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  1. R

    The Power of Words

    YouTube - The Power of Words
  2. R

    How to peel hard boil eggs

    PN2gYHJNT3Y Instructions: 1. Cover the eggs with water and boil on low for about 12 minutes 2. Cool the eggs by placing them in cold water with 1 teaspoon of baking soda and ice. The baking soda raises the pH level and reduces adherence. If you choose not to use baking soda, be sure to move...
  3. R

    The Tomato Garden

    An old Italian man lived alone in the country. He wanted to dig his tomato garden but it was very hard work as the ground was hard. His only son, Vincenzo, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament. Dear Vincenzo...
  4. R

    GOOD Magazine: Internet Porn

    Its not pornographic, this might surprise you, or not ;) QOFTQpNhsWE
  5. R

    Abcom IPBox 250 S

    Message from randy123 in German section: Does anybody know if the the Abcom IPBox supports cards ? Right now it runs with Emu, but it would be nice to know if a card would work greetings randy123
  6. R

    Das Satzspiel

    Dann fangen wir mal an, jeder kann mitmachen, mit dem letzten Wort muss angefangen werden :thum: Ich freue mich, dass alle Deutschsprachigen in diesem Spiel mitmachen :D
  7. R

    Transponder neu [Archive]

    Willkommen im Sat Universe Herzlich Willkommen im Sat Universe Forum :appl