Search results

  1. F

    [imagineers] wget flawed on HD900?

    While using the HD900 wget (part of busybox) to fetch a rather large binary, I noticed that the resulting file differed from the original. Perhaps some of you can try this, to see if you get the same results: cd /bin wget it should result in a...
  2. F

    [Imagineers] micrond startup refinement

    Folks, I have experienced the occasional drop-out while watching programs: the screen goes black and sound disappears for about 1 second. This seems to be much worse when micrond runs. I have been testing a work-around, and it seems to work: start up micrond with a high 'nice' value, like this...
  3. F

    [Imagineers] execute a script on the push of a button

    Just updated the Imagineers page (, hope it is of some use to some of you. This is the relevant excerpt: The HD900's sbox application (the front-end stuff that interacts with the viewer) contains functionality that allows you to execute a custom script (or...
  4. F

    Delayed Viewing (whilst on holiday, for example) New section about file playback and conversion using Linux. You can see your recordings anywhere, anytime, using just a simple (flash-aware) browser. -- HWK
  5. F

    Interaction with sbox process

    Hi, folks. Seems to me the sbox process is the main process that handles the interaction with the user. AFAICS, there are some named pipes (e.g. /dev/commander and /dev/weboutput) that are set up to communicate with this process. I wonder if there are specifications available, hence: is there...
  6. F

    ntpdate for HD900

    Hi, everybody. I just finished porting 'ntpdate' to the HD900. This (standard Unix) utility synchronizes the HD900's wall-clock with high precision timeservers on the Internet. This can provide a workaround for the problem that the HD900 does not set its clock after a hard reboot; by including...
  7. F

    HD900 development environment 101

    For those of you who want to compile software for the HD900 receiver, but haven't got a clue where to start: