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    dreambox 7025

    please were can i get power supply from for 7000 and 7025 thank you
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    dreambox 7025

    hello im using dreambox 7025 is there anyway i can get rid of markers on recorded movies some films i can fastfoward 8 16 32 64 128 and others i cant been in menu many times cant sort it out using blackhole image any help is good many thanks
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    dreambox 7000s

    please using dreambox 7000s was working fine just went off no life on face yet when i power on the harddrive is running is there a fuse in the box many thanks:mad:
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    dreambox 7025

    just got dreambox 7025 put in dream elite also barry alan every time i go in to motor set it crashes any help please
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    please can i put fantacy image 1.1 in dreambox and were can i find it
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    softcam keys

    what file do i put softcam keys in dreambox please thank you
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    dear forum i live in uk got 1 mtr dish remote using dreambox 7000 i can scan eurobird 9 and pick up about 280 channels but not mct cant get the freq 12092 h any help please:clapping:
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    dear forum, i live in the uk have a 1 mtr dish dreambox 7000 i can scan eurobird 9 cant get the freq 12092h in my settings cant pick up that freq :clapping::thum::mecry: many thanks great forum
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    dreambox chris

    hello and good morning im from the united kindom wales my name is chris i like motor bikes i have got a yamaha thunderace 1000 my wife is gaynor she has here own bike we go out as much as we can been to france and spain for two weeks on mine got a dreambox 7000 remote control dish 50inch tv and...
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    hello one and all my name is chris i live in south wales i work in asda on nights also i do car valeting in the day i have a motor bike go out on wk ends as for sending in posts i dont no nothing about sat systems just starting out i have a dreambox 7000 50 inch plazma tv sky dvd recorder can...