Astronomers: 'Solar tsunami' set to strike Earth


Astronomers: 'Solar tsunami' set to strike Earth

Astronomers say a 'solar tsunami' is due to hit today, after a solar flare the size of the Earth was seen leaping from the Sun.

But while giant solar flares can destroy satellites, the most that's lightly to happen today is impressive displays of the aurora or northern and southern lights.

The flare, consisting of large clouds of charged particles, was spotted by the new NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory over the weekend and is the first Earth-directed eruption for some time.

When the expulsion reaches the Earth - after travelling 93 million miles - it will interact with the planet's magnetic field sparking spectacular displays of the auroras.

While some publications are suggesting you head down into a concrete bunker tonight, we'd suggest (depending on where you are in the world) standing outside an seeing if you can spot the once in a lifetime aurora display.