Recent content by mytoza

  1. M

    New Extra url file for EDG nemesis for the TM9100

    This is the new extra url file for cam downloads etc. for EDG nemesis for the TM9100 and super Download it and extract it from the archive and ftp it to /var/etc and then change it's attributes to 755. It should work immediately if not then restart your box...
  2. M

    Andromeda for the TM9100 and 9100S

    ATTENTION: Images should be used in Flash only The Team is pleased to offer the new series of images: AllSats Andromeda They are from a CVS prepared in collaboration with the team and Doume In the future, the experience of the two teams will be sharing The images are...
  3. M

    Hi there

    Hi to all My names Mytoza and I have a few Linux boxes but no dreambox. I'm here to learn about the Kathrein USF910