Fixing Satellite SuperJack Actuator


Senior Member
I did not mention fakes and clones. Just how to refurb and make what you have live longer.


Donating Member
Copied from shoutbox to help anyone who needs to change the connector block in an actuator:

The Clear Block inside on the actuator arm where the 4 core cable goes into the tiny screws are not in good shape 2 or 3 of them wont loosen or tighten.

Those screws are a right bitch, they got some odd variation of a phillips head and strip like a whore.
The connector block is easy to replace.

Take a picture of the wiring on the block,then replace with a new connector block
Any of the wee electric blocks will do,you can get them in different sizes,any good hardware/etrical place will havem there only a wee few pence

Connector blocks have an amp rating, actuator might draw 8 amp briefly at start of movement, 10 amp block fits but tight, 5 amp block fits OK
The connector blocks I have seen in Jaeger motors and Superjacks have generally been under rating