Cosa Bella

Con Valerio Mastandrea, Micaela Ramazzotti, Stefania Sandrelli, Claudia Pandolfi, Dario Ballantini, Marco Messeri, Aurora Frasca.
Cosa vuol dire avere una mamma bellissima, vitale, frivola, imbarazzante? E¢ il cruccio che ha accompagnato tutta la vita di Bruno, primogenito di Anna, fin da quando aveva otto anni. Tutto comincia nell¢estate del 1971, quando assistendo alla tradizionale elezione delle Miss dello stabilimento balneare più popolare di Livorno, Anna viene inaspettatamente chiamata sul palco ed incoronata 'la mamma più bella'. Da allora, nella famiglia Michelucci, arriva lo scompiglio e per Anna, per Bruno e per la sorella Valeria, inizia un¢avventura che si concluderà solo ai giorni nostri, con un inattesa struggente riconciliazione.


Starring Paul Bettany, Lucas Black, Tyrese Gibson, Adrianne Palicki, Charles S. Dutton, Kevin Durand, Willa Holland, Kate Walsh and Dennis Quaid.
In the supernatural action thriller Legion, an out-of-the-way diner becomes the unlikely battleground for the survival of the human race. When God loses faith in Mankind, he sends his legion of angels to bring on the Apocalypse. Humanity's only hope lies in a group of strangers trapped in a desert diner and the Archangel Michael (Paul Bettany).

The Lovely Bones (Amabili resti)

Starring Mark Wahlberg, Rachel Weisz, Susan Sarandon, Stanley Tucci, Michael Imperioli, Saoirse Ronan, Rose McIver and Reece Ritchie.
A young girl (Saoirse Ronan) who has been murdered watches over her family—and her killer - from heaven. She must weigh her desire for vengeance against her desire for her family to heal.

L'uomo che verrà

Con Alba Rohrwacher, Maya Sansa, Claudio Casadio, Greta Zuccheri Montanari, Stefano Bicocchi, Eleonora Mazzoni, Orfeo Orlando, Diego Pagotto, Tom Sommerlatte, Raffaele Zabban.
Inverno, 1943. Martina, unica figlia di una povera famiglia di contadini, ha 8 anni e vive alle pendici di Monte Sole. Anni prima ha perso un fratellino di pochi giorni e da allora ha smesso di parlare. La mamma rimane nuovamente incinta e Martina vive nell'attesa del bambino che nascerà, mentre la guerra man mano si avvicina e la vita diventa sempre più difficile fra le brigate partigiane del comandante Lupo e l'avanzare dei nazisti. Nella notte tra il 28 e il 29 settembre 1944 il bambino ... [continua a leggere]viene finalmente alla luce. Quasi contemporaneamente le SS scatenano nella zona un rastrellamento senza precedenti, che passerà alla storia come la strage di Marzabotto.


Starring Daniel Day-Lewis, Marion Cotillard, Nicole Kidman, Penélope Cruz, Judi Dench, Kate Hudson and Sophia Loren.
Vibrant and provocative musical that follows the life of world famous film director Guido Contini (Daniel Day-Lewis) as he reaches a creative and personal crisis of epic proportion, while balancing the numerous women in his life including his wife (Marion Cotillard), his mistress (Penelope Cruz), his film star muse (Nicole Kidman), his confidant and costume designer (Judi Dench), a young American fashion journalist (Kate Hudson), the whore from his youth (Stacy "Fergie" Ferguson) and his mother (Sophia Loren).


September 3 to September 10


Starring Sam Worthington, Zoë Saldana, Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez and Sigourney Weaver.
A paraplegic ex-marine finds a new life on the distant planet of Pandora, only to find himself battling humankind alongside the planet's indigenous Na'vi race in this ambitious digital 3D sci-fi epic from Academy Award-winning Titanic director James Cameron. The film, which marks Cameron's first dramatic feature since 1997's Titanic, follows Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), a war veteran who gets called to the depths of space to pick up the job of his slain twin brother for the scientific arm of a megacorporation looking to mine the planet of Pandora for a valued ore. Unfortunately the biggest deposit of the prized substance lies underneath the home of the Na'vi, a ten-foot-tall, blue-skinned native tribe who have been at war with the security arm of the company, lead by Col. Miles Quaritch (Stephen Lang). Because of the planet's hostile atmosphere, humans have genetically grown half-alien/half-human bodies which they can jack their consciousnesses into and explore the world in. Since Jake's brother already had an incredibly expensive Avatar grown for him, he's able to connect with it using the same DNA code and experience first-hand the joys of Pandora while giving the scientific team, led by Grace Augustine (Sigourney Weaver) and Norm Spellman (Joel David Moore), some well-needed protection against the planet's more hostile forces. On a chance meeting after getting separated from his team, Jake's Avatar is rescued by Neytiri (Zoe Saldana), a Na'vi princess, who brings him into her tribe in order to give the humans a second chance at relating to this new environment. When word gets out of his increasing time with the alien species, Quaritch enlists Jake to do some reconnaissance for the company, as they'd like to persuade the tribe to move their home before taking more drastic measures to harness the treasure hidden below. Yet as Jake becomes one with the tribe and begins to understand the secrets of Pandora, his conscience is torn between his new adopted world and the wheelchair-bound one awaiting him when the psychic connection to his Avatar is broken. Soon battle lines are drawn and Jake needs to decide which side he will fight on when the time comes. The film was shot on the proprietary FUSION digital 3D cameras developed by Cameron in collaboration with Vince Pace, and offers a groundbreaking mix of live-action dramatic performances and computer-generated effects. The revolutionary motion-capture system created for the film allows the facial expressions of actors to be captured as a virtual camera system enables them to see what their computer-generated counterparts will be seeing in the film, and Peter Jackson's Oscar-winning Weta Digital visual-effects house supervises Avatar's complex special effects.

Baciami Ancora

Con Stefano Accorsi, Vittoria Puccini, Sabrina Impacciatore, Pierfrancesco Favino, Claudio Santamaria, Giorgio Pasotti, Marco Cocci, Daniela Piazza, Adriano Giannini, Primo Reggiani, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi.
Sono trascorsi circa dieci anni da quando Carlo e Giulia si sono sposati, hanno avuto una splendida bambina, Sveva, e poi si sono lasciati, dopo una serie di ripicche e tradimenti reciproci. Ora Carlo fa il quarantenne single e ha difficoltà a legarsi stabilmente con una donna, mentre Giulia vive con la sua bimba a il nuovo compagno Simone, un attore squattrinato, nella casa che allora condivideva con Carlo. Adriano torna da suo lunghissimo viaggio, dopo aver scontato anche due anni di carcere a Cuba, per aver tentato di portare in Italia della cocaina. Ora è intenzionato a recuperare tutto il tempo perduto con il suo figlio, del quale non ha notizie da dieci anni e che vive con la mamma Livia, impegnata sentimentalmente con Paolo.

Did You Hear About The Morgans? (Che fine hanno fatto i Morgan?)

Starring Hugh Grant, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sam Elliott, Mary Steenburgen, Elisabeth Moss, Michael Kelly and Wilford Brimley.
Meryl and Paul Morgan (Sarah Jessica Parker and Hugh Grant) are a highly successful Manhattan couple whose almost-perfect lives have only one notable failure - their dissolving marriage. But the turmoil of their romantic lives is nothing compared to what they are about to experience: they witness a murder and become targets of a contract killer. The Feds, protecting their witnesses, whisk away the Morgans from their beloved New York to a tiny town in Wyoming, and a relationship that was on the rocks threatens to end completely in the Rockies ... unless, in their new BlackBerry-free lives, the Morgans can slow down the pace and rekindle the passion.

