Latest Version of Total Commander

mohammed tanko

Super VIP
09.05.18 Release Total Commander 9.20 beta 2 (32/64)

Fixed: Installer: Detect when Total Commander is running even when one path is in long form and one in 8.3 form, e.g. c:\Program Files\total commander\ and C:\PROGRA~1\TOTALC~1 (32/64)
Fixed: When moving the main window docked to the left/right side (AeroSnap) between 2 screens with different DPI with Shift+Win+Cursor left/right, the window was resized (AeroSnap was lost) (32/64)
Fixed: Crash creating new FTP connection via Ctrl+F - New connection (64)
Fixed: Buttons for directory hotlist and history didn't have the right foreground color in high contrast mode with black background (64)
Fixed: Buttons for directory hotlist and history could disappear when resizing window (64)
Fixed: Alt+2 hotkey not working in "Change attributes" dialog (64)
Fixed: Synchronize dirs, right click context menu, "Copy file properties": When copying NTFS permissions, the archive attribute was set by Windows (32/64)
Fixed: Tree shown in normal file panel: Cursor was not placed on moved line when clicking on [+] or [-] symbol (AllowSetCursorPos had no effect) (32/64)
Fixed: Updated 7zip unpacker dlls (TC7Z.DLL/TC7Z64.DLL) to version 18.05 from, with various improvements (the security problem CVE-2018-10115 in RAR unpacking does not affect this dll since TC uses the official unrar dll) (32/64)
Fixed: Misaligned and overlapping controls in multi-rename tool (32/64)
Fixed: Error <Read error!> was shown by mistake on empty disks with no files when using IgnoreDirErrors=1 (32/64)
Fixed: Selection was always lost in virtual folders like the Desktop when switching away from TC and back, even when nothing changed (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - Refresh - "No refresh for these drives" didn't work correctly for virtual folders: ':' should disable refresh, but instead, '\' was used (32/64)
Fixed: Range check error when the width or height of a control was set to a negative number by mistake, e.g. via cm_100Percent (64)
Fixed: Mouse wheel: combine wheel turning into one scroll operation, e.g. instead of 3x WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEDOWN, scroll 3 lines together (64)
Fixed: Compare by content, very big files, start comparison within compare tool: Show progress both for the initial comparison and for counting the differences (32/64)
Fixed: When passing path to TC via command line or WM_COPYDATA, do not show <Read error!> when invalid - always go to valid parent (32/64)
Fixed: View modes, auto switch mode: "Must match" option didn't work with FTP paths when using patterns *\myfolder\*\ (specified folder and subfolders) or *\myfolder\ (folder only) (32/64)
Fixed: Search for *2?21?3* didn't find dots in the location of the ? placeholders, e.g. 2.21.36.jpg - Reason: bug in Windows function FindFirstFile (32/64)

mohammed tanko

Super VIP
30.05.18 Release Total Commander 9.20 beta 5 (32/64)

Added: Recognize .t7z extension as internal packer extension, show with archive icon (32/64)
Fixed: "Auto-rename copied" option not working properly when copying a file which can only be read as administrator (elevated) from a directory which can be read without admin rights (32/64)
Fixed: Drive selection dialog in search function, Plugin field picker in multi-rename tool: Disable minimize button when the parent dialog was maximized (64)
Fixed: Maximize, minimize, restore dialog -> dialog was no longer maximized: Custom Columns, FTP connection progress, Multi-rename tool, Plugin field picker, Print preview, Drive selection dialog, Configure file system/lister/content plugins (64)
Added: Decoding of MIME files where the name wasn't given -> use .txt extension for TEXT/PLAIN fields, and .htm for TEXT/HTML instead of .bin (32/64)
Fixed: Changed how the Drive selection dialog in the search function was minimized (32/64)
Fixed: Do not open 32-bit version when 64-bit version is already running and option "Allow only 1 copy of Total Commander at a time" was set (32)
Fixed: Disabled or removed some options like 'Everything' on older Windows versions when not available (32)
Fixed: crash when comma is used after cm_command with parameter, e.g. "cm_SrcByDateTime 1," -> detect it as an error (32/64)
Fixed: Change attributes: Don't show error for default date/time field placeholders, e.g. dd/mm/yyyy, when the user didn't change them (32/64)
Added: Support Unicode in names of saved searches when the wincmd.ini (or the redirected ini for [searches] section) is stored with Unicode UTF-16 (32/64)
Added: Changed all URLs to to https, e.g. when using the auto update check, or Help - Vistit Totalcmd's Web site (32/64)
Added: Internal 7zip unpacker: Open .t7z archives where the file name wasn't stored in the 7z file header, set name of file inside to archivename.tar (32/64)
Added: When going to the root of a drive or share, e.g. via Ctrl+< or "\" button, place cursor on the directory which was part of the path, e.g. go to root from c:\Windows\System32 -> put cursor on "Windows" (32/64)
Fixed: Rename with Shift+F6 or Shift+Click on F6 button (invoking cm_renmov): If a single file is selected, rename that file instead of the file under the cursor (32/64)
Fixed: Other windows didn't flash when clicking on their parent, e.g. in Lister, main settings while a dialog box was open etc. (32)
Fixed: Auto-update check: Do not show Update information while TC is minimized or in the background, to not interfere with installing a new version (32/64)
Fixed: Internal 7zip unpacker: Couldn't unpack .tar.7z archives where the file name wasn't stored in the 7z file header. Use base name from archive, e.g. test.tar.7z -> test.tar (32/64)
Fixed: Change attributes: Error dialog didn't correctly display invalid Unicode input in date/time fields (32/64)
Fixed: With option CtrlArrowOpenArchive=4, TC was still looking for packer plugins which could open the file (32/64)
Added: Shift+F7 new folder in target panel: Return to source panel when the user cancels the input of the new name (32/64)
Added: F7/Shift+F7 new folder: Show dialog box over the panel where the directory will be created (32/64)
Fixed: No smart screen warning was shown for files protected by Windows smart screen filter in Windows 10 Spring creators update (2018), worked fine in older versions (reason: flag SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI) (32/64)
Added: F7 new folder/Shift+F4 new file: Include [f] option also in dropdown list (Alt+"+") (32/64)
Added: Pass parameter FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS to FormatMessage for errors when starting a program fails (32/64)

mohammed tanko

Super VIP
06.06.18 Release Total Commander 9.20 beta 6 (32/64)

Fixed: Couldn't create more archives of type .tar.plugin if files with that extension already existed, and "Create separate archives..." was checked (32/64)
Fixed: Auto-complete/Auto-append in Shift+F4: do not use auto-append here even if it's enabled by the user - only use auto-complete dropdown (32/64)
Fixed: Do not apply sort order from automatic view mode switch when using Search - Advanced - Find duplicate files - Feed to listbox (32/64)
Fixed: Update file/folder list in virtual folder "Computer" when a drive is removed (32/64)
Fixed: Launch programs/open files: Use GetLastError for FormatMessage error instead of error returned in hInstApp when showing launch error (32/64)
Fixed: Change Attributes dialog: Button placement wrong for right to left languages (32/64)
Fixed: Made Change Attributes dialog a bit larger to give more room for Russian and other languages (32/64)
Fixed: Decoding of MIME files: Detect multi-line names and named with different encodings, e.g. name*0*=UTF-8''part1 name*1*=part2.txt -> part1part2.txt (32/64)
Added: Option to show/hide speed info in background thread: wincmd.ini [Configuration] BackgroundSpeed=2 : 0=name, 1=speed when available, 2=alternating (32/64)
Added: Option to disable the centering of the F7/Shift+F7 dialog over the active panel: wincmd.ini [Configuration] NewFolderOverPanel=0 (32/64)
Fixed: F7/Shift+F7 dialog: Center dialog over top/bottom file panel when using vertical arrangement (32/64)
Fixed: Change attributes, "Load from file under cursor": Couldn't read attributes from file with access denied like c:\pagefile.sys (32/64)
Fixed: Automatic log rotation by date no longer worked (due to the fix for log files >4GB) (32/64)
Fixed: Multiple chained cm_xyz commands, e.g. cm_selectall,cm_copy on a button -> the last command was no longer executed (32/64)

mohammed tanko

Super VIP
13.06.18 Release Total Commander 9.20 release candidate 1 (32/64)

Fixed: Windows 10, main menu: Change screen scaling from 100% to 125% and back -> icons were too big (24x24 instead of 16x16) (32/64)
Fixed: Switch from search result (from "feed to listbox") to Network Neighborhood or other virtual folder -> the tab title still displayed "Search result:" (32/64)
Fixed: Search: Show "Search path not found!" not just for first invalid search location, but for all locations (up to 20), also when using list file (32/64)
Added: Windows XP and newer: Restore stored per monitor window size also when dragging Total Commander between monitors (32/64)
Added: Windows 7 and newer: restore saved position on Win+Shift+Cursor left/right, can be prevented with RestoreSize=0 (32/64)
Added: Windows XP and newer: save position separately for each monitor and dpi, in the form: monitor(x,y,w,h,dpi)=x,y,w,h (the last saved position remains the default) (32/64)
Fixed: Search: When specifying multiple search locations, the search was aborted when the first location couldn't be accessed, e.g. z:\;c:\ (32/64)
Fixed: Change attributes: Ignore leading and trailing spaces in date and time fields (32/64)
Fixed: FTP couldn't connect with implicit SSL via sChannel when the server sent a long banner message (32/64)
Fixed: Open files: Replace %1 with file name (if available) in FormatMessage error when available (32/64)
Fixed: Virtual folder "Computer" wasn't always updated when a drive was removed, e.g. for mounted ISO files (32/64)
Fixed: Don't inform user about new version twice if he checked manually immediately after starting TC with auto update checks enabled (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration-Options-View mode: too many custom columns listed in "Columns view" when the page "Custom columns" wasn't opened before (32/64)
Fixed: Reload theme data also when receiving WM_DPICHANGED, otherwise buttons in button bar may have black background until they are reloaded (32/64)
Fixed: Reduce redrawing of main window/flickering when receiving WM_THEMECHANGED message after WM_DPICHANGED (the theme wasn't actually changed) (32/64)
Fixed: Changed background color of parent/root buttons to button face color also on folder tabs (64)
Fixed: When using IgnoreDirErrors=1, and switching to a drive via drive bar or dropdown list, and a directory cannot be opened (e.g. because it was deleted), go to parent until the drive root (32/64)
Fixed: Auto-complete/Auto-append in Shift+F4: auto-append was only changed to auto-complete when auto-complete itself was turned off (32/64)


Staff member
27.06.18 Release Total Commander 9.20 release candidate 3 (32/64)

27.06.18 Release Total Commander 9.20 release candidate 3 (32/64)
27.06.18 Fixed: Skip internal associations in virtual folders where we can't get a local path for the file, e.g. a phone connected via MTP (32/64)
26.06.18 Fixed: DrivesShowUpcase=0 was ignored in %t parameter, always used uppercase drive letter (32/64)
25.06.18 Fixed: Prevent crash when reloading list of shared folders (e.g. to show shared overlay) (32/64)
24.06.18 Fixed: Lister crash on Windows 8.1 64-bit only, happened after opening Lister multiple times (solution: keep hidden Lister open in the background) (64)
22.06.18 Fixed: Moving separator between main panels wrong when showing two separate tree panels (32/64)
20.06.18 Fixed: Directory handle leaking in watchdir thread, preventing the ejection of USB sticks, and sometimes the closing of the program (32/64)

