About lastest oscam release


Senior Member
Anticascading is about resharing your cards (or clines). I don't know why you need it for Videoguard channels in general.

Would you like to explain your setup a little bit? And send your config folder aswell.

Maybe you can ask the guys in streamboard forum? The problems you have seems to be related to recent cache changes in oscam and not the emu patch.
Hi, my friend.
Now, i don't remember from where i read.But, there is special parameters in oscam for cccam cline to watch videoguards channels without freezing.I applied those parameters to my setting.Until now, parameters didn't make trouble.Like you said recent cache changes in oscam is making freezing problem. Oscam 11315 is working good and stable than newest version.
Streamboard forum doesn't accept new user or i'm making something wrong to registration.
Here is my oscam.conf and oscam.server

logfile                       = /dev/tty
clienttimeout                 = 7200
fallbacktimeout               = 7200
netprio                       = 1
nice                          = -1
maxlogsize                    = 377
waitforcards                  = 0
double_check                  = 0

max_time                      = 9200
cwcycle_check_enable          = 1
cwcycle_check_caid            = 090D,090F,093E,0963,098C,09C4,09C7
cwcycle_maxlist               = 4000
cwcycle_keeptime              = 20
cwcycle_sensitive             = 2

stream_relay_enabled          = 0

enabled                       = 1
pmt_mode                      = 6
delayer                       = 60
ecminfo_type                  = 1
user                          = dvbapiau
read_sdt                      = 1
write_sdt_prov                = 1
extended_cw_api               = 2
boxtype                       = dreambox

httpport                      = 777
httprefresh                   = 3
httppollrefresh               = 3
httpallowed                   =,,,
label                         = Dns
enable                        = 0
protocol                      = cccam
device                        =,45734
user                          = 5417CECB_8B8D7906
password                      = 37824
inactivitytimeout             = 30
reconnecttimeout              = 1
cacheex                       = 1
cacheex_maxhop                = 3
ecmnotfoundlimit              = 33
group                         = 1
emmcache                      = 1,1,2,1
dropbadcws                    = 1
cccversion                    = 2.0.11
cccwantemu                    = 1
ccckeepalive                  = 1
cccreconnect                  = 500

label                         = NewCamd_Reader
enable                        = 0
protocol                      = newcamd
device                        =,45734
key                           = 0102030405060708091011121314
user                          = 37824
password                      = 0400061
group                         = 1
emmcache                      = 1,3,2,0

label                         = Digiturk
enable                        = 0
protocol                      = internal
device                        = /dev/sci0
services                      = simcards
caid                          = 0664
boxkey                        = 0000000000000000
rsakey                        = 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
force_irdeto                  = 1
detect                        = cd
mhz                           = 2700
cardmhz                       = 600
ident                         = 0664:000000
group                         = 1
emmcache                      = 1,5,10,1

label                         = Digiturk
enable                        = 0
protocol                      = internal
device                        = /dev/sci1
services                      = simcards
caid                          = 0664
boxkey                        = 0000000000000000
rsakey                        = 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
force_irdeto                  = 1
detect                        = cd
mhz                           = 2700
cardmhz                       = 600
ident                         = 0664:000000
group                         = 1
emmcache                      = 1,5,10,1

label                         = EMU
protocol                      = emu
device                        = emulator
caid                          = 0D00,0D01,0D94,0500,0604,2600,0E00,1010,4AE0,4AE1
detect                        = cd
ident                         = 0500:007400,007800,020810,021110,022610,023800,032820;0D00:0000C0;0D01:0000E4;0D94:000004;0604:000000;2600:000000;0E00:000000;1010:000000;4AE0:000000;4AE1:000000
group                         = 1
emmcache                      = 1,1,2,1
emu_auproviders               = 0500:007400,007800,020810,021110,022610,023800,032820;0D00:0000C0;0D01:0000E4;0D94:000004;0604:000000;2600:000000;0E00:000000;1010:000000;4AE0:000000;4AE1:000000

label                         = DREmodule
enable                        = 0
protocol                      = drecas
device                        = /dev/tty
detect                        = none
group                         = 1
emmcache                      = 2,3,2,0
blockemm-unknown              = 1
blockemm-u                    = 1
stmkeys                       = /var/keys/stmkeys.bin

label                         = CW_Keys
protocol                      = constcw
device                        = /usr/keys/constant.cw
key                           = 0102030405060708091011121314
reconnecttimeout              = 0
group                         = 1
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Did you just paste all you cardshare servers here ? :/
You should delete this as fast as possible...