Dorian Gray

Starring Ben Barnes, Colin Firth, Rachel Hurd-Wood, Rebecca Hall, Fiona Shaw and Ben Chaplin.
In Victorian London, the handsome Dorian Gray (Ben Barnes) is swept into a social whirlwind by the charismatic and cunning Lord Wotton (Colin Firth). Immersed in the hedonistic pleasures of the city, Dorian vows he would give anything to keep his youth and beauty - even his soul. Based on the Oscar Wilde novel, Dorian Gray examines the destructive power of beauty, the blind pursuit of pleasure and the darkness that can result from both.

The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard

Starring Jeremy Piven, Ving Rhames, James Brolin, David Koechner, Kathryn Hahn and Jordana Spiro.
Who is Don Ready? Salesman? Lover? Song Stylist? Semi-professional dolphin trainer? Ready is all of the above - except for a dolphin trainer. When he's asked to help save an ailing local car dealership from bankruptcy, Ready and his ragtag crew descend on the town of Temecula like a pack of coyotes on a basket full of burgers. Selling, drinking, selling and going to strip clubs is their stock and trade. And they do it well. What Don doesn't expect is to fall in love and find his soul (cue heartfelt piano).

Io & Marilyn

Con Leonardo Pieraccioni, Luca Laurenti, Rocco Papaleo, Massimo Ceccherini, Biagio Izzo, Francesco Guccini, Suzie Kennedy, Barbara Tabita, Marta Gastini.
Firenze. Si può chiamare durante una seduta spiritica tra amici la diva Marilyn Monroe? E se poi lei apparisse davvero? E' quello che succede a Gualtiero, ma il guaio è che a vederla e a parlarle è solo lui e Arnolfo, un tipo molto eccentrico che dice di aver avuto in casa per 40 giorni Hitler, è l'unico che gli crede! Gualtiero però non si perde d'animo e approfitta del fatto di avere al suo fianco una donna come Marilyn per farsi consigliare per risolvere i suoi fallimenti sentimentali: pochi ... [continua a leggere]giorni prima infatti è stato lasciato dalla moglie Ramona per andare a vivere, insieme alla figlia Martina, in un circo con Pasquale, un bizzarro domatore napoletano. Con l'aiuto della sua nuova amica Gualtiero cercherà in tutti i modi di riprendersi la sua famiglia.

La Prima Cosa Bella

Con Valerio Mastandrea, Micaela Ramazzotti, Stefania Sandrelli, Claudia Pandolfi, Dario Ballantini, Marco Messeri, Aurora Frasca.
Cosa vuol dire avere una mamma bellissima, vitale, frivola, imbarazzante? E¢ il cruccio che ha accompagnato tutta la vita di Bruno, primogenito di Anna, fin da quando aveva otto anni. Tutto comincia nell¢estate del 1971, quando assistendo alla tradizionale elezione delle Miss dello stabilimento balneare più popolare di Livorno, Anna viene inaspettatamente chiamata sul palco ed incoronata 'la mamma più bella'. Da allora, nella famiglia Michelucci, arriva lo scompiglio e per Anna, per Bruno e per la sorella Valeria, inizia un¢avventura che si concluderà solo ai giorni nostri, con un inattesa struggente riconciliazione.


Starring Paul Bettany, Lucas Black, Tyrese Gibson, Adrianne Palicki, Charles S. Dutton, Kevin Durand, Willa Holland, Kate Walsh and Dennis Quaid.
In the supernatural action thriller Legion, an out-of-the-way diner becomes the unlikely battleground for the survival of the human race. When God loses faith in Mankind, he sends his legion of angels to bring on the Apocalypse. Humanity's only hope lies in a group of strangers trapped in a desert diner and the Archangel Michael (Paul Bettany).