20.06.18 Release Total Commander 9.20 release candidate 2 (32/64)
20.06.18 Fixed: Client certificates: For the chosen certificate, store the SHA1 digest in addition to the serial number, because the latter isn't unique (32/64)
20.06.18 Fixed: Prevent thread watching for directory changes (Configuration-Options-Refresh-Auto-refresh when the file system changes) from hanging the main thread (32/64)
20.06.18 Fixed: Prevent blinking when opening main configuration dialog (caused by LockWindowUpdate) (32)
20.06.18 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Misc, hotkey dropdown combobox: Handling of ENTER, ESC and TAB keys was different in 32-bit and 64-bit (32/64)
19.06.18 Fixed: WM_DEVICECHANGE: Also react to DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED notification to get correct drive icons (32/64)
19.06.18 Fixed: Ctrl+Q didn't work in virtual folders for files in the file system where the parent folder wasn't a file system directory, e.g. in libraries (32/64)
19.06.18 Fixed: Lister: Set new optimized default position and size on Windows XP or newer: Right aligned, width enough to show at least 84 characters (32/64)
19.06.18 Fixed: Windows 10 developer preview, build 17686: Open the windows for Lister, Verify Checksums, and Compare by Content in separate windows, not on extra tabs (32/64)
18.06.18 Fixed: Button bar, start menu: %t now also inserts the URL of the directory for FTP connections, just like %p (32/64)
18.06.18 Fixed: Lister: Switching between view options 4 and 5 could switch focus to main TC when using Alt+Letters for quick search (64)
18.06.18 Fixed: Inplace rename (Shift+F6): Moving to the previous/next file with cursor up/down could leave parts of the apply button on the previous line, e.g. on Windows XP (32)
18.06.18 Fixed: Removed error beep when user right clicked on drive button while context menu for folder tab or sorting header was already open (32/64)
17.06.18 Fixed: Do not re-load file lists showing custom columns when moving window between screens with different DPI. Instead, only adjust the column widths (32/64)
17.06.18 Fixed: New per monitor window sizes not used when using option ResolutionSpecific=0 in wincmd.ini (32/64)
17.06.18 Fixed: When using IgnoreDirErrors=1, switching to non-existent parent directory didn't work by double clicking on [..] entry (32/64)
15.06.18 Fixed: Change attributes: Date conversion only supported lowercase am/pm (32/64)
15.06.18 Fixed: Search function, find files in archive: "Search path not found" was shown by mistake (32/64)
15.06.18 Fixed: Button bar, start menu: Parameters %T and %t contained 0: prefix when the target directory was an FTP connection (32/64)
15.06.18 Fixed: Button bar, start menu: Parameters %M and %m contained full path when the target directory was an FTP connection (32/64)
15.06.18 Fixed: Change attributes: Prevent beep when using hotkey for "Load from file under cursor" groupbox (32)
15.06.18 Fixed: Lister, RTF view: Prevent crash when trying to print when the chosen printer is invalid (32/64)
15.06.18 Fixed: Load old searches from wincmd.ini: Not all searches were loaded from ANSI ini file if the total size of the names was >4095 characters (32/64)


mohammed tanko

Super VIP
04.07.18 Release Total Commander 9.20 final (32/64)

Fixed: Header didn't show sort options of new view mode after duplicate search - feed to listbox (32/64)
Fixed: Do not apply sort order from automatic view mode switch when using Search - Advanced - Find duplicate files - Feed to listbox, and the view mode defined a custom columns view sorted by a custom column (32/64)
Fixed: Do not apply sort order from automatic view mode switch when using Search - Advanced - Find duplicate files - Feed to listbox, and the view mode defined a custom columns view (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - Misc - Hotkey dropdown combobox: ESC now closes dialog when ESC is already the chosen hotkey (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - Misc - Hotkey dropdown combobox: pressing F1-F12 now chooses that hotkey (F1 additionally opens the help) (32/64)
Fixed: Windows 10 developer preview, build 17686: Disable new tabbed interface in Lister window (32/64)

mohammed tanko

Super VIP
25.07.18 Release Total Commander 9.21 release candidate 1 (32/64)

Added: Use smaller 16x16 link overlay icon (32/64)
Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] PreventScrollbarCrash= enable function to prevent crash when loading Lister multiple times manually (32/64)
Fixed: Prevent crash when loading Lister multiple times also on Windows Server 2016 (32/64)
Added: wcx_ftp.ini [General] ReturnToReUploadDir=0 Set to 1 to automatically return to the directory to which an edited remote file was re-uploaded when saved (32/64)
Fixed: Crash in FTP connection details (Ctrl+F - Edit) in case of problems with user certificate store (32/64)
Added: Also show png images in addition to icons from ico/dll/exe files defined in file associations (32/64)
Fixed: All combobox controls: When entering Korean text and the last entered character is incomplete, clicking on another control inserted that character at the start of the control (32/64)
Fixed: Prevent flickering about 1 second after starting on Windows 7 (which was sending a WM_THEMECHANGED notification although the theme didn't change) (32)
Fixed: With option "Select only the filename when renaming" set, the name+extension were still selected when pressing down arrow on last file in list (32/64)
Fixed: Shift+F7 while the Quick View panel was shown -> other file operations like F5 stopped working (32/64)
Fixed: Reading directories with FindFirstFile/FindNextFile: Ignore empty names (0 length) returned by certain SMB servers (32/64)
Fixed: Alt+F1/F2 drive dropdown combobox: Show context menu also for Computer, Documents, Network Neighborhood, and connected devices. Opens location in Explorer (32/64)
Fixed: Always show internal link overlay icons for file system links (junctions, reparse points) (32/64)
Fixed: Lister: View RTF file with F3, press 1 then 4 -> two scrollbars were visible (64)
Fixed: Font in copy/pack progress bar wrong when using NewStyleProgress=0 -> use dialog box font, changed to bold (32/64)
Fixed: Default window position and size wrong when starting TC after changing scale factor in Windows 10 without logging out and back in (32/64)
Fixed: Empty directory panels when OldStyleDir=1 was set (it took precedence over IgnoreDirErrors) (32/64)
Fixed: Commands - Search -Load/Save, double click on saved item -> default focus was not set to start button (64)
Fixed: There was no more beep when foreground file operation ended while the main window was in the background (e.g. re-upload when editing) (32/64)
Fixed: Compare by content and Synchronize dirs also crashed on Windows 8.1 64-bit, happened after opening them multiple times (solution: keep hidden Lister open in the background) (64)
Added: Lister: Allow to set maximum line length for text when not using word wrap: wincmd.ini [Lister] unwrapwidth=1024 (uses more RAM for buffer for bigger numbers. Max. 16384) (32/64)

mohammed tanko

Super VIP
01.08.18 Release Total Commander 9.21 release candidate 2 (32/64)

