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Here is a working sample for a simple (micro) emu.
It includes the basic needed cs357x (camd35 UDP) functionality, and is very simple and compact.


- Put a SoftCam.Key file into the source code directory (for example from skystar.org).
  Note: This does not apply for Mac OSX and Android, SoftCam.Key cannot be integrated on these systems at the moment. 
- Run `make` to compile OSEmu.

  Info: If you want to cross-compile OSEmu search for the "simpleemu" script by gorgone.


- (optional) OSEmu does not require, but will make use of "SoftCam.Key" if available. 
             "SoftCam.Key" is searched in:
              - /var/keys
              - The folder specified with the "-c <folder>" option.

- You may use the program with the following options:

  -a <user>:<password> (set the cs357x user and password) [REQUIRED]
  -p <portnumber> (set the cs357x port) [REQUIRED]
  -c <folder> (set the folder where SoftCam.Key is searched)
  -b (start OSEmu in background/daemon mode)
  -v (log debug information)
  -l <logfile> (write logs to this file)
  -e (enable emm au) 
      - Currently only for Viaccess3. 
      - Needs M0 key.
      - Oscam clients must be version r9843 or newer, and the OSEmu reader must have set "via_emm_global = 1".

    /usr/bin/OSEmu -a user:password -p 11000 -b
    /usr/bin/OSEmu -a user:password -p 11000 -b -c /usr/keys -l /var/log/osemu.log -e

OSCam reader config for OSEmu

label                         = OSEmu
protocol                      = cs357x
device                        =,11000
user                          = user
password                      = password
caid                          = 0D00,0D02,0D03,0D05,090F,0500,1801,0604,2600,FFFF
ident                         = 0D00:000000,000004,000010,000014,000020,0000C0,0000C4,0000CC;0D02:000000,00008C,0000A0,0000A4,0000A8;0D03:000000,000004,000008,000024,000028;0D05:000000,000004,000010;090F:000000;0500:000000,030B00,023800,021110,007400,007800;1801:000000;0604:000000;2600:000000;FFFF:000000
group                         = 1
via_emm_global                = 1

i did update latest file here


remove_tmp () {
	rm -rf /tmp/*.info* /tmp/*.tmp*

case "$1" in
	echo "[SCRIPT] $1: $CAMNAME"
	/usr/bin/oscam1.20r9744 -b -r 2 -c /etc/tuxbox/config
        sleep 1
        /usr/bin/OSEmu -a oscam:osemu -p 12345 -b
	echo "[SCRIPT] $1: $CAMNAME"
	killall -9  oscam1.20r9744 >/dev/null
	sleep 1
        killall -9 OSEmu
        sleep 1
	$0 stop
	exit 0

exit 0


OSEmu - Addon for Standard-OSCam (current Revision: r320-734)

- Fix tandberg ecm algorithm to support new ECM_TAG_CW_DESCRIPTOR
- Fix tandberg ecm and emm auto update

Explanation of binaries in sub-directory archiv:

arm_cortex_a9 = Cortex A9 CPU (SU980)
azbox = Azbox HD Premium/-Plus/Elite
brcm63xx_other = Brcm63xx OTHER
ddwrt346 = DDWRT gcc 3.4.6
ddwrt410 = DDWRT gcc 4.1.0 (WNR3500L)
fonera = Fonera Router
nslu2open = ARM NSLU2 OpenWRT
openwrt26 = OpenWRT 2.6
openwrt24 = OpenWRT 2.4 (Fritz 32XX,71XX,72XX)
dreambox_fpu = DMM 500HD/800SE/7020HD/8000/VU+ (OE 2.0 FPU)
mipsel = DMM 500HD/800(SE)/7020HD/7025(+)/8000/VU+ (OE 1.6)
mipsoe20 = DMM 500HD/800(SE)/820/7020HD/7025(+)/7080/8000/VU+ (OE 2.0)
mipswdtv = Mipsel Tuxbox WDTV
openpli40 = OpenPLI 4.0 (All Mipsel, OpenSSL 1.0 (also OE 2.2 and higher, Black Hole 3.0 and higher)
powerpc = DMM 600/7000/7020si(PPC Tuxbox)
ppcold = DBox2/DMM 500/56x0
ppc_dream_old = Older Dreams with Gemini
arm_v7 = ARM v7 DS114/DS115j/DS213j/DS214 and many more
dockstar = DOCKSTAR (arm)
fritz33xx = Fritzbox 33XX
fritz71xx = Fritzbox 71XX
fritz72xx = Fritzbox 72XX
marv_6281 = Synology Marvell 88F628x
marv_7823 = Synology Marvell Armada XP MV7823x
mca = Matrix Cam Air
ppc_eglibc = PowerPC Q or IQ (Synology NAS DS213+/DS413)
cool = Coolstream Box
fritz73xx = Fritzbox 73XX
fritz74xx = Fritzbox 74XX
fritz73xxOS60 = Fritzbox 73XX OS6.0
fritz74xxOS60 = Fritzbox 74XX OS6.0
fritz73xxOS62 = Fritzbox 73XX OS6.2
fritz74xxOS62 = Fritzbox 74XX OS6.2
fritz74xxOS65 = Fritzbox 74XX OS6.5
sheevaplug = Sheevaplug
raspb_armv7 = Raspberry Pi 2, Banana Pi M2, WeTekPlay
raspb_hard = Raspberry Pi HardFPU
raspb_soft = Raspberry Pi SoftFPU
samsungtv = SamsungTV Serie E/F (ES7xxx/8xxx)
solo4k = Vu+ Solo 4k
syn_atom = Synology with Atom CPU
tplink = TP-Link 1043ND
tplink_backfire = TP-Link Backfire (openwrt/ar71xx)
arm_v8 = ARM v8 OrdoidC2 (aarch64 LibreELEC)
sh_4 = Octagon, Ipbox, Kathrein, Fortis, Spark-Box
sh4 = UFS-9XX, Kathrein & Octagon (segfaults on some systems)
x86_32 = Linux PC's 32 Bit, Igel
x86_64 = Linux PC's 64 Bit


