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  • Pozdrav Rock, samo sam malo naletio vidjeti šta ima u svijetu sat TV-a i digitalne Tv. Uživaj i svako dobro.
    Colleague doesn't work for me Attached Files look what's happening to me ... thanks
    Colleague Rocknroll,please enter my settings on the forum and include an item for me to send files here I have been on the forum for many years and on a couple of occasions I wrote to the admin to include this item but not so that I can not become you this forum left without my posts the only thing I can become are textaln posts left nothing.
    I want to post but dont know what i need?i dont know too much about many posts here but i want to learn.I have dish and all...Thanks
    This post panel does not work please look at why.
    Ili u prevodu pogledat u mojim opcijama šta se dešava da ne mogu postati otkakod sam prijavljen na ovom forumu i što je najinteresantnije da sam do sad u par navrata upozorava i niko ništa.
    From my registration I can not send posts, please look at my options for the reason.
    please ... an MOD is not good on SU! MOD HORST
    he ban me ,first he speak to me bad bad words ...!!! on other Forum .why this ,iam know he is a german MOD ,bud he is very very bad ,now he delete all Messages from him to me ,can you help me , ist me KAWUMMK ,this account only using for HELP...
    da li je moguce da mi izbrises post
    posto u njemu ima puno podataka iz mog boxa

    mislim da je post 8
    Hello .I like this forum but I do not understand why no one responds to my post even in negative.ciao.DJC
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