Fixed: Moved DPI dependent main menu icon sizes from [Configuration] to resolution-specific section for full multiple screen support, e.g. to [1920x1080 (16x20)] (32/64)
Fixed: Button bar, start menu parameters: %M added .. for updir item, but only when used in combination with %T (32/64)
Fixed: FTP: Auto-reconnect when the connection is lost while uploading recursively (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - Misc - Hotkey dropdown combobox: ESC now keeps the last chosen hotkey also on Windows 7 (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - Misc - Hotkey dropdown combobox: Do not open help on F1 (32/64)
Fixed: FTP: Auto-reconnect when the connection is lost while reading a subdirectory when downloading recursively (32/64)
Fixed: FTP: Dialog box "Not connected!" was shown as independent window without parent when TC wasn't in the foreground (32/64)
Fixed: Ctrl+Q: Focus went from active panel to quick view panel after switching away from TC and back, but only when ActiveTitle was set in wincmd.ini (32/64)
Fixed: Handle structured exceptions within wcmzip64.dll to prevent crashes with thumbnail packing (64)
Fixed: Problems with descript.ion files using UTF-8: Upper/lowercase conversion was incorrect, so comments were not picked up when accented characters had different case. Also caused problems with special characters on Chinese locale (32/64)
Fixed: Search with "Everything": Put regular expressions in double quotes, e.g. user enters ^(ABC|BCD) and checks "RegEx" and "Everything" -> send regex:"^(ABC|BCD)" (32/64)
Fixed: When closing some dialogs with ESC, e.g. FTP connection details, the dialog would disappear, and briefly re-appear before disappearing again (64)
Fixed: Distinguish between empty environment variables and non-existing environment variables. Replace %variable% with empty string in the first case (32/64)

mohammed tanko

Super VIP
08.08.18 Release Total Commander 9.21 release candidate 3 (32/64)

Fixed: FTP: Auto-reconnect when the connection is lost while uploading/downloading many empty directories recursively (32/64)
Fixed: Updated to latest unrar.dll 5.60.0 from, and latest tcmdlzma.dll (18.05) from (32/64)
Fixed: Search function: Buttons below the search result couldn't be reached with Tab key, only with mouse or hotkeys (32/64)
Fixed: When using IgnoreDirErrors=1, don't show dialog to connect to network share twice, e.g. when changing to a network tab (32/64)
Fixed: When using IgnoreDirErrors=1, wait with connecting to UNC path \\server\share while nag dialog (with 1-2-3 buttons) is displayed (32/64)
Fixed: Keep nag dialog (with 1-2-3 buttons) usable and focused when dialog to connect to computer on the network (\\servername) is shown below it (32/64)
Fixed: Button bar: Button highlights (not pressed, hovered) not always disappearing after moving mouse away, e.g. after Alt+Shift+F11 (32/64)
Fixed: DPI dependent main menu icon sizes were not saved in resolution-specific section, loading worked fine (64)

mohammed tanko

Super VIP
15.08.18 Release Total Commander 9.21 final (32/64)

Fixed: Search in background: click on "Go to file" not going to files inside archives (64)
Fixed: FTP/FTPS via HTTP CONNECT proxy: Always send server name instead of IP address to proxy, also for data connections (can be overridden with SpecialFlags=1024) (32/64)
Fixed: Link overlay icons were shown for custom icons in file system plugin, e.g. for connections in SFTP (32)
Fixed: Crash in Lister when aborting text search with ESC (32)
Fixed: FTPS via HTTP CONNECT proxy: Reading directory not working after uploading a file (32/64)
Fixed: FTP/file system plugins: Log function could suddenly stop logging (32/64)
Fixed: Alt+F1, Alt+F2 drive dropdown combobox: No drive was shown after closing list with ESC (problem caused by Korean text input fix - needs to be applied to editable comboboxes only) (64)
Fixed: Any tree view: Icons to expand/collapse tree branches were wrong on some high DPI devices (32)
Fixed: Ctrl+F FTP connections: Folder icons were not displayed on high DPI screens when the file list icon size was changed (e.g. to 24x24) (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - Icons: Applying "Show drive icons from Explorer" didn't update Network Neighborhood, Computer and My Documents icons until after restarting TC (32/64)

mohammed tanko

Super VIP
21.08.18 Release Total Commander 9.21a final (32/64)

Fixed: Compare by content: Disable button "Show only differences" during comparison, otherwise clicking it in the wrong moment could cause a crash (32/64)
Fixed: Ctrl+E and ESC (only with auto-complete+auto-append disabled) no longer worked in command line (32/64)
Fixed: Icons in menus: Selected items could no longer be shown as pressed buttons instead of checkmarks after saving icon options once (32/64)
Fixed: Crash when passing path to zip file to TC (e.g. from external Everything.exe), mostly on 64-bit (32/64)

mohammed tanko

Super VIP
27.02.19 Release Total Commander 9.22 release candidate 1 (32/64)