L'uomo che verrà

Con Alba Rohrwacher, Maya Sansa, Claudio Casadio, Greta Zuccheri Montanari, Stefano Bicocchi, Eleonora Mazzoni, Orfeo Orlando, Diego Pagotto, Tom Sommerlatte, Raffaele Zabban.
Inverno, 1943. Martina, unica figlia di una povera famiglia di contadini, ha 8 anni e vive alle pendici di Monte Sole. Anni prima ha perso un fratellino di pochi giorni e da allora ha smesso di parlare. La mamma rimane nuovamente incinta e Martina vive nell'attesa del bambino che nascerà, mentre la guerra man mano si avvicina e la vita diventa sempre più difficile fra le brigate partigiane del comandante Lupo e l'avanzare dei nazisti. Nella notte tra il 28 e il 29 settembre 1944 il bambino ... [continua a leggere]viene finalmente alla luce. Quasi contemporaneamente le SS scatenano nella zona un rastrellamento senza precedenti, che passerà alla storia come la strage di Marzabotto.

Old Dogs (Daddy Sitter)

Starring John Travolta, Robin Williams, Kelly Preston, Seth Green, Ella Bleu Travolta, Conner Rayburn, Lori Loughlin and Matt Dillon.
Two best friends - one unlucky-in-love divorcé (Robin Williams) and the other a fun-loving bachelor (John Travolta) - have their lives turned upside down when they're unexpectedly charged with the care of six-year-old twins while on the verge of the biggest business deal of their lives. The not-so-kidsavvy bachelors stumble in their efforts to take care of the twins (newcomers Ella Bleu Travolta and Conner Rayburn), leading to one debacle after another, and perhaps to a new-found understanding of what's really important in life.

Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time

Starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Ben Kingsley, Gemma Arterton, Alfred Molina, Steve Toussaint, Toby Kebbell, Richard Coyle, Ronald Pickup and Reece Ritchie.
A rogue prince (Jake Gyllenhaal) reluctantly joins forces with a mysterious princess (Gemma Arterton) and together, they race against dark forces to safeguard an ancient dagger capable of releasing the Sands of Time - a gift from the gods that can reverse time and allow its possessor to rule the world.


September 10 to September 17


Starring Sam Worthington, Zoë Saldana, Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez and Sigourney Weaver.
A paraplegic ex-marine finds a new life on the distant planet of Pandora, only to find himself battling humankind alongside the planet's indigenous Na'vi race in this ambitious digital 3D sci-fi epic from Academy Award-winning Titanic director James Cameron. The film, which marks Cameron's first dramatic feature since 1997's Titanic, follows Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), a war veteran who gets called to the depths of space to pick up the job of his slain twin brother for the scientific arm of a megacorporation looking to mine the planet of Pandora for a valued ore. Unfortunately the biggest deposit of the prized substance lies underneath the home of the Na'vi, a ten-foot-tall, blue-skinned native tribe who have been at war with the security arm of the company, lead by Col. Miles Quaritch (Stephen Lang). Because of the planet's hostile atmosphere, humans have genetically grown half-alien/half-human bodies which they can jack their consciousnesses into and explore the world in. Since Jake's brother already had an incredibly expensive Avatar grown for him, he's able to connect with it using the same DNA code and experience first-hand the joys of Pandora while giving the scientific team, led by Grace Augustine (Sigourney Weaver) and Norm Spellman (Joel David Moore), some well-needed protection against the planet's more hostile forces. On a chance meeting after getting separated from his team, Jake's Avatar is rescued by Neytiri (Zoe Saldana), a Na'vi princess, who brings him into her tribe in order to give the humans a second chance at relating to this new environment. When word gets out of his increasing time with the alien species, Quaritch enlists Jake to do some reconnaissance for the company, as they'd like to persuade the tribe to move their home before taking more drastic measures to harness the treasure hidden below. Yet as Jake becomes one with the tribe and begins to understand the secrets of Pandora, his conscience is torn between his new adopted world and the wheelchair-bound one awaiting him when the psychic connection to his Avatar is broken. Soon battle lines are drawn and Jake needs to decide which side he will fight on when the time comes. The film was shot on the proprietary FUSION digital 3D cameras developed by Cameron in collaboration with Vince Pace, and offers a groundbreaking mix of live-action dramatic performances and computer-generated effects. The revolutionary motion-capture system created for the film allows the facial expressions of actors to be captured as a virtual camera system enables them to see what their computer-generated counterparts will be seeing in the film, and Peter Jackson's Oscar-winning Weta Digital visual-effects house supervises Avatar's complex special effects.