OSEmu - Addon for Standard-OSCam (current Revision: Nautilus7 r316-733)

- Fix tandberg ecm and emm (from Nautilus7 - r316-733)

Tandberg config:

Keys in SoftCam.Key:

T <entitlement> 01 <key>

for example (entitlement = 1234):
T 00001234 01 1122334455667788

leading zeros maybe be skipped. same key as above:
T 1234 01 1122334455667788

AU keys:
for old key set:
T <key index (hex)> MK <key>

64 keys are needed:

T 40 MK 1122334455667788
T 41 MK 1122334455667788
T 7F MK 1122334455667788

for new key set:
T <key index (hex)> MK01 <key>

64 keys are needed:

T 40 MK01 1122334455667788
T 41 MK01 1122334455667788
T 7F MK01 1122334455667788

Explanation of binaries in sub-directory archiv:

arm_cortex_a9 = Cortex A9 CPU (SU980)
azbox = Azbox HD Premium/-Plus/Elite
brcm63xx_other = Brcm63xx OTHER
ddwrt346 = DDWRT gcc 3.4.6
ddwrt410 = DDWRT gcc 4.1.0 (WNR3500L)
fonera = Fonera Router
nslu2open = ARM NSLU2 OpenWRT
openwrt26 = OpenWRT 2.6
openwrt24 = OpenWRT 2.4 (Fritz 32XX,71XX,72XX)
dreambox_fpu = DMM 500HD/800SE/7020HD/8000/VU+ (OE 2.0 FPU)
mipsel = DMM 500HD/800(SE)/7020HD/7025(+)/8000/VU+ (OE 1.6)
mipsoe20 = DMM 500HD/800(SE)/820/7020HD/7025(+)/7080/8000/VU+ (OE 2.0)
mipswdtv = Mipsel Tuxbox WDTV
openpli40 = OpenPLI 4.0 (All Mipsel, OpenSSL 1.0 (also OE 2.2 and higher, Black Hole 3.0 and higher)
powerpc = DMM 600/7000/7020si(PPC Tuxbox)
ppcold = DBox2/DMM 500/56x0
ppc_dream_old = Older Dreams with Gemini
arm_v7 = ARM v7 DS114/DS115j/DS213j/DS214 and many more
dockstar = DOCKSTAR (arm)
fritz33xx = Fritzbox 33XX
fritz71xx = Fritzbox 71XX
fritz72xx = Fritzbox 72XX
marv_6281 = Synology Marvell 88F628x
marv_7823 = Synology Marvell Armada XP MV7823x
mca = Matrix Cam Air
ppc_eglibc = PowerPC Q or IQ (Synology NAS DS213+/DS413)
cool = Coolstream Box
fritz73xx = Fritzbox 73XX
fritz74xx = Fritzbox 74XX
fritz73xxOS60 = Fritzbox 73XX OS6.0
fritz74xxOS60 = Fritzbox 74XX OS6.0
fritz73xxOS62 = Fritzbox 73XX OS6.2
fritz74xxOS62 = Fritzbox 74XX OS6.2
fritz74xxOS65 = Fritzbox 74XX OS6.5
sheevaplug = Sheevaplug
raspb_armv7 = Raspberry Pi 2, Banana Pi M2, WeTekPlay
raspb_hard = Raspberry Pi HardFPU
raspb_soft = Raspberry Pi SoftFPU
samsungtv = SamsungTV Serie E/F (ES7xxx/8xxx)
solo4k = Vu+ Solo 4k
syn_atom = Synology with Atom CPU
tplink = TP-Link 1043ND
tplink_backfire = TP-Link Backfire (openwrt/ar71xx)
arm_v8 = ARM v8 OrdoidC2 (aarch64 LibreELEC)
sh_4 = Octagon, Ipbox, Kathrein, Fortis, Spark-Box
sh4 = UFS-9XX, Kathrein & Octagon (segfaults on some systems)
x86_32 = Linux PC's 32 Bit, Igel
x86_64 = Linux PC's 64 Bit
Last edited:


OSEmu - Addon for Standard-OSCam (current Revision: Nautilus7 r317-733)

- Fix tandberg ecm and emm - Add validity check for new ECM keys
(from Nautilus7 - r317-733)

Tandberg config:

Keys in SoftCam.Key:

T <entitlement> 01 <key>

for example (entitlement = 1234):
T 00001234 01 1122334455667788

leading zeros maybe be skipped. same key as above:
T 1234 01 1122334455667788

AU keys:
for old key set:
T <key index (hex)> MK <key>

64 keys are needed:

T 40 MK 1122334455667788
T 41 MK 1122334455667788
T 7F MK 1122334455667788

for new key set:
T <key index (hex)> MK01 <key>

64 keys are needed:

T 40 MK01 1122334455667788
T 41 MK01 1122334455667788
T 7F MK01 1122334455667788

Explanation of binaries in sub-directory archiv:

arm_cortex_a9 = Cortex A9 CPU (SU980)
azbox = Azbox HD Premium/-Plus/Elite
brcm63xx_other = Brcm63xx OTHER
ddwrt346 = DDWRT gcc 3.4.6
ddwrt410 = DDWRT gcc 4.1.0 (WNR3500L)
fonera = Fonera Router
nslu2open = ARM NSLU2 OpenWRT
openwrt26 = OpenWRT 2.6
openwrt24 = OpenWRT 2.4 (Fritz 32XX,71XX,72XX)
dreambox_fpu = DMM 500HD/800SE/7020HD/8000/VU+ (OE 2.0 FPU)
mipsel = DMM 500HD/800(SE)/7020HD/7025(+)/8000/VU+ (OE 1.6)
mipsoe20 = DMM 500HD/800(SE)/820/7020HD/7025(+)/7080/8000/VU+ (OE 2.0)
mipswdtv = Mipsel Tuxbox WDTV
openpli40 = OpenPLI 4.0 (All Mipsel, OpenSSL 1.0 (also OE 2.2 and higher, Black Hole 3.0 and higher)
powerpc = DMM 600/7000/7020si(PPC Tuxbox)
ppcold = DBox2/DMM 500/56x0
ppc_dream_old = Older Dreams with Gemini
arm_v7 = ARM v7 DS114/DS115j/DS213j/DS214 and many more
dockstar = DOCKSTAR (arm)
fritz33xx = Fritzbox 33XX
fritz71xx = Fritzbox 71XX
fritz72xx = Fritzbox 72XX
marv_6281 = Synology Marvell 88F628x
marv_7823 = Synology Marvell Armada XP MV7823x
mca = Matrix Cam Air
ppc_eglibc = PowerPC Q or IQ (Synology NAS DS213+/DS413)
cool = Coolstream Box
fritz73xx = Fritzbox 73XX
fritz74xx = Fritzbox 74XX
fritz73xxOS60 = Fritzbox 73XX OS6.0
fritz74xxOS60 = Fritzbox 74XX OS6.0
fritz73xxOS62 = Fritzbox 73XX OS6.2
fritz74xxOS62 = Fritzbox 74XX OS6.2
fritz74xxOS65 = Fritzbox 74XX OS6.5
sheevaplug = Sheevaplug
raspb_armv7 = Raspberry Pi 2, Banana Pi M2, WeTekPlay
raspb_hard = Raspberry Pi HardFPU
raspb_soft = Raspberry Pi SoftFPU
samsungtv = SamsungTV Serie E/F (ES7xxx/8xxx)
solo4k = Vu+ Solo 4k
syn_atom = Synology with Atom CPU
tplink = TP-Link 1043ND
tplink_backfire = TP-Link Backfire (openwrt/ar71xx)
arm_v8 = ARM v8 OrdoidC2 (aarch64 LibreELEC)
sh_4 = Octagon, Ipbox, Kathrein, Fortis, Spark-Box
sh4 = UFS-9XX, Kathrein & Octagon (segfaults on some systems)
x86_32 = Linux PC's 32 Bit, Igel
x86_64 = Linux PC's 64 Bit