Fixed: String "Search result:" in drive label field wasn't updated when changing language (the fix also updates the current tab, but not other tabs) (32/64)
Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Do not warn if local dir contains 2 identical names with different case, e.g. a.txt and A.txt. However, sync functions are limited in this case (32/64)
Fixed: Ctrl+D, add directory to subfolder containing nested subfolders -> it wasn't added at the end of the subfolder, but before the first nested subfolder (32/64)
Fixed: Accessing tab with inaccessible network path can cause a hang when using IgnoreDirErrors=1 (32/64)
Fixed: After uploading zip file to virtual path (e.g. Android device), it could sometimes be opened internally by mistake (32/64)
Added: Included latest unrar dll 5.70.0 from (32/64)
Fixed: Handle directory traversal bug in unacev2.dll, affecting only the "unpack all" (Alt+F9) function (32)
Fixed: Shift+F4 dialog: Buttons "Tree" and "Cancel" were incorrect when using Cyrillic translation on English locale (32)
Fixed: Search: Detection of infinite loops in hard links/junctions/reparse points didn't always work (32/64)
Fixed: Couldn't drag directory from separate tree to empty space in tab header to add it (32/64)
Added: Always look in registry for key if no wincmd.key file is found in the supported locations (32/64)
Fixed: ZIP packer: ???? were shown instead of the name when packing to Unicode extra field, and verifying any Unicode mode (32/64)
Fixed: Directory history with shift+mouse wheel not working (64)
Fixed: Lister (F3), internal media player: Window size too small when viewing a lot of mp3 files, so the menu is broken into 2 lines (64)
Fixed: Lister (F3) was ticking the wrong codepage in the "Encoding" menu when opened (64)
Fixed: Folder tabs: when not using multiple lines for tabs, drag & drop of a tab to the opposite panel would add it to the source panel if it had hidden (scrolled) tabs under that position (32/64)
Fixed: Ignore X64Menu option on 32-bit Windows (32)
Fixed: When using X64Menu=1 in 64-bit version, the dialog in context menu - X32 - Configure was very small (64)
Fixed: ZIP packer: An incompressible file slightly smaller than 4GB, resulting in a compressed file >4GB appeared with a size of -1 in the created ZIP (but could still be unpacked) (32/64)
Fixed: Re-upload to FTP after editing now also works when the FTP connection is not displayed in one of the two panels, but still active (32/64)
Fixed: Compare by content, 2 files on the same FTP server but different user names -> edited file could be re-uploaded to the wrong server (32/64)
Fixed: Select all, switch between full and brief view mode: Entire list was scrolled slowly (64)
Fixed: FTP Upload/Download: Selection wasn't cleared when adding files to already opened background transfer manager with F5 - F2 (32/64)
Fixed: Header-encrypted RAR: Open archive, minimize+restore TC, try to unpack file, enter wrong password (remember password checked) -> user isn't asked again for the correct password (32/64)
Fixed: Dual screen, TC on the right screen: Search in separate process, maximize, minimize, restore -> search window had 0*0 pixel size (32/64)
Fixed: FTP error "Command in progress" in special case: Synchronize dirs, compare local dir with ftp, compare by content, edit remote file, save file, close compare tool, re-upload (32/64)
Fixed: Function to check file system links (junctions, reparse points) for infinite loops didn't handle relative paths created e.g. via "mklink /D MyDirLink ..\MyDir" while in directory "C:\MyDir" (32/64)
Fixed: Button bar: cd *.ext (to set custom filter) didn't support Unicode when using separate Left/Right menus (32/64)
Fixed: Multi-rename tool: [f] option didn't work for manually entered text, only for placeholders like [N] -> [f] is now applied for the entire text until the end or the next upper-/lowercase placeholder (32/64)
Fixed: Click on locked tab (directory changes not allowed) showed message about new tab when using TabEnterDirChange=2, but only if it was already the active tab (32)
Fixed: Click on locked tab (directory changes not allowed) showed message about new tab when using TabEnterDirChange=2 (64)
Fixed: Crash when starting external sync tool with /S=S parameter when PreventScrollbarCrash=1 was set (the default on Windows 8.1) (64)
Fixed: Search function: when going through list of old searches with up/down keys while the combobox was closed, the "RegEx" checkmark was only set, not removed (32/64)
Fixed: Search function: when going through list of old searches with up/down keys, the index reverted to the first item when a search with regular expression was encountered (64)
Fixed: Open archive with alternate packer via right click menu (internal association: **ext), then press Ctrl+B -> the default packer was now used (32/64)
Fixed: Crash viewing ICO files containing multiple PNG images (the problem seems to be re-using the TLazReaderPNG) (64)
Fixed: Search in archives by size wouldn't reliably find files >=2GBytes (32/64)
Fixed: Crash unpacking xz-packed zipx archives (because the necessary functions were missing from newer TCMDLZMA.DLL / TCLZMA64.DLL files) (32/64)

mohammed tanko

Super VIP
06.03.19 Release Total Commander 9.22 release candidate 2 (32/64)

Fixed: Copy in background: wait up to 5 seconds while mouse button is currently down, e.g. for drag&drop, then cancel operation with ESC to avoid lockup (32/64)
Fixed: Improved patch of unacev2.dll, also handling absolute paths (c:\ or \) in addition to relative ..\ (32)
Fixed: Lister: Press '4' while already using a single plugin, then '1' would not turn off that plugin (64)
Fixed: Lister: Hide percent when using internal media player (32/64)

mohammed tanko

Super VIP
14.03.19 Release Total Commander 9.22 final (32/64)
Fixed: Copy hidden or system file with older default method (standard unchecked) -> no overwrite warning for hidden/system files for which the normal overwrite dialog was shown (32/64)
Fixed: Overwrite read only confirmation dialog may be shown in the middle of copying instead of at the end (32/64)
Fixed: Overwrite read only file while warning for read only was disabled but for hidden/system enabled -> still read only warning when using the expanded overwrite dialog (32/64)
Fixed: Thumbnail cache: Don't try to save uncompressed thumbnails when saving compressed fails (32/64)
Fixed: Copy hidden or system file with standard method (CopyFileEx) -> no overwrite warning, except when it also had the read only attribute. Can be overridden with OverwriteHidSysNotReadonly=1 (32/64)
Fixed: Possible crash in compiler library when window handle becomes invalid in main window message handler (64)

mohammed tanko

Super VIP
29.03.19 Release Total Commander 9.22a final (32/64)
Fixed: Difficult to reproduce crash in F7 new folder inside ZIP archives (timing problem with removing progress dialog) (32/64)
Fixed: F7 new folder: Invalid name created when user specifies path in zip incorrectly with starting and/or trailing slash, e.g. /dir1/dir2/dir3/ (32/64)
Fixed: F7 new folder: ensure that the dialog isn't displayed outside of the current screen (32/64)
Fixed: Alt+F5 pack: Invalid name created when user specifies path in zip incorrectly with trailing forward slash, e.g. c:\test\ (32/64)
Fixed: Viewing LZMA-compressed files in ZIP sometimes failed with an unpack error (64)
Fixed: Ctrl+Q, click on active tab header of current tab above the quick view panel -> Tab no longer switched sides (32/64)
Fixed: Duplicating a tab which was locked with directory changes allowed could leave it with an empty name if it caused an additional line of tabs to appear (32/64)

