Spanish Abertis DTT Sat @ Hispasat 30W - Chat & How to guides


Well Known Member
Both are definitely weaker, 11653H with the Canary Islands streams was always quite weak here (southern UK) but seems to be around 1dB lower than before (9.2dB C/N), and 12548V is around 10dB C/N as yesterday, down around 3dB on before. 80cm dish.
The signal fluctuates all day, the weakest is in the morning


try in the section - Files (for me it's - useless )
Bonjour. Quelqu’un a réussi à avoir le chaînes real Madrid, Ten, atreseries et Be mad sur le satellite hispasat, au format biss. J’ai toutes les chaînes du bouquet abertis sauf ces chaînes-là du transpondeur 12671 vertical et Sr 30000. Merci pour votre aide. C’est pour un décodeur atlas 200 HD. Merci

Good morning. Someone managed to get the channels real Madrid, Ten, atreseries and Be mad on the hispasat satellite, in biss format. I have all the channels from the abertis bouquet except these channels from the 12671 vertical transponder and Sr 30000. Thank you for your help. This is for an Atlas 200 HD decoder. THANKS


The signal fluctuates all day, the weakest is in the morning
Bonjour. Quelqu’un a réussi à avoir le chaînes real Madrid, Ten, atreseries et Be mad sur le satellite hispasat, au format biss. J’ai toutes les chaînes du bouquet abertis sauf ces chaînes-là du transpondeur 12671 vertical et Sr 30000. Merci pour votre aide. C’est pour un décodeur atlas 200 HD. Merci

Good morning. Someone managed to get the channels real Madrid, Ten, atreseries and Be mad on the hispasat satellite, in biss format. I have all the channels from the abertis bouquet except these channels from the 12671 vertical transponder and Sr 30000. Thank you for your help. This is for an Atlas 200 HD decoder. THANKS


Do you know if you can scan multistream directly or do you need to have your software changed to another one? I think about buying it if it has advanced options. Thank you.
It scans multistream directly, it has a feature in the settings called: PLSN Super scan (see picture below), you need to activate it to scan for multistream transponders.


Hello friends
Someone has tried to install the astra-smipk_0.2-r0_mips32el. ipk....?
on an original Dreambox 800 SE it doesn't work for me.
I need it to be able to see hispasat/albertis
Thank you



CYL7 Castilla y Leon now broadcasting 1080i.
SID has changed.

TVG Galicia now broadcasting 720i.

TPA 7 Asturias reverted back to SD
nearly a week ago. ????
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Well Known Member
This is not a question of image or box, but the correct use of astra-sm and oscam.
First of all, you need to find out in which directory you need to place the astra-sm startup script.
Most images use /etc/init.d, but it can be different, ktorý. After starting, astra-sm loads astra.conf, which must contain instructions on how to process DATApid.
Then edit lamedb correctly so that oscam can decode DATApid and prepare a userbouquet or use someone's already prepared setting (e.g. ciefp).
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This is not a question of image or box, but the correct use of astra-sm and oscam.
First of all, you need to find out in which directory you need to place the astra-sm startup script.
Most images use /etc/init.d, but it can be different, ktorý. After starting, astra-sm loads astra.conf, which must contain instructions on how to process DATApid.
Then edit lamedb correctly so that oscam can decode DATApid and prepare a userbouquet or use someone's already prepared setting (e.g. ciefp).
thank you, I will try these, I have 3 questions,

1. when i install astra-sm via telnet, my whole channel list changes? should I backup them?
2. I can also add abertis channels in my own bouquet list if they work?
3. Can I manually edit lamedb myself by copy pasting files and settings by ciefp?

my oscam is latest.OSCam 11.734-r0 emu r799. thanks for you help again