Recommend TM Receiver?


I wanted to have suggestion on which TM Receiver to go for ?

Probably one patched i want to view 0*8 (c*n*x). I was searching on the firmware to see which one is updated/ Regularly maintained it seems all patched last in 02/2017.

Maybe some help?

Thank you


Well Known Member
I would strongly advise against buying the tm 5402 m3. I like technomate receivers but this is a pile of junk.

The worst problems are high frequency interference when used with an inverto lnb. This means anything above 11500 is likely to suffer picture break up.

Also you are likely to lose sound on timer recordings of encrypted broadcasts. If you press the menu button and exit the sound returns, but if you are not there to do that you will get a silent recording.

There are other niggles I do not have time to list. Most of these could probably be fixed with a software update, but support for this receiver was dropped pretty quickly.

It is a shame - if it had been as well implented as previous technomate boxes it would have been an excellent choice. As it is, I am surprised it is still being sold.


Super VIP
You will only open 1 w with cs or a card.
I have all 3 versions of TM5402, and I use triax 110cm triax dish and Inverto black ultra lnb.
I have not had any issues with this receiver that has been mentioned above regards signal.
I would add i dont use record facility so cant comment on that.
I wouldnt recommend only because
a) No real support anymore
b) SD picture is poor.
Other than that good receiver with powervu working on 9e/4.8e/1w/15e ok tandberg on 39e only
Very good tuner

latest release non linux is F3 Super, leave that alone unless it has some serious updates as its primarily a iptv stb with satellite thrown in.
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Well Known Member
You will only open 1 w with cs or a card.
I have all 3 versions of TM5402, and I use triax 110cm triax dish and Inverto black ultra lnb.
I have not had any issues with this receiver that has been mentioned above regards signal.
I would add i dont use record facility so cant comment on that.
I wouldnt recommend only because
a) No real support anymore
b) SD picture is poor.
Other than that good receiver with powervu working on 9e/4.8e/1w/15e ok tandberg on 39e only
Very good tuner

Interesting that you don't have problems using an inverto black ultra lnb. When I noticed picture break up on strong signals 11500 and upwards I did some research and found others with same problem.

Apparently the problem is down to cheaper components being used on the m3 series receivers, making them more liable to interference, especially around 12.5 ghz which apparently is the frequency mobile phone masts use.

Maybe your receiver is from a different batch, but if what I read is true it seems there is a reception problem with at least some m3s.


Feed Hunter
I wanted to have suggestion on which TM Receiver to go for ?

Probably one patched i want to view 0*8 (c*n*x). I was searching on the firmware to see which one is updated/ Regularly maintained it seems all patched last in 02/2017.

Maybe some help?

Thank you

The TM6902HD is the best that TM have produced in the last 5 years much better than the just the cheap & cheerful M3 & F3/5,:mad:

You can still find a Technomate TM-6902 HD Combo Super S2+T2 if you google it & you will find it.:thum:


Donating Member
I also have the tm 5402 m3 with a triax 110cm dish and the Inverto black ultra lnb and never had signal issues either but saying all that the 5402 is a bit old now but still capable with powervu,tandberg and biss support with sensitive tuner for weak signals as mentioned above.


Donating Member
Staff member
TM5402 M3 still usefull for BISS , PowerVU and Fast Blind scan i have no real Signal issues only when watching a feed which already has reduced its signal by broadcaster i see more of that these dayz than i wish to see ,
but OP was requesting
i want to view 0*8 (c*n*x).

And since Conax Encryption has been secure for Years and Years the only correct solution would be to buy a Subscription Card which will indeed work fine in card slot of TM5402 M3 .
There wont be any signal issues with Conax Channels as all those channels do broadcast in high enuff signal to catch on a standard 88cm Dish Size so i do not see any major problem to recommend the TM5402 M3 to do the job the OP requires ?

i do not see any issues as @ astrodog66 mentions
"on strong signals 11500 and upwards"
i watched AFN @ 9E for past few hours without any issues
so perhaps having a slightly bigger than usual dish [ 1.2m ] is the real solution and not the receiver to blame ?

i also always hit menu/Exit when i set up a recording
to avoid loss of Audio its not a problem for me and far worse if there was no solution at all .
Last Software patches all seemed to finish at back end of last year and obviously TMate did not wish to part with any money whatsoever or invest any of their large profits to improve things in any way , we got what was required at the time i suppose .

Probably in next few weeks Tmate will launch their Newest IPTV Box
most likely to try gather up even more profit before crimbo hits and all will be forgiven ..thats how it usually works ?? : ))


Well Known Member

I held off from replying as I did not want to hijack the thread, but as the op's question seems to have been answered, I will follow up on the previous posts.

The problems with reception are on scpc feeds rather than with muxx's. The rugby league feed at 7 east is constantly breaking up as I write this, even though the signal is 12.5db. Perhaps there is an overload, but it is the only receiver that shows these problems.

The remote packed up within 6 weeks and I replaced it with the unit from an old tm6900.

The pvr function on this is useless. You can not make timer recordings of encrypted channels without losing sound. There is the workaround of going into the menu, but you need to be there to do it.

Even worse, a recording will often stop midway through without any warning.

Now I discover that recorded files seems to be copy protected and will only play back via this receiver.

The threshold performance does not seem to be anything special. In the lower band the vu+ uno 4k performs at least as well, and vu+ receivers are not known for the sensitivity of their tuners.

Barney and manic - I am glad you do not have these problems. If it performed to spec this would still be a great little receiver. I have always had good experiences with technomate products in the past, but this is easily the worst performing receiver of the dozen or so I have used since the late 1980s.

I suspect it is down to inconsistent quality control in China. Maybe cheaper quality components were used in that batch, or perhaps it was made in a different factory?

I think I shall raise this with Technomate. It would be interesting to hear their response.


Super VIP
I wouldn't waste my breath contacting TM, The receiver is now basically obsolete and no support.
There doesn't seem to be any support for any models anymore, even the new F3 super months old yet badly flawed and no patch issued since aug 4!


TM5402 M3 still usefull for BISS , PowerVU and Fast Blind scan i have no real Signal issues only when watching a feed which already has reduced its signal by broadcaster i see more of that these dayz than i wish to see ,
but OP was requesting

How do you watch Powervu using a TM5402 M3 please?



I wish to buy a new receiver.
I am waiting to see if the new Technomate receiver gets flaws fixed. Plus looking at the Octagon and Hitechbox to see what the best option is. :)