XD Anpassung an GP3 per Skin_user.xml

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Super VIP
XD Anpassung an GP3 per Skin_user.xml


I once made and recorded early NEN Valis tip.
I use the
- "Gepimped @ gpIII

As I said, I use the GP3 just about Merlin easy to style (which is so very good! wink). GP3 All screens are designed only to nunmal HD and some SD. Therefore, in an XD Skin the individual screens can be adjusted sad

The screens are not adapted to vali skins, but the XD resolution. I.e. the desgin looks similar to the screens of validated or from the skin creator, but there are the buttons etc but the default skin used. I.e. It should work on other skins XD (but not tested)

The Skin_user.xml must be copied under etc/engima2. Enigma reboot and various screens should now be easier to read wink

Custom Plugins are:
Gemini Weather
Gemini RSS Reader
Gemini Webcam Viewer
+ various screens in BP

I make these adjustments primarily for me and so will not all the screens, because I do not own a variety of benefits should be ... of course I feel are more useful plug-ins published by GP team, I will customize it.
-> As the Merlin team but also makes very good work, this is hardly necessary ...

Have fun! Now makes the 7025 GP3 with sense!

It can of course customize any other changes!
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