Fans barred from flashing their boobs


Eager Portuguese fans, waiting for hours yesterday to spot the team leaving King Shaka International Airport, were told by police they could not flash their breasts at the players.

And, as the bus eased by, elated fans waved, blew kisses, but restrained themselves from flashing after a threat that they would be arrested.

Chantelle De Sousa, 18, a staunch Portugal supporter, was hoping to catch the eye of her "husband", Cristiano Ronaldo, by flashing her "assets".

While she was certain Portugal would win, her grandfather, Fernando Vicence, disagreed, saying although he wanted them to go as far as possible, he didn't think that they could win.
The De Sousas, of Johannesburg, have been following the team around the country.

It was not clear if any fans tried to flash Portugal coach, Carlos Queiroz, first to leave the airport in a snazzy car.