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  1. T

    Entering PowerVU Keys on Technomate 6902 Receiver?

    Not sure if this is possible or not, but I am trying to enter a PowerVU key for Coral TV1 PVU4, 4.8E, 12149 So in the CAS Menu (Phantom Patch 1.46p) I am going to a spare slot and selecting... CAS PowerVU How do I enter the Indent? Indent 000000 (6 Digits long) I think the Ident is 0014...
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    Technomate 6902 USB Wi-Fi ?

    Does anyone know of a USB Wi-Fi Dongle that will work with a Technomate 6902?
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    Vu+ Uno 4K SE ?

    Hi, I am thinking of buying the Vu+ Uno 4K SE receiver.... I currently have a Technomate 6902 so have never had a Linux Enigma 2 receiver before, it looks good, but I have a few (maybe silly)questions... I will be using it as a positioner for a motorised dish - does it allow you to set the...
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    TBS5520SE Multi-standard TV Tuner USB Box - Windows 10 and DVBDream?

    Does anyone have a TBS5520SE USB Box and manage to get it working on Windows 10 with DVBDream? I have installed the TBS5520SE Windows 10 Driver V1.0.0.5 which seems to install with no probs. Connect to a laptop via USB blue power light comes on box Launch DVBDream (have tried 3.3 and 3.4)...
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    PC Spec for 4:2:0 or 4:2:2 Feeds?

    Hi all, I am looking at building or getting a cheap 2nd hand PC for 4:2:0 or 4:2:2 Feeds on 10E etc. What are the minimum spec requirements I need? I was thinking something like... Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 @3.00GHz 8GB RAM Is the TBS 6902 TV Tuner Card £89.99 any good for use with DVBDream...
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    Hey all, new here, great looking site :-):thum: