Avanti Launches Pay-As–You-Go Satellite Broadband


Avanti Launches Pay-As–You-Go Satellite Broadband

Avanti tries to make Internet access in broadband “notspots” easier than ever
On July 20, 2012 by Max Smolaks 3

Satellite operator Avanti Communications has launched a new Pay-As-You-Go service across Europe, offering a high-speed Internet connection with no monthly subscription fees.

Avanti claims to be the first European operator to offer a high-bandwidth Ka-band service, covering the frequencies of 26.5–40 GHz, on such flexible terms.

This development will allow numerous Avanti partners to resell satellite broadband services on a data usage basis, rather than through a monthly recurring charge.
A different kind of dongle

London-based Avanti will deliver the new service through its HYLAS1 satellite, which was blasted into space in 2010. It was the first superfast Ka-band satellite to be launched in Europe.

Avanti’s second satellite, HYLAS2, will launch on 2 August 2012. It will extend Avanti’s coverage to Africa, Caucasus and the Middle East. HYLAS3 will begin serving Africa in 2015.

Unlike traditional fixed-term contracts for broadband services which typically last for 12-24 months, Avanti provides its resources on a rolling, data-based contract. The satellite connection offers download speeds of up to 4Mbps and upload speeds of 1Mbps, with data top ups of 1GB upwards also available.

Satellite connections are perfect for addressing market demand for broadband in areas either poorly served or unserved by traditional broadband networks. Avanti says its service is targeted primarily at holiday and second-home owners, with coverage including all major alpine and coastal resorts, but excluding some Scandinavian countries.

Satellite broadband could also be useful to providers of events-based services and hospitality services, or anyone who requires broadband access either seasonally or infrequently.

“Some users may wish to limit their exposure to bill shock, yet still have a need for high speed service upon demand without being subject to traffic management policies. Our service allows the partner to limit their credit risk by taking upfront payment for a well-defined GB volume of service,” said Christian Georgeson, global marketing director at Avanti.

“This is a major breakthrough for providers of Internet services and has the ability to transform the satellite broadband market across Europe. Our Pay-As-You-Go pricing model will allow Avanti’s partners to target customers whom may have previously not considered satellite broadband services as a viable option, therefore providing the perfect complement to contract offers,” he added.

The innovative pricing model will be made available to new and existing Shared Bandwidth Virtual Network Operators, as well as customers deploying the more sophisticated Guaranteed Bandwidth Virtual Network Operator platform.