How to make your own settings (channel list) On E2 and E1


Senior Member
How to make your own settings (channel list)
- First of all, download latest Dreamset here (x32 or x64):
- Now, run Dreamset and go to “setup” tab :

- Enter your Dreambox ip, user and password
-On tab“Firmware”, chose “Enigma2 ver 4 (HTTP Reload)” for Enigma2 and “Enigma 1 (rel109)” for Enigma1
-Click on tab “test Configuration”, if you get at least the first line with OK, you are on the good way

- If the last 2 tabs are showing errors, you can ignore (this happens with a Brand new installed image)
- Now click on tab “Save Configuration” and after click on tab “Ok”

- Now Go to Tab “New” and chose “Internet settings”

- Leave the internet settings on “King of sat”, and Tick the satellite cases that you are interested
- Chose your TV and Radio Services, and you can also untick the cases “Create languages and Encryption list’s”
- If you don’t use C Band, Tick the case “Skip C Band”

- Click On Tab “Download”

- When the download is Finish, Click on tab “Exit”, and you should get something like this:

- We are almost there, to Finish your Brand New settings, you just need to go “Transfer”tab

- And Click on the “Write” tab, wait a few seconds, and Voila !

- To Finish, go to menu -> standby/restart and restart GUI

PS: If you have some doubts, just let me know
PS2: you have the same Tutorial with pictures here: