UK children cause £1.8 billion damage per year


UK children cause £1.8 billion damage per year

British families will shell out £1.8 BILLION this year - to repair damage caused by their kids.

Accidents such as drinks spilled on carpets, ripped wallpaper or food stains on furniture leave a £105 dent in the family finances every year, it has been found.

Other common mishaps include children shoving foreign objects into a DVD or CD player, plastering the walls with stickers and breaking beds by using them as trampolines.

A study of 3,000 parents found other damage commonly caused by kids includes smashed cups, plates and crockery, and painting or drawing on walls.

Ironically we bet unsupervised children even did some of these things while their parents were busy answering these survey questions.
A spokesperson for esure, which conducted the survey, said: "Easter holidays mean more family time together in the home.

"And with kids' friends coming over coupled with visits from relatives, it is a prime time for breakages.

"Energetic children desperately searching for ways to amuse themselves can rack up hundreds of pounds worth of damage, especially when it comes to more expensive items such as beds and electrical goods."