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  1. C

    TSImage and Smartreader

    The TSImage is very nice and works very well, but did not install the drivers of the smartreader. Who can tell me where to find them and how to do to install them? Thank in advance.
  2. C

    Smartreader TSImage

    Mi risulta che la TSImage (DM8000) non abbia i driver per far funzionare gli smargo (smartreader). Chi mi sa dire dove trovarli e come installarli? E' una image che mi piace molto ed è un peccato che non abbia i driver a bordo.
  3. C

    ItalySat 4.o and picons second infobar

    Hi, the second infobar has three positions. I have download from addons the picons for hdd, but I see only first picons into second infobar, and not second and third positions. How do active the second and third picons into second infobar? Thank
  4. C


    In flash (.png) work with picon plugin, but not with file (.png) in usb... how does this?