RRTV granted licenses for Dutch HBO


RRTV granted licenses for Dutch HBO
published: 15.12.2011, 16:47 Yesterday | Author: editor

Czech media regulator RRTV (Council for Radio and Television) at its recent meeting has granted three new licenses for broadcast abroad. Prague Society HBO Channels Netherlands, Ltd. has obtained three licenses to operate channels HBO in the Netherlands.

RRTV granted a license for 12 years for television broadcasting through special acoustical transmission systems for the Netherlands HBO , HBO 2 Netherlands and HBO 3 Netherlands . Special broadcast transmission systems is through international private leased circuits from Budapest TeliaSonera International Carrier Hungaria LLC.

All three HBO channels have the same program specification - a television station focused on the U.S. production of movies and series with a time range broadcasts 24 hours a day. The station will broadcast in Dutch and can be provided on the Dutch market.

The controller also informs the regulatory authority in the Netherlands for a license to programs for HBO Netherlands.