Hi, complicated setup...

Is cache necessary to you? Try disabling it by deleting all this:

max_time                      = 9200 
cwcycle_check_enable          = 1 
cwcycle_check_caid            = 090D,090F,093E,0963,098C,09C4,09C7 
cwcycle_maxlist               = 4000 
cwcycle_keeptime              = 20 
cwcycle_sensitive             = 2

You get SKY (videoguard) by using cccam reader? Try removing some options and let only something like this:

label                         = cccam-1
enable                        = 1
protocol                      = cccam
device                        = afsagagag.org,34234
user                          = sfsdfsdfssgs
password                      = fdgddgdgdg
inactivitytimeout             = 30
group                         = 1
cccversion                    = 2.3.0
cccmaxhops                    = 2
ccckeepalive                  = 1
audisabled                    = 1

I have many clines setup like this and generally work ok.


Senior Member
Why is it?

Necessary no, useful maybe...

Hi my fiend.
i found where i read for videogurads gliching and freezing solution.
According to this article to solve gliching and freezing. Need to use cache parameters.Then, i aplied those parameters and really it helped for me.Therefore, cache is necesarry.If you search in google "oscam glitching" You can find all thread and article on other forum.
I'm sharing that article from original post

Enable & configure cwcycle_check_enable in [cache] settings & test

wait_time = 350,0100:500,1702:1500,090F:900,0963:200:200,09CD:260,09C4:75:75,098C:150,18:800,0B:1000,0D:1000,0500:600
cwcycle_check_enable = 1
cwcycle_check_caid = 0963,09CD,09C4,096C,098E,09AC,0961,090D,093B,0931,0926,0919,0907,09C7,09B6,09C1
cwcycle_maxlist = 4000
cwcycle_keeptime = 20
cwcycle_sensitive = 0
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Senior Member
Changeset 11337
add halfcw fix for N*S (e.g. caid 0963, 09C4, 098C) CWs are dropped due to CW half check when
operating as CCCAM client and connected to CCCAM server
This fix didn't solve problem for videoguards channel.
There is still freezing and gliching, if you are not using cache and double check.
When you used cache and double check, videoguards channels are working well. But, Powervu channel works freezing then.
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Senior Member
Changeset 11347

Changeset 11347
Attempt to improve ecm handling code!

Changeset 11346
Just remove the silly code since it aint usefull anyway!

Changeset 11345
fix all checkbox implementation in reader section (possible cause of OScam crash) (same solution as ghttp fix 11334).
ECM Unique was saved in configuration but not display in Webif if no ratelimitecm was defined, now ecmunique is saved only when ratelimitecm is defined (expected webif behavior)
reorder all ratelimit parameters save order to match Webif order (more logical).

Changeset 11344
Fix more recently introduced regression!
Thank you for new emu pacth.:thum: For Videoguards cline; No need to use anymore double_check parameter(PowerVU Channel works well) with this new emu patch.
But, emu still needs to make some improvement for cline's Videoguards caching. There is still freezing and gliching without cache parameters.
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Senior Member
Changeset 11351 with emu 736
Fix for Biss using zeroed cw thanks vatlach for reporting and testing
First of all thank you for new emu patch.
But, this emu patch has problem for PowerVu and SKY channels like was before.
This time Log doesn't show timeout or something like that problem. PowerVu channel video freezing. Audio is stable. For SKY channel Double_chek off / on is not important. Channels are freezing/gliching


Donating Member

Tested oscam-svn11351-mipsoe20-webif-emu on DM 8000, image Newnigma2, work PowerVu stream with image and sound ok, no frezing. Time 0,3 to 0,25 max.