mohammed tanko

Super VIP
16.10.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 1

Fixed: System information: Some text was cut on high DPI screens (32/64)
Fixed: System information: Windows 10 Professional was reported as Enterprise due to bad values in 32-bit part of the registry (32)
Fixed: Line breaks in comments were lost when renaming a file with DOS-encoded descript.ion which was converted to UTF-16 (32/64)
Fixed: Lister, define which view method and plugin should be used when opened: Option 4i (internal image viewer) wasn't working (32/64)
Fixed: In place rename (Shift+F6): Update quick view contents (Ctrl+q) also when just switching between files with up/down arrow without renaming anything (32/64)
Fixed: Lister Crash trying to view *.eml file with new mode 8 (64)
Fixed: FTP connect: When adding the FTP panel, the current file item could be scrolled out of the visual part of the file list (32/64)
Fixed: Lister: Printing of images: Always limit size to paper size even when display isn't set to "Fit image to window". Smaller images will not be scaled up, though (32/64)
Fixed: Lister: Printing of images other than BMP (e.g. JPG, GIF, PNG) didn't work (32/64)
Fixed: Compare by content: Scroll horizontally when selecting with the mouse and moving the mouse cursor to the left/right of the compare window (32/64)
Fixed: Port connection server started via switch /S=P:portnr could be closed, but the program continued running in the background (64)
Fixed: Verify checksums: couldn't load files with very long path names if they used slashes instead of backslashes in the checksum file (32/64)
Added: Codepage menu for archives: Added OEM/DOS encoding option for each Windows encoding where applicable (32/64)
Fixed: Right click context menu, "New" submenu: skip entries with empty name (32/64)
Fixed: Right click context menu, "New" submenu: use "FriendlyTypeName" even if it only provides plain text (it doesn't start with @ linking to dll) (32/64)
Fixed: UTF-8 file comments not always correct on systems with dual byte characters (e.g. Chinese) (32/64)
Fixed: Unpack faulty ZIP files created by "Download all" function (32/64)
Fixed: Comments for network shares (shown in root of server) didn't support Unicode (32/64)
Added: Start working on dark mode support for Windows 10 1809 and later (32/64)
Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] HistoryLenStored= set maximum number of entries in history to be stored to wincmd.ini [LeftHistory] and [RightHistory]. Default=200 on NT based systems, same as HistoryLen on 9x/ME due to limited max ini size (32/64)
Added: Custom codepage in Lister, FTP connection settings or archive: list all installed codepages in dropdown combobox (32/64)
Added: Quick search/Quick filter dialog: Clear search with Ctrl+Y (like in the command line) (32/64)
Added: Search with 'Everything': Show percent of the search results transferred to Total Commander and added to the result list (Everything reports the total number of found files) (32/64)
Added: Search with 'Everything': Show command sent to 'Everything' in search status bar. Repeated calls are shown with the file numbers requested, e.g. 10000- (32/64)
Added: Right click on directory tab -> "Recently closed tabs": Hold down Shift to open restored tab in background (do not activate it) (32/64)
Fixed: OneDrive: On Windows 10 1803 or newer, do not load thumbnails for files which are available online only, to not force their download (32/64)
Fixed: OneDrive: Folders appearing as file system links (fake reparse points) were not included in many functions, e.g. packing, synchronizing (32/64)
Added: Search via 'Everything': Show percentage done verifying the returned search results (32/64)
Added: Search via 'Everything': Request results in chunks of 10000 files so it can be aborted when accidentally finding too many files (32/64)
Fixed: Internal content plugin: Do not load version info fields if the file is a OneDrive online only file (not available offline), attribute contains 0x400000 (32/64)
Added: Increased directory history length to 200, otherwise not many entries may remain when doing history thinning. The actual number of items shown is set by HistoryLen in wincmd.ini (32/64)
Added: Find files: Automatically check 'Everything' option when using prefix ev: or ed: in search field (32/64)
Fixed: Compare by content: when comparing 2 files, and a file loaded in memory was deleted, saving the file failed because no .bak file could be created (32/64)
Added: Compare by content: wincmd.ini [Configuration] MaxCompareSizeInMem=1048576 size limit for files which are loaded completely in memory for comparison. Larger files are mapped into memory (file mapping) (32/64)
Added: Directory history thinning: wincmd.ini [Configuration] HistoryThinning=1, HistoryThinningDelta=0 enables thinning only when user starts some operation in the directory, not by timeout (32/64)
Added: Directory history thinning: wincmd.ini [Configuration] HistoryThinning=1/0 turns thinning on and off without changing the value of the timeout (32/64)
Added: Directory history: When going to previous entry via Alt+Left arrow, and then manually changing to a different directory, append that directory to the END of the history (32/64)
Added: Directory history thinning: Alt+Shift+Down arrow or new command cm_DirectoryHistoryNoThinning shows history list without thinning (32/64)
Added: Directory history thinning: Keep normal history (Alt+Left/Right arrow) unchanged, only apply to history menu (Alt+Down arrow) (32/64)
Added: Drive dropdown list, drive buttonbar: Show "eject" overlay over drive icon from Explorer for external USB harddisks. Enable/Disable via wincmd.ini [Configuration] CheckUsbHdd=1/0 (32/64)
Added: Windows XP and newer: Call SetThreadStackGuarantee to have a minimum of 16kBytes stack left when getting into an infinite loop, so the exception handler can handle it (32/64)
Added: New configuration option shown in Configuration - Options - Operation: Extra lines below cursor. Sets both ScrollingTopMargin and ScrollingBottomMargin (32/64)
Added: Directory history thinning: New configuration option shown in Configuration - Options - Operation (32/64)
Added: Directory history thinning: wincmd.ini [Configuration] HistoryThinningDelta=5000 defaults to 5 seconds the user must stay in a directory to keep it in the history (32/64)
Added: Directory history thinning: Only add directory to history if the user stayed there for x seconds, or performed any file operation in that location (32/64)
Added: Right click on directory tab -> show submenu "Recently closed tabs" to restore closed tabs. Not remembered when program is closed (32/64)
Fixed: Drag from TC running with normal user rights to program with elevated (administrator) rights via taskbar icon or Alt+Tab -> drag was cancelled (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) returned "not pressed") (32/64)
Fixed: Drag currently not selected folder from tree -> that folder received the "open" indicator, although the previous folder was still open in the file panel (32/64)
Fixed: Do not clear icons when changing file list colors, because icons in file system plugins were lost (32/64)
Added: Menu item "Paste shortcut" below "Paste" in right click context menu on Windows versions where this menu item is missing (32/64)
Fixed: Drag&Drop from other program: allow to drop files to read-only folder requiring elevation, e.g. c:\Program Files (32/64)
Fixed: Drag&Drop from other program: data type HGLOBAL wasn't always accepted (64)
Fixed: Windows 10, 2 monitors with different DPI: Right mouse button drag from Explorer to TC showed inaccessible drop menu -> call SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext (32/64)
Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] InheritCaseSensitiveDir=1: If a folder has "case sensitive names" option set, inherit it when creating new folder inside. 0=off, 1=on, 2=on also when needing admin rights (tcmadmin) (32/64)
Added: New internal function [ sensitive in folder] to check whether a folder is set to case sensitive mode for the files inside. Returns false for files, they cannot contain other files (32/64)
Added: New internal function [ sensitive name] to check whether a file/folder name is case sensitive or not. Per folder case sensitivity requires Windows 10 1803 or newer (32/64)
Added: New internal function [=tc.path length] to get the current path length (folder+file name). Uses Unicode on NT-based systems, ANSI otherwise (32/64)
Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Improvements when comparing two case sensitive folders (Windows 10 1803 or newer): now supports 2 or more files where the name only differs in case, but not folders (32/64)
Fixed: Installer: Add fields InstallLocation and EstimatedSize to the registry (32/64)
Fixed: Search result, feed to listbox, Show - Comments, Show - Full -> names were still truncated (32/64)
Fixed: Numbers with thousands separators: support sizes > 1000TByte (32/64)
Fixed: File associations: Also look for icon in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.ext\DefaultIcon if all other locations are missing (32/64)
Fixed: Lister: In some cases, "Cannot focus inactive control" error was shown in Ctrl+Q when pressing '4' (32/64)
Fixed: FTP: Auto detect MLSD/MLST support also when the server sends 211-MLST in reply to "FEAT" command (32/64)
Added: Find files, text search, Office XML, plus Lister, view HTML: When removing XML tags from Office XML, add line breaks for </w:p> and </text:p> paragraph end tags (32/64)
Added: Find files, text search, Office XML: When removing XML tags, replace entities like "<" -> "<" (32/64)
Added: Find files, text search, Office XML: Search the xml files both unmodified and with all XML tags removed, e.g. to find text with some characters set to attributes like bold (32/64)
Fixed: Preserve attribute "not content indexed" (Can be set via Properties - Advanced) when renaming files (32/64)
Added: Multi-rename tool: New placeholders [c3]: The last value of the counter defined in the Define counter field (32/64)
Added: Multi-rename tool: New placeholders [c2]: Like [c] but with the number of digits defined in the Define counter field (32/64)
Added: Multi-rename tool: New placeholders [c1] or [c]: Number of files/folders in the file list, e.g. "File [C] of [c]" -> "File 1 of 101" etc. (32/64)
Fixed: Find files: Search for UTF-8 may not find a file when looking for the string by which the file ends, e.g. </html>, and there is no line break after it (32/64)
Added: 256x256pixel icon (only to 64-bit version, 32-bit fails to compile - new icon must be replaced manually, e.g. with resource hacker) (64)

