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  1. B

    vu solo and pcmcia with cccam

    i have a vu solo and want to use a viaaccess pcmcia cam to read a second card is it possable to get cccam 2.30 to see the card in the pcmcia module the vu solo as the latest pli image installed
  2. B

    golden media 9055hd rs232

    i have a gm 9055hd that as gone wrong during flashing of firmware i have noticed that the box has a rs232 port is there any software for these boxes to connect to the rs232 port for re flashing that way any help would be great
  3. B

    optibox kola hd ird no. change

    can't find a way to change the ird number in mcas on the optibox kola hd as i need to enter a new ird number any help would be great
  4. B

    hi all

    hi all new to this forum hope to find help and give some if i can