Magtisat & Orange Romania @ Astra 31.5 East


Senior Member
Can anyone confirm if the Magtisat & Orange Romania packages at 31.5 East are H/W paired?



Donating Member
Staff member
Hi Good Evening @ catseye my good friend nice to see you here :D
i have just tried Magtisat & Orange Romania packages at 31.5 East really frustrating i can lock these But cannott open them hopefully some members will post here to confirm
for sure but for me its a definite dark screen on them im afraid ,
very interesting and good topic thank you for posting about this i was always curious if any member could open these or if they are indeed HardWare Paired !
Cheers !


Orange is paired, not know for sure if it's hw pairing, but they only work in the Orange official Samsung STB's or the CI+ module. In a few days i'll have the official subscription with both the STB and Ci+ CAM, so i can run several tests. I assume if TNT sat was able to run with OScam, maybe there's a chance for Orange too.


Senior Member
Orange is paired, not know for sure if it's hw pairing, but they only work in the Orange official Samsung STB's or the CI+ module. In a few days i'll have the official subscription with both the STB and Ci+ CAM, so i can run several tests. I assume if TNT sat was able to run with OScam, maybe there's a chance for Orange too.

Just to say this is Orange Romania package not Orange France


Senior Member
someone can test If orange romania 31,5est work with OScam?

Another question.
Someone know where I can subscribe an official orange romania abonament (31,5est) with their samsung stb decoder outside romania?


Captain Jack

I have a Magtisat receiver and card. The card is read in Oscam OS but gives invalid DCWs. I am not sure if it's paired to receiver but Oscam is obviously lacking some extra information to make heads or tails of it.

2017/04/04 09:16:24   F78F10 h magti_reader [smartreader] Restarting reader
2017/04/04 09:16:24   F78F10 h magti_reader [smartreader] creating thread for device 001:008
2017/04/04 09:16:24   FB3180 r magti_reader [smartreader] Reader initialized (device=001:008, detect=cd, mhz=480, cardmhz=369)
2017/04/04 09:16:25   FB3180 r magti_reader [smartreader] card detected
2017/04/04 09:16:26   FB3180 r magti_reader [smartreader] ATR: 3B 20 00
2017/04/04 09:16:26   FB3180 r magti_reader [smartreader] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=1, N=0
2017/04/04 09:16:26   FB3180 r magti_reader [smartreader] Calculated work ETU is 77.50 us reader mhz = 480
2017/04/04 09:16:26   FB3180 r magti_reader [smartreader] Effective reader settings mhz =480 F= 372 D= 1 N=0 T=0 inv=0 parity=EVEN
2017/04/04 09:16:27   FB3180 r magti_reader [smartreader] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 4.80 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2017/04/04 09:16:28   FB3180 r magti_reader [smartreader] Bulcrypt card detected, checking card version.
2017/04/04 09:16:28   FB3180 r magti_reader [smartreader] Bulcrypt v2 card detected. *UNSUPPORTED CARD VERSION*
2017/04/04 09:16:28   FB3180 r magti_reader [smartreader] CAID: 0x4AEE|0x5581, CardType: 0x4c, Serial: #############, HexSerial: ###########
2017/04/04 09:16:28   FB3180 r magti_reader [smartreader] Ready for requests.
2017/04/04 09:16:28   FB3180 r magti_reader [smartreader] found card system bulcrypt
2017/04/04 09:16:28   FB3180 r magti_reader [bulcrypt] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No  1 out of max alloted of 1
2017/04/04 09:16:28   FB3180 r magti_reader [bulcrypt] Reading subscription info.
2017/04/04 09:16:28   FB3180 r magti_reader [bulcrypt] Subscription data last update    : 2017-04-04 11:17:37 GMT
2017/04/04 09:16:28   FB3180 r magti_reader [bulcrypt] Subscription should be active to : 2017-05-05 11:17:37 GMT
2017/04/04 09:16:28   FB3180 r magti_reader [bulcrypt] Subscription data 1 (0xf0ef): +++-++++
2017/04/04 09:16:28   FB3180 r magti_reader [bulcrypt] Subscription data 2 (0xf0ef): +++-++++
2017/04/04 09:16:28   FB3180 r magti_reader [bulcrypt]   Package 01 is active:
2017/04/04 09:16:28   FB3180 r magti_reader [bulcrypt]   Package 02 is active:
2017/04/04 09:16:28   FB3180 r magti_reader [bulcrypt]   Package 04 is active:
2017/04/04 09:16:28   FB3180 r magti_reader [bulcrypt]   Package 08 is active:
2017/04/04 09:16:28   FB3180 r magti_reader [bulcrypt]   Package 20 is active:
2017/04/04 09:16:28   FB3180 r magti_reader [bulcrypt]   Package 40 is active:
2017/04/04 09:16:28   FB3180 r magti_reader [bulcrypt]   Package 80 is active:
2017/04/04 09:16:28   FB3180 r magti_reader [bulcrypt] End subscription info.
2017/04/04 16:19:54   9AA8E8 r magti_reader [bulcrypt] Possibly unsupported codeword (bulcrypt v2): 0A 11 C0 52 73 14 3E C6 26 95 93 6D FE 10 94 8B 21 69 BF 90 00
2017/04/04 16:19:54   9AA8E8 r magti_reader [bulcrypt] Invalid CW (cksum1 mismatch expected 0xd9 got 0x3e)
2017/04/04 16:19:54   9AA8E8 r magti_reader [bulcrypt] Invalid CW (cksum2 mismatch expected 0x81 got 0x93)


Donating Member
Orange Romania is paired with the receiver but there are some who manage to share it and the maximum sids per card is 2. Normally this card doesn't read in oscam.