Cubeface-prime-s.relook 3.2.1 pal r3726

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Staff member
I: new option: ttx_background_processing. If this is set on (by default)
   then relook will start caching some (perhaps not all) teletext pages
   as soon as the channel is tuned.

I: teletext now handles sub pages. You can access them using the page up/down
   keys. Ehen subpages exist, these will navigate to the next/previous 
   subpage. When the first or last subpage is reached they will navigate
   to the next page. There is no specific visual indication, although most
   pages will display something like 1/2. 

I: usals menu displays a more stable signal quality and level. Exiting
   the usals screen is now immediate, whereas it could take 5 seconds 
   in the old code.

B: right status message does not appear

I: Most of the database access to db.dat is now avoided by caching 
data into memory. 

I: Much faster (immediat) sorting, filtering, grouping in the channellist.
  In the old code it could take many seconds to sort and reread a large
  channel list (e.g. 4000 channels).

I: The channel list works slightly differently than before. The red button
   now activates a filter menu which has a number of buttons to restrict the
   display between various types of channels. Only channels that meet 
   all of the filter criteria  will appear in the list. 

   TV/Radio: Press OK to switch between tv and radio

   FTA/CAS: Press OK to switch between FTA-only, CAS-only or FTA+CAS

   Satellite: Select a satellite in the popup menu and press OK to restrict 
   the display to only channels on that satellite. Press OK on the Satellite 
   button itself to turn off this filter

   Favorite group: This behaves similarly to the Satellite button. Note that
   "Favorite group" and "Satellite" filters are mutually exclusive.

   Bouquet: This is similar to "Favorite group" and "sat" but filters 
   by bouquets as found during channel search (TO BE IMPLEMENTED)

I: The channel search code now detects expired channels. 

I: The channel list has extra filter options and can filter by expired 
   channels. Expired channels are also marked by a trash icon.
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