Recent content by Offtensive

  1. O

    Big dish wanted

    Are you going to take a 1.8m dish from the South of England to Morocco? :oops: If that is the case, I assume the easier option would be to buy a 1.8m dish or bigger locally in Morocco?
  2. O

    How big is this dish.

    As it's a 4 petal design. Can you set the dish up, align it, and then remove the petals? So that you only have the mount in the garden and then you just add the petals and the lnb support arms when you want to use it?
  3. O

    How big is this dish.

    Much less and much cheaper than I thought. Concrete from a truck (via a barrow rather than pump) is about £180-210 + VAT per cubic metre (near me). Hint hint @kyser143
  4. O

    How big is this dish.

    What kind of base (or how much concrete) would be needed to support a dish this size?
  5. O

    Viark Forever boxes

    So Logo’s channel logos have disappeared?
  6. O

    Quick sense check of new setup

    A Zone 2 sky dish. The Zone 1 was ok, but I was too concerned about rain fade and BBC 1 :LOL: So I changed it as soon as the Sky Installer left.
  7. O

    Quick sense check of new setup

    Lovely. I’ve heard of them but never even seen one of their dishes. Could you post a pic or two of the back please. I’m intrigued to say the backplate of that dish. Thank you ☺️
  8. O

    Quick sense check of new setup

    E2 boxes are fantastic for freesat and recording live fta channels. What brand of dish did you get?
  9. O

    Viark Forever boxes

    I’m worried about Sky shutting of the hd channels 🤣 If you look at the Comcast financials, it’s only a matter of time until they stop Sky q installs
  10. O

    Viark Forever boxes

    Does anyone have the original firmware for the Starsat SR-200HD Extreme 4K Please
  11. O

    Qviart Dual 4k Uhd Linux Enigma2+Android 9.0 Combo Review & Setup Guide Experimental Receiver

    Is that Qviart Online TV (QTV) APP any decent or just a pile of cack?
  12. O

    Qviart Dual 4k Uhd Linux Enigma2+Android 9.0 Combo Review & Setup Guide Experimental Receiver

    Is the dual "lower spec" than the DRS2 or should I just take the reported "specs" with a pinch of salt? I had seen the Dual 4k listed as having an A53 1.6GHz processor and the DRS2 having an A53 2GHz processor.
  13. O

    Qviart Dual 4k Uhd Linux Enigma2+Android 9.0 Combo Review & Setup Guide Experimental Receiver

    How fast is it to switch from e2 to android and Vice versa?
  14. O

    Viark Forever boxes

    How fast do channels change/open with this box?