Turbulent start for nc+


Super VIP
Turbulent start for nc+
March 26, 2013 08.17 Europe/London By Chris Dziadul

The new Polish DTH platform nc+ has gained 15,000 additional subscribers since its launch last Thursday (March 21) but at the same time come in for huge criticism.

Most of this has been centred on its offer, which is understood to be missing some channels formerly distributed by n and Cyfra+ and is generally considered to be too expensive.

In a move designed to address this criticism, executives from nc+ met with the local press yesterday (March 25) in Warsaw.

Julian Verley, the platform’s president, said that it had no intention of changing the offer, which consists of six packages ranging in price from PLN39 (€9.35 ) to PLN199 a month.

However, he added that these packages were aimed solely at new subscribers and that existing ones, who were formerly with n or Cyfra, would be individually contacted.

Indeed, according to Artur Prybysz, a member of the nc+ board, they would be able to choose from 600 possible promotions.

The new platform, formed by the merger of n and Cyfra+, has just over 2.5 million subscribers, or one million fewer than the market leader Cyfrowy Polsat.