Ariva 252 - not clearing



Really hope someone can help me. I just bought a Ferguson 252 Arvia and have patched it with 1.26B9.

It patched correctly and I used the web interface (online configurator) to add my n: and a cline.

If I go to the Network Menu and select Newcamd client (or cccam client) I can see the line details.

In Newcamd client I can connect and ping. (in cccam I can connect). This suggests that everything is working correctly. I can also access Youtube etc.

However, no scrambled channels are clearing. I have plugged in another box (dreambox) and it works fine so it is not the lines.

I wonder am I missing something in the settings. It is my first time using a Ferguson so I am not familiar with the interface.

I also tried the 1.22B7 patch but have the same issue.

I would really appreciate any help as I am totally stuck at this stage.