Baciami Ancora

Con Stefano Accorsi, Vittoria Puccini, Sabrina Impacciatore, Pierfrancesco Favino, Claudio Santamaria, Giorgio Pasotti, Marco Cocci, Daniela Piazza, Adriano Giannini, Primo Reggiani, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi.
Sono trascorsi circa dieci anni da quando Carlo e Giulia si sono sposati, hanno avuto una splendida bambina, Sveva, e poi si sono lasciati, dopo una serie di ripicche e tradimenti reciproci. Ora Carlo fa il quarantenne single e ha difficoltà a legarsi stabilmente con una donna, mentre Giulia vive con la sua bimba a il nuovo compagno Simone, un attore squattrinato, nella casa che allora condivideva con Carlo. Adriano torna da suo lunghissimo viaggio, dopo aver scontato anche due anni di carcere a Cuba, per aver tentato di portare in Italia della cocaina. Ora è intenzionato a recuperare tutto il tempo perduto con il suo figlio, del quale non ha notizie da dieci anni e che vive con la mamma Livia, impegnata sentimentalmente con Paolo.

The Bounty Hunter (Il cacciatore di ex)

Starring Jennifer Aniston, Gerard Butler, Christine Baranski and Jason Sudeikis.
Milo Boyd (Gerard Butler), a down-on-his-luck bounty hunter, gets his dream job when he is assigned to track down his bail-jumping ex-wife, reporter Nicole Hurly (Jennifer Aniston). He thinks all that's ahead is an easy payday, but when Nicole gives him the slip so she can chase a lead on a murder cover-up, Milo realizes that nothing ever goes simply with him and Nicole. The exes continually one-up each other - until they find themselves on the run for their lives. They thought their promise to love, honor and obey was tough - staying alive is going to be a whole lot tougher.

The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard

Starring Jeremy Piven, Ving Rhames, James Brolin, David Koechner, Kathryn Hahn and Jordana Spiro.
Who is Don Ready? Salesman? Lover? Song Stylist? Semi-professional dolphin trainer? Ready is all of the above - except for a dolphin trainer. When he's asked to help save an ailing local car dealership from bankruptcy, Ready and his ragtag crew descend on the town of Temecula like a pack of coyotes on a basket full of burgers. Selling, drinking, selling and going to strip clubs is their stock and trade. And they do it well. What Don doesn't expect is to fall in love and find his soul (cue heartfelt piano).

Il Riccio

Con Josiane Balasko, Garance Le Guillermic, Togo Igawa, Anne Brochet, Ariane Ascaride, Wladimir Yordanoff, Sarah Le Picard, Jean-Luc Porraz.
Parigi, rue de Grenelle numero 7. Un elegante palazzo abitato da famiglie dell'alta borghesia. Ci vivono ministri, burocrati, maitres à penser della cultura culinaria. Dalla sua guardiola assiste allo scorrere di questa vita di lussuosa vacuità la portinaia Renée, che appare in tutto e per tutto conforme all'idea stessa della portinaia: grassa, sciatta, scorbutica e teledipendente. Niente di strano, dunque. Tranne il fatto che, all'insaputa di tutti, Renée è una coltissima autodidatta che adora l'arte, la filosofia, la musica, la cultura giapponese. Cita Marx, Proust, Kant... dal punto di vista intellettuale è in grado di farsi beffe dei suoi ricchi e boriosi padroni. Ma tutti nel palazzo ignorano le sue raffinate conoscenze, che lei si cura di tenere rigorosamente nascoste, dissimulandole con umorismo sornione. Poi c'è Paloma, la figlia di un ministro ottuso; dodicenne geniale, brillante e fin troppo lucida che, stanca di vivere, ha deciso di farla finita (il 16 giugno, giorno del suo tredicesimo compleanno). Fino ad allora continuerà a fingere di essere una ragazzina mediocre e imbevuta di sottocultura adolescenziale come tutte le altre, segretamente osservando con sguardo critico e severo l'ambiente che la circonda. Due personaggi in incognito, quindi, diversi eppure accomunati dallo sguardo ironicamente disincantato, che ignari l'uno dell'impostura dell'altro, si incontreranno solo grazie all'arrivo di monsieur Ozu, un ricco giapponese, il solo che saprà smascherare Renée.