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Well Known Member

size: 520732b

root@dm900:~# oscam
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

size: 668344

root@dm900:~# oscam
10:21:24 00000000 s **** OSCam << cardserver log switched, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r11352 (arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi)
10:21:24 00000000 s debug_level=66
10:21:24 00000000 s (main) System name = Linux
10:21:24 00000000 s (main) Host name = dm900
10:21:24 00000000 s (main) Release = 3.14-1.15-dm900
10:21:24 00000000 s (main) Version = #1 SMP Fri Jan 27 13:42:19 UTC 2017
10:21:24 00000000 s (main) Machine = armv7l
10:21:24 00000000 s (main) Stb model = dm900
10:21:24 00000000 s (main) creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 4229
10:21:24 00000000 s (emu) OSCam-Emu version 735

size: 655568

root@dm900:~# oscam
10:26:07 00000000 s **** OSCam << cardserver log switched, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r11352 (arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi)
10:26:07 00000000 s debug_level=66
10:26:07 00000000 s (main) System name = Linux
10:26:07 00000000 s (main) Host name = dm900
10:26:07 00000000 s (main) Release = 3.14-1.15-dm900
10:26:07 00000000 s (main) Version = #1 SMP Fri Jan 27 13:42:19 UTC 2017
10:26:07 00000000 s (main) Machine = armv7l
10:26:07 00000000 s (main) Stb model = dm900
10:26:07 00000000 s (main) creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 5428
10:26:07 00000000 s (emu) OSCam-Emu version 735
Last edited:


Senior Member
Tested oscam-svn11351-mipsoe20-webif-emu on DM 8000, image Newnigma2, work PowerVu stream with image and sound ok, no frezing. Time 0,3 to 0,25 max.


If you will watch stream channel with dreambox!!! i have no word to say you. You need to understand your rec. dreambox. Not other mark.:thum:
I didn't check channel with stream. I checked channels without stream.


Senior Member
size: 520732b

root@dm900:~# oscam
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

size: 668344

root@dm900:~# oscam
10:21:24 00000000 s **** OSCam << cardserver log switched, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r11352 (arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi)
10:21:24 00000000 s debug_level=66
10:21:24 00000000 s (main) System name = Linux
10:21:24 00000000 s (main) Host name = dm900
10:21:24 00000000 s (main) Release = 3.14-1.15-dm900
10:21:24 00000000 s (main) Version = #1 SMP Fri Jan 27 13:42:19 UTC 2017
10:21:24 00000000 s (main) Machine = armv7l
10:21:24 00000000 s (main) Stb model = dm900
10:21:24 00000000 s (main) creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 4229
10:21:24 00000000 s (emu) OSCam-Emu version 735

size: 655568

root@dm900:~# oscam
10:26:07 00000000 s **** OSCam << cardserver log switched, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r11352 (arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi)
10:26:07 00000000 s debug_level=66
10:26:07 00000000 s (main) System name = Linux
10:26:07 00000000 s (main) Host name = dm900
10:26:07 00000000 s (main) Release = 3.14-1.15-dm900
10:26:07 00000000 s (main) Version = #1 SMP Fri Jan 27 13:42:19 UTC 2017
10:26:07 00000000 s (main) Machine = armv7l
10:26:07 00000000 s (main) Stb model = dm900
10:26:07 00000000 s (main) creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 5428
10:26:07 00000000 s (emu) OSCam-Emu version 735

Thank you for detail log and showed where the problem. My friend.


Staff member
I build a new one with some changes which i think can cause the above problem
Try the new build at oscam arm dm900 section and write if the error happened again.


Well Known Member
I build a new one with some changes which i think can cause the above problem
Try the new build at oscam arm dm900 section and write if the error happened again.

this work ok

dm900 login: root
root@dm900:~# killall -9 oscam
root@dm900:~# oscamd
23:27:08 00000000 s **** OSCam << cardserver log switched, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r11353 (arm-newnigma2-linux-gnueabihf-libusb)
23:27:08 00000000 s debug_level=66
23:27:08 00000000 s (main) System name = Linux
23:27:08 00000000 s (main) Host name = dm900
23:27:08 00000000 s (main) Release = 3.14-1.15-dm900
23:27:08 00000000 s (main) Version = #1 SMP Fri Jan 27 13:42:19 UTC 2017
23:27:08 00000000 s (main) Machine = armv7l
23:27:08 00000000 s (main) Stb model = dm900
23:27:08 00000000 s (main) creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 29844
23:27:08 00000000 s (emu) OSCam-Emu version 735
23:27:08 00000000 s (config) userdb reloaded: 3 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
23:27:08 00000000 s (main) signal handling initialized
23:27:08 00000000 s (config) 1289 provid's loaded
23:27:08 00000000 s (config) 543 service-id's loaded in 3 ms
23:27:08 00000000 s (config) 323 tier-id's loaded