The top 10 odd things men think are romantic


The top 10 odd things men think are romantic

Putting the bins out, offering to make a cuppa and putting the toilet seat down are just some of the odd things men think are romantic, it's been found.

A survey of 2,000 people discovered many men seem to mistake doing their fair share of the housework with making a romantic gesture.

Asked what they might do as a romantic gesture for their partner, suggestions also included ironing, cooking dinner and letting their partner hold the TV remote.

But our favourites are the one in ten men who said putting the toilet seat down is a thoughtful and romantic act, and the guys who simply answered, 'Not farting in bed'.

Unsurprisingly, women were of a (slightly) different opinion and said they'd a box of chocolates and a candle-lit meal… not that she does want her bloke to fart in bed.
Tackling the ironing
Doing the dishes
Putting the bins out
Pushing the hoover around
Clearing up after myself
Not farting in bed
Agreeing to watching a chick flick
Offering to make her a cup of tea
Letting her watch what she wants on TV
Putting a load of washing on


Cooking a meal without being asked
Listening to her day at work
Offering to babysit so she can go shopping
Holding hands in public
Being left love notes around the house
He remembers anniversaries
Receiving a kiss goodbye
Make a personalised CD of her favourite songs
Holding the door open for her
Running a bath for her

A spokesman for Sainsbury's, which conducted the poll, said: "Men and women have very different views when it comes to being romantic, and it seems men truly are from Mars and women from Venus.

"The worrying thing is husbands and boyfriends actually think they're being romantic when they let their partner watch their favourite soap on TV, but they're just being courteous.

"Hopefully men can look at these results and see what their woman expects from them, with time to make amends before Monday."