Io & Marilyn

Con Leonardo Pieraccioni, Luca Laurenti, Rocco Papaleo, Massimo Ceccherini, Biagio Izzo, Francesco Guccini, Suzie Kennedy, Barbara Tabita, Marta Gastini.
Firenze. Si può chiamare durante una seduta spiritica tra amici la diva Marilyn Monroe? E se poi lei apparisse davvero? E' quello che succede a Gualtiero, ma il guaio è che a vederla e a parlarle è solo lui e Arnolfo, un tipo molto eccentrico che dice di aver avuto in casa per 40 giorni Hitler, è l'unico che gli crede! Gualtiero però non si perde d'animo e approfitta del fatto di avere al suo fianco una donna come Marilyn per farsi consigliare per risolvere i suoi fallimenti sentimentali: pochi ... [continua a leggere]giorni prima infatti è stato lasciato dalla moglie Ramona per andare a vivere, insieme alla figlia Martina, in un circo con Pasquale, un bizzarro domatore napoletano. Con l'aiuto della sua nuova amica Gualtiero cercherà in tutti i modi di riprendersi la sua famiglia.


Starring Paul Bettany, Lucas Black, Tyrese Gibson, Adrianne Palicki, Charles S. Dutton, Kevin Durand, Willa Holland, Kate Walsh and Dennis Quaid.
In the supernatural action thriller Legion, an out-of-the-way diner becomes the unlikely battleground for the survival of the human race. When God loses faith in Mankind, he sends his legion of angels to bring on the Apocalypse. Humanity's only hope lies in a group of strangers trapped in a desert diner and the Archangel Michael (Paul Bettany).


Starring Derek Luke, Angela Bassett, Anthony Mackie and Jamal Woolard.
Following the life of rapper Christopher Wallace a.k.a. The Notorious B.I.G. In just a few short years, The Notorious B.I.G. rose from the streets of Brooklyn to become one of the most influential hip hop artists of all time. B.I.G. was a gifted storyteller; his narratives about violent life on the streets were told with a gritty, objective realism that won him enormous respect and credibility. His stories were universal and gave a voice to his generation. But fame had its price ...

Old Dogs (Daddy Sitter)

Starring John Travolta, Robin Williams, Kelly Preston, Seth Green, Ella Bleu Travolta, Conner Rayburn, Lori Loughlin and Matt Dillon.
Two best friends - one unlucky-in-love divorcé (Robin Williams) and the other a fun-loving bachelor (John Travolta) - have their lives turned upside down when they're unexpectedly charged with the care of six-year-old twins while on the verge of the biggest business deal of their lives. The not-so-kidsavvy bachelors stumble in their efforts to take care of the twins (newcomers Ella Bleu Travolta and Conner Rayburn), leading to one debacle after another, and perhaps to a new-found understanding of what's really important in life.

Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time

Starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Ben Kingsley, Gemma Arterton, Alfred Molina, Steve Toussaint, Toby Kebbell, Richard Coyle, Ronald Pickup and Reece Ritchie.
A rogue prince (Jake Gyllenhaal) reluctantly joins forces with a mysterious princess (Gemma Arterton) and together, they race against dark forces to safeguard an ancient dagger capable of releasing the Sands of Time - a gift from the gods that can reverse time and allow its possessor to rule the world.