Soldiers in Afghanstan issued heat-ray gun


Coalition forces in Afghanistan having been issued a newly-developed heat-ray gun to disperse crowds and repel enemies without injuring them.

The Active Denial System (ADS) uses a focused invisible beam, which causes an “intolerable heating sensation" but does not permanently harm the skin.

The first batch of the vehicle-mounted non-lethal weapons has been sent to US troops in the war-torn country but it has not yet been used on the battlefield.

When the beam is pointed at a person, it penetrates the skin to the equivalent of three sheets of paper – enough to cause pain by burning nerve endings.
The discomfort is enough to force people to move away but not to cause long-term damage. The US military says the chance of injury from the system is 0.1 per cent.
It has already been tested more than 11,000 times on around 700 volunteers, including journalists.
The beam produced by the ADS can travel more than 500m (1,640ft) and is seen as an important new way to limit unnecessary deaths and minimise war zone casualties.
Developers also say it could be adapted to other operations, such as tackling drug smugglers at sea and general peacekeeping operations.