OSEmu - Addon for Standard-OSCam (current Revision: r316-733)

- Fix tandberg ecm and emm - Add validity check for new ECM keys
- ARM Dreambox (DMM 900UHD, Mutant HD51/AX HD51)
- Coolstream and Coolstream HD2

Tandberg config:

Keys in SoftCam.Key:

T <entitlement> 01 <key>

for example (entitlement = 1234):
T 00001234 01 1122334455667788

leading zeros maybe be skipped. same key as above:
T 1234 01 1122334455667788

AU keys:
for old key set:
T <key index (hex)> MK <key>

64 keys are needed:

T 40 MK 1122334455667788
T 41 MK 1122334455667788
T 7F MK 1122334455667788

for new key set:
T <key index (hex)> MK01 <key>

64 keys are needed:

T 40 MK01 1122334455667788
T 41 MK01 1122334455667788
T 7F MK01 1122334455667788

Explanation of binaries in sub-directory archiv:

arm_cortex_a9 = Cortex A9 CPU (SU980)
azbox = Azbox HD Premium/-Plus/Elite
brcm63xx_other = Brcm63xx OTHER
ddwrt346 = DDWRT gcc 3.4.6
ddwrt410 = DDWRT gcc 4.1.0 (WNR3500L)
fonera = Fonera Router
nslu2open = ARM NSLU2 OpenWRT
openwrt26 = OpenWRT 2.6
openwrt24 = OpenWRT 2.4 (Fritz 32XX,71XX,72XX)
dreambox_fpu = DMM 500HD/800SE/7020HD/8000/VU+ (OE 2.0 FPU)
mipsel = DMM 500HD/800(SE)/7020HD/7025(+)/8000/VU+ (OE 1.6)
mipsoe20 = DMM 500HD/800(SE)/820/7020HD/7025(+)/7080/8000/VU+ (OE 2.0)
mipswdtv = Mipsel Tuxbox WDTV
openpli40 = OpenPLI 4.0 All Mipsel (OE 2.2 and higher, Black Hole 3.0 and higher)
powerpc = DMM 600/7000/7020si(PPC Tuxbox)
ppcold = DBox2/DMM 500/56x0
ppc_dream_old = Older Dreams with Gemini
arm_v7 = ARM v7 DS114/DS115j/DS213j/DS214 and many more
dockstar = DOCKSTAR (arm)
fritz33xx = Fritzbox 33XX
fritz71xx = Fritzbox 71XX
fritz72xx = Fritzbox 72XX
marv_6281 = Synology Marvell 88F628x
marv_7823 = Synology Marvell Armada XP MV7823x
mca = Matrix Cam Air
ppc_eglibc = PowerPC Q or IQ (Synology NAS DS213+/DS413)
cool1 = Coolstream Box
cool2 = Coolstream Box HD2

fritz73xx = Fritzbox 73XX
fritz74xx = Fritzbox 74XX
fritz73xxOS60 = Fritzbox 73XX OS6.0
fritz74xxOS60 = Fritzbox 74XX OS6.0
fritz73xxOS62 = Fritzbox 73XX OS6.2
fritz74xxOS62 = Fritzbox 74XX OS6.2
fritz74xxOS65 = Fritzbox 74XX OS6.5
sheevaplug = Sheevaplug
raspb_armv7 = Raspberry Pi 2, Banana Pi M2, WeTekPlay
raspb_hard = Raspberry Pi HardFPU
raspb_soft = Raspberry Pi SoftFPU
samsungtv = SamsungTV Serie E/F (ES7xxx/8xxx)
solo4k = Vu+ Solo 4k
syn_atom = Synology with Atom CPU
tplink = TP-Link 1043ND
tplink_backfire = TP-Link Backfire (openwrt/ar71xx)
arm_v8 = ARM v8 OrdoidC2 (aarch64 LibreELEC)
arm_dream = ARM Dreambox (DMM 900UHD, Mutant HD51/AX HD51)
sh_4 = Octagon, Ipbox, Kathrein, Fortis, Spark-Box
sh4 = UFS-9XX, Kathrein & Octagon (segfaults on some systems)
x86_32 = Linux PC's 32 Bit, Igel
x86_64 = Linux PC's 64 Bit
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