mohammed tanko

Super VIP
06.11.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 4

Fixed: Dark mode, synchronize dirs: Draw focused directory with dark text on white background (32/64)
Fixed: cm_gotofirstentry and cm_gotofirstfile didn't update inactive cursor position (with SelectionFocus!=0) when Total Commander didn't have the focus (32/64)
Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Empty dirs were sometimes not shown when there was a hidden directory elsewhere in the compared directories (32/64)
Fixed: The dialogs of some plugins (e.g. SFTP: Properties) had garbled text in the title bar (reason: subclassing of dialog box class to intercept Ctrl+C from MessageBox) (32/64)
Added: Find files: "F2 search in found files" now also searches in previously found folders (32/64)
Fixed: Right click context menu on file in archive didn't support verbs from multiple internal associations (32/64)
Fixed: Dark mode: Corrected look of sorting headers with themes disabled (64)
Fixed: Dark mode: Buttons F3, F4 etc. looked different with flat buttons disabled and highlight color changed (32)
Fixed: Dark mode, File lists: thumb box was too high with classic theme when there were a lot of items in the list (32/64)
Fixed: FTP direct server to server transfers (FxP): Copying the timestamp could fail because it was sent to the wrong server (32/64)
Fixed: Added: Allow to check both "Show square brackets [] around directories" and "Append " if the second one is checked first (DirBrackets=3 in wincmd.ini) (32/64)
Fixed: Find files: Couldn't go back to previous searches when the search parameters were invalid, e.g. the start path didn't exist (32/64)
Added: When adding new colors by file type, set the color for the other mode (dark/normal) too. Can be changed afterwards via Dark<>Normal button (32/64)
Fixed: Dark mode: Draw breadcrumb bar dropdown list with thin 1 pixel border (32/64)
Fixed: FTP server to server copy (FxP): use plain text connection via PROT C if the user has defined it in "Send commands" for the connection (32/64)
Fixed: Internal command LOADSELECTION now looks for list file in active panel if no path is specified (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options: Set current directory to left path when opening configuration dialog (also in associate, internal associations, multi-rename, compare by content, user menu), for various file open dialogs (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - Copy/Delete: Apply settings with VerifyEnabled=0 -> Option "Use Explorer delete" disappeared (32/64)
Fixed: Alt+Tab during drag&drop no longer worked, the drag operation was aborted (32/64)
Fixed: Dark mode: Lister main menu didn't switch from dark to normal mode after cm_SwitchDarkmode and activating lister (32/64)
Fixed: Dark mode: Removed panel border also when there are no tabs (32/64)
Fixed: Dark mode: Folder tabs: Only use highlight color for active tab borders, not for inactive tab borders (32/64)
Fixed: Printing: Catch error "Access denied" (64)
Fixed: Lister: "Define view method by file type" took precedence over command line paramter /S=L:pplugin (32/64)
Fixed: Right click on button bar shown as menu no longer opened the button context menu (32/64)
Fixed: Dark mode: 2 buttons in "Change attributes" were not translated, as well as the buttons F3 and F4 in "Find files" (64)
Fixed: Configuration - Button bar had wrong width for items in the upper list if there were too few items in the bar (32)
Fixed: Find files: Uncheck option "F2 search in search results" when user clicks on "New search" (32/64)
Added: FTP, Shift+F5 copy file within server: Support options "Copy via local PC" and "Preserve file dates" (32/64)
Fixed: FTP server to server copy (FxP): Couldn't copy files between FTPS servers if they didn't support SSCN -> use plain text connection via PROT C (32/64)
Fixed: Dark mode: Drive combobox had white background after connecting to FTP server (64)
Fixed: Dark mode: Lister buttons in search and settings were not themed when Lister was started as a separate process via Totalcmd.exe /S=L <filename> (32)
Fixed: Dark mode: Crash when opening sub-menu in the main menu and not choosing any command (64)

