Cable/fibre drive Portuguese telephony growth



Cable/fibre drive Portuguese telephony growth

08.26 Europe/London, September 27, 2011 By Chris Dziadul

The number of fixed line telephony connections in Portugal rose by 1% in the second quarter thanks largely to growing take up of services provided by cable TV and fibre optic (FTTH and FTTB) networks.
Data published by the regulator Anacom shows that the total number of connections at the end of Q2 stood at 4.4 million, or one per cent more than three months earlier.
It was also 2.5% higher than 12 months earlier, with the number of FTTH/B connections up by 140% year-on-year and VoIP/VoB supported connections, especially on cable networks, up by 22.2%.
As of the end of Q2, Grupo PT had a market share of 58.3%, while Grupo Zon/TV Cabo claimed 16.7%, Optimus/Sonaecom 12.9% and Cabovisao 5.8%.