OLED TV gets thinner


OLED TV gets thinner

Towards the end of last year, Sony gave us a glimpse of the future with their ultra slim XEL-1 OLED TV. However, judging by Sony's display at 'Display 2008' in Japan, the XEL-1 is just a taster for some truly revolutionary technology to follow.

OLED technology is based on organic materials which emit light naturally after an electrical charge is passed through them. The result is a device which uses around 40% less power than a traditional LCD TV.

With a depth of just 2mm the XEL-1 is by far the slimmest TV available to consumers in Japan and the US (unfortunately Sony have no plans to bring them into Europe).

At the exhibition Sony previewed their next-generation XEL-1, which retains the same 11in screen size, but has a thickness of just 0.3mm. We have to remember that the beating heart of the TV is housed in a separate control box, but an impressive feat nonetheless.

Coming in working prototype form there was an even slimmer, 0.2mm deep, 3.5in, 320 x 220 screen on display. There was no indication from Sony regarding possible inclusion of the technology in any device