Cat 'survives trip in police car bumper'


Rex Features

A four-week old kitten reportedly survived a two-hour journey in a police car's engine bay after getting caught in its bumper cavity.
The incident happened in Cartwright, south-west Sydney, when senior constable Tex Tannous narrowly avoided hitting the feline and assumed that it had run off, says ABC News.
When he later stopped to set up a breath test station for drivers, he heard the sound of purring coming from his engine.
Tannous said: "It decided to climb up underneath the car into the engine bay and I couldn't locate it, so I'm walking around trying to find it, I could hear it but couldn't find the little sucker.
"One of the other guys from our office come past and I yelled out to him, I said 'I've got a bit of a problem, I've got a cat in the engine bay'. And he sort of looked at me a bit funny."
Tannous claimed that his colleagues thought he was playing a practical joke but added that he turned off his engine to ensure that the cat did not overheat.
"The cars do get hot sitting there while we're conducting our duties and I didn't want to have a fried cat in the engine bay," he confirmed.
The officer then took the car to a mechanic who found the kitten, now nicknamed Cartwright, inside the vehicle's bumper cavity.