mohammed tanko

Super VIP
13.11.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 5

Fixed: Dark mode, thumbnail view: Text thumbnails were not drawn with darker background (64)
Added: Dark mode: Show border around file panels when not using the option "Flat user interface" (32/64)
Added: New option wincmd.ini [Configuration] ScrollingMarginFlags=3 determines whether: 1: vertical lists (e.g. Full view), or 2: horizontal lists (Brief view) should be scrolled automatically, or both (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Explicitly refresh color combobox when choosing item from "Others" combobox (64)
Added: FTP, send commands: Allow to send semicolons within a command by duplicating it, e.g. CWD /test/a;;b;;c;PWD sends commands CWD /test/a;b;c and PWD (32/64)
Added: Dark mode, Windows 10 1809 or newer: Add dark mode for scrollbars in the listbox part of comboboxes (e.g. Configuration - Button bar) (32/64)
Fixed: Dark mode, Windows 10 1809 or newer: Listboxes with horizontal scrolling (e.g. button bar change dialog, icon library selection) had light scrollbars (323)
Fixed: Shift+F5 in FTP connection (server to server transfer) dialog didn't work properly, e.g. copy to other server no longer worked (32/64)
Added: Upload from archive directly to FTP: Option to preserve timestamps if the server supports it (32/64)
Fixed: Dark mode: In "Unpack Specific Files" (Alt+F9), the edit box sometimes became white when one of the comboboxes opened upwards (dialog at the bottom) (32/64
Added: Dark mode: Always show border around current path, also when using tabs (32/64)
Fixed: Dialog "System information" was scaled twice on high DPI screens, so some fields were overlapping (32/64)
Fixed: Ctrl+Z edit comment: Do not show vertical scrollbar in dark mode (32/64)
Fixed: Configure custom columns: Placement of up/down button was wrong if there were many columns and the list was scrolled down (64)
Fixed: Dark mode: Tooltips in main window and dialogs like multi-rename were not dark (32/64)
Fixed: F5 copy, click on "Options", then on disk icon: added new translation for confirmation dialog (32/64)
Fixed: FTP toolbar: Background color of text inside the bar wrong after switching from dark to normal mode (32/64)
Fixed: Lister: In mode 8 (Explorer preview mode), make text "Explorer" translatable (32/64)
Fixed: Dark mode, verify checksums dialog: scrollbar to jump to next/previous error not dark themed (64)
Fixed: Dark mode, main menu: Menu items not drawn correctly when menu was higher than the screen (32/64)
Fixed: Dark mode: Resizing the cm_CommandBrowser window would make scrollbars and edit box white -> redraw with a timer (32/64)
Fixed: Dark mode, apply new language in main settings dialog: Some buttons were not shown dark (32/64)
Fixed: Dark mode, classic theme, flat user interface disabled: Draw frames around free/total disk space and status line in dark frame color (32/64)
Fixed: Windows Vista, classic theme: Main menu background remained black after switching to dark mode and back (32/64)
Fixed: Ctrl+Q quick view panel: Do not show error when viewing a LNK file which cannot be resolved. Show link content instead (32/64)
Fixed: FTP remote copy with Shift+F5 didn't work if the server supports SSCN but the user set PROT C in "Send commands" (32/64)
Fixed: Crash when opening main menu with icons in menu enabled, but wcmicon*.* files missing (64)
Fixed: Find files: Option "F2 search in found files/folders" wasn't enabled when only folders were found (32/64)
Fixed: Context menu for choosing archive encoding didn't have black border (the menu is always bright in 32-bit) (64)
Fixed: Overlay for USB drive didn't have transparent background in drive dropdown combobox (32/64)
Fixed: Standalone search would not start searching in the current directory when started without parameter (when there was a separate help file for that language in the language directory) (32)
Fixed: Dark mode, thumbnail view: Items were not drawn correctly on the line with the focus (64)
Fixed: Dark mode, thumbnail view: Font was wrong (32)
Fixed: Main menu: Checked items were no longer shown with a separate checkmark (when not showing them as pressed buttons) (64)
Fixed: Drag&Drop: Alt+Tab to other program during drag, then Alt+Tab back -> wrong cursor shown (64)
Fixed: Dark mode: Ctrl+Q Quick View panel didn't switch text and background color from/to dark mode (32/64)
Fixed: cm_commandbrowser: Shift+Double click on a command/Shift+Click OK didn't always correctly copy non-English characters (32/64)
Fixed: Context menu hanging when using internal associations with option "Load extra commands from all matching types" and one of the "open" commands wasn't * or ** (32/64)